Trans-Siberian Railway - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Transsibérien — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

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52 ° 48 ′ 10 ″ N 92 ° 32 ′ 56 ″ E

the Trans-Siberian is the longest railway in the world, started in 1891 and completed in 1916, it connects the Russia Europe in the Far East, from Moscow to Vladivostok via Siberia, and measures almost 9 288 km. The extension to the port of Nakhodka, grants it 104 km more track.


There are four lines crossing the continent right through. The oldest and best known is of course the Trans-Siberian, but the most used by tourists is the Trans-Mongolian. Two other lines also exist, the Transmandchurian and the BAM (Baïkal-Amour). All have a common core between Moscow and the Lake Baikal region.

The Trans-Siberian

This is the historic line, it was built in several sections. From Moscow it connects Vladivostok by crossing the Urals, Western Siberia, the Baikal region and the Ussuri. The main cities crossed from Moscow are Nizhny Novgorod, Perm, Yekaterinburg, Omsk, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Ulan-Ude, Chita, Khabarovsk and ends in Vladivostok.


From Moscow to Ulan-Ude east of Lake Baikal, the line takes the same line as the Trans-Siberian then branches off to Beijing, crossing Mongolia and its capital Ulaanbaatar.

The Transmandchurian

As for the Trans-Mongolian, the Trans-Manchurian takes the Trans-Siberian line for a large part then branches off at the height of Chita in the direction of Haerbin and Beijing through Manchuria.

The BAM (Baikal-Amour-Magistral)

It is the most recent section, inaugurated by Gorbachev in 1991 after 60 years of work, it is also the section that crosses the most isolated regions. The line leaves that of the Trans-Siberian in Taïchet at 670 km west of Irkutsk, passes through the northern tip of Lake Baikal and reaches the port of Sovetskaya Gavane on the Pacific coast facing Sakhalin Island.



  • the Visa Russian is quite complicated to obtain and requires a certain number of documents (insurance certificates, invitations, etc.). It is necessary to do it in advance, especially since this visa can only be requested in one's country of residence. More information on the Russian visa is available on the page Russia.
  • If you are thinking of taking Trans-Mongolian, Mongolian and Chinese visas are necessary. The first can be obtained at the consulate of the city ofIrkutsk but doing it in advance will save you the hassle of red tape (although this visa is not very difficult to obtain). As for the Chinese visa, in theory, it can only be obtained in your country of residence. However, some travel agencies can obtain it for you but do not guarantee that the request will be successful. It is therefore safer to do this before departure. The pages Mongolia and China offer you more information.

To take with you

In addition to the necessary belongings for a trip to Russia, it is nice to have the following items during the Trans-Siberian journeys:

  • From flip-flops / flip-flop to move around in the train at your ease
  • One soap and disinfectant for the hands (liquid or in the form of wipes)
  • A flash light or front to read quietly
  • One Swiss knife, it can still be used
  • One card game to pass time
  • One conversation kit (rare are the passengers who speak English, especially in 3e class) because other passengers will probably want to speak to you in Russian.
  • Something from your country to offer (sausage, chocolate ...) or simply to show (photos ...)

Not to take with you

These objects are generally not needed:

  • From cups and cutlery can usually be borrowed in the car
  • The train tickets purchased in advance by travel agencies are generally much more expensive than tickets bought at the station
  • From valuables more for your peace of mind than for real security reasons. Tablets are, for example, still rare in Russia and will attract attention.


Train tickets in Russia are only valid for a given route, at a given time and on a given train. It is not possible to buy a ticket Moscow - Vladivostok and stop on the way to catch the next train or the next day. The journeys must therefore be planned in advance or progressively by providing for stops of several days in order to be able to buy the tickets 2-3 days in advance because trains are often full the same day or the day before (even in low season!). It is important to book tickets at least 2 days in advance, or even more in high season!

In St. Petersburg, Transsib Reisen GmbH (French site) sells tickets for a commission, but has French, English and German speaking staff.

Also consider the fact that all long distance trains in Russia are at Moscow time and not at local time! The train arriving in Vladivostok at h (Moscow time, UTC 4) according to the schedule therefore arrives at h, local time (Vladivostok time, UTC 11). Since August 2018, it is in local time

Purchase tickets

It is possible to book Trans-Siberian tickets through a travel agency on site or in your country. This option is generally much more expensive, the agencies making spectacular margins!

Platskart (3rd class)

The purchase of tickets at station counter generally not a problem. It is necessary to plan a little waiting, a paper on which are noted the number of the train, the city and the time of departure and arrival as well as the desired class (3rd: плацкарт platkart, 2nd: купе kupe, 1D : СВ SV) as well as the passports of all passengers. You should know that Russian railways have counters outside stations in large cities. In addition to being downtown and easily accessible, the wait at these counters is often shorter. Foreign languages ​​are rarely spoken there.

Buy tickets by Internet is now possible in English on the website of the russian railway company (rzd). This site also allows you to consult train timetables, but you cannot pay with Visa or Master de la France. For France there is the site [1]

As an indication, the trip Moscow - Vladivostok costs around 200  in 3e class (platkart) but varies greatly depending on the season and the train! In 1D class between EUR 770 and EUR 1,615.


  • 1D class : СВ, SV (pronounced in French, ès vé). The first class compartments consist of two beds transformed into sofas during the day.
  • 2nd class : купе, kupe (pronounce cut). The second class is in the form of compartments of four beds, two beds on each side. If you are not traveling in 4, you will share your compartment with other passengers. Some people traveling alone prefer to go in 3e class to avoid being "stuck" with three Russians in a compartment ...
  • 3rd class : плацкарт, platkart, (pronounce as is). The third class consists of open-compartment coaches, these four-bed compartments (2 x 2 bunk beds) are therefore open and face two other bunk beds in the direction of the train. These last beds are smaller and will make you endure the incessant comings and goings of the hallway. Since it is possible to choose your berth when purchasing tickets at the counter, these aisle beds are to be avoided! The third class is safe, not too uncomfortable and very user-friendly which makes it the preferred class for backpackers.


Transiberian map

Useful vocabulary on the Trans-Siberian railway

  • I would like to buy a ticket - Ya hachou koupit bilyet - Я хочу купить билет
Since- iz - из
Up to - v - в
  • One, two, three people - adin, dva, tri chelavyièka - один, два, три человека
  • Today- sevodnya - сегодня
  • Tomorrow - zaftra - завтра
  • On Monday - panedyelnik - понедельник
  • Tuesday - ftornik - вторник
  • Wednesday - sreda - среда
  • Thusday - chetvyerk - четверг
  • Friday - pyatnitsa - пятница
  • On Saturday - soubota - суббота
  • Sunday- vaskresyene - воскресенье
  • Leaving on - vy-ezd - выезд
Morning- outrom - утром
Midday - dnyom - днем
Evening - vyecherom - вечером
  • Classes - vagon - вагон
Platzkart (3rd) - platkart - плацкарт
Kupe (2nd) - kupe - купе
SV (1st) - es ve - СВ
  • Can I have... - mne pozhaluista ... - мне, пожалуйста ...
a top bunk - vyerhnyuyu polku - верхнюю полку
a lower bunk - nizhnyuyu polku - нижнюю полку
  • Passport number - nomer pasporta - номер паспорта

(To see the Russian language guide for more vocabulary)

Few people walk through the 9,288 kilometers of the Trans-Siberian in one go, which corresponds to a 7-day trip without a break. However, some people like this option for its slowness and the contemplation, reading and meditation that a long train ride allows.

Generally, travelers decide to stop at several points during the journey to take advantage of visiting the cities and sites there. The only stations where almost all travelers interrupt their journey are those of Vladimir, of Irkutsk in order to go to Baikal lake and of Ulaanbaatar on the Trans-Mongolian line. The other stops depend on the interests and choices of each person. Vladimir is often chosen for the beauty of this city and its proximity to Suzdal, a small town known for its Kremlin. A stop at Irkutsk of several days is often considered in order to discover Lake Baikal. The city of Irkutsk is not very attractive to the visitor. It is necessary to plan several days, because it is impossible to make the round trip to Lake Baikal in one day! It is necessary to plan at least one to two nights at the edge of this lake, for example at Listvyanka or on the island of Olkhon.

  • 1 Moscow  – Time zone: Moscow time, UTC 4.
  • 2 Vladimir  – and Suzdal. Time zone: Moscow.
  • 3 Nizhny Novgorod (To 442 km - h - from Moscow)  – Time zone: Moscow.
  • 1 Crossing the Volga River (right after departure from Nizhny Novgorod station) – TO 447 km - h - from Moscow.
  • 4 Kirov  – formerly called Viatka.
  • 5 Perm (To 1 436 km - 20 h - from Moscow)  – Time zone: Moscow 2.
  • 6 Yekaterinburg (To 1 816 km - 1 day, h - from Moscow)  – Time zone: Moscow 2.
  • 7 Tyumen (To 2 144 km - 1 day, h - from Moscow)  – Time zone: Moscow 2.
  • 2 Crossing the Irtysh River (before arriving in Omsk) – TO 2 706 km - 1 day, 13 h - from Moscow.
  • 8 Omsk (To 2 712 km - 1 day, 13 h - from Moscow)  – Time zone: Moscow 3.
  • 3 Ob river crossing (before arriving in Novosibirsk) – TO 3 332 km - 1 day, 22 h - from Moscow.
  • 9 Novosibirsk (To 3 335 km - 1 day, 22 h - from Moscow)  – Time zone: Moscow 3.
  • 10 Tomsk
  • 11 Krasnoiarsk (To 4 095 km - 2 days, h - from Moscow)  – Time zone: Moscow 4.
  • 4 Crossing the Yenisei river  – TO 4 101 km - 2 days, h - from Moscow.
  • 12 Irkutsk (To 5 185 km - 3 days, h - from Moscow)  – Access point to Baikal lake, To 50 km from the city. Time zone: Moscow 5.


  • 13 Ulan-Ude (To 5 642 km - 3 days, 11 h - from Moscow)  – Time zone: Moscow 5.
  • 14 Chita (To 6 199 km - 3 days, 18 h - from Moscow)  – Time zone: Moscow 6.
  • 15 Birobidzhan
  • 5 Crossing the Amour river  – TO 8 515 km - 5 days, 11 h - from Moscow. The bridge crossed by the train appears on the tickets of 5 000 RUB.
  • 16 Khabarovsk (To 8 521 km - 5 days, 11 h - from Moscow)  – Time zone: Moscow 7.
  • 17 Vladivostok (To 9 288 km - 6 days, h - from Moscow)  – Time zone: Moscow 7.


  • 18 Ulan-Ude (To 5 642 km - 3 days, 11 h - from Moscow)  – Time zone: Moscow 5.
  • 19 Ulaanbaatar (To 6 304 km - 4 days, h - from Moscow)  – Time zone: UTC 9.
  • 20 Beijing (To 7 854 km - 5 days, 12 h - from Moscow)  – Time zone: UTC 9.

To go

The articles Moscow, Vladivostok and Beijing present in detail the possibilities of access and departure from these towns, terminus of the Trans-Siberian railway.

Moscow is accessible by train directly from Paris, Basel in Switzerland and other European cities. Direct trains pass through the Belarus hence the need to obtain a Belarusian transit visa. Fast lines and night trains also connect this city to Saint PETERSBOURG. Moscow airports offer the ability to fly to and from most major cities around the world.

Vladivostok is connected to Japan and at the South Korea by ferries leaving several times a week. The city's airport offers, in addition to domestic flights, daily flights to these two countries.

Beijing has an international airport very well connected to the rest of the world. Many domestic trains connect this capital to the rest of China.

To buy

Russian rubles, Mongolian tugrik as well as Chinese yuan are very difficult (if not impossible) to exchange outside their respective countries. It is better to get rid of them before crossing the borders (or keep them as a souvenir). It's best to always carry dollars with you in case something goes wrong, as they are easily exchangeable and accepted in many places.

The pretty cups, consisting of a glass and an engraved metal drink holder, which are loaned on the trains can also be purchased from the staff of the car (approx. 500 RUB). The versions sold have either a star or a Russian flag engraved on the front of the mug unlike those on loan which feature the logo of the Russian train company RZD.


Sellers on the docks
  • Jars of instant noodles or instant mashed potatoes are the food most eaten by Russian Trans-Siberian passengers. The samovar present in each car provides the hot water necessary for their preparation. Their price (around 15-20 RUB the pot) makes it the perfect food for budget travelers.
  • From vendors on the docks are present at several stations. In winter, they are rarer ... They offer lots of different foods, generally very good (from sandwiches to hot dishes, including salad) and at low prices. Remember to ask a staff member how long the train will stop at the station before getting off.
  • One restaurant is present in most trains. The food isn't very cheap or great, but the restaurant is a good place to relax and get out of your car on long journeys.

Have a drink / Go out

  • The alcohol is now prohibited on trains. However, it is still sometimes possible to buy beers on the train, but you have to be discreet ...
  • Tea is the most drunk drink on trains. Each car is equipped with a samovar where everyone can use hot water for free. The staff in the car often sell tea bags, but it is best to buy them in advance to have more choices for a more reasonable price.


The Trans-Siberian is considered safe and flights are rather rare. In first class, you can lock your compartment when you are away for a while. In third class, the open compartments are difficult to fly because all the passengers can see what's going on. The safest places to put your luggage in 3e classroom are the storage units located under the lower beds, which cannot be opened if someone is seated. In second class, the compartments being closed, a thief could have the opportunity to visit your compartment during your absence, but this scenario is rare. It should be remembered that in each car there is staff responsible for maintaining order and the cleanliness of the car, which avoids most of the inconvenience.

When you are away for a while, for example to eat in the dining car, it is still better to always take your valuables with you (passports, money, electronic equipment ...) in a small bag or ask someone you trust to watch them.

If there is a problem, ask the car staff for help.


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