North Brabant - Noord-Brabant

Province of North Brabant

North Brabant (Pronunciation: BrAh-bant; Emphasis always on the first syllable) is a province in the south of the Netherlands. Noord-Brabant borders the provinces in the north South Holland and Gelderland, in the west Zeeland, in the east Limburg and in the south to the Belgian provinces Antwerp and Limburg. Noord-Brabant is the second largest province in the Netherlands. The capital of the province is ’S-Hertogenbosch.


Noord-Brabant can be divided into 8 regions.

The travel regions in North Brabant
Originally under Dutch administration, the two areas are now almost one Land van Heusden en Altena and Westhoek often together under the name "Hollands Brabant".
Center of the leather and shoe industry, known for the amusement park De Efteling
The area around Breda was once a historic barony.
Lots of forests and heathlands.


Since the last reform, the province still has 63 municipalities:

Province map

Other goals


The name Brabant is derived from Braecbant what is put together from braec (Rupture or marshland) and bant (Region). Up until the 17th century, a large part of the area that is now the province of Noord-Brabant belonged to the Duchy of Brabant, the greater part of which can now be found in Belgium. Brabant had its heyday in the 14th and 15th centuries. This was especially true for the cities of Brussels, Antwerp, Leuven (in Belgium), Breda and 's-Hertogenbosch.

After the signing of the Union of Utrecht in 1579, the birth certificate of today's Netherlands, Brabant became the battlefield between the Protestant Republic of the Seven United Netherlands and Catholic Spain, which occupied the Southern Netherlands. With the Peace of Westphalia of 1648, the northern part of Brabant came to the republic and was called State of Brabant designated.

Attempts by the republic to lead the Brabant population to Protestantism failed. Brabant therefore functioned mainly as a better colony and military buffer zone. The area was literally plundered by the republic, so there was hardly any talk of economic development. Because the vast majority of the population was Catholic, Brabant was not admitted to the republic as a full eighth province. The Catholics in Brabant were restricted in the practice of their faith by the republic - that is why many came into being schuilkerken. In 1795, the Republic of the Seven United Netherlands became the Batavian Republic, which recognized Catholics as citizens of equal value and in which the general state State of Brabant became a province. Bataafs-Brabant called. During the French rule, the area was divided into different departments.

After the fall of Napoleon in 1815, it was decided at the Congress of Vienna that a. the Austrian (formerly Spanish) Netherlands and the former Batavian Republic were to be merged into a United Kingdom of the Netherlands. The entire area of ​​the old Duchy of Brabant was now reunited in one state and now divided into three provinces: Noord-Brabant, Antwerp and Zuid-Brabant (with Brussels and Leuven). On this occasion, Noord-Brabant was expanded with a few pieces of Holland (the areas south of Hollandsch Diep and Merwede) as well as the former lordships of Megen, Boxmeer, Gemert and Ravenstein.

At the time of the Belgian uprising of 1830, the population of the 90 percent Catholic Noord-Brabant had some sympathy for the Belgian cause, but it was limited and could be suppressed by the authorities without much effort.

At the end of the 19th century the province became more and more industrialized. Textiles were produced in Tilburg and Helmond, while Eindhoven became the fifth largest city in the Netherlands thanks to Philips and DAF. Once small towns quickly became new industrial cities. The two cities of Breda and 's-Hertogenbosch were distinguished by their historic inner cities. They were also old garrison towns, as the many barracks in both towns show. Bergen op Zoom is also an old garrison town with a historic city center.


The Brabant dialect of the Dutch standard language is immediately noticeable because it is spoken much softer than the normal, Dutch-influenced Dutch: that tender che (soft ge) corresponds much more to the German. -ch- in "I" as that -ch- in "laugh". In addition, knows that Brabants Grammatical forms hardly recognizable for those who are not familiar with Dutch, unknown in normal Dutch.

The Brabants Together with Dutch, it was one of the most important pillars in the development of the standard Dutch language in the 16th and 17th centuries. Above all, it influenced the spelling, and Dutch more the pronunciation. During the (Dutch) Golden Century (17th century) it lost Brabants weight due to political developments. In Dutch-speaking Belgium that is Brabants still the defining dialect, even if it - nonsensically - is called "Flemish".

getting there

By train

By car

From southern and western Germany, Noord-Brabant is best reached via the BAB40 (Dortmund - Duisburg - Straelen) or BAB61 (Speyer - Alzey - Koblenz - Mönchengladbach - GÜG Schwanenhaus). Both lead in from the border Venlo onto the A67 in the direction of the cross Leenderheide (A2) and further after Turnhout(B).

The A2 cuts through the province from south to north and comes from Maastricht/Roermond, leads to Utrecht and Amsterdam.

From northern and eastern Germany you can travel via Utrecht at. From there, take the A2 towards Eindhoven.

By plane

Noord-Brabant has an airport of some importance: Ab Eindhoven Airport (IATA code: A/ ICAO code: MARRIAGE), the former military airport Welschap, planes take off daily, among other things innsbruck, Budapest, Prague, London, Milan and Barcelona. It is currently the largest regional airport in the Netherlands.

In addition to Eindhoven Airport, there are also airports in Noord-Brabant Seppe Airport (ICAO code: EHSE/ no IATA code) Roosendaal and Kempen Airport (ICAO code: EHBD/ no IATA code) at Budel. These airfields are mainly used by business travelers.


Public transport


Noord-Brabant is served by several main routes Nederlandse Spoorwegen crossed:

The Local traffic stops on the respective routes are:

  • Zwolle - Roosendaal:
Ravenstein, Oss, Oss West, Rosmalen, 's-Hertogenbosch Oost, ’S-Hertogenbosch, Tilburg, Tilburg West, Tilburg Reeshof, Gilze-Rijen, Breda, Etten-Leur, Roosendaal.
The trains run mo-sa every 30 minutes, so every hour.
  • Venlo - The Hague:
Deurne, Helmond Brouwhuis, Helmond, Helmond 't Hout, Helmond Brandevoort, Eindhoven, Eindhoven Beukenlaan, Best, Boxtel, Oisterwijk, Tilburg, Tilburg West, Tilburg Reeshof, Gilze-Rijen, Breda, Breda Prinsenbeek, location Zwaluwe.
The trains run mo-sa every 30 minutes, so every hour.
  • Maastricht - Alkmaar:
Maarheze, Heeze, Geldrop, Eindhoven, Eindhoven Beukenlaan, Best, Boxtel, Vught, ’S-Hertogenbosch.
The trains run from Mon to Sat every 30 minutes, so every hour.

Bus network

The bus network is divided into five concession areas, which are served by different bus companies.

By bicycle

A network of bicycle connection points (fietsknooppunten) built up. Numbered bike paths over scenic routes lead to these junctions. At each node you can usually choose between several further routes. The advantage over previous cycle routes is that it is up to you to put together your own route.

These nodes form regional networks. These are in Noord-Brabant:

  • De Kempen (700 km)
  • Midden-Brabant (500 km)
  • De Baronie (600 km)
  • Noordoost-Brabant (900 km)
  • De Peel (600 km)
  • De Meierij (550 km)
  • Brabant delta (550 km)
  • De Wijde Biesbosch (550 km)

In addition, there is of course still a good range of cycle paths and cycle signposts for those who prefer to avoid routes.

In the street

Noord-Brabant is connected to different parts of the country by 12 motorways: A2, A4, A16, A17, A27, A29, A / N50, A58, A59, A / N65, A67 and A73.

There are also important west-east connections:

The province also has a dense network of provincial roads. An important provincial road is the N279 that runs from 's-Hertogenbosch about Veghel Helmond runs. Another important N-road is the N277, also called Middenpeelweg, which runs between Ravenstein and Kessel (Limburg) runs.

By boat

The Meusethat flows in the north and east of Noord-Brabant is an important traffic artery. There are a number of ports like in Cuijk and in Oss. Of ’S-Hertogenbosch from can shipping over the Zuid-Willemsvaart also Veghel, Helmond and Weert to reach. Incidentally, this channel is currently being widened.

The third important shipping connection is that Wilhelminakanaal, the Geertruidenberg about Dongen and Tilburg with the Zuid-Willemsvaart connects.

Tourist Attractions



By the way, there are some recipes for specialties of the Noord-Brabant cuisine here in the Koch Wiki to find.


The inner cities of ’S-Hertogenbosch and Breda are known throughout the Netherlands for their rich nightlife.



Noord Brabant consists for the most part of sandy soils, but there are also fertile clay soils in the north and in the far west. The province knows only a few real hills, but the many large forests offer some protection. Thanks to its southern location, Noord-Brabant is one of the warmest areas in the Netherlands in summer. Very high temperatures are regularly measured over the sandy soils. Sun lovers get their money's worth here. The number of summer and tropical days is here - together with Limburg - the highest in the country.


Web links

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