Venice - Venetië

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Venice is a metropolis with several neighborhood items, each of which includes attractions, dining, entertainment, and accommodations.

Venice, Venice in Italian, is the capital of the region Venice in the Northeast of Italy on the Adriatic Sea.

Venetië (Italië)
Position of Venice in Italy.
Aerial Photo: Venice


Venice is one of the most romantic places in the world and a popular honeymoon destination, despite the fact that there are more tourists than residents. Venice the birthplace of Antonio Vivaldic and Marco Polo and has attractions such as the famous St. Mark's Square with his Campanile, the Ponte Rialto and the Ponte dei Sospiric. Furthermore, Venice is a starting point for the world famous beach lido and the islands Murano and Burano. The laguna veneta still looks like it did hundreds of years ago. Who wouldn't want to be paddled around in one of the gondolas with red heart-shaped seats?

As Venice is one of the most popular destinations in the world, attracting more than 25 million tourists a year, mainly foreigners, you can expect very high prices for food, drinks and lodging near major attractions. A drink on a terrace for a family with two children easily costs €25.00. But in the quieter neighborhoods you can also easily sit on a small terrace for Dutch prices (or even less).

Venice covers an area of ​​415.9 km², it is located at an altitude of 2.56 m above sea level and it has a population of 264,736.

Venice has been on the World Heritage List of the since 1987 UNESCO.

Venice borders the following municipalities: Campagna Lupia, Cavallino-Treporti, Chioggia, Jesolo, Marcon, Martellago, Mira, Mogliano Veneto (TV), Musile di Piave, Quarto d'Altino, Scorze and Spinea.

Patron Saint: Mark the Evangelist, November 21st.


Venice is also a popular place as a setting for feature films. Movies like Death in Venice, Don't Look Now and The Italian Job play (almost) entirely in Venice, and can quickly make you long for a visit to this city. Furthermore, several James Bond films are partly set in Venice; this is how Sean Connery sails along the Bridge of Sighs in the last scene of From Russia With Love, Daniel Craig bobs about it Grand Canal in Casino Royale, and Roger Moore hovercraft rips it St. Mark's Square on in moonraker. Another fictional visitor to the city is Indiana Jones. Pink Floyd gave a concert (A Momentary Lapse of Reason) in Venice in 1989 at the Bacino San Marco which was broadcast live all over the world.


Venice is located on a group of small islands in the middle of a lagoon (= the Laguna Veneta) that already existed in the time of the Roman Empire. Venice was named. People had lived there for centuries, but the first major settlements were only established as a result of the influx of refugees after the invasions of Attila around 453 and of the Longobards in 568. By the middle of the 7th century the battle was more or less already decided. , but the Byzantine Empire retained the Venice region in Italy, among other things. As the threat persisted, the area was given its own lifelong leader, the so-called doge (after dux, the Latin word for leader). It was not until the 9th century that a city became a real unity, because of the common enemies and the construction of more bridges between the islands, and also because the city was given a patron saint. In 828, Saint Mark of Alexandria, who is traditionally identified with the writer of the Gospel of Mark, was buried where the Basilica of San Marco now stands. The Venetians, strong at sea, who dominated the Adriatic, often had to defend Byzantine interests with their fleet and in return received more independence and trade privileges. In the 12th century, the city-state of Venice became an increasing economic threat to the competing cities of Genoa and Pisa and more powerful over Byzantium. In 1204, during the Fourth Crusade, the Repubblica Marinara sacked even Constantinople, taking a large part of the Byzantine Empire. More than a hundred years of bitter struggle for power in the eastern Mediterranean, the so-called Chioggia Wars, ensued, with rival Genoa being finally defeated on August 13, 1380. In the 12th, 13th and 14th centuries the city was at the height of its power. In 1453, however, the Turks took Constantinople, turning the tide for the republic of Venice definitively. It lost many ports and islands and got into financial difficulties as a result. In the early 16th century, Venice repulsed an attack by the League of Cambrai, formed by the Pope, France, Spain and Germany, but in the long run the republic proved too small compared to the European powers. Also of importance was the discovery of America in 1492: Venice played no part in the exploitation of that continent. The 18th century was the last century in which the city was independent, but this period is considered to be the most fascinating of its existence. During this Settecento, the city became arguably the most elegant and refined city in Europe and Venice had a major influence on art, architecture and literature. On May 12, 1797, Napoleon conquered the city, causing Venice to lose its independence after more than a thousand years, and on October 12 of the same year, he signed the Treaty of Campo Formio, making the city part of the Austrian-controlled Kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia. . On January 18, 1798 they took over the city. This decision was ratified at the Congress of Vienna of 1814-1815. The Italian kingdom came into being in 1861, but Venice was not added until October 1866.


In Venice a dialect is spoken, il veneto but is it Italian the official language.


average maximum (°C) 6,48,512,116,220,624,727,527,823,818,311,77,2
average minimum (°C) 1,12,45,99,713,917,820,320,116,511,36,21,9
precipitation (mm) 594661647370537662677961

Venice has a predominantly continental, humid subtropical climate. The atmosphere of Venice is typical of the Po Valley, softened by its proximity to the sea, in winter, minimum temperatures (1°C on average) and summer maximum (28°C on average). You can consider the climate of transition between the continental and humid subtropical. Precipitation peaks in spring and fall, and storms are frequent in summer. In winter, snowfall is not uncommon (but usually snow tends to melt quickly), at night it often freezes, also affecting the lagoon waters of the inland areas. High humidity can cause fog in the cold and heat of the warm months.

The main winds are the Bora (NE), dominant in the winter and spring months, the Scirocco (SE) in the summer, and less commonly, Libeccio (SW) locally called Garbin


Venice consists of six districts, which sestiere (from sesto, one-sixth), namely:

Neighborhoods (sestieri) of Venice
Less touristy area of ​​Venice, just north of the Rialto Bridge. Includes the former Jewish ghetto. This is also the district where you arrive by train.
Is the largest of the six sestieri from Venice. The cemetery island of San Michele also belongs to this sestiere.
University neighborhood of Venice. Less touristy, and the most cultural and artistic district of today's Venice. The island of Giudecca (with Sacca Fisola) also belongs to this sestiere.
San Marco
The most touristic part of Venice. Includes the famous St. Mark's Square, with St. Mark's Basilica, the Doge's Palace and the Torre dell'Orologio. The island of San Giorgio also belongs to this sestiere.
San Polo
In San Polo you will find many shops and taverns (Bacari').
Santa Croce
The neighborhood takes its name from the church of Santa Croce, an important place of worship demolished after the suppression of Napoleon. This is where you arrive when you arrive in Venice by road/tramway or by water
Both doors and windows with numbers: Cannaregio 1145 to Cannaregio 1149. The square does have a name: nl. Campo Ghetto Vecchio.

The division into neighborhoods plays an important role in locating/addressing buildings (including hotels and restaurants) in Venice. Because, even if there are street names, often an address only has the form District name 1234. The number is then a serial number that is assigned to doors and often also to windows within a district. Always try from a destination in Venice also find out the street name, because if you only have an address in the form District name 1234 is often difficult to find.


By plane

Venice Marco Polo Airport

Venice can be reached via two airports:

Aeroporto di Treviso
  •    Aeroporto di Treviso (Antonio Canova), Viale Noalese 63/E, 31100 Treviso (about 30 km from Venice),  39 0422 315111. (IATA : TSF, ICAO : LIPH). From the BENELUX you can Eindhoven (Airport Welschap), Brussels and Charleroi of Ryanair fly to Treviso (Aeroporto A. Canova). This airport, formerly a military airport, is now used by low-fare airlines, such as Ryanair, transavia etc. From the airport you can take the bus from the ATVO, Barzi Service and gooptic to Venice- Piazzale Roma. If you want to travel by train, you can take bus line 6 (MOM) from the airport to Treviso train station and from there by train to Venice, Santa Lucia Station.

By train

Venice is easily accessible by train from the Netherlands. The train journey can be made both during the day and at night, whereby the train journey by night train is recommended due to the relatively long journey time during the day (minimum 13 hours). CityNightLine nasty Munich. In Munich you arrive in the morning a little after 7 o'clock. Afterwards, the Eurocity nasty Zurich, where you arrive a little before 2 p.m. By day train to Venice: by ICE International via Frankfurt to Munich. From Munich by Eurocity to Verona and the last part to Venice with the Eurostar, the Italian high speed train. The route from Munich to Venice goes right through the Austrian Alps. From Belgium you can reach Venice during the day in about 15 hours, for this you have to change a few times. A second option is to take the Thalys or TGV to Paris-Nord. You switch to that RER D to Paris Gare de Lyon. From there you can take the Thello to Venice, a night train operated by a private company. Tickets are therefore not available at the station counter, only via the website from Thello.

Stazione Santa Lucia-Venezia

Trains from the mainland go via mestre to Venice train station:

  •    Santa Lucia Station (Venice Stazione Santa Lucia) (in the west of Venice at the head of the Grand Canal near Piazzale Roma). Make no mistake with Venice Mestre which is the last stop on the mainland. From the station there are water buses (vaporetti) or water taxis to your hotel or other locations on the islands, on foot is also possible. There are trains from Venice to Treviso, Verona, Milan, Udine, Trieste, Trento, Munich, Budapest, Vienna, Zagreb and Ljubljana.

By car

If you travel from the Netherlands to Venice by car, you will have to wait 12 to 13 hours. This is calculated from Utrecht and under normal weather conditions and traffic. Travel times do not include breaks along the way. In case of traffic jams, the travel time can increase considerably. Many different routes are possible, often it is a matter of your starting point and personal preferences.

Two commonly used routes are Karlsruhe—Basel—Milan—Venice and Karlsruhe—InnsbruckVerona-Venice. If you travel via Milan, the first part of the journey can also be done via Antwerp and Luxembourg go or through Maastricht and Saarbrucken. Please note that for both Switzerland (routes via Milan) as before Austria (routes via Innsbruck) need a toll sticker. In Italy you have to pay tolls on large parts of the highway.

If you travel to Venice from your holiday destination in Italy, you will also have to pay tolls for most sections of the highway. The routes and travel time depend on your starting destination. From Lake Garda you travel to Venice in one and a half to two hours. If you stay in the northwest of Lake Garda, you can add half an hour to an hour of travel time.

Please note that you cannot drive a car in Venice. You can travel as far as Piazzala Roma or Tronchetto. you have to park your car there. You can also park your car in Mestre and continue your journey by train or bus. It is quite popular to take the car at Terminal Fusion and then travel by boat to Venice.

Venice-Aerial view Ponte della Liberta
Road network around Venice

In the center, the famous canals act as roads. There is only one highway from the mainland. There are no cars in the city itself. Do you still want to go to Venice, Tangenziale by car? A57 at Mestre direction Venezia de SP11 via the Ponte della Libertá to Piazzale Rome (Venice). You can park your car (paid) in the parking garages on the island of Tronchetto and at Piazzale Roma. From here there is a boat connection via lines 1, 41, 42, 51, 52 and 82 to the center.

From the peninsula east of Venice, there is a road past many properties in Caorle, Ca'Savio, Cavallino and Lido di Jesolo to Punta Sabbioni. Here are parking spaces for the car (approximately €6.00 ​​per day). Here you can sail to Venice by vaporetto or another private ferry service to the center. There is also an information office.

  • A4Torino—Trieste : for Milan and Turin (about the center-south of Italy, at padova with the A13 south), Trieste and further to Slovenia;
  • A27Mestre—Pian di Vedoia: Belluno and the area of ​​the Dolomites;
  • A57mestre: ring road;
  • SR 11Padana Superiore: nasty Turin through Milan;
  • SS 13Pontebbana "Terraglio": for Austria, via Treviso to Pordenone;
  • SS 14Friuli-Venezia-Giulia: along the coast via Trieste to Slovenia;
  • SS 309Romea: nasty Ravenna.

By bus

Bus station-Piazzale Roma
Tram station Piazzale Roma, ACTV

From the Netherlands you can take the bus to Venice, cheap and comfortable with Eurolines, you will find a list of the boarding places here.

  •    Bus station scheduled servicesPiazzale Roma. Here you will find water taxis and vaporetto stops. Cross a bridge and you are already in the old Santa Croce district, from where you can explore the rest of the city on foot.
  •    Tour bus parking areaTronchetto. If you visit Venice during a bus tour, you will arrive here. Vaporetto stop Tronchetto (linea 2) is approximately 150 m walk. If you only want to visit Venice on foot from here, then you have to take into account that it is already 1.5 km to the Piazale Roma alone, and then it is only "on the edge" of old Venice.

From the bus station on the Piazzale Roma Are there buses to Mestre, Padova, Chioggia and Treviso.

For a complete overview of the regional public transport network, see: ACTV lines bus.

Some important lines are:

  • Line 7 E - Venice — Mestre;
  • Line 8 E - Mestre — Treviso;
  • Line 53 E - Venezia — Marghera — Oriago — Mira — Dolo — Stra — Padova :
  • Line 80 E - Venice — Chioggia — Sottomarina;

By tram

Tram Actv

From Mestre (Centro-Piazzale Cialdini) (T2) or Mestre-Stazione Fs (T1), if necessary change to Piazzale Cialdini, you can travel by tram to Venice-Piazzale Roma, with the ACTV

By boat

Cruise ship leaves the port of Venice
  •    Stazione Marittima (Port) (People Mover - Piazzale Roma). There are regular boat connections to destinations on the Adriatic Sea such as to Corfu, Patras and Igoumenitsa (Greece), Pula, Rabac (Croatia) and Turkey. Venice is also a popular starting and ending place for cruises.

By ferry

  • Line 17 - Tronchetto — Lido — Punta Sabbioni.

For rates (with bicycle, scooter, car and mini-bus) see here.

Travel around

Per people mover

The trajectory of the People mover
The People Mover at Piazzale Roma

The people mover in Venice has been in use since 2010, it has a length of 0.857 km. Departure: every 7 minutes, 07:00-23:00, Costs: €1.50 (see here for timetables, fares and on-line tickets).The route runs from Piazzale Roma (near Stazione Santa Lucia) via the Marittima stop (port) to the island of Tronchetto.

By gondola

  • By gondola. You can choose from a standard route or a custom route. In the latter case, for a route longer than 30 resp. Takes 35 minutes, pay an additional time rate. During the day (08:00-19:00) €80.00 for 30 minutes with a maximum of 6 people and in the evening/night (19:00-08:00) €100.00 for 35 minutes with a maximum of 6 persons. The time rate is per 20 minutes and is €40.00 during the day and €50.00 in the evening/night.
  • By traghetto. Also in a gondola, but a lot cheaper (and shorter). The traghetto is actually a "ferry gondola" that takes you across the Grand Canal. There are six fixed traghetto services. € 1,75.

By water taxi

water taxi

The water taxi will take you exactly to the address you specify. They are quite expensive. For online bookings see here.

By vaporetto

A Vaporetto from ACTV
A Vaporetto from Alilaguna

It meanders through the city Grand Canal ("Grand Canal"). The Piazza San Marco ("Square of Saint Mark") is the center of the city.

The inhabitants of the city mainly use "water buses" (vaporetti) or smaller private boats. There are two types of water buses: the slow vaporetto, which stop at every stop, and the fast, which complete the journey in about 45 minutes (lines 1 and 82). Public transport is provided by the ACTV. Day tickets or hourly tickets are cheaper from 3 "rides". The price of a single ticket, which is valid for 75 minutes, costs €7.50.

There are 2 transport companies in Venice, namely:

ACTV (Azienda Consorzio Trasporti Veneziano)
Alilaguna in giudecca (cropped).JPG

For a complete route map see here.

For a complete overview of all stops on all lines see here.

The lines

The names of the stops have a text color in the overview below that indicates in which district that stop is located (the colors are as in the district map of Venice): cannaregioCastelloDorsoduroSan MarcoSan PoloSanta Croce

The lines of Actv in Venice are:

  • line 1: P.Le Roma Parisi/S.Chiara "D/G"Ferrova "E"Riva de BiasioS.Marcuola (Casino)S.StaeCa' d'OroRialto MercatoRialto "B/A"S.SilvestroS.AngeloS.TomaCa'RezzonicoAccademia "A/C"gigliosaluteS.Marco VallaressoS.Marco S.Zaccaria (Danieli) "F/E"ArsenalegiardinicS.ElenaLido S.M.E. "D" v.v.
  • Linea 2: S.Marco S.Zaccaria (M.V.E.) "B"S.GiorgioZitelleRedentorepalancaSattereS.BasilioSacca FisolaTronchettoMercato OrtofrutticolaP.Le Roma (S.Chiara) "F/G"Ferrovia "B/A"S.MarcuolaRialto "D/C"S.TomaS.SamueleAccademia "A/C"S. Marco Giardinetti v.v.
  • line 3
    • Until 4:00 PM: P.Le Roma (Scomenzera) "C"Ferrova "D" — Murano Colonna "A" — Murano Faro — Murano Navagero — Murano Museo — Murano Da Mula — Murano Venier — Ferrova "C"P.Le Roma (Parisi) "E"
    • After 4:00 PM: P.Le Roma (Scomenzera) "C"Ferrova "D" — Murano Venier — Murano Da Mula — Murano Museo — Murano Navagero — Murano Faro — Murano Colonna "A" — Ferrova "C"P.Le Roma (Parisi) "E"
  • Linea 4.1: Murano Museo — Murano Da Mula — Murano Venier — Murano Serenella — Murano Colonna "A" — Cimitero — F. Te Nove "C"orthoS.AlvisecreateGuglieFerrova "C"P.Le Roma (Parisi) "E"S.MartaSacca FisolaGiudecca-PalancaRedentoreZitelleS.Marco-Zaccaria (Jolanda) "D"ArsenaleGiardini BiennaleS.ElenaS. Pietro Di CastelloBacini - Arsenale NordCelestiaOspedaleF. Te Nove "B"Cimitero — Murano Colonna "C" — Murano Faro — Murano Navagero — Murano Museo
  • Linea 4.2: Murano Museo — Murano Navagero — Murano Faro — Murano Colonna "B" — CimiteroF.Te Nove "D"OspedaleCelestiaBacini - Arsenale NordS. Pietro Di CastelloS.ElenaGiardini BiennaleArsenaleS.Marco-S.Zaccaria (Jolanda) "C"ZitelleRedentoreGiudecca PalancaSacca FisolaS.MartaP.Le Roma (S.Andrea) "B"Ferrova "D"GugliecreateS.AlviseorthoF. Te Nove "B"Cimitero — Murano Colonna "C" — Murano Serenella — Murano Venier — Murano Da Mula — Murano Museo (Linea 4.1 in reverse order)
  • Line 5.1: lido (S.M.E.) "A" — S. Pietro Di CastelloBacini - Arsenale NordCelestiaOspedaleF. Te Nove "C"orthoS.AlviseTre ArchicGuglieRiva De BiasioFerrova "C"P.Le Roma (Parisi) "E"S.MartaSattereS.Marco-S.Zaccaria (Danieli) "F"Giardini BiennaleS.Elena — Lido (S.M.E.) "A"
  • Line 5.2: lido (S.M.E.) "B" — S.ElenaGiardini BiennaleS.Marco-S.Zaccaria (Jolanda) "C"SattereS.MartaP.Le Roma (S.Andrea) "B"Ferrova "D"Riva De BiasioGuglieTre ArchicS.AlviseorthoF.Te Nove "D"OspedaleCelestiaBacini - Arsenale NordS. Pietro Di Castello — Lido (S.M.E.) "A" (Linea 5.1 in reverse order)
  • Linea 6: P.Le Roma Parisi/S.Andrea "E/B"S. MartaS. BasilioSattereSpirito SantoGiardini BiennaleS. Elenalido (S.M.E.) "B" v.v. (only on working days)
  • Linea 9: BuranoTorcello v.v.
  • Linea 10: Satterelido (S.M.E.) "E" v.v. (only on working days, also stops at S. Marco (Giardinetti))
  • line 11: lido (S.M.E.) — Alberoni (Faro Rocchetta) — S.Maria Del Mare — Pellestrina (Cimitero) — Caroman — Chioggia v.v.
  • Linea 12: Venezia (F. Te Nove) "A"Murano (Faro) — Mazzorbo — Torcello — Burano — Treporti — Punta Sabbioni v.v. (about half does not go beyond Treporti; Torcello is called in if Linea 9 is not sailing)
  • Linea 13: Venezia (F. Te Nove) "D"Murano (Faro) — Vignole — S.Erasmo Capannone — S.Erasmo Chiesa — S.Erasmo Punta Vela — Treporti v.v.
  • Linea 14: S.Marco-S.Zaccaria "A" — Lido (S.M.E.) "C" — Punta Sabbioni v.v.
  • Linea 15: S.Marco-S.Zaccaria "A" — Punta Sabbioni v.v.
  • Linea 16: Venice (Zattere) — Fusina v.v.
  • Linea 17: Tronchetto — Lido (S.Nicolo) v.v.
  • Linea 20: S.Marco-S.Zaccaria (M.V.E.) "B" — S.Servolo — S.Lazzaro — S.Servolo — S.Marco-S.Zaccaria (M.V.E.) "B"
  • Linea 22: Tre ArchicF. Te Nove "D/C"Ospedale — Punta Sabbioni v.v.
  • Linea Notturna (Nightline): S.Marco-S.Zaccaria (Jolanda) "D"ZitelleRedentoreGiudecca PalancaSattereGiudecca PalancaS.BasilioSacca FisolaTronchettoTronchetto MercatoP.Le Roma (S.Chiara) "F/G"Ferrovia "B/A"Riva De BiasioS.Marcuola CasinoS.StaeCa' D'oroRialto MercatoRialto "D/C"S.TomaS.SamueleAccademia "A/C"S.Marco VallaressoS.Marco-S.Zaccaria (Danieli) "F/E"giardinicS.Elena — Lido (S.M.E.) "D"
  • Linea Notturna Laguna Nord: F.Te Nove "D"Murano (Faro) — Vignole — S.Erasmo Capannone — S.Erasmo Chiesa — S.Erasmo Punta Vela — Mazzorbo — TorcelloBurano — Treporti — Punta Sabbioni v.v.
  • Linea Notturna Murano: F. Te Nove "B"Murano Colonna "C" — Murano Faro — Murano Navagero — Murano Museo — Murano Venier — Murano Serenella — Murano Colonna "A" — F. Te Nove "B"

The lines of alilaguna in Venice are:

  • Linea Blu (blue line): Terminal CrociereGiudecca HiltonSattereSan MarcoS. ZaccariaArsenale — Lido — BaciniOspedaleFondamente Nove - Murano colonna - Aeroporto Marco Polo (frequent water bus service).
  • Linea Rossa (red line): Aeroporto Marco Polo — Murano Museo — Certosa (fermata su richiesta) — Lido — San Marco(less frequent water bus service, 10 to 11 times a day).
  • Linea Arancio (orange line): S. Maria del GiglioCa' RezzonicoS.AngeloRialtoSan StaeGuglieMadonna dell'Orto — Aeroporto Marco Polo (frequent water bus service).
  • Linea Verde (green line): Murano — Burano — Torcello (Not a water bus service, but a tourist excursion service departing from Venice. Boarding points: Ferrovia S.Lucia, Sattere and San Marco Giardinetti. With a visit to the islands of 40 minutes per island, with a total excursion duration of approximately 4½ hours. Costs €20.00 p.p.).

The rates


ACTV Venice (2016)

Validity periodPriceValid inRemark
1 day*€ 20,00vaporetto and bus 
2 days*€ 30,00vaporetto and bus 
3 days*€ 40,00vaporetto and bus 
7 days*€ 60,00vaporetto and bus 
Rolling Venice 3 days*€ 28,00vaporetto and busYouth card 6-29 years (special)
One way (75 minutes)€ 7,50vaporetto and bus 
2 ride card (2 x 75 minutes)€ 15,00vaporetto and bus 

*A day should be seen here as 24 hours (and for the multi-day cards 48, 72 and 168 hours respectively). For example, a day ticket that you use for the first time at 15:45 is valid until 15:45 the next day.

*This card can also be purchased together with a bus return Airport - Piazzale Roma. It is therefore best to purchase this upon arrival at the airport.

Venice Unica City Pass — this transport pass is advantageous for tourists and can be ordered online — put together yourself — valid for 2 years

In case of fog and high water levels there is a emergency timetable in effect.


Rates Alilaguna

On foot

Look out!

LOOK OUT: Keep in mind: In recent decades, Venice has suffered from higher water levels, wooden walkways are being built on important "roads".

All public transport options are only occasionally convenient. But Venice is the best you can do on foot explore, a lot sights are quite close to each other. For destinations outside Venice (Murano, Lido, ...), but also within Venice (Giudecca, San Giorgio, ...), a vaporetto or water taxi is the only option.

In a wheelchair

Many sights in Venice are easily accessible by wheelchair. This is possible if a point of interest is in close proximity to a vaporetto stop. You can board a vaporetto with a wheelchair. There are 4 wheelchair spaces on board, and a ticket costs only €1.50 and the companion even travels for free. However, if you have to do it in a wheelchair, a visit to Venice requires some extra preparation. It is very useful to do a 'virtual' walk beforehand via Google Street View. There is also on this website lots of practical information.

To look at

Introductory video


San Marco Basilica

Entry to St. Mark's Basilica is free, but most other churches have an entrance fee. If you're going to visit more than three churches, you'd better get a "church passSt. Mark's Basilica is without doubt the most famous church building in Venice and also renowned far beyond Venice for its interior and exterior.


Rialto bridge

The most famous bridges are:

  •    Ponte di Rialto (Rialto Bridge). It is the oldest and best known of the old bridges spanning the Grand Canal. Opened: July 1591 Height: 7.32 m, Total length: 48 m, Longest span: 29 m. The current bridge, designed by Antonio da Ponte, spans the Grand Canal in one arch. The design is very similar to the old wooden bridge, with two ramps connected by a central span. There are stalls to the left and right of the open crossing. It is also possible to walk behind the shops and look at the water, which is not possible on the central aisle
the bridge of sighs
  •    Ponte dei Sospiric (Bridge of Sighs). The bridge is a connection between the Doge's Palace (Palazzo Ducale) and the prison. In the past, the convicts had to walk across this bridge before being locked up in the chilly and damp dungeons. The prisoners saw daylight for the last time through the windows of the bridge. The name Bridge of Sighs refers to their sigh on the way to their destination. Casanova and Galileo Galilei were once incarcerated in prison.

There are also the following (larger) bridges:


Venice has many palaces, of which the Doge's Palace is the most famous and also the largest.


There are many museums in Venice. Sestiere Dorsoduro with the Gallerie dell'Accademia is a good example of this.

Photo album

To do


Carnival in Venice
Venice Regatta
  • Venice Biennale - every two years the famous art exhibition is held in Venice. The festival site is located in the east of the district Castello.
  • Carnival of Venice - also very famous is the annual carnival.
  • Vogalonga - this regatta is held in May.
  • Night Marathon of Venice - June.
  • Festa del Redentore - on the third Saturday of July, in memory of the plague epidemic of 1576 with large fireworks. It is very busy, it is recommended to find a place early (bring food and drink with you).
  • Plague epidemic of 1630 - a feast on November 21 in honor of the end of the plague. A pontoon is then laid across the Grand Canal to the church of Santa Maria della Salute.
  • Regata Storica - the historical regatta takes place on the first Sunday of September. There are many decorated gondolas and traditional clothing to see. There is also a competition between gondoliers.
  • Maratone di Venice - the Venice Marathon takes place in October.

To buy

Preferably use these ATMs NOT, they charge!

MW-Icon-AlertMark.pngYou can find ATMs (ATMs) in many places to get cash. Please note that you only use ATM's from banks, because there are also ATM's from Euronet (an American company) where costs (€3.95) are charged for withdrawing money. If you accidentally insert your bank card into such an ATM, you will still be warned, and you can abort the transaction.


Venetian glassware
Glass from Barovier-Murano

There are a few glass factories in Venice itself, but most of them can be found on the Island Murano. In every shopping street you will find a glass-selling shop every few houses. These are not nearly as expensive as the renowned houses (Pauli, Venini, etc.), but the quality of the mass production is a lot less.


Venetian masks

The popular Venetian Carnival has also created a demand for the typical Venetian masks. There is a lot of mass production, but there are also workshops where the masks are still traditionally made by hand.


Venetian cuisine is defined by its proximity to the sea, as in Spaghetti Alle Vongole (with mussels) and Risotto (rice dish). A specialty commonly available: Fegato alla Veneziana con polenta (Fried liver with cornbread (Polenta) in the Venetian way).

Venice has a large number of tourist restaurants that charge high prices, with on top if possible a fixed amount for place settings and a percentage for the service. A cheap alternative to the restaurants and osterias are the cicchetteries.

Going out

If you want to have a drink in Venice, during the day or in the evening, visit one of the luxury hotels. Restaurants are everywhere in the historic center, but there are surprisingly few bars. The prices for a beer or a glass of wine are higher in the hotels, but you get a lot of atmosphere in return, tasty nuts or snacks are usually served with a drink, sometimes there is live (piano) music and there is always a coming en gaan van mensen, dus wat te kijken. Een fijne plek om dit te doen is bijvoorbeeld het Danieli Hotel, aan de Riva degli Schiavoni 4196 (om de hoek van het San Marco Plein).

stay overnight

Buiten Venetië


  •    Hotel EliteVia Forte Marghera, 119 (In Mestre, op 10 minuten (8 km) met de auto van Venetië. Alternatief: 1,5 km lopen vanaf station Mestre),  39 041 5330740fax machine: 39 041 5330730. Kamers, studio's en tweekamerappartementen
  •    Hotel Nuova MestreVia Miranese 169, Mestre (VE) (Op 700 m van station Mestre),  39 041 913803fax machine: 39 041 913555, e-mail: .

Oriago di Mira


Look out!

LOOK OUT: Hou er rekening mee: de laatste decennia heeft Venetië te kampen met hogere waterstanden, op belangrijke "wegen" worden er houten loopbruggen aangelegd.

Zoals bij alle toeristische plaatsen waar veel mensen komen en zijn, moet je opletten voor zakkenrollers. Venters verkopen nagemaakte producten en imitaties van merkartikelen, de aankoop is een strafbaar feit en de boete is vrij hoog!

Afgezien daarvan is Venetië een vrij veilige stad.



all around


Dichtbij (<50 km)

  •    Treviso. wordt ook wel de fiets-stad van Italië genoemd
  •    padova. Bekend van de H. Antonius van Padua

Wat verder


Grotere eilanden

Lagunen en eilanden van Venetië
Burano (VE)
  •    Burano (bekend om zijn naaldkant) (Vaporetto lijn 12 vanuit Venetië Ospedale). Klein, maar volledig bebouwd eiland in de lagune van Venetië. De kleurrijke huisjes zijn erg fotogeniek. Daarnaast heeft het eiland een museum dat gewijd is aan de Italiaanse kant.
  •    Murano (bekend om zijn glas) (Vaporetto Lijn 4.1 en 4.2 vanaf Venetië). Murano wordt meestal beschreven als een eiland in de Lagune van Venetië, maar het is net als Venetië zelf een verzameling eilandjes die door bruggen aan elkaar verbonden zijn. Murano ligt ongeveer 1,5 kilometer ten noorden van Venetië. Het eiland heeft onder meer een glasmuseum.
  •    Torcello (Vaporetto lijn 9 vanaf Burano, of lijn12 vanaf Treporti). Torcello is een rustig eiland in het noordelijke deel van Laguna Veneta. De naam komt waarschijnlijk van de stadspoort of toren van Altino. Het eiland staat bekend als de voorloper van Venetië. Voornaamste toeristische trekpleister is het beklimmen van de klokkentoren (Basilica di Santa Maria Assunta). De toren geeft een prachtig uitzicht over de omliggende lagune. De eenvoud en de rust op het eiland doen een beetje denken aan Giethoorn in Nederland.
  •    lido (Lijn 1, 5.2, 6, 8, 10, 11, 14, 18, B, R en N). Het strand het lido was een van de eerste mondaine badplaatsen, hier is ook het Filmfestival van Venetië.
  •    Pellestrina (Veerboot Actv Lijn 11 (Lido, Lijn 17 Punta Sabbioni en Tronchetto)). Pellestrina is de vorming van een barrière tussen de zuidelijke lagune van Venetië en de Adriatische Zee dat ten zuiden en ten westen van het Lido ligt. Het eiland is 11 kilometer (7 mijl) lang en is begrensd door grote dijken. Er zijn vier belangrijke dorpen: San Pietro in Volta, Porto Secco, Sant 'Antonio di Pellestrina and Pellestrina, bekend om hun kleurrijk geschilderde huizen. De belangrijkste industrieën van het eiland zijn tuinbouw, visserij, het toerisme en de kant. Net als Chioggia maar in tegenstelling tot Torcello, wordt de lokale kant gemaakt met een naald. Attracties op het eiland onder andere het Lido van Ca 'Roman, het is bekend om zijn pijnbomen en vogels..

Overige eilanden

  •    Sant'Erasmo (Lijn 13 en Notturno Laguna Nord).
  •    San Lazzaro degli Armeni (Lijn 20).
  •    San Servolo (Lijn 20).
  •    S. Francesco del Deserto.
  •    Sant'Andrea.
  •    La Certosa (Lijn 4.1, 4.2, 5.1 (s' avonds), 5.2 ((s' avonds) en R).
  •    Vignole. Lijn 13 en Notturno Laguna Nord
  •    Mazzorbo. Lijn 12 en Notturno Laguna Nord
  •    Mazzorbetto. Lijn 12 en Notturno Laguna Nord
  •    Poveglia (Lido di Venezia).
  •    Isola dei Laghi.
  •    San Clemente.

beach fun


  •    Lido di Venezia (Lijn 1,5.2, 6, 8,10, 11, 14, 18, B, R en N). Grote strandfaciliteiten, hotels en privé-villa's vormen het decor van deze wereldse badplaats.
  •    Lido di Ca' Roman (Pellestrina). Lijn 11

Wat verder

  •    Lido di Jesolo, e-mail: . Lido di Jesolo is één van de bekendste badplaatsen van Italy. Het Lido is ontstaan in 1928 als kuuroord van het tuberculose-instituut van Treviso. Inmiddels is het een van de grootste badplaatsen aan de noordelijke Adriatische Zee en kan het zo'n 80.000 gasten herbergen. Het heeft een 15 kilometer lang zandstrand, en in geval van een onrustige zee heeft het zo'n 200 zwembaden tot zijn beschikking. Bezoek hier het Waterpark Aqualandia.
  •    Sottomarino (chioggia) (Chioggia kun je bereiken per trein van ieder gewenst station naar Rovigo, aldaar overstappen per trein naar Chioggia), e-mail: . Sottomarino is een wijk van Chioggia, dit is een stad in de Italiaanse regio Veneto en behoort tot de provincie Venetië. De stad ligt in het uiterste zuiden van de Laguna Veneta nabij de monding van de rivier de Brenta. Sottomarino is in de zomer erg in trek bij de toeristen om te baden.
  •    Lignano Sabbiadoro.
  •    Bibione. Een van de belangrijkste stranden na Rimini qua badgasten van Italië.
This is a usable article. It contains information on how to get there, as well as the main attractions, nightlife and hotels. An adventurous person could use this article, but dive in and expand it!

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