Pljos - Pljos

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Pljos (Russian: Плёс) is a small town on the Volga and lies between Kostroma and Nizhny Novgorod in Central Russia.


The small town lies on the right bank of the Volga. It originated in the 12th century, was a trading center for textiles in the 17th and 18th centuries and lost its importance because it is located off the railway lines. In the last few years the number of inhabitants - like almost in the whole region - has decreased slowly and steadily. In return, the place was preserved in its original state, the town lives from numerous well-kept wooden houses, from numerous churches and a picturesque landscape. The Russian landscape painter Isaac Lewithan lived and worked here for a few years. Pljos is a climatic health resort and a popular tourist destination.

getting there

Map of Pljos

By plane

By bus

In the street

Of Ivanovo from there it is around 70 km on the country road.

By boat

Pljos is a popular docking point for river cruises on the Volga


Tourist Attractions


  • 1  Assumption Cathedral (Собор Успения Пресвятой Богородицы), Плёс, Ивановская обл., 155555.
  • 2  Trinity Church (Церковь Троицы Живоначальной)
  • 3  Church of the Resurrection (Воскресенская церковь (Плёс)) Church of the Resurrection in the Wikipedia encyclopediaChurch of the Resurrection in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryChurch of the Resurrection (Q99947515) in the Wikidata database
  • 4  Barbara Church (Церковь св. Варвары), Варваринская ул., Плёс, Ивановская обл., 155555.


  • several well-preserved merchant houses







Practical advice



Web links

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