Industrial Heritage Route - Route der Industriekultur

The Route of industrial culture - industrial nature lists stations of the Industrial Heritage Route that deal particularly with the topic of nature on former industrial sites.


Theme route 24
Industrial nature
One of Anchor points: Landscape Park Duisburg-Nord
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RIKTheme route 24
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The route of industrial culture represents as Holiday route in the Ruhr area special industrial monuments and areas of the industrial landscape in the form of road routes for motor vehicles and also for that bicycle in front. In addition to the Anchor points, which form the backbone of the route, convey the Themed routes always a special topic, a local area or something special in the history of the Ruhr area.

The theme route with the number 24 "industrial nature" shows that nature and industry are not a contradiction but are closely related. Even while an industrial area is being used, nature finds nooks and crannies to settle in; after the use of the area is over, this can continue undisturbed. In the process, the conditions have often changed: the soil is compacted, residues from production change the composition and properties, and the remaining buildings act as a backdrop. Rare plants and animals settle here and offer the visitor a small, closed and unfamiliar world. As part of the route of industrial culture, on the one hand, specific plantings were carried out at the sites, on the other hand, certain sections were left completely to their own devices. In addition, the Ruhrverband takes care of road safety on the brownfield sites.


The Ruhr area offers the service facilities and accommodation options of a big city. If that's not enough or because it is fully booked / expensive due to local events, you can switch to the surrounding regions: Lower Rhine and Münsterland.

Information on the individual stations of the themed route 24 can be found in the RIK's official travel guide (see literature), the respective anchor point or the corresponding one website.

In addition, the Ruhrverband has a number of PDF files on the locations (Overview) and offers them in the Download area at. The flyers show on the first page the route with directions to the current location and on the second page a sketch of the location with background information on the landscape, animals and plants.

The anchor points are also to be understood as the first point of contact for information seekers:

  • Landscape Park Duisburg-Nord (LaPaDu), Duisburg, Emscherstraße 71 (Tram 903, bus 906/910: Landschaftspark Nord). Tel.: (0)203 4291919, Fax: (0)203 4291945, Email: . Landscape park on the former hut area, lots of nature, light scenarios, guides through the industrial culture, Bike rental, Use of the halls for cultural events, challenging diving area in the gasometer, climbing garden in the ore storage bunker, high rope course in the casting hall, observation tower on the blast furnace.Open: freely accessible all year round except for special events; Visitor center: Mon-Fri 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Sat, Sun & public holidays: 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.
  • Zollverein colliery, 45309 Essen, Gelsenkirchener Strasse 181 (Tram 107 to "Kapitelwiese", "Zollverein" or "Abzweig Katernberg", parking lots A1 and A2, GPS: Ernst-Schupp-Allee). Tel.: (0)201 246810, Fax: (0)201 2468242, Email: . 2001 to World Heritage declared, well-known icon of earlier mining; Most of the facilities have been preserved and supplemented with modern new buildings, various event and exhibition halls, the location of the Ruhr Museum and the red dot design museum, monument path, Erich Brost pavilion, RevierRad station, Cafe Kohlenwasher, Casino Zollverein.Open: The site is freely accessible all year round.Price: Booking of guided tours (€ 4 - € 15, depending on the scope) and information material in the Ruhr Visitor Center.
  • Henrichshütte (Westf. State Museum for Industrial Culture), 45527 Hattingen, Werksstrasse 31-33. Tel.: (0)2324 9247140, Email: . In 1987 the last blast furnace was blown out, today it is the centerpiece of the industrial museum with a great view. The show factories are active from April to October, including a show foundry. Many themed trails: iron, steel, rat (for children), green trail (industrial nature). In addition, information about the people who worked here and who also opposed the closure. Blower hall is used for events.
  • Nightingale colliery (Westf. State Museum for Industrial Culture), 58452 Witten, Nachtigallstrasse 35. Tel.: (0)2302 936640, Email: . Here the beginnings of mining can be seen in the visitor mine (only with a guide) and with the help of a small mine. Also: the Ruhr Valley Railway station, exhibition "The Path in the Deep", steam engine in the machine house, brickworks, the Ruhr shipping is thematized with coal depletion and a replica of a Ruhrnache, the museum is also the information point of the Geopark and the Muttental begins right behind it.
  • Hansa coking plant, 44369 Dortmund, Emscherallee 11 (U47 from Do-Hbf in the direction of Westerfilde to "Parsevalstraße", then a 10-minute walk.). Tel.: (0)231 93112233. Former coking plant, preserved buildings partially renovated and accessible during a guided tour, there is a free audio guide for the site. Headquarters of the Foundation for Monument Preservation, exhibitions in the compressor hall, days of action such as extra shift, big ones climbing hall. The Montan flea markets on Ascension Day are a real insider tip.Open: Mon closed, April to Oct. Tue-Sun 10 a.m. - 6 p.m., otherwise only until 4 p.m.Price: site freely accessible (parts closed due to the risk of accidents), guided tours € 5-20.

getting there

The Ruhr area is easy to reach, nearby airports are in Dusseldorf or Dortmund, both have rail connections. There is a high density of motorways, federal highways and railways. Important hubs with long-distance connections are the main train stations in Duisburg, Mülheim an der Ruhr, eat, Hagen and Dortmund. There are several motorways for motor vehicles (A 1, A 2, A 3, A 40, A 42, A 43, A 44, A 45) with corresponding departures, important: the Ruhr area is largely one Environmental zone, which only allows the entry of vehicles with certain badges (current status can be found in the respective city article under arrival!).

Here we go

House Ripshorst
Garden in the bunker, LaPaDu
  • House Ripshorst (Emscher Landscape Park information center), 46117 Oberhausen, Ripshorster Strasse 306. Tel.: (0)208 8833483, Fax: (0) 208 8833486, Email: . Old manor near the Rhine-Herne Canal and the Emscher, information, excursions and events to the landscape park, small cafe, RevierRad bike station with rental bicycles, 2km long woody garden with rare species e.g. ambergris the tulip tree.
  • Fallow Vondern, Oberhausen, Arminstrasse (north) or Einbeckstrasse (east) or Haus Ripshorst (south). Fallow land on the site of the former Vondern colliery, between Emscher / Rhine-Herne Canal and Autobahn 42. Important north-south connection between Haus Ripshorst and the Vondern settlement or Vondern castle. Art objects near and far, path with blue ribbon, industrial forest, remains of the demolished colliery.


  • Frintrop track park (Flyer)
The dumps and fallow land between the colliery and the coking plant are particularly interesting, see also the Industrial nature flyer
  • Mechtenberg landscape park (Flyer)
  • Stockpile Rheinelbe, Gelsenkirchen-Ückendorf, Leithestrasse. Pointed cone with very good all-round visibility (40 meters above the area, no trees above) and the "heavenly staircase" by Herman Prigann on top as well as one bizarre Sculpture forest by the same artist and the Rheinelbe forest station, both located north of the heap, Flyer.
  • Hoheward landscape park, Entrances in Herten. At the Handweiser / Ewaldstraße / Im Emscherbruch, in Recklinghausen. Cranger Street. Large renatured area with two heaps: Hoppenbruch (Wind turbine with sculptures, MTB cross country / freeride circuit 3.5km) and Hoheward (Obelisk as sundial, horizon observatory, dragon bridge, circumferential balcony promenade), the latter is still being piled up.
  • Hanover colliery I / II / V - Park King's Pit (Flyer)
  • West Park in Bochum (Flyer)
  • Hallerey nature reserve (Flyer)
  • Beversee nature reserve (Flyer)
  • 'Stockpile Saxony


Although the paths on the industrial wastelands have been secured and are regularly maintained, you should use common sense there: watch out for unsafe areas and material lying around, do not leave the paths and do not exercise around in the remains of the building.



  • Birgit Ehses ; Regional association Ruhr (Ed.): Industrial nature; Vol.24. eat, 2009, Industrial heritage route, ISBN 978-3-932165-69-6 .


  • Regional association Ruhr (Ed.): Atlas of industrial culture, Ruhr area. eat, 2005 (2nd edition), Industrial heritage route, ISBN 3-932165-42-X ; 182 pages. Din A4, 89 text pages, 42 single maps 1: 50,000, selected city center maps 1: 20,000
  • Regional association Ruhr (Ed.): Route of industrial culture by bike. eat, 2010 (revised and updated), Industrial heritage route, ISBN 978-3-932 165-91-7 . Ring binder with 28 single cards 1: 50,000 and text section, selected city center maps 1: 20,000

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