Oberalppass - Oberalppass

Oberalp pass summit

The 2044 m high Oberalp Pass connects the place Andermatt im to the canton Uri belonging Urserental with Sedrun in the Vorderrhein Valley in the canton Grisons and is thus part of an east-west connection over the Gotthard massif.

Near the pass is with the 1 Lake Toma the source of the Vorderrhein.


Overview Oberalp - Furka - Gotthard Pass

The Oberalppass, with which you can go from Chur over the Vorderrhein Valley and Disentis to Andermatt im to the canton Uri belonging Urserental is an east - west connection over the Gotthard massif. The leads from the Urseren Valley Furka Pass further west and enables the connection to the Valais.

In Andermatt you can turn south and over the Gotthard pass road the Ticino to reach. To the north, a connection leads through the Schöllenen Gorge down to Altdorf, the capital of the canton Uri and the Lake Lucerne Region.

In 1926 the line became the Furka - Oberalpbahn over the Oberalppass completed; the pass height of 2044 m above sea level. is crossed with a short apex tunnel in a section prone to avalanches. The connection was long Valais not winter proof. The Steffenbachbrücke had to be dismantled at the onset of winter due to the avalanches going through the ravine every winter and rebuilt in spring. With the construction of the Furka Base Tunnel, the cross-connection is safe for winter. In 2003 the Furka-Oberalpbahn merged with the Brig-Visp-Zermatt-Bahn to form the Matterhorn-Gotthardbahn. The trains of the Glacier Express guided.

The first road connection over the Oberalp Pass was opened in 1862/63, but the pass is closed in winter; Car loading is then possible to a limited extent. The Road condition report from the Bündner Tiefbauamt or on the Swiss radio provides information about the navigability.

Road conditions

getting there

Glacier Express on the Oberalpsee
Matterhorn - Gotthard Railway

By train

The Oberalp Pass is supported by the Matterhorn - Gotthard Railway Used all year round, the website provides information on the operating status and timetable, and tickets can be ordered electronically in the "shop". The train station 1 Oberalp Pass lies at 2033 m above sea level.

  • Travel time from Basel with 2 changes to Göschenen and Andermatt: 3 h 44 min.Fare: 69.20 CHF, plus bike day ticket: 18.00 CHF.
  • Travel time from Andermatt: 20 min.Fare: 7.80 CHF, plus bike card: 7.80 CHF.
  • Travel time from Disentis / Mustér: 37 min.Fare: 10.40 CHF, plus bike card 10.40 CHF.

In the street

The H19 Oberalpstrasse winds right after it Andermatt (the one from the Autobahn A2 from Göschenenen via the H2 Schöllenenstrasse is reached) in serpentines with a number of tunnels steeply upwards, after the first steep ascent from Nätschen along the Oberalp - Reuss it goes leisurely upwards until the top of the pass is reached at Oberalpsee.

Coming from the east you pick up Chur resp. the end of the autobahn A13 at Reichenau the main road H19 above Flims (which is bypassed in tunnels), Ilanz and through the Surselva to Disentis. Here is the branch between that Lukmanier Pass and the Oberalp Pass. The road leads over into the valley Sedrun and begins to climb to Tschamut, from here the winter closure usually also applies.

By bicycle

The Oberalp Pass is not only popular with touring bikers, but also racing cyclists. Due to the high volume of traffic, especially on days with excursion weather, watch out for oncoming cars and especially motorbikes when descending the valley.
Cyclists are well advised not to follow the main road (via Flims the very busy road only demands unnecessary vertical meters if you don't explicitly intend to visit the place), but along the Rhine Gorge Versam to drive.

Summer activities

Signpost on the Oberalp Pass


From the Oberalp Pass you can go on hikes and tours in all directions.

Hikes to Lai da Tuma (Tomasee, 2345 m) over Badus hut (2503 m) or directly. From there it goes on to Maighelshütte (2310 m) - 1.5 hours. · Andermatt - bike and hiking flyer

The Tomasee between Oberalppass and Val Maighels is particularly attractive. This is where the origin of the Vorderrhein lies.Where the Vorderrhein rises

To go biking

Along the Oberalpstrasse between Andermatt and Disentis/ There is no cycle path in Mustér, you have to use the main road. It is therefore advisable to use the train for the ascent from Andermatt or Disentis / Mustér.

Mountain bike

Activities in winter

To ski

With the construction of the gondola lift on the Schneehüenerstock, a connection between the ski areas of Andermatt (with the railways on the Gütsch) and Sedrun (with the Calmut and Cuolm Val chairlifts) that SkiArena Andermatt - Sedrun has thus experienced a great appreciation with a huge contiguous area.

SurnamephoneAltitudeNumber of small and large cabin liftsNumber of small and large cabin liftsNumber of chairliftsNumber of chairliftsNumber of drag liftsNumber of drag liftsKilometers of slopes easyKilometers of slopes easyAverage kilometers of slopesAverage kilometers of slopesKilometers of slopes difficultKilometers of slopes difficultKilometers of freestyle pistesKilometers of freestyle pistesΣ
SkiArena Andermatt-Sedrun 41 (0)58 200 68 681,444 - 2,600 m5951616231570 km

Tour suggestions

to the west into the Rhone Valley: Andermatt - Furka Pass - Brig-Glis - Lake Geneva

of Andermatt to the north into the Reuss valley and to the Lake Lucerne

of Andermatt to the south: St. Gotthard Pass - Ticino

to the northeast through the Vorderrhein Valley: Disentis - Chur - Lake Constance

  • Car: the Oberalpstrasse runs in serpentines H19 down to Tschamut and then follows the valley floor Sedrun to Disentis
  • Train: With the Matterhorn-Gotthard-Bahn to Disentis, the connecting train of the Rhaetian Railway to Chur is waiting here.
  • Bicycle: On the Rhine route 2 always down on the Vorderrhein (see Rhine cycle path). To Ilanz the route is continuously sloping, easy ascent over to Versam and then along the Rhine Gorge to Reichenau and Chur.

Detour: Lukmanier Pass - Biasca

  • Along the In there Medel (Medelserrhein), the longest headwaters of the Rhine, to the Lukmanier Pass leads the route through one of the most beautiful pass landscapes in Switzerland. over Olivone and Acquarossa becomes Biasca reached in Ticino.
The Hell Gorge are worth seeing (Medelserschlucht, Las Ruinas), the Fümatsch waterfall, the Lai da Sontga Maria reservoir, the Lukmanierpasshöhe (1915 m, Pass dil Lucmagn, Passo del Lucomagno)
  • Bicycle: Ascent on the main road of the Lukmanier Pass with an altitude of approx. 800 meters.


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