Bursfelde Monastery - Kloster Bursfelde

Bursfelde Benedictine Abbey
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Bursfelde Monastery is an old monastery complex in Weser Uplands.


The monastery Bursfelde is a former Benedictine monastery about 18 km north of Hann. Münden on the Weser, at the foot of the Bramwald. There is a small housing estate around the monastery, around 40 people in total live in the village and monastery of Bursfelde.

Western church

In 1093 the monastery was built as a Benedictine abbey by the Counts of Northeim and first with monks from the Corvey Monastery occupied. It was built at the confluence of the Nieme in the Weser, at the foot of the Bramburg above, built by the same family Hemelnwhich also served to protect the monastery. In addition to prayer, which was intended to serve the count's salvation in particular, the monks were particularly active in the field of science and school, less than usual in the field of agriculture.

In 1144, Heinrich the Lion, Duke of Guelph, received Bursfelde Monastery, but he cared little about it. From 1150 onwards, also in the course of the general decline of the Benedictine monasteries, Bursfelde began to lose importance, even if it was able to hold up economically for a long time with its widespread possessions. From that time there are still records of numerous descendants from the noble families of the region, such as those from Uslar, but also on the upscale Göttinger Bourgeoisie. In 1398, however, only 4 monks were recorded, from 1402 the monastery seems to have become insignificant.

As of 1443, the monastery was revitalized again as part of the Benedictine reform movement. Starting from Bursfelde and the monasteries in Clus at Bad Gandersheim and Reinhausen Goettingen the Bursfeld Congregation was founded, which wanted to return to the original Benedictine rules of life and, for example, rejected the private property of the monks and abbots. By 1530 this congregation had 95 member monasteries, giving Bursfelde a powerful position within the religious associations.

But with the Reformation the decline of many monasteries began, including that of Bursfelde. After the abbots and thus also the monastery changed their affiliation to Protestantism and then again to Catholicism, the monastery finally became Protestant with the Peace of Westphalia in 1648, which it has remained until today.

The buildings are now owned by the Hanover Monastery Chamber, and the Evangelical Regional Church of Hanover is responsible for the spiritual center in the monastery. Since 1828 the abbot title of the Bursfelde Monastery has always been awarded to the professor of theology at the University of Göttingen. During his term of office, the abbot thus has the right to reside in Bursfelde, in which no other monks live, plus the right to a pulpit and the usual rights and duties of an evangelical ordained clergyman.

In the monastery, monastic life is maintained today by the spiritual center through an offer of silence and the adjoining conference center.

getting there

For national travel, please read the article Hemeln and Hann. Münden note.

By bus

In the street

By boat

The monastery seen from the Weser

The monastery and village are located directly on the Weser, so that Water hikers you can go up the few steps to the monastery directly from the small pier on the river.

By bicycle

Also the Weser cycle path leads directly past the monastery on the country road - assuming you are on the eastern side of the Weser.

On foot

The Bursfelde monastery is a place of pilgrimage on the Loccum-Volkenroda pilgrimage route.


Map of Bursfelde Monastery

In Bursfelde everything is just a few meters apart, the place consists of only a few houses and the monastery grounds. However, the paths are not level and it is not ideal terrain for people who rely on a walker. However, it is only a few steps from the parking lot on the monastery grounds to the church, so that this path can also be mastered for people with reduced mobility.

Tourist Attractions

Bursfelde monastery conference center
  • Monastery church. The monastery church is the most completely preserved of the monastery complexes St. Thomas and Nicholas with a western and an eastern church. Two church towers were added to the Romanesque nave of the basilica in the 19th century.
  • Monastery complex


1 Landing stage, Paddling on the Weser It can be done perfectly from Bursfelde, but there is no boat rental on site. But if you want to use your own (or rented) boat, you will find good conditions here.


There are no shops in Bursfelde. A supermarket can be found, among other places, in about 10 km to the north Gieselwerder or in 12 km to the east Dransfeld. There is a wide range of shops in Hann. Münden approx. 17 km south and in Goettingen approx. 25 km east.


  • Individual travelers can take part in meals in the conference house of the Spiritual Center by prior arrangement if this is occupied by groups.


  • The Klostermühle (see above) offers overnight accommodation for up to 14 guests. SR 38, DR 55 - 65 €, all rooms with shower / toilet.
  • 1  Pilgrims' hostel in the Bursfelde monastery. Tel.: 49 151 12 04 07 59, Email: . 20 beds, only for pilgrims with a pilgrim pass (available in the monastery). Pre-registration makes sense if you want to make sure that you get a place to sleep. No catering facilities, also no shopping facilities on site. The pilgrims' hostel is unheated..Open: € 12 per person / night.
  • 2  Conference house, The oasis of the Bursfelde monastery conference center. Tel.: 49 5544 1688. Individual guests can find accommodation in the 4 oasis rooms on the top floor of the conference building.


Spiritual Center Bursfelde Monastery, Klosterhof 5, 34346 Hann. Münden OT Bursfelde. Tel.: 49 55 44 16 88, Fax: 49 55 44 17 58, Email: . Spiritual center and conference center, courses on spiritual topics as well as courses offered by the University of Göttingen take place.


A doctor's practice is located 6 km north on the Weser Oedelsheim, a hospital in 17 km to the north Uslar and in Hann. Münden, 17 km south.

Practical advice


A public one 1 Toilet can be found in the large barn facing the street, which also houses the pilgrims' hostel.


Mill square in Gieselwerder
  • In the nearby Oedelsheim can be crossed with a small ferry to the western bank of the Weser. There is also an indoor swimming pool in the small town.
  • On the other side of the Weser lies a little further downstream Gieselwerder with an outdoor pool and the small mill square, which is well worth seeing, where the miniatures of numerous castles and town halls from Hesse, but also from all over Germany, can be viewed.
  • Even in a few kilometers upstream Hemeln you can cross over to the western bank, but before that you shouldn't miss to take a break in the old inn by the ferry.
  • Once you've crossed over, it's worth taking a trip to Sababurg in the Reinhardswald.
  • Upstream, at the confluence of the Fulda and Werra to the Weser, the half-timbered town is worthwhile Hann. Münden a visit.
  • The closest major cities are the university city Goettingen, at their university the abbot of Bursfelde heads the theological faculty, and the northernmost Hessian city, kassel.


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