Glasstrasse - Glasstraße

Glass street logo

The Glass Street performs Eastern Bavaria


Map of Glasstrasse

Glasstrasse was founded in 1997. It stretches for about 250 kilometers through the whole Eastern Bavaria, from Pen country through the Upper Palatinate Forest and the Bavarian forest. The route runs through wooded areas, the wood was needed in earlier centuries as an energy source by glassmakers and glass refiners.


getting there

The Glasstraße is not a holiday route with only one route, there are places that are out of the way like Amberg and again and again there are loops and variants that connect the individual places with each other. Depending on your own interests and time frame, it is advisable to define your own route to the stations of the Glasstraße. Any place on the route is suitable as the start or end of a stage.

Here we go

The locations of the Glasstrasse are arranged from north to south.

Pen country

1 Waldsassen

2 Mitterteich

Upper Palatinate Forest

3 Tirschenreuth

4 Windischeschenbach

5 Plößberg

  • Plößberg Glass Melting Furnace Museum

6 Neustadt an der Waldnaab

  • Stadtmuseum Neustadt an der Waldnaab

7 Altenstadt an der Waldnaab

8 Willows in the Upper Palatinate

9 Schönsee

10 Oberviechtach

11 On the mountain

12 Winklarn

13 Waldmünchen

14 Neunburg vorm Wald

15 Gleißenberg

16 Furth in the forest

17 Eschlkam

18 Neukirchen near the Holy Blood

19 Cham

Bavarian forest

20 Lam

21 Arrach

22 Lohberg

23 Arnbruck

24 Drachselsried

25 Prackenbach

26 Viechtach

27 Ground corn

  • Joska crystal garden in Bodenmais

28 Zwiesel

Crystal glass pyramid Zwiesel
  • Glass pyramid from Zwiesel Kristallglas
  • Forest Museum Zwiesel

29 Sankt Englmar

30 Frauenau

Front Bavarian Forest

31 rain

32 Rinchnach

33 Spiegelau

Spiegelau Glass Center
  • Spiegelau Glass Center, Hauptstrasse 2-4, 94518 Spiegelau. Tel.: 49 (0)8553 24191. a factory outlet, there are special items at low prices, a large selection of Spiegelau glasses, porcelain, jewelry, watches and accessories.Open: Monday to Friday 10 a.m. - 6 p.m., Saturday 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.

34 Church village in the forest

35 Sankt Oswald-Riedlhütte

36 Philippsreut

37 Grafenau

38 Hohenau

39 Haidmühle

40 Hinterschmiding

41 Freyung

42 Grainet

43 Saldenburg

44 Neureichenau

45 Waldkirchen

46 Jandelsbrunn

47 Vilshofen

48 Passau

Passau Glass Museum
  • Passau Glass Museum




Web links

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