North Sea Cycle Route Denmark (Vestkystruten) - Nordseeküsten-Radweg Dänemark (Vestkystruten)

The Danish North Sea Cycle Route is part of the international long-distance cycle route North Sea Cycle Route, a more than 6000 km long cycle path once around the North Sea. It is divided into two sections, the Vestkystruten von as described below Rudbøl above Esbjerg, Hanstholm and Hirtshals to Skagen and the North Sea Cycle Route Denmark (Østkystruten) from Hulsig south of Skagen over Frederikshavn to Grenaa. Together, the two routes go around almost the entire length Jutland Peninsula.

North Sea Cycle Route logo

Route profile

Signs for the Danish Route 1 / EuroVelo 12 in South Jutland
  • Length: approx. 560 km
  • Signposting: The bike route is from Rudbøl to Skagen as Vestkystruten or as Danish national route 1, signposted consistently well to excellent, occasionally there are also indications of the identical route EuroVelo 12. Supplementary signposting for the North Sea Cycle Route (NSCR) is only occasionally found in southern and central Jutland. In North Jutland the NSCR is not signposted at all. If you want to follow the NSCR, which deviates several times from Vestkystruten, especially in the north, you need either a GPS track or a good map of the cycle routes. However, since the NSCR tends to make detours, we recommend that you follow the signs for Vestkystruten in case of doubt.
  • Slopes: The entire route can be described as slightly hilly. There are flat sections of the route, but the dune areas through which the bike path leads are often quite hilly. Overall, however, the gradients are kept within reasonable limits, rather the north German saying that headwinds are the mountains of the north, also here: The wind blows mainly from the northwest, exceptions confirm the rule.
  • Path condition: Changing condition of the road surfaces, asphalt sections, fine gravel bike paths, partitioned back roads as well as sandy sections in dune areas. In particular, the sand paths, but also the gravel paths, are not always easy to drive on. If the gravel has been freshly poured in, it creates a floating feeling when driving, the bike can literally swim away or even get stuck. Wider tires are an advantage here, it is probably rather uncomfortable to drive on the track with racing bike tires. On the dune paths, you should exercise caution, especially on the many small, steep descents, the descents often end in deep sand holes - and if the speed is too fast, then often with a fall because the bike suddenly gets stuck in the sand hole.
  • Traffic load: Alternating, separate cycle paths as described above alternate with roads, whereby cycle paths along the road are rather rare. If road use is necessary, it is (mostly) small back roads.
  • Suitable bike: Every normal everyday bike, at least 30 tire width, is recommended because of sandy sections. Racing bikes are only suitable to a limited extent. Children's bikes without proper gearshifts will probably lead to frustrations for the little riders due to the many small hills and the headwind.
  • Family suitability: good, but a number of sections of the road require children to be roadworthy.
  • Inline suitability: Very rare.


International route map

The North Sea Cycle Route performs - viewed counterclockwise Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, about the Shetland Islands and the Orkney Islands, on the entire east coast of Scotland and England along, and finally a very short section France, then through Belgium and the Netherlandsbefore the cycle path at the mouth of the Ems comes back to Germany.

The Danish section of the North Sea Cycle Route, consisting of the Vestkystruten and the Østkystruten, leads almost completely around the peninsula Jutland around. The route leads from Rudbøl on the German-Danish border in the west South Jutland on the west coast over Esbjerg to Central Jutland, past Ringkøbing Fjord and Nissum Fjord. Finally, you end up Thyboron on the Limfjord over and now cycle on the coast of the island Vendsyssel-Thy (North Jutland) to the extreme point Skagen. The NSCR uses the Danish national route 1, also known as Vestkystruten, all the way to Skagen. From Hulsig, south of Skagen, the NSCR runs on the Danish national route 5, the Østkystruten. It now passes over to the Kattegat coast Frederikshavn again southwards until after Grenaa, where the Danish North Sea Cycle Route at the ferry terminal to Swedish Varberg ends.

This travel guide describes the western route that Vestkystruten.


Apart from a roadworthy bike and the usual wind and weatherproof equipment, little preparation is required to cycle the Danish section of the North Sea Coast Cycle Route. The signage is usually good enough that you absolutely need a map or a GPS device. If you orientate yourself on the coastal roads, it is hardly possible to miss the general direction of the cycle path, even if you have strayed from the path in sections. At the latest in the next larger town you will be redirected back to the correct route.

One of the largest campsites on the route: Nr. Lyngvig Camping north of Hvide Sande

However, one should prepare for the Accommodation searchif you are not planning to spend the night in a tent. Hotels are rather few and far between, as everywhere in Denmark mostly expensive and often fully booked in the high season. There are seldom B & B's for overnight stays in the youth hostels of danhostel, of which there are some along the way, should be booked in advance if necessary. As a rule, holiday homes can only be booked by the week, at least in the main season.

Campsites, on the other hand, are close together on most sections, and in some places you can find several campsites at once. Seldom are sections longer than 30 km between two campsites to be negotiated. Only in South Jutland there are a little fewer campsites on the coast, these are more on the Wadden Sea islands Rømø, Mandø and Fanø to find. But even here it is possible with skillful stage planning to cycle from campsite to campsite. If you don't want to take tent equipment with you, you will find in the small huts (hytter) is often a good alternative on campsites. However, it might be better to book these in advance in the main season, which of course limits the flexibility with regard to the length of the stage. For the overnight stay in the camping huts, your own bedding and towels are usually mandatory, sometimes you can also book this.

Typical shelter in Denmark

A specialty of Denmark are also the camp or shelter places, where you can usually stay for free, rarely for a small fee, but mostly on a simple level. These places are under the designation Overnatning i det fri known and can be on the map to be researched. A distinction is made between simple tent or camp sites (teltpladser) or places with shelter (shelterpladser), simple low wooden huts in which two to three people can sleep sheltered from the weather. Some of these places are really "basic", running water and toilets cannot be taken for granted. Information about the equipment of the respective storage space can be found on the linked map.

getting there

Public transportation

Oversized map at the starting point in Rudbøl

For the starting point in Rudbøl are the train station in Danish Tønder, and the German train stations in Klanxbull and Niebüll suitable. Even if Tønder is the closest, travel from Germany to there should be considered carefully, because the few kilometers you cover by train on Danish soil require you to purchase an international cycling card (€ 10). The Niebüll station is certainly best, as there are ICs from here several times a day Hamburg which, due to the reservation requirement, also include a guarantee that the bike can be taken along.

By bicycle

On the German North Sea Cycle Route, here north of the Nolde House in Seebüll, on the way to Denmark

The easiest way to travel by bike is via the North Sea Cycle Route (Schleswig-Holstein) (from the south), which is directly connected to the Danish section. From the east (Flensburg) the starting point is reached via the Nord-Ostsee-Radweg, which in between also crosses the ox route.

In the street

As this is not a round trip, it makes only limited sense to travel by car. It is possible to put the car in Niebüll and then travel back there by train if necessary. Depending on where you want to end the trip and where you are coming from, it can make sense to leave the car in Hamburg and take the train to Niebüll. This also opens up the return travel option to end the tour in Frederikshavn, according to Gothenburg and from there the night ferry to Kiel to take. From Kiel you can quickly get back to Hamburg with the regional train.

Route description with sights

Route map

From the experience of cycling travelers, the first stage is very short, as it often takes place in the afternoon of the day of arrival and the remaining time of the day usually does not allow a long route. Incidentally, the stages were planned in such a way that at least one overnight stay on a camping site is possible at each location at the end of a stage; travelers without a tent may also find an overnight stay there (pre-booking!), See preparation.

Rudbøl - ​​Højer: 12 km

1 Rudbøl offers a first detour to the idyllic Møgeltønder with Schackenborg Castle. In the village there is a campsite, youth hostel and restaurants.

~ First about 3.5 km on the country road, then turn left into Gamle Frederikskog, here partly gravel roads with newly poured, very deep gravel (as of 2015) that is difficult to drive on. After another 2 - 2.5 km turn right, now straight on to Højer.

Højer - Esbjerg: 77 km

1 Højer. Worth seeing include the Højer Mølle, the mill that is located directly on the main road and thus on the cycle route. Supermarket. Campsite 2 km further west on the bike path.

~ Højer will pass through on Skolegade and Ballumvej. Shortly thereafter, the cycle path leads along the country road for a short distance, and then immediately turns left again into the fields. It zigzags towards the sea, there you will pass Vadehavs Camping, turn right here. Always straight ahead, about 200-300 m from the sea to Hjerpsted, drive straight through it and then after a left bend back to the road 419, turn right. Follow the road through Husum-Ballum to Vesterende-Ballum; Shortly after turning into the country road, a rest area on the right-hand side. The route is mostly paved, short gravel sections.

Cycle path on the dike near Vesterende-Ballum

2 Vesterende Ballum

~ In Vesterende-Ballum, turn left from the country road towards the church, go straight ahead and leave the village. The cycle path now runs right by the dike until just before the Rømø dam. Back to the country road, bypass the access to the dam, then cross it and continue on a gravel path (2015 coarse, deep gravel, sometimes difficult to drive on). Just before Brøns, turn left onto road 11 and enter the village.

-> digression 1 Rømø : To the largest of the three Danish Wadden Islands a 9 km long asphalt road leads, the accompanying cycle path is not separated from the road. Rømø is a great stopover when after a few days of beach life after all the Wadden Sea coasts in northern Germany and now also in southern Denmark: Kilometers of beaches that are almost as deep offer enough space for one or more days of relaxation.
Mandø Ebbevej with running water

2 Brons

~ Drive through Brøns on the main road, then about 2 km further on the country road. Left on gravel road, then right again to Rejsby (here train stop). Immediately turn left in the village and leave the village again, straight on towards the dike. Turn right there and continue along it to Mandø Ebbevei. Often gravel roads, some of which are freshly filled up (as of 2015), which creates a floating driving experience depending on the tire thickness. For self-driving children and carriages it can be very strenuous to drive on. At the dike crossing for Mandø Ebbevei there is a rest area with tables and benches on the outside of the dike.

Zeichen 214-20 - Vorgeschriebene Fahrtrichtung geradeaus und rechts, StVO 1992.svg At the dike crossing to Ebbevej you have two options: Either continue along the dike via the Ribe lock, then drive a total of almost 25 km to just before Esbjerg on the dike. This variant is signposted as regional route 403, sometimes also as Vestkystruten (1). The alternative is the route variant of Vestkystruten, which has been leading over Ribe for some time, and after the village leads back to the dike north of the chamber lock. The chamber lock over Ribe Å on the dike was closed due to construction work until September 2015, and it had to cross the route Ribe be driven. If you have driven the route and know that this blocking has been safely lifted, please remove this notice.

-> digression 3 Mandø: After about 1 km after the Mandø Ebbevei, the gravel road branches off to Mandø, which is open, but can always be slightly under water and should only be used in offshore water with sufficient time. However, it is officially only intended for motorists, with a loaded bike it is certainly a special experience due to the surface and the surroundings. There is a campsite on Mandø.

4 Vester Vedsted

5 Ribe

~ Now follow the dike for almost 20 km. Changing surface, mostly coarse asphalt, but also good drivable gravel roads. In between, after about 5 km, the lock of Ribe Å is crossed, and there is also a restaurant here. Finally the path leads away from the dike, crosses road 24 and leads towards Tjæreborg.

6 Tjæreborg

~ At the crossroads before the village turn left, here the Vestkystruten meets the Danish national route 6 coming from the right; The two cycle paths now follow the same route along the secondary route 24 to Esbjerg

Esbjerg - Lønne: 56 km

Mennesket ved havet

In 7 Esbjerg there is a very good tourist infrastructure.

~ Cyclists on Vestkystruten are led around the city center and the harbor in a curve, but turn right at the first large intersection in Jernevej. Several possibilities to turn into the center (pedestrian zone), where you will find plenty of dining options and shopping opportunities.

-> digression 2 Fanø: There is a ferry connection from Esbjerg to the northernmost of the three Danish Wadden Sea Islands.

~ When going out of town, the cycle path first leads to the group of sculptures Mennesket ved havet (Man by the sea) past. The oversized sculptures stand (or sit) directly on the beach, at their feet there are also some tables and benches for a break.

~ The route continues in close proximity to the sea through the villages of Sædding and Hjerting, which border on Esbjerg, and especially in Hjerting there are nice opportunities to take a break on the beach promenade where the cycle path passes. Directly to Hjerting, the path then leads a little further east into the country. Sjelborg Camping is on the left.

~ Follow the fairly hilly small country road, after about 2 km cross the country road 463, turn left at the next intersection. After about 1 km back to the country road, follow this. About 1 km after crossing Varde Å, you first have to change to the left side of the road, then turn left. Between wind turbines and fish ponds it is again quite hilly to Oksbøl. There is a Primitive Teltplads (Broeng Fiskepark) by the fish ponds. After Oksbøl first cross a country road, then a railway line.

8 Oksbøl

~ Straight on into the center of the village, turn left on Dalgårdsvej. Straight ahead again out of town, bend to the right, cross Strandvejen in Faaresøvej, follow this out of town. The cycle path now mainly leads through the forest, first through the eel plantation, then turning once to the right and then immediately to the left, the path continues towards Kallesmærsk Hede, which is also used as a military training area.

~ Turning right, follow a small country road (Vejers Havvej) to Vejer on a cycle path that runs alongside the road. Due to target practice by the military, area closures and in some cases even road closures are to be expected around Vejers. Usually this only affects Kallesmærk Hede, which is only passed by the edge, and the beach between Vejers and Blåvand, the stretch of the North Sea Cycle Route is only affected in exceptional cases. Detailed information on Asphalt, but also fine gravel and forest paths.

9 Vejers There are several campsites, shops and a beach.

~ Immediately at the entrance to the village, turn right and follow a right bend through a wooded area, straight ahead towards Grærup. Shortly afterwards you will find Grærup Fiskesø to the right of the path and Grærup Strand Camping to the left. Continue straight on along the very quiet path through the forest and dunes past Grærup. Shortly afterwards you will find Børsmose Strand Camping on the right, slightly off the road. Mostly asphalt, but also gravel sections. After crossing a small road, continue straight on along the road along the bike path along the edge of Kæregård Klitplantage, Filsø is on the right. On to Henne.

Beach life in Henne Strand

10 hen

~ The road-accompanying cycle path leads directly to a country road before Henneby, cross it and then follow Gammel Strandvej, which leads to the right, at the end turn left. The path now leads past Henneby Camping on the right. Asphalt. If you want to make a detour to Henne Strand (also a camping site there), turn left on the country road as soon as you enter the town. (2 km one way). Henneby Strand has a very good tourist infrastructure, but also a lot of hustle and bustle.

~ Henneby is now being driven through, then it goes to the Blåberg Klitplantage in Lønne. Alternating asphalt and gravel.

Lønne -Søndervig: 42 km

Cycle path next to the disused tracks of the Vestbanen between Lonne and Nymindegab

3 Lønne

~ On the V. Hennebyvej into the village, at the T-junction turn left onto Houstrupvej. Follow this, past the campsite, cross the railway line. Turn left into a narrow path behind the church. Before / at a level crossing, turn right, follow the path that shortly afterwards leads back to the disused railway line, which is now only accessible with trolleys. Now follow this very beautiful, paved route continuously. Shortly before Nymindegab, at a level crossing, switch to the left side of the train tracks.

Sand paths - and again and again bunkers. Southern end of Holmsland Klit, heading south: Nymindegab can be seen in the background

4 Nymindegab - The regional border runs directly north of Nymindegab, you now leave Sønderjylland and come to Midjylland. The path now continues on the narrow Holmsland Klit spit, which separates the Ringkøbing Fjord from the North Sea over a length of 30 km. While you hardly ever get to see the sea, the fjord, which is actually a brackish lake, is now your constant companion to Søndervig on the right

~ The cycle path in Nymindegab leads right through the campsite, but first you have to squeeze through a very narrow jostling gate. Out of town it goes off the road 181 through dune areas, but after about 1 km back to the road, which is only followed for a few 100 m before the bike path continues over to the dike. The small towns of Hegnet, Bjerregård (campsite on the fjord bank), Skodberge, Haurvig are passed through in quick succession, later the campsites Nordsø Camping and Holmsland Klit Camping are on the bike path.

~ The route is continuously sandy, mostly hard sand, but in some depressions and curves there are deep sand holes - risk of falling! The almost 20 km are very curvy and have many small, sometimes steep, albeit short climbs. With a lot of luggage, with a child trailer or even for smaller children who cycle independently, this section can be very challenging, especially when (as is so often the case in the region) the wind comes from a north / north-westerly direction. Plan enough time!

~ Hundsted is driven through, at the northern end of which is Hvide Sande Camping, which already announces the approaching place. Shortly before Hvide Sande, the cycle path leads back along the country road.

11 Hvide Sands is a typical fishing spot on the canal from Ringkøbing Fjord to the North Sea and is also the supply center for the holiday home areas on Holmsland Klit.

Lyngvig fyr

~ From Hvide Sande, the cycle path signs appear to be a bit detoured, but consistently quiet and on paved, wide cycle paths to the outskirts. Going out of town it goes back on sandy paths through dune areas away from the country road to the beach access at Nørre Lyngvig Camping. However, if you want to spend the night there, you first have to cycle through the entire, huge campsite to the reception building, which is located on the country road.

~ The cycle path continues through dunes on sand and gravel towards the Lyngvig Fyr lighthouse (can be visited). Even after that you continue to drive through the dunes, soon after you come back to populated areas - which here usually means: holiday home region - you are in Søndervig. Continuous sandy paths to Søndervig.

Søndervig - Thorsminde: 38 km

From Søndervig to Thorsminde
Bike path at the height of the southern Vest Stadil Fjord

5 Søndervig - a typical tourist center in the region, the road to the beach is lined to the right and left by shops with souvenirs, beach toys and clothing, as well as snack bars and restaurants, a suitable place to be able to easily eat during a break. Camping site, supermarket, ATM (e.g. at the supermarket at the major intersection).

~ In Søndervig as soon as you enter the village, turn right once, then immediately left, then follow this road (first Fladsbjergvej) straight ahead to the center of the village.

~ If you don't want to take a break here in the tourist hustle and bustle, turn right and drive straight on to the intersection with road 15 and cross it straight on towards Ringkøbing. After approx. 500 m turn left on the cycle path that runs alongside the road and now continue north. Follow the small country road, a golf course on the left, Lodbjerg Hede on the right. The cycle path continues along the road, which now curves eastwards further inland, rising slightly between Stadil Fjord in the east and Vest Stadil Fjord Søndre Dyb in the west.

~ The cycle path now branches off to the left and follows a narrow path for several kilometers, which is sometimes borderline for use with a three-lane team or trike. Later, the cycle path turns into a gravel two-lane path on a small dam, which you also follow for several kilometers, past the Vest Stadil Fjord Mellom Dyb. When you reach the road, turn left towards Vedersø Klit (campsite), cross road 181.

12 Vester Husby

~ The villages of Vedersø Klit and Vester Husby are right next to each other. The cycle path crosses Vedersø Klit past the campsite and then circles Vester Husby in a curve to the west on sandy paths. Then turn left from Græmvej, the path now leads on forest paths through the Husby ditch plantation. In the forest just before Fjand turn left, shortly afterwards right again and into Fjand, which is, however, driven through quickly.

~ The cycle path now runs along the cycle path on the right-hand side along road 181 on the narrow spit of Bøvling Klit, which separates the Nissum Fjord east of the road from the North Sea. Follow the road to Thorsminde.

Torsminde - Thyborøn: 45 km

From Thorsminde to Thyborøn
On the road without a bike path - but with signs

So inconspicuous the place13 Thorsminde It might seem like a stop here, for the smokehouse (turn right before the lock to the inner harbor), for the Strandingsmuseum St. Georg or for a break at the beach or the pier. Anyone who has caught bad weather should consider a stop at the cyclist-friendly campsite (indoor band, beautiful covered kitchen area, etc.).

~ After Thorsminde, continue for about 5 km on the spit directly on the country road, then the Nissum Fjord ends. Stay on the country road, which is no fun due to the lack of hard shoulder / bike path in heavy traffic and / or headwind. It actually gets very slightly hilly as you approach Fjaltring.

6 Fjaltring - Worth seeing one after the other the old rescue station shortly before Fjaltring. Inside a small exhibition about the history of sea rescue services in the region: photos and newspaper clippings show the earlier work of the sea rescuers. Worth seeing on the further journey Fjaltring kirke and Trans kirke, finally Bovbjerg Fyr. In between there are numerous opportunities to look down at the beach from the edge of the cliff or to climb down to the beach via long, steep wooden stairs (don't forget: you have to go up again afterwards, which is not quite easy if your legs have already been from a longer stage are tired).

~ At Galleri Møller turn left from the country road, gravel road to Fjaltring. On the paved local road through Fjaltring, past the church, turn right there. At the next crossroads turn left, then on a hilly small country road towards Trans Kirke. At the church rest area and the possibility of climbing down a steep wooden staircase on the cliff to the beach. ~ Now the bike path leads very nicely on an asphalted narrow foot and bike path directly along the cliff to the lighthouse Bovberg Fyr. Rest area there, a cafe right by the lighthouse. Follow the path along the coast to Bovbjerg and Ferring. Alternating asphalt and gravel.

14 Ferring

~ Ferring is driven through on the Transvej, the church is on the right, shortly afterwards the Jens Søndergaards Museum on the left. Follow the road out of town again, then keep right on Gåskærvej. To the west is Ferring Sø. The path bends to the right, and it goes steeply for a short time, then continues gently uphill on a narrow country road. Shortly after a farm on the right side of the road, turn left at the next crossroads, continue on the winding, narrow country road, parallel to the railroad tracks, to Vejlby. In the village on the right-hand side of the accompanying cycle path, follow this left to the railroad tracks, turn right directly in front of it, Schmale Straße, mostly in close proximity to the railroad tracks, then on the small country road to Vrist.

7 Vrist - small place with supermarket, train stop and campsite. Anyone planning an overnight stay at the campsite in Thyborøn and If the wind is blowing from the east, you should consider stopping at the campsite in Vrist: The strong smells of the fishmeal factory in Thyborøn pull over the campsite there when the wind is blowing from the east, and it can be for a whole night to endure this odor-sensitive people can be a real challenge.

~ On the country road next to the railway line past Vrist to a T-junction, turn left there and cross the railway tracks. The path leads on the outskirts of Vrist and past Vesterhavs Camping, then it goes out to Harbøere Tange, the narrow headland between the North Sea and Limfjord, at the end of which lies Thyborøn. On a narrow, roughly asphalted bike path, you now go through a very pristine piece of nature with many lakes, some of which is a bird sanctuary. On the right at the edge of Harboøre Tange, however, the very controversial chemical plant is clearly visible Cheminova, which is also responsible for one of the largest environmental scandals in the region, in which mercury was dumped there from 1952 to the 1980s. The seemingly untouched nature still hides all sorts of contaminated sites in its soil. On the further journey you can soon see the chimneys of the Thyborøn fishmeal factory from afar, also a less beautiful sight. At least now you know from which wind direction the wind is coming.

Thyborøn - Hanstholm: 67km

From Thyborøn to Hanstholm
Thyborøn-Agger Tange Færge

15 ~ The cycle path leads down Vesterhavsgade into town, the campsite is on the right. Turn right at the church and follow Kirkevej, which turns into a path. At the end of this turn right onto Ærøvej, follow it to the ferry terminal.

~ Take the Thyborøn-Agger ferry across the Limfjord to Agger Tange. The ferry runs every full hour on weekdays from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m., in summer until 10 p.m., Sat only from 7 a.m., Sun and public holidays from 9 a.m. Travel time 10 minutes, return always 20 minutes later. Ticket 60 kr. (30 kr. Bike, 30 kr. Driver)

~ At the ferry dock on the north side you should first let all the cars from the ferry pass you, then you have the road on the Agger Tange to yourself until the next ferry arrives an hour later. On the Agger Tange straight ahead on the cycle path on the left.

16 Agger

~ In Agger, right in the village, turn right from the secondary route 181 onto the Krik Strandvej, follow this road to the next settlement. However, this course of the NSCR is not signposted - as in all of North Jutland, which begins here, the NSCR is not signposted, you have to follow DK 12 and then turn off it in Krik. Before Svankjær, DK 1 and NSCR will run on the same track again.

~ Alternatively, you can also follow the well-signposted DK 1 in Agger, which turns left onto a new, wide Betoneeg towards the sea before the village and then runs along a narrow spit between the sea and Flade Sø, later on gravel. Then the route is a bit detoured, but on good fine gravel paths through dunes, heather and forest areas through the Lodbjerg clit plantation, but a few kilometers longer than the route. Der NSCR ist. Noch vor Svankjær treffen beide Routen wieder aufeinander, dann weiter asphaltierter, hügeliger Nebenstraße. Vorteil ist die ruhigere und schöne, wesentlich küstennähere Streckenführung.

17 Svankær

~ In Svankær vorbei an der Kirche, direkt danach liegt links die Schule, gleich danach links abbiegen. Gleich folgend rechts abbiegen, jetzt führt der Radweg mitten durch die Hvidbjerg Klitplantage, dann die Stenbjerg Klitplantage.

18 Stenbjerg

~ Die Radwegebeschilderung führt durch Stenbjerg hindurch hinunter zum sehenswerten kleinen Hafen mit der historischen Rettungsstation. Wer allerdings auf diesen Anblick verzichten kann, sollte sich den Abstecher gut überlegen, denn es geht rasant hinunter zur Küste - und hinterher wieder entsprechend bergauf. Eine direkte Durchquerung des Ortes ist allerdings aufgrund nur kleiner Wege und vieler Sackgassen gar nicht so einfach, daher bietet es sich als Abkürzung an, am Campingplatz statt links hinunter zum Hafen rechts abzubiegen, hoch zum Kreisel, diesen an der vierten Ausfahrt wieder verlassen und abwärts fahren, bis rechts der Radweg weiter nach Nørre Vorupør ausgeschildert ist (nach etwa 400 m).

19 Nørre Vorupør

~ In Nørre Vorupør an der T-Kreuzung (rechts liegt die Kirche) links auf die Vesterhavsgade abbiegen, auf der man hinunter zum Hafen kommt. Wer auf dem Campingplatz übernachten will, sollte gleich am Supermarkt an der Kreuzung anhalten, da man sich hier für den Platz anmelden muss (Stand 2015). Auf der Vesterhavsgade kommt man am Campingplatz und an mehreren Ferienhausverleihern vorbei und endet am Strand, wo man ausgiebig die Möglichkeit hat, die typische Art der Fischerei dieser Orte zu betrachten: In Ermangelung eines Hafenbeckens werden hier wie auch in anderen Orten die Fischerboote auf den Strand gezogen. Der Strand von Nørre Vorupør ist eines der beliebtesten Fotomotive der Region, im Ort wegen der Boote, etwas weiter außerhalb wegen seiner Ursprünglichkeit und der enormen Ausdehnung. Ein Besuch der weit ins Meer herausführenden Mole, ein Bad im (kostenlosen) Meerwasserschwimmbecken direkt daneben, ein Eis am Strand und ein Einkauf in der Räucherei direkt am Strand sind gute Rast- und Stärkungsmöglichkeiten im Ort.

Nørre Vorupør verlässt man vom Strand/ Aquarium/ Räucherei aus über die wieder zur Landstraße hinaufführende Straße, von der man kurz vor der Einmündung in die Landstraße nach links in einen ausgeschilderten Radweg einbiegt. Eine Weile führt der Weg schön durch Dünen und Wald, dann geht es begleitend an der Sekundærrute 181 weiter. Den später folgenden Schlenker über Vangså kann man sich schenken, wenn man schneller vorankommen will, und fährt stattdessen weiter auf der Landstraße. Kurz darauf wieder begleitender Radweg, dann etwas weiter weg von der Landstraße nach Klitmøller hinein.

20 Klitmøller

~ Wer auf dem Campingplatz übernachten möchte oder den Ort besichtigen möchte, folgt gleich der ersten Zufahrt nach links in den Ort (dann gleich wieder links abbiegen) und folgt nicht der Umgehungsstraße, auf der die Radroute ausgeschildert ist, man vom Ort aber nichts zu sehen bekommt. Klitmøller als das "Cold Hawaii" Dänemarks ist jedoch nicht nur als weit über die Grenzen bekannter Surfspot sehenswert, sondern bietet auf den neu gestalteten Anlagen an der Strandpromenade und einer guten touristischen Infrastruktur auch eine sehr gute Rastgelegenheit für durchreisende Radler. It's worth it!

~ Die Vestkystruten folgt ortsauswärts Richtung Norden dann dem rechtsseitig begleitendem Radweg neben der relativ wenig befahrenen Sekundærrute 181 in 12 km direkt nach Hanstholm. Trotz Radweg an Straße eine schöne Strecke durch Dünenlandschaft, immer wieder mit Blick aufs Meer.

Hanstholm - Thorup Strand: 47 km

Von Hanstholm bis Blokhus, vor allem rund um die Vigsøbugt, aber auch um die westliche Jammerbugt, ist die Streckenführung der dänischen Nationalroute 1 im Vergleich zum restlichen Nordseeküstenradweg in Dänemark anspruchsvoller und einsamer, längere Abschnitte sind ohne touristische Infrastruktur. Die Route verläuft hier oft auf geschotterten Nebenstraßen bzw. führt für längere Abschnitte durch die Klitplantagen, auch hier meist Schotter, manchmal fährt man eher Piste als Radweg. Landschaftlich ist es eine sehr sehenswerte Gegend. Die NSCR/EuroVelo 12 führt im Gegensatz zur DK 1 weiter im Land entlang, ist aber nicht ausgeschildert.

21 Hanstholm - Das Zentrum des der Hafenstadt an der äußersten Nordwestspitze Dänemarks liegt oben auf dem Felsen, der den Hafen überragt. Wer den wenig spektakulären Ort oder das sehenswerte Bunkermuseum besuchen will, sollte gleich vor dem Ort der Ausschilderung Hanstholm, und nicht der Ausschilderung der DK 1 folgen. Im Ort kann man anschließend vom Bunkermuseum aus einfach dem Molevej bergab folgen, die Landstraße überqueren und bis zum Wasser hinunter fahren. Hier rechts auf die Straße abbiegen, die an Fischfabriken und der Kläranlage vorbei ortsauswärts führt.

~ Der Radweg führt innerorts einmal um die Klippe, auf der der Ort Hanstholm liegt, herum und verläuft nur durch Hafengebiet.

An der Küste östlich von Hanstholm

~ Nach einem kurzen geschotterten Wegabschnitt beginnt ein relativ neu angelegter Feinschotter-Radweg durch die Dünenlandschaft unterhalb der Steilküste, ein sehr schöner Streckenabschnitt (Stand 2015). Zwischendurch besteht die Möglichkeit, den (steilen) Aufgang zum Campingplatz zu bewältigen. Der Radweg endet am Vigsø Strand, auf kleiner Landstraße geht es dann hinein in den Ort.

8 Vigsø - kleiner Küstenort mit großen Ferienhaussiedlungen und einem Hotel

~ Im Ort immer links halten, schon ist man wieder hindurchgeradelt. Ortsauswärts zuerst etwa 2 km auf grob geschotterter Nebenstraße, die relativ viel befahren ist. Darauf folgt ein längeres Stück schöner Feinschotter-Radweg durch Dünengelände. Der Großteil der Strecke bis zum Bulbjerg muss allerdings auf tiefem, grobem Schotter (Stand 2015) gefahren werden. Kurz vor dem Bulbjerg wieder Asphalt.


The 22 Bulbjerg ist ein Kalkfelsen an der Küste der Jammerbugt und gilt als eines der touristischen Highlights in der Region. Der Nordseeküstenradweg führt an der Zufahrt zum Parkplatz am Bulbjerg vorbei (ca. 200 m).

~ Kurzzeitig kleine asphaltierte Landstraße ab Bulbjerg mit einem kurzen Anstieg, dann auf schadhaftem Asphalt, später wieder vorwiegend Schotterwege (2015 war dieser tief und locker und dadurch auf längeren Abschnitten schwieriger zu befahren) durch Klitplantagen, teilweise Asphalt.

Thorup Strand - Løkken: 60 km

9 Thorup Beach

10 Slettestrand

11 Rødhus

12 Blokhus - Nachdem die langen Schotterpisten vorbei sind und man nun ein wenig mehr auf Asphalt fahren konnte, kommt jetzt nochmals eine spannende Erfahrung: Auch wenn man es vorher weiß, reibt man sich etwas ungläubig die Augen, wenn der Radwegweiser einen in Blokhus plötzlich auf den Strand schickt, zudem inmitten eines (zumindest an sonnigen Wochenendtagen) unglaublichen Andrangs an PKWs, die den gesamten Strandabschnitt zwischen Blokhus und Løkken befahren dürfen. Mit einem beladenen Reiserad ist dies jedoch streckenweise kein Vergnügen, und 2015 war die Zufahrt für beladene Räder überhaupt nicht möglich, weil der trockene Sand in Blokhus zu tief war, als dass man hätte radeln können.

~ Es gibt aber auch eine weitere (offizielle) Streckenführung der DK 1 auf der Straße. Sie verläuft über Hune, Fårup und Ejersted, dann durch Ferienhaussiedlungen nach Grønhøj, wo man an den Strand geführt wird.

13 Grønhøj

~ Die folgenden etwa 12 km führt die internationale Radroute direkt am Strand entlang, doch da, wo Autofahrer mit Begeisterung den ungewohnten Untergrund nutzen, ist das nicht für jeden Reiseradler eine Freude. Wer einen Kinderanhänger zieht, mit kleineren selbstradelnden Kindern fährt oder ein schwer beladenes Rad fährt, sollte sich überlegen, ob man nicht besser eine alternative Route durchs Landesinnere sucht. Wer sich auf das Abenteuer einlässt, hat ein besonderes Erlebnis und spätestens in Løkken ein Auge dafür entwickelt, wie sich gut festgefahrener Sand von losem Sand, in dem man steckenbleibt, optisch von weitem unterscheidet...

Løkken - Hirtshals: 42 km

14 Løkken Touristischer Hotspot mit guter Infrastruktur. campsite

~ In Løkken endet die Streckenführung über den Strand und man wird über den Ny Strandvej, dann links abbiegen in die Søndergade in den Ort geführt.

~ Auf dem Furreby Kirkevej verlässt man, vorbei an der Furreby Kirke, den Ort und wird dann - vorbei an zwei Campingplätzen - über einen etwas unsinnigen Schlenker durch Furreby geführt. Vorheriges Kartenstudium erspart einem da möglicherweise einen unnötigen Weg. Auf ruhiger Nebenstraße nun nach Nørre Lyngby.

15 Nørre Lyngby

16 Lønstrup

Hirtshals - Skagen: 50 km

17 Hirtshals - Hafenstadt, Fährhafen. Radfahrende, die die große Runde um die Nordsee machen wollen, können hier mit der Fährverbindung nach Norwegen abkürzen.

18 Tversted

19 Skiveren

20 Hulsig - hier teilt sich der Weg auf. Wer die Nordspitze Dänemarks nicht sehen will, kann südlich abbiegen.

21 Skagen - Nördlichste Stadt Dänemarks


Besondere Sicherheitsrisiken birgt die Strecke nicht, Erfahrungen im Straßenverkehr und mit teilweise anspruchsvolleren Bodenverhältnissen (Schotter, Sand) vorausgesetzt. Die Warnung vor den Sandlöchern am Ende kleiner Abfahrten durch Dünengebiete, wie bereits obenstehend unter Wegzustand genannt, sei hier noch einmal wiederholt.

Ansonsten setzt die Befahrung der Strecke die üblichen Vorsichtsmaßnahmen auf einer Radreise voraus: Wetterschutz, Flickzeug, Vorausschau bei heranziehendem Sturm oder Gewitter. Den Wetterbericht regelmäßig online abzurufen ist bei der relativ guten Ausstattung mit freiem WiFi in Orten oder auf Campingplätzen selten ein Problem.

Ein nicht zu unterschätzender Risikofaktor ist der Gegenwind - zumindest für die gute Laune. Wer mehrere Tage gegen den Wind gefahren ist, verliert unter Umständen vorübergehend den Spaß am Radfahren. Daher sei davor gewarnt, dass man aufgrund der normalerweise vorherrschenden Windrichtung (tendenziell eher aus Norden) bei der hier geschilderten Fahrtrichtung ein größeres Risiko eingeht, auf genau diese Windbedingungen zu treffen. Dennoch sei diese Fahrtrichtung empfohlen, da man so von einer eher "langweiligen" Landschaft in die immer interessanteren Gebiete fährt und nicht umgekehrt: von interessant zu immer mehr "normal", halt "wie zuhause auch" (was Radler in Nord-Süd-Fahrtrichtung mehrfach bestätigten).


Skagen Station - nördlichster Bahnhof Dänemarks

Mit dem Rad hat man von Skagen, dem Ende der Vestkystruten und zugleich dem Ende (bzw. der äußersten Spitze) Jütlands nur eine Wahl: Statt weiter geht es nur zurück, zumindest bis Hulsig. Dort kann man auf die Østkystruten Richtung Frederikshavn wechseln.

Alternativ kann man in Skagen die Nebenbahn nach Frederikshavn nehmen, von wo man Anschluss ins restliche Jütland (und weiter nach Deutschland) hat.

who mit dem Schiff weiter möchte, muss entweder zurück nach Hirtshals, hier fahren Fähren nach Norway, to Island und auf die Färöer, oder weiter nach Frederikshavn, von wo aus Fähren nach Gothenburg in Schweden oder in die norwegische Hauptstadt Oslo drive.

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