Ranzanico - Ranzanico

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Ranzanico is a center of the Lombardy.

To know

In recent years the town has experienced a notable tourist-residential development, especially towards the bottom of the valley, sacrificing the ancient productive terraces, which characterized its slopes. The town was nicknamed Garden of the Cavallina Valley or Venice of Bergamo for the extreme care of the land and terraces.

Geographical notes

The territory of Ranzanico is located on the right orographic bank of the high Cavallina Valley, in the territory from Bergamo in the area Prealps and great Lombard lakes, near the Endine lake.


The first written document bearing the name of the town, the Charta Manifestationis of Aucunda, is dated 830 AD. and it was drawn up in the historical period characterized by the Carolingian domination of Ludovico il Pio, son of Charlemagne.

The territory was already frequented in the Neolithic era; recent excavations by the Superintendence for Archaeological Heritage of Lombardy have in fact brought to light in various areas of the Monte Pizzetto - Monte Sparavera ridge ceramics and flint points referable to this historical period; the formation of high altitude pastures by means of the controlled burning of the vegetation is attributed to this prehistoric civilization. It is probable that the first permanent settlements in the area consisted of the Orobi stilt houses built on the perimeter of the lake; in the territory of Endine, have been found remains of stilts and terracotta dating back to the period between the Neolithic and the Bronze Age.

The foundation of Ranzanico by the Cenomani Gauls of Elitovio is to be attributed to the Gallic period (4th century BC). Ranzanico is included in the Bergomatum Ager and its fate will follow in the course of history.

Ranzanico becomes "Free Municipality" in 1263, as reported in the Bergamo statute of that year which lists all the Municipalities of the subject area. In 1428 the Bergamo area passed under the dominion of the Serenissima Republic of Venice, which will give a political tranquility to the whole territory, until its decline, which took place in 1796, which gave rise to the Bergamo Republic, which later merged into the Cisalpine Republic.

On 12 August 1944, during the Second World War, General Cadorna parachuted from an allied plane over the territory of the country, landing near the Pozza dei Sette Termini, located near the summit of Mount Sparavera, in order to gather the partisan leaders present in the area. He was brought from the premises to the ancient oratory dating back to the 15th century dedicated to San Bernardino in the hamlet of the same name, where he held a meeting and, subsequently, was dressed in civilian clothes and transported by bus to Turin. Two tombstones, placed respectively near the pool and the Oratory, commemorate the event.

How to orient yourself


The historic center, ol Volt (the top) is located halfway up on a morphological terrace formed by the passage of the Adamello glacier during the different phases of glaciation, while ol Bass (the bass) develops along the coast of Endine lake and is made up of two main residential areas: that of Madrera, built on the ground of a fan originating from a landslide that involved the center of the moraine terrace and that of the Dosso, now Villaggio Angela Maria, located on the conoid created by debris coming mainly from the Spineda Valley, located on the border with the municipality of Spinone al Lago. Other significant settlements are located in San Bernardino locality, with Sant'Anna, located on the ancient road that still leads to Endine Gaiano, one at the Cole, located between the historic center and the Village and a last at the Crote, located between the Village and the locality Madrera.

How to get

By plane

Italian traffic signs - bianco direction.svg

By car

  • A4 motorway Italy.svg A4 motorway Milan-Venice, Seriate exit for those coming from Milan, Grumello-Telgate exit for those coming from Venice.
  • Provincial Road 40 Italy.svg The provincial road 40 connects the town to the Endine lake

On the train

How to get around

What see

  • Tower of the Fabii. The construction of the stone tower that overlooks the current town square dates back to the 14th century and which probably served to control traffic on the ancient communication route that Bergamo (Via Bianzana) led to Bianzano and from here it continued through Ranzanico and Endine Gaiano to get up to Sovere and the next Camonica Valley.
The Tower was built by the noble Fabii family from which the name derives; in 1520 the family is the owner of one cortivata, turreted, cylindrical, porticoed and covered with stone house (House with courtyard, tower, silter - room with vaulted ceiling, used to season agricultural products such as meats and cheeses - porch and covered with stones).
It is likely that the tower was part of a much more complex fortified structure, such as a fortress or a castle, traces of which can be observed on the side of Via Silvio Pellico, where next to the tower stands a building characterized by stone walls. ashlar and a Gothic-style stone portal.
The presence of a castellan in Ranzanico, documented in the 15th century, supports this hypothesis.
A popular belief has it that the original village was positioned between the current town and that of San Bernardino, but that it disappeared due to an imposing landslide; the toponyms "Càp del Castèl" (Campo del Castello) and "La Tor" (La Torre) which identify a land located near the paleofrana, above which the town would have risen, connected to the discovery of foundations of ancient buildings, during excavations facts in the same area, could confirm this hypothesis. The castle may have been built in the 10th century to defend the invasion of the Hungarians and destroyed in 1452 by order of the Republic of Venice which, once conquered the Bergamo area, landed the military structures.
  • 1 Parish Church of Santa Maria Assunta. The parish church, built in 1476 but rebuilt in 1786, preserves paintings by Palma il Giovane, Enea Salmeggia, Antonio Cifrondi and Vincenzo Angelo Orelli.
  • 2 Oratory of San Bernardino, Via S. Bernardino, 435. Its construction dates back to the second half of the 15th century and was financed by a wealthy local family, the Gardoni, who owned many properties in Ranzanico. It is documented that the Sienese monk visited the towns of Gandino and of Lovere and it is therefore very likely that, to reach the two countries, he also passed through Ranzanico. This would explain the fervent devotion that the inhabitants have for this saint.

Events and parties

What to do


How to have fun

Where to eat

Where stay


How to keep in touch

Post office

  • 4 Italian post, Caduti Square, 1, 39 035 829046.


  • Endine lake - The lake can offer the visitor the practice of sporting activities such as fishing, boating, windsurfing and trekking, but also simple walks. There are numerous leisure opportunities, including beaches and renowned restaurants scattered along the lake shore.
  • Lake IseoIseo, Pisogne, Lovere, Sarnico is Monte Isola are the cities of this lake formed by the Oglio which with its waters has filled the glacial valley carved by the glacier of Valcamonica. It is the fourth by extension among the great Lombard lakes, and like the others it enjoys a good tourist activity.
  • Clusone - Main center of the Val Seriana, it boasts important architectural testimonies both religious and civil. It is a tourist center of good standing.
  • Trescore Balneario - Main center of the Cavallina Valley, it is a little bit the capital. Its thermal baths are a highlight.
  • Bergamo - Its historic center stands on a relief surrounded by the fortifications erected by Venice, which held the city for centuries. The Duomo and the Colleoni Chapel are the best known monuments of the ancient city, or Bergamo Alta.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Ranzanico
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Ranzanico
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