Yellow fever - Yellow fever

Yellow fever is a potentially fatal tropical disease caused by a virus that is transmitted to humans through the bite of infected mosquitoes. Illness ranges in severity from an influenza-like syndrome to severe hepatitis and hemorrhagic fever. Yellow fever can be prevented by vaccination. Travellers to areas with yellow fever transmission should take precautions against exposure to mosquitoes.

This is an article about health issues. While contributors do their best, we cannot take account of your individual health needs. Consult your doctor for individual medical advice.


Countries where yellow fever is endemic - with CDC vaccination recommendation (may be abbreviated) as of 2017 in brackets - are below. "High-risk" travellers are a small fraction of travellers whose travel plans or lifestyle expose them to more mosquito bites than average.


CDC map of yellow fever-endemic zones in Africa in 2009.
CountryTraveller's AgeAdditional Comments
Angolaover 9 mo.
Beninover 9 mo.
Burkina Fasoover 9 mo.
Burundiover 9 mo.
Cameroonover 9 mo.
Central African Republicover 9 mo.
Chadover 9 mo.going to areas south of the Sahara
Congo: Democratic Republic of the Congoover 9 mo.
Congo: Republic of the Congoover 9 mo.
Côte d'Ivoireover 9 mo.
Equatorial Guineaover 9 mo.
Eritreaonly high-risk travellers in certain areas
Ethiopiaover 9 mo.not recommended for travellers who are not high-risk whose itinerary is limited to Afar and Somali provinces
Gabonover 9 mo.
The Gambiaover 9 mo.
Ghanaover 9 mo.
Guineaover 9 mo.
Guinea-Bissauover 9 mo.
Kenyaover 9 mo.cities of Nairobi and Mombasa and certain other areas have lower risk of transmission
Liberiaover 9 mo.
Maliover 9 mo.going to areas south of the Sahara
Mauritaniaover 9 mo.going to areas south of the Sahara
Nigerover 9 mo.going to areas south of the Sahara
Nigeriaover 9 mo.
Rwandaonly for high-risk travellers
Sao Tome and Principeonly for high-risk travellers
Senegalover 9 mo.
Sierra Leoneover 9 mo.
Somaliaonly for high-risk travellers and only in certain regions
South Sudanover 9 mo.
Sudanover 9 mo.going to areas south of the Sahara outside of Khartoum
Tanzaniaover 9 mo.only for high-risk travellers
Togoover 9 mo.
Ugandaover 9 mo.

Central America & South America

CDC map of yellow fever-endemic zones in the Americas in 2009.
CountryTraveller's AgeAdditional Comments
Argentinaover 9 mo.going to Corrientes and Misiones province, including Iguazú Falls. Recommended for high-risk travellers going to Formosa province and parts of Chaco, Jujuy, and Salta provinces.
Boliviaover 9 mo.travelling to certain areas below 2300m that are east of the Andes
Brazilover 9 mo.going to the endemic zone, which does not include Rio de Janeiro or São Paulo
Colombiaover 9 mo.Not recommended if your itinerary is limited to Bogotá and San Andrés y Providencia department. If your trip is limited to these places and Barranquilla, Cali, Cartagena, and Medellín, the risk is lower and vaccines are only recommended for high-risk travellers
Ecuadorover 9 mo.who are travelling to certain areas east of the Andes Mountains or for high-risk travellers in certain areas west of the Andes
French Guianaover 9 mo.
Guyanaover 9 mo.
Panamaover 9 mo.travelling east of the canal zone
Paraguayover 9 mo.outside of Asunción
Peruover 9 mo.travelling to many areas, especially east of the Andes Mountains; not recommended for travellers whose itinerary is limited to Lima, Cusco, Machu Picchu, the Inca Trail, and areas above 2300 meters.
Surinameover 9 mo.
Trinidad and Tobagoover 9 mo.only if going to dense forests on Trinidad
Venezuelaover 9 mo.except if only travelling to certain parts of the northern coastal area


A vaccine is available which provides immunity for at least ten years. Many countries will require that you be vaccinated against yellow fever if you are coming from a country where it is present or have been in such a country within the last 6 days (the incubation period). If this is the case you will need to present a "World Health Organisation International Certificate of Vaccination" with an appropriately dated certification on the "International Certificate of Vaccination or Revaccination Against Yellow Fever" page to immigration officials. This little yellow booklet will be given to you when you are vaccinated against yellow fever for the first time, which is valid for life. Carry it with your passport: you'll typically present them to immigration officials at the same time.

It is generally easiest to get a yellow fever vaccination in your home country before you leave on your trip. The vaccination is not in the normal vaccination schedules of many countries outside the infected areas since it is unnecessary unless you are travelling and has a somewhat higher risk of complications than many other vaccines. You will need to especially request a yellow fever vaccination from a designated yellow fever vaccination center. Immunity is considered to start 10 days from the time of the vaccination, so be sure to get vaccinated 10 days before you enter an infected country. The vaccine is live and not entirely inactive: many people have mild flu-like symptoms for a couple of days after receiving this vaccine, so it would be good not to be planning anything strenuous in those days.

Depending on how the vaccine is cultivated, you may need to allow about half an hour for a yellow fever vaccination as you will be observed for an allergic reaction after it is administered.

Vaccination requirements

Front Cover of International Certification of Vaccination

Some countries have mandatory yellow fever vaccination requirements. The exact requirements vary from country to country and may also vary from time to time. The following is a list of countries and territories which had yellow fever vaccination requirements as of 2017 according to the CDC. Countries requiring proof of vaccination upon arrival from all other countries (as opposed to only upon arrival from endemic countries) for all travellers more than one year old are marked below.

Among countries that require it upon arrival from endemic zones, some exclude a few individual countries or regions from this requirement, so look up the details for your specific destination or destinations. Some even require the vaccine if you change planes in an endemic country, even if you don't leave the airport. Others don't count airport layovers, or only care about them if they are longer than a certain number of hours.

CountryProof of Vaccination
Afghanistanfrom endemic zones
Albaniafrom endemic zones
Algeriafrom endemic zones
Antigua and Barbudafrom endemic zones
Australiafrom endemic zones
Bahamasfrom endemic zones
Bahrainfrom endemic zones
Bangladeshfrom endemic zones
Barbadosfrom endemic zones
Belizefrom endemic zones
Beninfrom endemic zones
Bhutanfrom endemic zones
Boliviafrom endemic zones
Bonairefrom endemic zones
Botswanafrom endemic zones
Brazilfrom Angola and the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Bruneifrom endemic zones
Burkina Fasofrom endemic zones
Cambodiafrom endemic zones
Cameroonfrom endemic zones
Cape Verdefrom endemic zones
Central African Republicalways
Chadfrom endemic zones
Chinafrom endemic zones (no requirement for entering Hong Kong or Macau
Christmas Islandfrom endemic zones
Cocos Islandsfrom endemic zones
Colombiafrom endemic zones
Democratic Republic

of the Congo

Republic of the Congoalways
Cote d'Ivoirealways
Costa Ricafrom endemic zones
Cubafrom endemic zones
Curaçaofrom endemic zones
Djiboutifrom endemic zones
Dominicafrom endemic zones
East Timorfrom endemic zones
Egyptfrom endemic zones
El Salvadorfrom endemic zones
Equatorial Guineafrom endemic zones
Eritreafrom endemic zones
Eswatinifrom endemic zones
Ethiopiafrom endemic zones
Fijifrom endemic zones
French Guianaalways
French Polynesiafrom endemic zones
Gambiafrom endemic zones
Grenadafrom endemic zones
Guadeloupefrom endemic zones
Guatemalafrom endemic zones
Guineafrom endemic zones
Guyanafrom endemic zones
Haitifrom endemic zones
Hondurasfrom endemic zones
Indiafrom endemic zones
Indonesiafrom endemic zones
Iranfrom endemic zones
Iraqfrom endemic zones
Jamaicafrom endemic zones
Jordanfrom endemic zones
Kazakhstanfrom endemic zones
Kenyafrom endemic zones
Kiribatifrom endemic zones
Kyrgyzstanfrom endemic zones
Laosfrom endemic zones
Lesothofrom endemic zones
Libyafrom endemic zones
Madagascarfrom endemic zones
Malawifrom endemic zones
Malaysiafrom endemic zones
Maldivesfrom endemic zones
Maltafrom endemic zones
Martiniquefrom endemic zones
Mauritaniafrom endemic zones
Mauritiusfrom endemic zones
Mayottefrom endemic zones
Montserratfrom endemic zones
Mozambiquefrom endemic zones
Myanmarfrom endemic zones
Namibiafrom endemic zones
Naurufrom endemic zones
Nepalfrom endemic zones
Netherlands Antillesfrom endemic zones
New Caledoniafrom endemic zones
Nigeriafrom endemic zones
Niuefrom endemic zones
Norfolk Islandfrom endemic zones
North Koreafrom endemic zones
Omanfrom endemic zones
Pakistanfrom endemic zones
Panamafrom endemic zones
Paraguayfrom endemic zones
Philippinesfrom endemic zones
Pitcairn Islandsfrom endemic zones
Reunionfrom endemic zones
Rwandafrom endemic zones
Sabafrom endemic zones
Saint Barthelemyfrom endemic zones
Saint Helena (island)from endemic zones
Saint Kitts and Nevisfrom endemic zones
Saint Luciafrom endemic zones
Saint Martinfrom endemic zones
Saint Vincent and the Grenadinesfrom endemic zones
Samoafrom endemic zones
Sao Tome and Principefrom endemic zones
Saudi Arabiafrom endemic zones
Senegalfrom endemic zones
Seychellesfrom endemic zones
Sierra Leonealways
Singaporefrom endemic zones
Sint Eustatiusfrom endemic zones
Solomon Islandsfrom endemic zones
Somaliafrom endemic zones
South Africafrom endemic zones
Sri Lankafrom endemic zones
Sudanfrom endemic zones
Tanzaniafrom endemic zones
Thailandfrom endemic zones
Trinidad and Tobagofrom endemic zones
Ugandafrom endemic zones
Venezuelafrom Brazil
Vietnamfrom endemic zones
Zambiafrom endemic zones
Zimbabwefrom endemic zones
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