Ortler Alps - Ortleralpen

The Ortler Alps are predominantly in Italy, South-Tirol, partly also in the Lombardy and to a small extent also in the canton Grisons in the Switzerland. The mountain group is one of the most extensive and most heavily glaciated mountain regions in the Eastern Alps. The core region is Ortler group with the Ortler, at 3,905 m the highest mountain in South Tyrol and the second highest mountain in the Eastern Alps.

Etschtal with Ortler group from Naturner Sonnenberg


Location map of Northern Italy
Ortler Alps
Ortler Alps
  • Mountain ridges:
  • Umbrail group, named after the Piz Umbrail (3033 m),
  • Side valleys to the west, on and on Etschtal:


  • Solda (1906 m) mountain village and tourist center at the foot of the Ortler;
  • Stilfs (1,033 - 3,905 m) holiday resort on the Stilfser Joch;

in the Martell Valley: Martell (1312 m);

Farmhouse in St. Moritz / Ultental

in the Ultental:

  • St. Gertraud (1501 m) highest place in the rear valley area;
  • St. Moritz, Hamlet in the Schwemmalm ski area, with the oldest chapel in the region;
  • St. Pankraz (735 m), capital of the valley, summer resort;

In the adjoining border valleys (a selection):

Other goals


The Ortler Alps are part of the Central Alps, they range from the upper ones Valtellina in the southwest about 90 km to Etschtal in the east and from Vinschgau in the north about 30 km to Val di Sole in the south.

Highest mountain is the Ortler (3,905 m), the most elegant mountain is the ice pyramid of the King tip (3851 m).

The region is strong glaciated. Of over one hundred glaciers, the Forno Glacier on the south side of the main ridge is approx. 6 km long, 800 - 900 m wide and approx. 8.5 km² in area, the largest in the mountains and at the same time the largest single glacier in Italy.

Economically For a long time, the area lived exclusively from agriculture (dairy farming and cattle breeding) and forestry, they are still important sources of income today. Until modern times, the region was poorly developed in terms of transport technology due to the deeply cut, avalanche-prone valley flanks and with narrow valley bottoms, and it was difficult to manage, plus the extremes of the high mountain climate. As a result, the population was pretty poor. The situation only improved with alpine tourism at the beginning of the twentieth century. The adjoining border valleys with their favorable climate for fruit and wine growing and fertile valley floors (Etschtal, Veltlin, Überetsch) have always been economically much better off.

wintry Corvo lake (2500 m) on Rabbijoch

The whole region of the mountain is rich in water with a variety of reservoirs and hydropower plants. However, these are not welcomed by the locals: The systems impair the landscape, and since the operators come from "outside", the economic benefit for the region remains low.


getting there


Tourist Attractions

Stelvio National Park


Lakes and bodies of water

  • Zufrittsee (1850 m), reservoir in the Martell valley;



A few Advice for hikers in the high mountains:

  • Do not hike alone without mountain experience and take your time, enjoy nature.
  • Let your host know the destination of the hike and let them advise you on the tour and the weather
  • Do not be on your way too late and do not take supposed shortcuts that you are not familiar with on the way. Follow the markings when hiking in the mountains.
  • When choosing equipment, always think about the bad weather, never the good. Sturdy mountain boots and thick weather protection are the first prerequisites. Sufficient sun protection and drinks are also essential.
  • A small pharmacy with first aid material for yourself and for the other hikers is also necessary.
  • in the EMERGENCY Rescue services, water rescue service, monitored rescue service: Tel. No. 19222;

More detailed information for equipment and behavior in the mountains, see also the article Rockclimbing;



Haselgruber Hut (2425 m)

List of mountain huts of the Alpine Club South Tyrol (AVS) and des Club Alpino Italiano (C.A.I) as well as private huts for hikers and mountaineers. Most of the huts are only open in summer (from May / June to October). Before the ascent, it is best to call the hut staff again to make sure it is really open. A reservation is useful and welcomed, but then please, too cancel againwhen coming is not possible.

  • Haselgruberhütte. 2425 m, on the Rabbijoch, closed in winter.

Accommodation in the valley: see at the Localities;




Lahnersäge National Park House (St. Gertraud)

The climate in the mountains ranges from the temperate and almost Mediterranean zone of the mild and protected South Tyrolean alpine valleys with fruit and wine cultivation to the extreme climatic zones in the glaciated high alpine area over 3000 m altitude, some mountain peaks even almost reach the four-thousand-meter mark.



  • Vinschgau (1:50 000). compass, hiking map, ISBN 3-87051-058-7 . with short guide;
  • Ultental / Val die Ultimo (1:25 000). compass, Hiking, bike and ski tour map, ISBN 3854914881 . with short guide;
  • TABACCO: ORTLES-CEVEDALE, Ortler area; Topographic hiking map 1: 25000;

Web links

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