Southeastern Sicily - Sicilia sudorientale

Southeastern Sicily
Southeast Sicily - Location

Southeastern Sicily is a territory of the region Sicily.

To know

Territories and tourist destinations

37 ° 12′0 ″ N 14 ° 41′24 ″ E
Southeastern Sicily

      Syracusan - The Syracusan extends in the south-eastern part with the extreme point of Pachino.
      Ragusano - It is the southernmost territory of the island.
      Ennese - This territory is located in the heart of the island.
      Gelese - Border territory with Ragusa and Western Sicily.

Urban centers


Caltagirone ceramic vase
  • 1 Caltagirone (Cartaggiruni, Caltagiruni or Cattaggiruni in Sicilian, Qalat-al-Ghiran in Arabic) — unesco The city is famous for the production of colorful ceramics.
  • 2 Centuripe (Centuorbi in Sicilian) - Urbanistically star-shaped town with several Roman monuments and a valuable archaeological museum. Defined by Garibaldi "balcony of Sicily".
  • 3 Cerami (Cirami in Sicilian, Keràmion in Greek)
  • 4 Enna (Castrugiuvanni in obsolete Sicilian, Qasr Yanna in Arabic) - The highest provincial capital of Italy as well as the center of Sicily.
  • 5 Leonforte (Liunforti in Sicilian)
  • 6 Militello in Val di Cataniaunesco This city is part of the UNESCO Baroque cities of southeastern Sicily and has many churches and buildings of valuable Baroque. The surrounding area is dotted with necropolis and places to explore.
  • 7 Mineo - In addition to being the hometown of writers Luigi Capuana is Giuseppe Bonaviri, Mineo has several archaeological sites, including necropolis, ancient cities and castles.
  • 8 Piazza Armerinaunesco The city is famous for its mosaics Roman villa of the Casale.

Coast on the Ionian Sea

  • 9 Augusta (Aùsta in Sicilian) - Important commercial and military port.
  • 10 Melilli (Miliddi in Sicilian) - Baroque town of Syracuse.
  • 11 Knownunesco The stone garden, the most vivid example of Sicilian Baroque.
  • 12 Pachino (Bachinu or Pachinu in Sicilian) - Located in the southernmost point of the island
  • 13 Priolo Gargallo (Priolu in Sicilian)
  • 14 Syracuse (Sarausa in Sicilian) - unesco City rich in history and home of Archimedes

Coast on the Sicilian Sea

  • 15 Butera (Vutera in Sicilian, Būtīrah in Arabic)
  • 16 Caltagirone (Cartaggiruni, Caltagiruni or Cattaggiruni in Sicilian)
  • 17 Gela - In the past an important Greek polis of which some remains are visible.
  • 18 Ispica (Ispica or Spaccafurnu in Sicilian)
  • 19 Modica (Muòrica in Sicilian, Mūdhiqa in Arabic) — unesco
  • 20 Pozzallo (Puzzaddu in Sicilian, Marsa as Deramini in Arabic)
  • 21 Ragusa (Raùsa in Sicilian, Ragus or Rakkusa in Arabic) — unesco
  • 22 Scicli (Scichili in Sicilian, Siklah in Arabic) — unesco with a historic center that is included in the list of World Heritage Sites.

Other destinations

How to get

How to get around

What see

Donnafugata Castle
  • 1 Donnafugata Castle, Contrada Donnafugata (At 400 meters there is the train station that allows you to reach the site also from Modica or Ragusa. By bus through the Tumino company, timetables are available here. By car there is also a paid parking in front of the entrance.), 39 0932 619333, @. Ecb copyright.svg€ 6 full, € 3 reduced. Simple icon time.svgTue-Sun 9: 00-13: 00 and 14: 00-17: 00 (in summer the opening hours are extended). Improperly defined as a castle, this nineteenth-century building is actually a sumptuous residence that belonged to the rich family of Arezzo De Spuches. The interiors are well decorated and furnished and best reconstruct the atmosphere of the Sicilian nobility whose reference to the "Leopard" seems inevitable. Outside you can also visit the garden with a masonry labyrinth. Donnafugata Castle has often been used as a film set for both the Inspector Montalbano series and other films and is certainly one of the attractions not to be missed. Donnafugata Castle on Wikipedia Donnafugata castle (Q1048852) on Wikidata


What to do

Events and parties

23AprilFeast of St. GeorgeTO Modica
March AprilHoly WeekTO Enna
May-JulyClassical representationsGreek Theater of Syracuse
halfJuneAt full volumeExhibition of books and literature a Ragusa
28-29JuneFeast of St. PaulTO Palazzolo Acreide
2JulyFeast of Maria SS. of the VisitationTO Enna
JulyOrtigia Film FestivalTO Syracuse
8-10 AugustFeast of San SebastianoTO Palazzolo Acreide
12,13 and 14AugustPalio of the NormansTO Piazza Armerina
15 AugustFeast of the AssumptionTO Syracuse
half AugustPalio of the seaTO Syracuse
last Sunday ofOctoberAgrimontanaTO Palazzolo Acreide
13 and 20 December Feast of Saint LuciaCelebrated a Syracuse

At the table


Those who travel by car along the secondary roads of the hinterland must necessarily consider the disastrous conditions of the internal roads. Various arteries connecting the mountain areas are subject to landslides which also involved certain sections of the corresponding state roads. Much worse the situation in the provincial roads that show visible signs of deformation of the surface with sudden depressions or the absence of asphalt for several meters. These dangers are often poorly reported or even unreported. Motorists traveling on internal roads are recommended to always proceed at moderate speed to avoid damaging the car or going off the road. In case of heavy rain it is not recommended to avoid the most exposed roads.

All the other roads on the island, especially the coastal ones, do not present any danger. The connections are generally good except to find, at times, a barely legible or almost completely erased road markings.

Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Southeastern Sicily
  • Collaborate on CommonsCommons contains images or other files on Southeastern Sicily
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