Traveling by train in Africa - Wikivoyage, the free collaborative travel and tourism guide - Voyager en train en Afrique — Wikivoyage, le guide de voyage et de tourisme collaboratif gratuit

Networks railway African is often limited to one or a few major axes.


Summary by African countries and territories:
Country : South Africa | Algeria | Angola | Benign | Botswana | Burkina Faso | Burundi | Cameroon | Green cap | Comoros | Ivory Coast | Djibouti | Egypt | Eritrea | Ethiopia | Eswatini | Gabon | Gambia | Ghana | Guinea | Guinea-Bissau | Equatorial Guinea | Kenya | Lesotho | Liberia | Libya | Madagascar | Malawi | Mali | Morocco | Mauritius | Mauritania | Mozambique | Namibia | Niger | Nigeria | Uganda | Central African Republic | Republic of Congo | Democratic Republic of Congo | Rwanda | Sao Tome and Principe | Senegal | Seychelles | Sierra Leone | Somalia | Sudan | South sudan | Tanzania | Chad | Togo | Tunisia | Zambia | Zimbabwe
Other territories : Canary Islands | Ceuta | Mayotte | Madeira | Melilla | Meeting | Saint Helena

Many railways were built during the colonial era and priority is often given to freight rather than the transport of passengers especially raw materials mined in the mines of the continent. There are however in some countries, such as Morocco or theEthiopia, a revival of interest in rail transport with even a process of building high-speed rail lines in style European.

  • Fahrplancenter Logo indicating a link to the website – This site attempts to gather information on the state of African railways and timetables which are sometimes not communicated on the internet by the operator.


North Africa


Network Algerian.
  • National Railway Transport Company Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia link

Canary Islands

The only line is a tram line between Santa Cruz de Tenerife and San Cristóbal de La Laguna.

  • Tranvía de Tenerife Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element


There is no railway to Ceuta. The nearest station is that of Tangier-Med To 30 km to Morocco.


Network Egyptian

Passenger trains are usually air conditioned first and sometimes seconde class, while the trains are without air conditioning in 2e and 3e The network is dense in the Nile delta with Cairo and Alexandria as hubs. The prices of suburban trains and passenger trains of 3e class are kept low as a social service.

The road Alexandria-Cairo-Luxor-Aswan is served daily in both directions by air-conditioned night trains from Abela Egypt. This service is particularly attractive to tourists who can stay overnight on the train, as it covers the section between Cairo and Luxor. A luxury express train connects Cairo with Marsa Matrouh towards the Libyan border.

  • Egyptian National Railways Logo indicating a link to the website – National Society of Railways.
  • Ernst Logo indicating a link to the website, Logo indicating a telephone number  20 25770684, e-mail :  – Company operating sleeper trains.


Railway network Moroccan

The railway in Morocco is in full development with projects of high speed line, doubling and electrification of track. Train supply and commercial speed are increased.

  • Railways National Office (ONCF) Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata elementLogo indicating a facebook link, Logo indicating a telephone number  212 890 20 30 40 – The site is in French and all timetables are available there.


There is no railway to Melilla . The nearest station is that of Beni Ensar Port to Morocco unless1 km from the border post of Beni Ensar.


Network tunisian.
  • Tunisian National Railway Company (SNCFT) Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – The timetables are available on the site.

Southern Africa

South Africa

Network Map South African.

The railway network is quite dense but the operation is oriented towards freight. The majority of passenger trains are suburban trains (Metrorail) around towns in the regions of Gauteng, Durban, Eastern Cape, Western cape.

The blue train is a luxury train running between Pretoria and The cap.

  • Shosholoza Meyl Logo indicating a link to the website – Company operating long distance passenger lines.


Angolan network


There is currently only one passenger line operated by Zimbabwe railway Between Bulawayo and Francistown. Departure from Bulawayo on Mondays and Fridays at h arrived in Francistown at 14 h 25. Depart from Francistown on Tuesdays and Saturdays at 12 h 30 arrival in Bulawayo at 17 h 15.


There is no passenger service on theEswatini.


There is no passenger service at Lesotho.


  • Central East African Railways Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element, Logo indicating a telephone number  265 1 840 841, e-mail :  – The society Central East African Railways manages rail transport. There are only 6 passenger trains at a weekly frequency. The timetables are available on the site.



Network Namibian.



Intercity trains:


  • NRZ Logo indicating a link to the website Main Station Metcalf Square, Basch Street / 13 Avenue Extension, Box 945, Bulawayo, Logo indicating a telephone number  263 9 362291, e-mail :

West Africa


There is no passenger service at Benign.

Burkina Faso

There is only one line connecting Ouagadougou To Abidjan via Bobo-Dioulasso on which 3 passenger trains run per week. Delays are frequent.

Green cap

There is no railway at Green cap.

Ivory Coast

There is only one line connecting Abidjan To Ouagadougou via Bobo-Dioulasso on which 3 passenger trains run per week. Delays are frequent.


There is no railway in Gambia.


Ghanaian network.
  •      lines in service
  •      out-of-service lines

The network is in very poor condition but renovation plans exist. Passenger trains run only on 30 km Between Tema and Accra on a renovated section.

  • Ghana Railway Corporation Logo indicating a link to the wikidata element


Network Guinean.

There is a commuter train at Conakry and one on the axis Kamsar - Boke - Sangarédi.


There is no railway in Guinea-Bissau.



There is no railway at Niger.



Network Senegalese.

Several daily commuter trains between Dakar and Rufisque and a daily train during the week between Dakar and Thies. The bi-weekly train between Dakar and Bamako no longer circulating due to the dilapidated nature of the track.


There is no railway at Chad.

central Africa


There is no railway at Burundi.


Cameroonian network

Passenger transport is provided on three routes:

  • the service of the "West line" (Douala - Kumba) is provided by classic cars, adapted to the movement of populations between the South-West and the Coast, but also to the transport and shipping of packages and luggage.
  • the TransCam 1 (DoualaYaounde) is served by three types of trains:
    • The direct "InterCity" train (151/152 and 153/154) without a stop that connects Douala To Yaounde in h 40. This train is made up of two air-conditioned first-class coaches and four ventilated “Premium” coaches.
    • Omnibus trains (103/104) serve all stations and stops; they are made up of 2nd class cars and collection vans suitable for transporting parcels and luggage. They help to open up rural areas and allow the transport of food products to the big cities.
    • semi-direct trains (181/184), made up of classic trainsets (1st and 2nd class coaches, bar restaurant, generator vans) serve the large areas and district capitals.
  • The TransCam 2, (YaoundeNgaoundere) is also provided by two types of trains:
    • omnibus trains (112/113) serving the area of Belabo To Ngaoundere, allow local residents to move around and transport their food to major roads.
    • semi-direct trains (191/192) from Yaounde To Ngaoundere the composition of which may include sleeping cars, first class cars, bar-restaurant cars.

Republic of Congo

Network Congolese.

Democratic Republic of Congo

Network DRC

Trains are slow, sporadic and timetable information can be difficult to obtain.

  • Kinshasa-Matadi Logo indicating timetables Saturday departure from Kinshasa h 30 arrival in Matadi 15 h. Logo indicating tariffs Luxury 60 $; 1e class 30 $; 2e class 15 $.
  • Matadi-Kinshasa Logo indicating timetables Sunday departure from Matadi h 15 arrival in Kinshasa 14 h 45. Logo indicating tariffs Luxury 60 $; 1e class 30 $; 2e class 15 $. – 366 km
  • Kisangani-Ubundu Logo indicating timetables Wednesday departure from Kisangani h 00 arrival in Ubundu 17 h. – 125 km
  • Ubundu-Kisangani Logo indicating timetables Thursday departure from Ubundu 17 h 00 arrival in Kisangani h. – 125 km

The operating companies are:

  • SNCC Logo indicating a link to the website – Company operating the railways in the east of the country.
  • Commercial transport and ports company (SCTP)  – Company operating the railway Matadi-Kinshasa.
  • Uele Railways Logo indicating a link to the website – Company operating the narrow gauge railways in the northeast of the country. It is not certain that there were movements in 2015.


Network Gabonese

The Setrag company operates the Transgabonnais, the only line in the country. A passenger service is organized between Owendo and Franceville (670 km) with recent trains. 4 trains per week in each direction.

  • Setrag Logo indicating a link to the website

Equatorial Guinea

There is no railway in Equatorial Guinea.

Central African Republic

There is no railway in Central African Republic.


There is no railway at Rwanda.

East Africa


There is no railway at Comoros.


A new electrified line connects the 750 km Between Djibouti and Addis Ababa in Ethiopia in 12 h.


Eritrean railway network

There is only one railway line in Eritrea between the port of Massawa and Asmara.


Current network

THE'Ethiopia is in a phase of modernization and railway construction. The old railway enters Addis Ababa and Djibouti is abandoned and a new electrified line connects the 750 km Between Addis Ababa and Djibouti in 12 h.

Addis Ababa is the only city in sub-Saharan Africa to have tram or light rail lines.

  • Ethiopian Railways Corporation Logo indicating a link to the website


Kenyan railway network

Since the final shutdown of the legendary rail link between Mombasa and Kisumu, nicknamed Lunatic Express and built between 1896 and 1903 by the British, since 2017 there is only one standard gauge long distance line (SGR) connecting Miritini, in the outskirts of Mombasa To Syokimau, in the suburb of Nairobi. Work is underway to extend this line to Kisumu, on the one hand and until Malaba to the ugandan border, on the other hand.

The trip, aboard the Madaraka Express (Madaraka means "autonomy" in swahili), between Nairobi and Mombasa lasts h (express with 2 intermediate stops) or, from , h (omnibus with 7 intermediate stops). The trip takes place once a day in each direction by express train and once a day (one day in one direction and the next day in the other) by omnibus train and the price of a ticket, in 2017, is 700 KES per person in 2e class, 3 000 KES in 1D class. Be careful, however, that, victim of its success among the Kenyans, you must book your ticket, in 2e class, 1 month in advance.

  • Syokimau Station (Nairobi Syokimau Station) Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Sun. : h, arrived in Mombasa at 13 h 50.
  • Miritini Station (Mombasa Railway Station) Logo indicating timetables Mon.- Sun. : h, arrived in Nairobi at 13 h 40.

On the commuter train side, alone Nairobi has a network made up of four lines which operate only during peak hours of the week and only in configuration 3e class.


Network Malagasy


A commuter train exists between Namanve and Kampala. Departure from Namanve to h 30 and 16 h 15) and of Kampala To h 35 and 17 h 30. The journey takes 40 min and listen 1 000 UGX.

  • Kampala Capital City Authority Logo indicating a link to the website


There is no railway in Somalia.


Network Tanzanian.
  • Tanzania Railways Corporation Logo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – This company operates the lines connecting Dar es Salaam To Kigoma, Tanga To Arusha, Tabora To Mwanza.
  • 1 TAZARA Logo indicating a link to the websiteLogo indicating a wikipedia linkLogo indicating a link to the wikidata element – International trains between Tanzania and Zambia. The timetables and prices are available on the website in English.
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