Gualtieri - Gualtieri

Bentivoglio square
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Gualtieri is a city ofEmilia Romagna.

To know

He was a marquisate in this strip of the Po valley between the Po, Reggiano is Modenese where other statelets developed: Novellara, Carpi, Mirandola, Correggio, Rolo, Hold it up, Guastalla. It is part of the most beautiful villages in Italy.

Geographical notes

Three km from Guastalla, on the right bank of the Po, is essentially an agricultural center in the middle of a productive plain that the Po has made fertile but has also devastated several times with its floods. In its area the Crostolo flows into the Po.


The ancient Castrum Walterii already reveals in the name the influence of the barbarian populations in the area that had previously been Roman. In the X-XII centuries the castrum depends on the Bishop of Parma; afterwards a sort of municipal government was established which was immediately attracted into the orbit of the seigniories that established themselves in the neighboring towns, until in 1479 Gualtieri entered the Este domains. In the sixteenth century Ferrante Gonzaga and subsequently Cornelio Bentivoglio began major reclamation works in the territory that had hitherto been marshy; from an economic point of view, the Duchies of Mantua, Modena and Guastalla participate in the work, which would have benefited also for their lands following the reclamation. Alfonso II d'Este conferred, following the works, the feudal power over Gualtieri to Bentivoglio in 1567; in 1576 the fief was elevated to the status of Marquisate. It is for this reason that Bentivoglio put his hand to the urban reorganization of Gualtieri which was a center of more than modest urban dimensions and characteristics, creating the large square that was to be the starting point for the creation of a capital of luster.

The Marquisate of Bentivoglio, however, was unlucky. The family died out in 1634, therefore about seventy years after the feudal investiture of the town, and Gualtieri returned to the possession of the Dukes of Modena, returning to a mediocre provincial center whose chronicles are fed only by the floods of the Po.

How to orient yourself


In the municipal area of ​​Gualtieri there are the inhabited centers of Pieve Saliceto and Santa Vittoria.

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - verso bianco.svg

By car

  • A1 motorway Italy.svg
    Highway exit Terre di Canossa - Campegine on the Autostrada del Sole

On the train

Italian traffic signs - fs.svg station icon6 Railway station, via Marconi. has its own railway station affected by the lines:

By bus

How to get around

The center can be easily visited on foot. The car is used for excursions in the hamlets or in the floodplain. If you want to enjoy a relaxing green landscape, you can take the cycle path that connects Gualtieri, Boretto is Guastalla, a naturalistic itinerary in the fluvial environment of the Po floodplain.

What see

Santa Maria della Neve
  • 1 Bentivoglio square. From 1580 Giambattista Aleotti, commissioned by Bentivoglio, started the urban reconstruction of Gualtieri. He designed the large square which now bears the name of the commissioning Marquis; a grassy space, now kept as a garden, rectangular in shape of about a hundred meters on each side that houses the large marquis palace, the church, the clock tower. The main streets of the village branch off from the square.
  • 2 Bentivoglio Palace, Bentivoglio square, @. Ecb copyright.svg2.50 euros with guided tour of the rooms and museums.. Simple icon time.svgEvery Saturday, Sunday and public holidays from the first Sunday in March to the second Sunday in July / from the first Sunday in September to the second Sunday in December. Summer closure: from the second Monday in July to the second Saturday in September / winter closure from the second Monday in December to the first Saturday in March - in the morning from 10 to 12.30; in the afternoon from 3 pm to 6.30 pm.. It occupies one side of the large square and has the typical appearance of a large, quadrangular fortified villa, with almost identical facades and protruding towers at the corners. It was built between 1594 and the early 1600s by Ippolito Bentivoglio; in the first half of the eighteenth century it was largely demolished to use the material in embankments against the floods of the Po. The side facing the square remains, which however has impressive dimensions since it measures 31.5 meters in length, 17.5 in width and 14.5 in height. A long portico extends up to the two sides of the square next to the residence. Its interior includes numerous rooms: the Sala dei Giganti, now often used for exhibitions, decorated with episodes from the Gerusalemme Liberata, a seventeenth-century work attributed to Sisto Badalocchi from Parma; next to it, in another room, a permanent exhibition of naive painting includes paintings by local artists and by Antonio Ligabue, who lived and worked in Gualtieri. There is also a theater, currently uninhabitable.
- The noble chapel It is from the early seventeenth century; in Corinthian style, completely frescoed, in the lunettes of the ceiling it shows eight scenes from the life of the Madonna. The paintings are from the Ferrara school with Bolognese and Venetian influences from Mantua.
- The Hall of the Aeneid, current entrance on the first floor, opens the series of rooms dedicated to Roman history. Frescoed in the first decade of the seventeenth century, they are attributable to the school of the carracci.
- The Hall of Jupiter also from the early seventeenth century it depicts scenes of the founding of Rome and allegories of the princely power of divine derivation.
- The Hall of Icarus has scenes relating to the Kings of Rome.
- The Hall of the Giants it is the most representative environment of the whole Palace. Frescoed between 1619 and 1923, it preserves 28 scenes inspired by the Jerusalem Liberata by Torquato Tasso conceived to praise the virtues of the Marquis Enzo Bentivoglio. There are also painted Bentivoglio coats of arms. The paintings are the work of Pier Francesco Battistelli from Ferrara, who in his youth collaborated with Guercino; influences from the Carracci school are also felt.
Civic Tower
  • 3 Civic Tower, Bentivoglio square. On one side of the square, it is a work of 1599/1602. A large arch at the base makes it passable, thus making it a spectacular entrance / exit in the monumental heart of the city. Consisting of four superimposed floors, quadrangular in shape gradually smaller, it has the characteristic elegant shape telescope.
  • 4 Collegiate Church of Santa Maria della Neve, Bentivoglio square. Simple icon time.svg8:00-12:00, 15:00-19:00. Built by Aleotti with an octagonal plan in a corner of the square at the beginning of the seventeenth century, it was originally conceived as a noble chapel of the Bentivoglio family. Subsequently the seat of the parish was transferred there and was therefore remodeled with a longitudinal plan according to the dictates of the Counter-Reformation; it was then remodeled by G.B.Fattori in the decade 1773-83 after the flood of 1765. It preserves inside theAnnunciation by Carlo Bonomi from Ferrara, from the end of the sixteenth century to the beginning of the seventeenth century.
  • 5 Immaculate Conception. Opposite to Villa Torello Malaspina, it was the seat of the Confraternity of the Immaculate Conception. Built with a single nave and side chapels, it had an apse in 1634; the ceiling is made of wooden slats decorated in Rococo style, and in the center shows a decoration with balustrades and a representation of the Assumption of the Virgin supported by angels.The current appearance is that of the restorations made inside the building in 1791.
  • 6 Villa Torello Malaspina (The building). It stands in a place that has given remarkable finds from the Roman era and was built on the place that probably housed the ancient castle of the Bishop of Parma. Passed to the Torello family, it was then owned by the Malaspina family in 1835, then by the current owners of the Guarienti. The restructuring of 1840 made it a neoclassical building and changed its L-shaped plan. A garden of romantic conception develops against the south facade, which goes towards the flower beds with a loggia projecting on Doric columns.
  • 7 Church of Sant'Andrea, Felice Cavallotti square. Simple icon time.svgvisit by appointment. It is the church of the suburb of Sant'Andrea, which extends from the side of the square opposite the marquis palace. In the ninth century it existed as a chapel, to then become in the twelfth century a parish church later transferred to Santa Maria della Neve.The building was built in the twelfth century and brought to its current appearance, with a central plan and in Baroque style, at the beginning of Eighteenth century. The central dome is supported by Corinthian pillars and four corner chapels and two choirs at the sides of the choir in the main chapel occupy the perimeter. Remodeled in 1765, the church was used for civilian use after the convent was suppressed. During the First World War it was a military hospital. It was re-consecrated in 1919. The works it houses are from the eighteenth century; from the 16th century is the statue of the Madonna of Loreto; the canvas is from the mid-seventeenth century San Gaetano da Thiene and Sant'Andrea Avellino in adoration of the Cross, the work of Gian Battista Bolognini.
Public well of Piazza Nuova
  • 8 Well of Piazza Nuova. Following one of the numerous floods that troubled the history of Gualtieri and many coastal towns of the Po, which occurred in 1765, the Duke of Modena had all the private wells closed, due to the danger of infiltration, and had a public well built in Piazza Nuova. . The works ended in 1776; the well was designed by Giovan Battista Fattori, in the Renaissance style, with Doric columns supporting a small temple. The well opens into a central octagonal pillar. The monument was partially demolished in the 1950s; currently a providential restoration work has restored the original structure. Tradition recalls that Napoleon stopped at this well, during the Italian campaign, to quench his troops' thirst and water the horses.


  • 9 Antonio Ligabue Museum, Bentivoglio square, in the Bentivoglio palace. Simple icon time.svgguided tour combined with a visit to the palace. It collects works by Antonio Ligabue, the famous naive painter who lived and died in Gualtieri.
  • 10 Donation Umberto Tirelli, Bentivoglio Square, in Bentivoglio Palace. Simple icon time.svg44.9050. It preserves over fifty works by famous artists, donated by Umberto Tirelli, who was a famous costume designer; the museum also houses two of his costumes.


The vast floodplain of Gualtieri extends for a long stretch between the main embankment that delimits the town and the river Po. The long avenue Po, shaded by cypress poplars, is the main road that connects Gualtieri to the river, crossing an area which in the past saw the settlement of numerous people linked to the work of the river: fishermen, millers of the Po, ferrymen, workers of the sand quarries. A lower floodplain embankment than the main one defends the area from floods and allows this particularly fertile soil to be cultivated. There are some farmhouses in the area, as well as a village that originated in the eighteenth century and was inhabited by sand-makers. An old clay quarry, called The Caldarén it constitutes a protected naturalistic area. The whole floodplain is rich in stretches of water, poplar groves and woods, which provide the right habitat for a large number of fauna and as much wealth of native flora.

A cycle path connects Gualtieri to Boretto and Guastalla; along it you will touch suggestive places of great naturalistic interest, such as theIsland of the internees, the Azure lake, i Caldarén, Street Towpath, the Quarry of the plate

Events and parties

  • 7 Antiques and second-hand market, Bentivoglio square. The second Sunday of each month (August excluded)

What to do


  • 1 Farmer's market, Bentivoglio square. Simple icon time.svgMonday from 3 to 7 pm. Sale of agricultural products directly from farmers.

How to have fun

Where to eat

Moderate prices

  • 1 Osteria La Merla, via Giardino 23, 39 0522 828439.
  • 2 Osteria Giardino, State Road 63 (in the locality of Santa Vittoria), 39 338 4903771.
  • 3 Osteria La Lumira, Viale Po, 39 0522 828549.
  • 4 Sushiko, via Prati 182, 39 0522 828235.

Average prices

  • 5 Bentivoglio restaurant, Bentivoglio square, 39 0522 828237.
  • 6 Aqua El Paraiso Restaurant Pizzeria, via Ghiarone 1 (in the locality of Pieve Saliceto), 39 0522 828740. with swimming pool

Where stay

Average prices


  • 8 Carabinieri station, Piazza IV Novembre, 39 0522 828124.

Italian traffic signs - pharmacy icon.svgPharmacies

  • 9 Santa Vittoria, via Cristoforo Colombo n. 152 (in Santa Vittoria di Gualtieri).
  • 10 Third parties, State Road 63, n. 10, 39 0522 829794.

How to keep in touch

Post office

  • 11 Italian post, Bentivoglio Square 57, 39 0522 829361, fax: 39 0522 829605.
  • 12 Italian post, State Road 63, n. 253 (in Santa Vittoria), 39 0522 833213, fax: 39 0522 833603.


  • Guastalla - It was the capital of the Duchy with Parma is Piacenza; it had also been so first with the Gonzagas and then with the Torelli. Its historic center, with traces of the ancient ramparts, retains an important urban tone.
  • Viadana - capital of the Viadanese, its vast historical center, of good interest, lives of Po Valley and Gonzaga atmospheres. The ring road avenues mark the route of the ancient disappeared walls; the arcaded streets of the center distinguish the city with the Gonzaga urban style.
  • Casalmaggiore - Capital of Casalasco, protected by mighty embankments, the city develops parallel to the bed of the Po. The wide breath of the main square, the undeniable majesty of the Town Hall and the Cathedral reveal its character as an important center of the Bassa. The Sanctuary of the Madonna della Fontana, the church of Santa Chiara, the church of the Hospital are among its outstanding monuments.
  • Colorno - Its Royal Palace belonged to the Sanseverino, then to the Farnese, Maria Luigia of Austria, the Bourbons; it is by far the most important monument of this little Versailles Parma, which also offers a small but beautiful historic center, close to the Lorno stream that gives it its name and Parma, not far from the Po.
  • Novellara - It was the county capital of a branch of the Gonzaga family. The fortress built by Guido Gonzaga and enlarged by Count Alessandro I Gonzaga and the Sanctuary of the Fossetta built by Barbara Gonzaga remain visible.
  • Carpi - Capital of the Pio, boasts a monumental historic center of the first order. Alongside its historical wealth, it has been accompanied by a thriving textile production activity supported by a strong commercial tradition. The 2012 earthquake wounded it, but it did not overcome the tenacity of its population who are working to restore what was damaged
  • Parma Morta nature reserve - Nature reserve in the Parma lowland, on the right bank of the Po in the municipality of Mezzani, a typical environment of flora, fauna and wetlands of the Po.a Mezzani


  • In the lands of the Gonzaga - An itinerary through the centers, large and small, which were the capitals of the Gonzaga cadet branches: principalities, marquisates, duchies which, within the Mantuan state structure, enjoyed real independence, often minted coins and held refined courts that rivaled that of Mantua, embellished their urban centers by equipping them with elegant architecture - churches, squares, palaces, walls, towers - and characteristic urban views such as the typical Gonzaga arcades.
  • Historic villages of the Po - The itinerary, from west to east or vice versa, leads to know some historic villages that rise near the "great river".

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Gualtieri
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Gualtieri
2-4 star.svgUsable : the article respects the characteristics of a draft but in addition it contains enough information to allow a short visit to the city. Use i correctly listing (the right type in the right sections).