National parks of Venezuela - Parchi nazionali del Venezuela

National parks of Venezuela

THE National parks of the Venezuela they are protected areas covered by a wide range of habitats that include many of the best natural attractions in the country.

Already in 1935 the first national park was created in a strip of mountainous land along the northern coast already owned by the Venezuelan dictator Gómez, who died that year. Since then, many more parks have been created, alongside biosphere reserve and wetland protection laws. Today, over a fifth of the country is covered by national parks and every federal state has at least one.

The national parks of Venezuela are under the administration of the ministerial body in charge: Instituto Nacional de Parques (INPARQUES).

Although many parks are (at least partially) open to the public, small entrance tolls are common and some of them have limited access, such as by air only. A number of parks, especially those close to large cities and those with beautiful beaches, have become popular national destinations for vacations or day trips. As a result, a range of services and activities are being developed in the parks, ranging from walking trails and visitor centers, tramways and hotels.

As of 2019, 43 national parks have been established, for a total area of ​​approximately 207 745 km², equal to approximately 22% of the Venezuelan territory.

The parks with the largest extension are the El Caura National Park with 75,340 km², the Parima-Tapirapeco National Park, with 39,000 km² and the Canaima National Park, with 30,000 km². The smallest are the Cueva de la Quebrada del Toro National Park, with 48.85 km², and the Cerro El Copey-Jóvito Villalba National Park, with 71.30 km²

List of national parks

National parks of Venezuela
First nameStateYear of establishmentSurface (km²)Image
Henri Pittier National ParkAragua


19371 078Parque Nacional Henri Pittier.JPG
Sierra Nevada National ParkMérida  


19522 764,46Vistas pico el aguila.JPG
Guatopo National ParkMiranda  


19581 224,64Parque Nacional Guatopo Guárico.jpg
Waraira Repano National ParkCapital District


Federal Dependencies

1958851,92Cerro El Avila.jpg
Yurubí National ParkYaracuy1960236,70Bajo la Cascada.jpg
Canaima National ParkBolívar196230 000Kukenan Tepuy at Sunset.jpg
Yacambú National ParkLara1962269,16Cascada Parque Yacambu.JPG
Cueva de la Quebrada del Toro National ParkFalcón196948,85Parque Nacional Cueva de la Quebrada del Toro.jpg
Archipelago de Los Roques National ParkFederal Dependencies19722 211,20Cayo Francisqui apacible.JPG
Macarao National ParkCapital District


1973150Extenciones de montaña que protejen la cordillera de la costa.jpg
Mochima National ParkSucre


Laguna de La Restinga National ParkFederal Dependencies1974188,62Laguna de La Restinga National Park 2.jpg
Médanos de Coro National ParkFalcón1974912,80MedanosdeCoro.jpg
Tacarigua Lagoon National ParkMiranda1974391Tacarigua Lagoon National Park - Parque Nacional Laguna de Tacarigua (10296002123) .jpg
Cerro El Copey-Jóvito Villalba National ParkFederal Dependencies197471,30San Juan Valley.jpg
Aguaro-Guariquito National ParkGuárico19745 690Parque nacional Aguaro-Guariquito 012.jpg
Morrocoy National ParkFalcón1974320,90Aguas tranquilas.jpg
El Guácharo National ParkMonagas1975627Cueva del Guacharo 06.jpg
Terepaima National ParkLara


1976186,5Pozo de agua in the Parque Nacional Terepaima.jpg
Jaua-Sarisariñama National ParkBolívar19783 300Missing.png
Serranía La Neblina National ParkVargas197813 600A view of the Cima do Pico.jpg
Cerro Yapacana National ParkVargas19783 200Copia de Puerto Atabapo 43. 2006.jpg
Duida-Marahuaca National ParkVargas19783 737,4Missing.png
Paria Peninsula National ParkSucre1978375Playa Medina Peninsula Paria.jpg
Sierra de Perijá National ParkZulia19782 952,88Conquering the Sierra de Perijá.jpg
El Tamá National ParkTáchira  


19791 390Tepuis del tama.jpg
Santo Stefano National ParkCarabobo1987445Montañas que se unen a la cordillera de la costa.jpg
Juan Crisóstomo Falcón National ParkFalcón1987200Cataratas del Hueque (2) .JPG
Santos Luzardo National ParkApure19885 843,68Extensas llanuras de vegetación sabanera.jpg
Guaramacal National ParkTrujillo


1988214,66Laguna de los Cedros III.JPG
Dinira National ParkLara  



1988453,28Parque Nacional Dinira.JPG
General Juan Pablo Peñaloza National ParkMérida


1989952Lagunas y montañas del parque nacional general juan pablo peñaloza paramo batallon 14.jpg
Chorro El Indio National ParkTáchira1989170Valles en sector Loma de Viento.jpg
Sierra de La Culata National ParkMérida


19892 004Lagunas (Sierra de la Culata) .jpg
Cerro Saroche National ParkLara1989322,94Parque Nacional Cerro Saroche 001.JPG
Turuépano National ParkSucre1991726Puerto Ajíes.jpg
Mariusa National ParkDelta Amacuro19913 310Delta del Orinoco 110514-1.JPG
Catatumbo National ParkZulia19912 261,3Catatumbolightning.jpg
Parima-Tapirapeco National ParkVargas199139 000Bongo autana.jpg
Río Viejo-San Camilo National ParkApure1992800Forêt galleria.jpg
El Guache National ParkLara


Tapo-Caparo National ParkBarinas



19932 050Cascada El Amor.jpg
El Caura National ParkBolívar


201775 340Arbol en el Caura.jpg

Other projects