Uglich - Uglitsch

Uglich - Углич (Uglich, Ouglich, Uglič)
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Uglich (Russian: У́глич) is a city in Central Russia.



The town Uglich is about 200 km north of Moscow on both sides of one knee Volga, from which the name probably derives (Russian Ugol = corner). North up Rybinsk and the dams of the Rybinsk Reservoir are around 70 km away. The backwater of this barrage extends as far as the dam of the Uglich reservoir in Uglich and into the left tributary of the Koroshetschna, which is tangent to Uglich. The dam of the Uglich Reservoir is located in the middle of the city. This is the only road connection between the districts on both sides of the Volga. The Uglich reservoir extends to the next barrage of the Volga near Dubna. Shipping overcomes the 11 m difference in altitude between Rybinsker and Uglitscher reservoirs through the lock canal on the left with a one-chamber lock.

Uglich lies in the transition from the mixed forest zone to the southern taiga. Forests, hills, swamps, watercourses, fallow land and agricultural areas shape the landscape around Uglich. Winter weather with ice and snow can occur from late October to early May in some years. The ice on the Volga also lasts a long time, to the chagrin of the cruise lines, which limits navigation time.


The area at the Volga knee where the 1 Kremlin is located, has been settled with short interruptions in the 5th and 6th centuries since the beginning of our era. Excavations prove, among other things, the settlement more Scandinavian Nobles in the 10th century. The local historians attribute the founding of the city "Ugletsche Polje" (Uglich Field) in the 10th century to Jan Pleskowitsch, a relative of the Kiev princess Olga. This is also indicated by a plot of land that is built up today and which was called "Janowo Polje" until the 19th century. There is no agreement about the exact year of the foundation, there are different details. In the end, the official agreement was reached on the year 937. This is used to celebrate the city's birthday every summer with a city festival, which is of course particularly intense in the round years.

The first written mention of Uglich comes from the year 1148, when during a campaign of the Kievans Grand Duke against Suzdalers A clerk describes the troop movement as "Coming from Ksnjatino via Ugletsche Polje in the direction of the Mologa estuary". In 1218 Uglich becomes the capital of the Uglitsk principality, which in 1216 was divided by the Rostov Principality arose under the princely sons. In 1285 the princely rights came back to the Rostov princes, who sold them to the Moscow princes at the beginning of the 14th century. In the sub-principality, the Moscow young princes now mostly exercised the reign. Between 1218 and its dissolution as the last partial Russian principality in 1605, the Uglitsk principality was ruled by a total of 23 princes. After the pillage and pillage by 1238 Mongolian - Tatar Uglich experienced hordes in the prince's time through the development of trade along the Volga and wise governance historically at its greatest height and importance. So Uglich began under Konstantin Dmitrijewitsch (reign 1427-1433) to mint his own coins, and many buildings were built at that time. An example of this is the building of the Princely Chamber, which can still be viewed on the Kremlin grounds today. During the reign of Ivan the Terrible, his younger brother Yuri Wassiljewitsch was Prince Uglitsky from 1533-1563. After the death of Ivan the Terrible in 1584, his son, Tsarevich Dmitri, was sent to Uglich with his mother, where he became a young prince at the age of one.

Princely Chamber (built in 1480 under Prince Andrei the Great)

The terrible events on May 15, 1591 became a crucial point in Uglich history and had an impact on the rest of the world Russia. Eight-year-old Dmitri was found in the palace garden with his throat cut. The Uglich saw in Boris Godunow the client for the killing, in order to take the throne of the tsar himself with the extermination of the ruler of the Rurikids, and they killed his two bailiffs and destroyed their official residence. For this, 200 Uglich citizens were executed, and the clapper and ring (tongue and ear of the bell in Russian) were torn out of the bell that had rung for the uprising, and the bell was replaced Siberia exiled to the Tobolsk Kremlin. For Uglich a period of decline began afterwards, it was to Gustav the Sweden - Swedish king's son and Godunov's hindered son-in-law - sold off and repeatedly devastated in wars, the time of turmoil began for Russia, the pseudodmitris with claims to the Tsar's throne and invasions, this time from the West Polish - Lithuanian Warrior. To this day, Uglich has never regained its former importance and fell into disrepute as a sleepy little provincial town. If there is trouble with Muscovites or Moscow authorities, many a well-read Uglich recalls the disgrace suffered by the Muscovites at the time.

It was not until the 18th century that Uglich flourished again due to the development of trade and handicrafts. In addition to the wood construction, stone construction began to develop, but this was at the time of construction St. Petersburg was interrupted by decree. In 1784 a building plan for Uglich was decided, and from the beginning of the 19th century stone houses were built again in the central streets, mostly in the classical style. The district office directly opposite the Kremlin is eloquent testimony to the Uglich architecture and is now a popular photo opportunity for tourists.

At the end of the 19th century, Uglich came through the construction of the Moscow-Sonkowo-St. Petersburg across from its neighboring cities and Kashin Kalyasin, who both have a train station on this route, fall behind. The construction of a branch line to Uglich in 1940 did not change that much. During the Soviet era, Uglich regained a certain importance through the "Chaika" watch combination, whose products were well known at least in the Eastern Bloc, and the Uglich hydroelectric power station, which ensured a relatively stable electrical energy supply in Moscow during World War II. Unfortunately, some cultural and architectural monuments fell victim to the reservoir.

getting there

By plane

  • From the German-speaking countries in Central Europe Depending on the airline, you arrive at one of the three Moscow airports Sheremetyevo, Domodedovo or Vnukowo.

By train

  • A train ride to Uglich is only for absolute train lovers. There is only one branch line to Uglich itself. The direct train connections to Moscow and St. Petersburg were recently discontinued, which is the subject of heated debates. At the moment (2014) direct trains only run to Sawjolowo, Sonkowo and Kalyasin. The 1 railway stationBahnhof in der Enzyklopädie WikipediaBahnhof im Medienverzeichnis Wikimedia CommonsBahnhof (Q4468938) in der Datenbank Wikidata is on the outskirts of the city.

In the street

  • Uglich is about 90 km west of Rostov, from Yaroslavl from it is around 100 km.
  • If you come from Moscow you take it M8 to Sergiev Posad and turns there on that Р104 Direction Kalyasin. Shortly before Kaljasin, turn right, continue on the Р104, and drives northeast parallel to the Volga to Uglich. Anyone coming from Sheremetyevo Airport should go via Lobnya, A104, Dmitrov, Р112, Taldom, Spas-Ugol and then on to the Р104 drive to avoid the traffic jams on the entrances to Moscow and the motorway ring. Those interested in Russian literature of the 19th century should make a stop in Spas-Ugol. It is the home of the writer Saltykov-Shchetrin. A museum in the Transfiguration Church directly on the street is dedicated to him. Unfortunately, the homestead on which he grew up burned down at the beginning of the last century, but you can still go for a walk in the associated park.
  • From the bus station in Uglich buses run to Moscow, Yaroslavl, Rybinsk, Rostov Veliky and Sergiev Posad, among others.
  • The 2 Bus station is located in the center of the city not far from the central square (2 min walk)

By boat

  • Most tourists from Central Europe come on the Volga cruise ships, which mostly operate between Moscow and Saint Petersburg. Uglich is the first and last landing stage after / before Moscow. Usually the ships dock in the morning hours and leave for Moscow or Yaroslavl in the evening, so that the passengers spend a few hours in Uglich.
  • The pier for passenger ships 3 is centrally located not far from the Kremlin and the central square (5 minutes' walk).

By bicycle

  • Usually, Russia, especially in the big cities, is not a good place for cyclists. In and around Uglich, however, the traffic density is still relatively low, so that you can comfortably move around by bike during longer stays. Together with the German twin city Idstein becomes a bike tour every summer Golden ring / Uglich organized. You should inquire about possible participation options from the Idstein co-organizers.


  • Municipal and private buses operate in the city. Timetables can be found on the city's homepage (see web links). The timetables for long-distance buses and trains can also be found here. Taxis are always available in the central square 4 . The prices are well below the European and Moscow levels. You can also arrange taxi rides to the larger cities including the outskirts of Moscow (1st subway station) at moderate prices. When traveling to the center of Moscow, prices rise significantly. Uglich's spatial expansion is manageable. A walk from Zwetotschny Rajon (Blumenkiez) at one end of the city to Mirny (peaceful neighborhood) at the other end takes a maximum of 1.5 hours. In the warm season of the year, cycling is therefore a good alternative to the car or local public transport to move within the town or in its immediate vicinity. However, if there is snow and ice in winter, it is better not to ride a bike. If you do not order flight and train tickets online, you can do so at the cash desk in the Hotel Uglitsch.

Tourist Attractions

Church of the Icon of the Mother of God in Korsun
Church in the Ulejma Monastery
Church of the Birth of John the Baptist on the Volga
Church "Dmitri in the Field"
Church "Dmitri in Blood" (1692), built on the spot in the Kremlin area where the dead Dmitri was found
Epiphany Cathedral
Paisij Protection and Intercession Monastery 1903
Simin's yard
Ilya Prorok Church in Solotoruchye
Fire station (built in the 1st half of the 19th century)
Dam wall
Lock canal


  • 2  Svyato-Voskresensky Monastery, ul. Oparina 2a, ул. Опарина 2а. Monastery, Russian Orthodox.
  • 3  Alexeyevsky Monastery, ul.Sharkowa 27, ул. Аркова 27. Alexejewskij Kloster in der Enzyklopädie WikipediaAlexejewskij Kloster im Medienverzeichnis Wikimedia CommonsAlexejewskij Kloster (Q4061895) in der Datenbank Wikidata.Russian Orthodox nunnery, founded in 1371 by the Moscow Metropolitan Aleksij.
  • 4  Bogoyavlensky Monastery, Rostovskaya Street 22, ул. Ростовская 22. Bogojawlenskij Kloster in der Enzyklopädie WikipediaBogojawlenskij Kloster im Medienverzeichnis Wikimedia CommonsBogojawlenskij Kloster (Q4089824) in der Datenbank Wikidata.Epiphany monastery, nunnery, Russian orthodox.
  • 5  Nikolo-Ulejminsky Monastery (Ulejma settlement, 12 km outside the direction of Rostov). Nunnery, Old Believers.
  • 6  Paisiev Pokrovsky Monastery. Paisijew Pokrowskij Kloster in der Enzyklopädie WikipediaPaisijew Pokrowskij Kloster im Medienverzeichnis Wikimedia CommonsPaisijew Pokrowskij Kloster (Q4342199) in der Datenbank Wikidata.Paisij Protection and Intercession Monastery. Former monastery; probably founded in 1476 by the monk Paisij; stood on the left bank of the Volga and was flooded by the Uglich reservoir. In 1990 a cross was erected directly on the bank as a reminder and reminder. In some spring, when the ice is clear, the monastery is partially visible at the bottom of the reservoir shortly before the melt. Do not step on the ice unless it is firm enough.

Active churches

  • 7  Church "Tsarevich Dmitri in the Field", Rostovskaya Street 60, ул. Ростовская 60. Kirche .erected at the place where Dmitri's body was deposited for the last time on Uglich soil when it was transferred to Moscow.
  • 8  Church of the Icon of the Mother of God in Korsun, ul.Narimanova 5a, ул. Нариманова 5а.
  • 9  Church of the Kazan Mother of God icon, pl. Uspenskaya 6, площадь Успенская 6. named after Kazan.
  • 10  Ilya Prorok Church, Solotoruchje, Золоторучье (on the outskirts of Uglich).
  • 11  Florus and Laurus Church, ul. Ostrovskogo, ул. Островского.
  • 12  Church of the Fyodorov Icon of the Mother of God, Rostovskaya Street 24, ул. Ростовская 24. Epiphany Monastery.
  • 13  Smolensk Church, Rostovskaya Street 24, ул. Ростовская 24. Epiphany Monastery.
  • Churches of the three monasteries Nikolo-Ulejminsky, Svjato-Voskresenskij 14 15 and Alexejewskij

Other churches

  • The 16 Dmitrievskaya ChurchKirche Kirche Kirche or Blood Church (Church "Dmitri in the Blood"), 1692 at the place of death of the Tsarevich Dmitri Erected on the Kremlin site, where there was initially a small chapel and later a wooden church. Now used as a museum. In addition to the icons, the bell "banished" to Tobolsk in 1591 is an important exhibit.
  • The 17 Transfiguration Cathedral (Спасо-Преображенский собор)
On the site of a wooden church from the 13th century, a stone cathedral was built in Uglich's heyday at the end of the 15th century. When Uglich was captured by Polish-Lithuanian warriors in 1611, many of the city's residents found their last refuge here. However, the conquerors did not stop in front of the church, killed the refugees in it and set fire to the inside of the building. At the end of the 17th century, with the permission of Peter the Great, a new cathedral was built, which was consecrated in 1706. In 1730 the stone bell tower was added. The icon wall with 60 icons, mainly from the 17th and 18th centuries, is remarkable. The clock in the bell tower was renewed in 1984 by the Uglich clock factory. There is currently a dispute between the museum and church administration over the usage rights for the building.
  • The 18 Epiphany Cathedral (Богоявленский собор) at the monastery of the same name was built in 1853. During the Soviet era it was used as a warehouse, and the exterior was renovated in the 1970s. In 2003 it was transferred back to the church. A gradual restoration is currently taking place inside the building.
  • 19 Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist on the Volga
Built 1689-1690 with funds from the merchant Grigory Tschepolosow in memory of his youngest son Vanya, who died in 1663. In the 1960s, during restoration work in an arcosol in the northern part of the church, Wanya's bones were found. Building currently unused.


  • Uglich Kremlin
  • The 20 Dam of the Uglich ReservoirStaumauer des Uglitscher Stausees in der Enzyklopädie WikipediaStaumauer des Uglitscher Stausees im Medienverzeichnis Wikimedia CommonsStaumauer des Uglitscher Stausees (Q2268920) in der Datenbank Wikidata With Hydroelectric power plant and lock
  • 21 District building (formerly the house of the Evreimow merchant family) and other buildings in the classical style
  • 22 Simin's yardSimins Hof in der Enzyklopädie WikipediaSimins Hof im Medienverzeichnis Wikimedia CommonsSimins Hof (Q4191945) in der Datenbank Wikidata, Estate of the Simin merchants, opposite the Svyato-Voskresensky monastery
  • 1 Fire station on Yaroslavler Street (ул. Ярославская)
  • 23 "Great Wall of China" The Uglich joke for a long, 1980s-style house at ul.Pobedy (ул. Победы)


  • State Architecture and Art Museum, Kremlin 3 (кремль 3).
  • Exhibition history and music of Uglich sounds, ul.Bacharewa 27 (ул. Бахарева 27).
  • Museum of History of Russian Vodka, Bergholtzstraße 9 (ул. О. Берггольц 9).
  • Doll gallery, Bergholtzstrasse 1/2 (ул. О. Берггольц 1/2).
  • Museum Myths and Superstitions of the Russian People, January 9th Street (ул. 9-го января).
  • Museum of Everyday Objects Caesarevich, ul.Pervomajskaja 13 (ул. Первомайская 13).
  • Museum of Prison Art, Bergholtzstrasse 1/2 (ул. О. Берггольц 1/2). Exhibition Prohibited Zone.
  • Museum of everyday urban life, pl. Uspenskaja 5 (площадь Успенская 5).
  • Museum of the history of the watch factory "Chaika", Krasnoarmejskij Boulevard 3 (Красноармейский бульвар 3).
  • Museum under a beneficial roof, ul.Yaroslavskaya 1 (ул. Ярославская 1). Museum of the Orthodox Christian Religion.
  • Museum of Hydropower of Russia, ul.Spasskaja 3 (Спасская улица 3).
  • Museum of Childhood of the XIX. Century, in the Church of Florus and Laurus.
  • Exhibition of works by current Uglich artists, ul.Naberezhnaja 7 (набережная 7).
  • Uglich Legends Museum, ul.Spasskaja 2 (Спасская улица 2).
  • Glass museum, Kalashnikov House, ul.Pervomajskaja 1 (ул. Первомайская 1).

Detailed information on the sights and museums including opening times and prices can be found on the corresponding pages of the city portals (see web links). Most of them are in Russian, but for those who are not familiar with Russian, the relevant translation programs can help. The translation of running texts is sometimes incomprehensible and sometimes even misleading, but the translation of bullet-point lists and tabular information is usually quite useful.


  • Rowing boats can be borrowed from Park Pobedy 1 . This allows you to get a picture of Uglich from the waterfront and at the same time do something to exercise your body.
  • Above the dam, not far from the freight port, there is a bathing beach on the Volga for hot summers 2 expelled. Many Uglich however prefer to be on the Lesser Town in the Koroshechna tributary 3 to bathe.
  • Hunters and anglers should get information about activities there from the city information center, from travel agencies or as guests of the "Brise" facility 4 .
  • You can also do something for your body and mind with a bike ride to nearby Ulejma and a visit to the monastery there.
  • As a pedestrian you can do the same with a walk to Solotorutschje (Goldfließ) on the outskirts and a visit to the church there. If you are present, the priest will be happy to tell you in detail about the history of his church.
  • Don't be afraid to go to church during a service. You can enter and leave the houses at any time. Don't go as a large group of tourists, and women should definitely wear headgear in church. The lay choirs and acoustics in most of the churches are very impressive. This applies in particular to the beginning of Lent and Easter. Remember that these dates usually do not match according to the Gregorian and Julian calendars.
  • For the more adventurous, we recommend taking part in a water hike on foot to the flooded city of Mologa 5 in the Rybinsk Reservoir, which are organized by the descendants of the former residents when the water is low. Find out more at the travel agencies or in the Mologamuseum in Rybinsk, which is also operated by former Mologa residents and their descendants.
  • When the weather is nice, cruise ship passengers who are comfortable on foot and want to stretch their legs after a long stay on board can take a walk to all of the above-mentioned monasteries and churches in the city area (except Ulejma, Solotorutschje and the flooded monastery). The unsigned tour is almost 8 km long, if you do not go to the church "Dmitri im Feld", you come to a good 5 km. You can admire a wide range of architecture from defensive and defensive to filigree and ornate, but always recognizable as a Russian Orthodox sacred building. The building fabric has mostly survived the neglect in the last century surprisingly well, the repair work on the various buildings ranges from not yet started to already completed.


  • In the center there are several at the intersection of Uspenskaya Plostschad ', Rostower and Jaroslawler Strasse Souvenir shops. With the start of the season, on days when cruise ships dock in Uglich, countless stalls for souvenirs and other items are set up in Park Pobedy (Victory Park), so that all passengers on the way to the city or the Kremlin have to pass them. The souvenirs are mostly brought from Moscow wholesalers and correspond to those in other cities in central Russia. If you are looking for something specific to the location, you should take a look at the attractive paintings and watercolors by very good artists that Uglich produces in every generation. Before buying, however, you should find out about the applicable export regulations and obtain an export permit if necessary. The clocks must be referred to as a further Uglitsch-specific souvenir. After the large clock factory "Tschaika" went bankrupt at the beginning of the millennium, some of the creative minds went into business for themselves and offer a wide variety of their own creations, including in the luxury segment. Sometimes watches from old stocks are also offered, mostly without a guarantee. Those who stay longer in Uglich also have the option of ordering a watch according to their special wishes.
  • There are two in Uglich Farmers markets, the central 1 near the bus station and the northern (sewerny) 2 on Rybinsker Strasse.
  • Everyday goods can be bought in one of the numerous shops or kiosks, some of which have very extended opening times. If you don't know Russian and don't want to be served over the counter, you should go to one of the self-service markets. A smaller one 3 is located on Lenin Street just around the corner from the central square, two more on Rybinsker Street in the north 4 and one on Lenin Street 5 in the south. The supermarket "Dobrynja" leaves the best impression 6 on the corner of Rybinsker Strasse and Starostinstrasse. Russian canned fish are of good quality, especially the Far Eastern "Saira" (Sauries) is recommended. It should be noted that the date of manufacture is primarily indicated on Russian products. In addition, the shelf life or expiry date is sometimes given. Dairy and sausage products should be given special attention because the packaging date in the shop is sometimes stated here. There is a large selection of beers and non-alcoholic drinks, including German and Czech brands. But be careful, these are mostly beers for which the brewery and trademark rights have been sold to international companies, who have the beers brewed under the brand name in their Russian breweries. The location of the brewery, often Klin or Kaluga, is then indicated in small print on the back of the bottle. It is therefore advisable to enjoy beer from Yaroslavl, the closest brewery location. "Jarpiwo" (ярпиво) has the same taste as a medium German beer. When paying for the goods, the cashier usually tries to trick you into a plastic bag for a fee. Only take these if you are clear about their further use. Unfortunately, far too often incorrectly disposed of packaging waste defaces meadows and forests in the vicinity of Uglich.
  • Anyone who has not yet managed to buy the Russian rubles they need for shopping on their trip to Uglich or who has theirs Travel fund need to top up, this can be done with most plastic cards at the ATMs or by exchanging cash. As in Austria, the ATMs are called in Uglich ATM. A Sberbank ATM with 24-hour service is located on Bergholtzstrasse, the same from Severgasbank at the Hotel Uspenskaja on Pervomajskijstrasse. The maximum amounts that can be withdrawn in one process are relatively low, but the fees that are not displayed are quite high. Every now and then on weekends it can happen that the ATMs run out of money late in the evening. As an alternative, you can exchange cash at more moderate fees in the bank branches and at some exchange offices. A little tip: even the moderate fees are usually above the Moscow rate, so you should get the necessary change there when coming from Moscow. The branches and exchange offices have regular opening times, outside of which you can neither exchange money nor use the branches' ATMs. Only some of the ATMs are bilingual in Russian and English.


Most restaurants and eateries offer good Russian cuisine. The two are an exception to this caucasian Cafes on Rostower Straße near the central square and the central market. The restaurants in the hotels built after 2000 and in Bergholtzstrasse also advertise European cuisine. A comprehensive overview of places to stop off in Uglich can be found in one of the listed restaurant directories. The menus are almost exclusively in Russian. So you should find out about names beforehand. Mostly the old Russian tradition, i.e. starter, soup, main course and dessert, is ordered. Sometimes this is complemented by a piece of pastry for dessert. The portions are sized so that a normal adult can easily cope with the four courses. Also note that in the more upscale establishments, the main course is put together by itself. So, for example, you order roasts, potatoes and a vegetable side dish separately, which are also priced individually. In some establishments, complete menus are offered at lunchtime at a reasonable price, which can then be had under the name of business lunches, as in Germany.


You can get simple and inexpensive food in the self-service restaurant (столовая) "Volga" 1 in Jaroslawler Strasse and in the former cheese dairy restaurant on Rybinsker Strasse 2 almost on the outskirts. These are heavily frequented by the simple Uglich citizens. The cheese made here can be bought in the cheese dairy for testing or as a souvenir.


District office, to the left of it a historical shopping area with the hotel "Uspenskaja", to the right covered cafe "Petuschok"

The self-service cafe is recommended 3 Well Uspenskoj (На Успенской) right next to the district office, which is popularly known as Petuschok (петушок = chicken). The autumn or spring soup, a kind of vegetable soup a la Leipziger Allerlei, is delicious here, depending on the season. The fish dishes are also of good quality, pikeperch (судак) is recommended. At lunchtime there is also a lot of activity here, especially the employees of the surrounding municipal administrations and the district office dine here. If you don't want to do without the service with similar quality and the same price level, you should go to the cafe, which is located a little outside the center 4 Drive (Драйф) go. Employees of the surrounding industrial companies and the prison camp often dine here. Unfortunately, the menu here is not as long as in the "Petuschok", but the menu changes daily. An insider tip in this middle price range for multi-day tourists is the cafe belonging to a fitness center 5 Energija (Энергия) at the stadium. In summer and early autumn, during the day and especially in the evening, you can sit comfortably in the half-open arbours grouped around an apple tree in the associated garden, enjoy your meal and chat undisturbed. Even from a bit of wind and light rain, you don't need to run away, protected by the arbor. And it is tolerated that many a guest avails himself of the apple tree when the fruits are ripe. The two Caucasian cafes are at the upper end of the middle price range. They are run by people from the Caucasus region who ended up in tranquil Uglich during the turbulent years of the collapse of the Soviet Union. It is of course the original Caucasian dishes that you should try here, e.g. the karcho soup (суп харчо) and a real mutton shaschlyk.


In the upscale category, the restaurant comes first 6 Stary gorod (Старый город = old town). Contrary to its name, it is located in a fairly new building next to the mayor's office, but unlike some other restaurants, the service here is very brisk and courteous, and the kitchen also offers some delicacies. Dishes made with eggplant and cucumber gourd (баклажаны, кабачки) - in New German also aubergine and zucchini - are far more common in Russian than in German, and should definitely be tried as a starter or side dish to the main course. For soups, depending on the season, the Russian fish soup (уха) or okroshka (окрошка) are recommended. For the main course, instead of boiled potatoes, French fries, rice or buckwheat, which is often used in Russia, try the house specialty, "gribnik" (грибник). It is a side dish based on steamed potatoes and chanterelles. Also in the restaurants of the new hotels (Moscow, Volgariviera) and in Bergholtzstraße you eat well. Around the time of the summer solstice, one should dine on the terraces of the hotels in the evening. Here you can enjoy the sunset over the Volga and the opposite wooded bank while dining and watch the cruise ships depart from Uglich.


  • In the restaurant 6 Lada The hotel "Uglich" is a regular nightclub on weekends.
  • Around this time, more mature people get their money's worth in the "Altstadt" restaurant with dance events and concerts.
  • Many Uglich people simply meet in the evenings on the central square, on the Volga or in the parks around the Kremlin. You sit together in groups and talk or go for a walk on the waterfront, with a bottle of beer or other drink in your hand.
  • There has been one on Krasnoarmeysky Boulevard since the 1970s 7 Palace of Culture with a varied program.
  • There is a fairly new one on Bergholtzstrasse 8 Movie theater.
  • That too 9 youth Center in the Kiez Solnetschny (микрорайон Солнечный) with its programs intended for the youth is still relatively new.
  • Obwohl im Kulturpalast manchmal Gastspiele verschiedener Theatergruppen stattfinden, empfiehlt es sich für Liebhaber, die Theater und Konzertsäle in Rybinsk und Jaroslawl zu besuchen. Die Qualität dort kann sich mit der so mancher Moskauer Häuser messen. Verbunden vielleicht mit einem Tagesausflug kann das zu einem tollen Erlebnis werden, und im eigenen Auto oder mit dem Uglitscher Taxiservice dauert die Rückfahrt nicht länger als anderthalb bis zwei Stunden, so dass man nach Ende der Vorstellung nicht allzu spät nach Uglitsch zurückkommt.


Auf den verschiedenen Stadtportalen finden Sie Angaben zu Hotels und Übernachtungsmöglichkeiten (siehe Weblinks). Eine Stadtinformation gibt es in der Rostower Straße 6. Touristen aus Mitteleuropa haben ja meist ihr Hotel vorab gebucht, denn für die Erteilung eines Visum ist eine Einladung aus Russland erforderlich. Ein entsprechender Service wird nur von einigen Hotels und Reisebüros angeboten.


Gehobenen Komfort bieten die beiden nach 2000 an dem Ufer der Wolga errichteten Hotels "Wolgariviera" 1 (Волжская Ривьера) und "Moskau" 2 (Москва). Aus den Fenstern auf der Flussseite hat man einen herrlichen Ausblick auf die Wolga, das bewaldete gegenüberliegende Ufer und die abends beleuchtete Staumauer.


Guten Komfort bieten auch die zentral gelegenen Hotels Uspenskaja 3 (Успенская) und Wosnesenskaja 4 (Вознесенская). Leider wird im "Uspenskaja" die Nachtruhe durch die auf dem dahinterliegenden Parkplatz startenden Fahrzeuge relativ früh beendet, was besonders im Winter wegen des längeren Warmlaufenlassens lästig ist. Wer bei ähnlichem Komfort die Abgeschiedenheit bevorzugt, sollte im Hotel "Tschaika" 5 (Чайка = Möwe) absteigen. "Tschaika" ist das ehemalige Gästehaus der Uhrenfabrik, hat einen eigenen, ummauerten kleinen Park und ein kleines Cafe. Allerdings kann man dem Gekreische der Uglitscher Möwen auch hier nicht entfliehen, wenn diese es für notwendig erachten, Mitteilungen untereinander auszutauschen.


Recht preisgünstig ist das Hotel "Uglitsch" 6 (Углич) an der Jaroslawler Straße etwa 15 Minuten zu Fuß entfernt vom zentralen Platz. Es war zu Sowjetzeiten das erste Hotel am Ort und hat noch in gewisser Weise seinen damaligen Charme bewahrt. Wer hier an den Wochenenden übernachten möchte, sollte an die im Restaurant Lada veranstaltete Diskothek und den daraus resultierenden möglichen Lärmpegel denken.

Außerhalb der Stadt

Für Naturliebhaber ist die Cottageanlage "Brise" 7 (Бриз) etwas wolgaaufwärts außerhalb von Uglitsch zu empfehlen. Insbesondere Jäger, Angler und im Winter Eisangler kommen hier auf ihre Kosten.


  • Uglitscher Autobesitzer, sofern ohne eigene Garage, stellen fast alle über Nacht ihre Fahrzeuge auf einem der bewachten Parkplätze ab und empfehlen dies auch ihren Gästen. Die meisten Hotels haben ihren eigenen Parkplatz, wer anderweitig übernachtet, sollte sich nach dem nächstgelegenen Parkplatz erkundigen.
  • In Russland haben Fußgänger an Übergängen mit Zebrastreifen erst seit einigen Jahren das Vorrecht. Die meisten Autofahrer halten sich auch daran, aber einige haben diese Regel noch nicht verinnerlicht. Pochen Sie also nicht unbedingt auf Ihr Vorrecht und seien Sie auch an diesen Übergängen recht aufmerksam.
  • An den Wochenenden wird Uglitsch gern von Moskauer Kraftfahrzeugbesitzern als interessantes Ausflugsziel angesteuert. Man genießt die freie Fahrt nach dem täglichen Stau in Moskau. Leider wird das von einigen übertrieben ausgelebt. Seien Sie an diesen Tagen besonders vorsichtig. Für Motorräder wurde Uglitschs Zentrum bereits gesperrt, nachdem Motorradrocker Uglitsch entdeckten.


Medizinische Einrichtungen

  • Schnelle Medizinische Hilfe: phone 03
Dispatcher Telefon: (48532) 21045
  • Poliklinik Nr. 1
ul. Sewernaja Haus 7 (ул. северная дом 7) 2
  • Kinderklinik
Sawodskoj projesd 14 (заводской пр. 14) 3
  • Zahnklinik
ul. Pobedy 17 (ул. победы 17) 4
  • Zentrales Ambulatorium
ul. Lenina 4 (ул. Ленина 4) 5

Ausführliche Liste auf Russisch siehe Weblinks.


  • Apotheke Nr. 46
ul. Lenina 2 (ул. Ленина 2) 6

Zentral gelegen, für die Tagestouristen der Kreuzfahrtschiffe am einfachsten erreichbar. Weitere Apotheken und andere Einrichtungen der Gesundheitsfürsorge siehe Weblinks.

Practical advice

  • Waschen und Bügeln gehört in den Hotels meist nicht zu den gelisteten Dienstleistungen. In manchen Hotels kann mit einigen Angestellten auf privater Basis ein derartiger Service vereinbart werden. In einem Hof in der Leninstraße gibt es eine Dienstleistungseinrichtung, zu der auch eine Wäscherei zählt. Die Wäsche sollte in einem Stoffsack abgegeben werden und man bekommt sie nach ein paar Tagen, frühestens am nächsten Tag, zurück. Auch andere Dienstleistungen und Reparaturen werden auf dem Hof angeboten.
  • Eine öffentliche Toilette befindet sich zentral in dem Park zwischen Bergholtzstraße und Kreml. Bei Veranstaltungen und an Markttagen, wenn die Passagierschiffe anlegen, hat sie geöffnet, sonst nur tagsüber und mit unregelmäßigen Öffnungszeiten. Entrichten Sie bitte schon beim Betreten der Einrichtung die fällige Gebühr, sonst kann es passieren, dass beim Wasserlassen plötzlich neben Ihnen eine aufmerksame Toilettenfrau auftaucht, um das Geld zu kassieren. In den gastronomischen Einrichtungen gibt es meistens auch akzeptable Toiletten, vorwiegend unisex. In manchen muss man das Personal nach dem Schlüssel fragen.
  • The Hauptpostamt and the Fernmeldeamt befinden sich in der Rybinsker Chaussee 2-a. Weitere Postämter finden sie unter den Weblinks.
  • The Postleitzahlen für Uglitsch sind: 152610, 152611, 152612, 152613, 152615 und 152616.
  • The prefix für das Uglitscher Fernmeldenetz lautet: (48532). Aus Deutschland ist davor der Landescode für Russland 7, aus Russland meist eine 8 zu setzen.
  • Mobilfunk bieten die Betreiber MTS, Beeline, Megafon und Jaroslawl-GSM an. Den größeren Kundenkreis haben wohl Beeline und MTS wegen ihrer Reichweite in Uglitsch. Am Rande der Stadt und bei Ausflügen kann die Empfangsqualität schwanken, und bei Fahrten z.B. nach Moskau werden Sie immer mal wieder neben den Schlaglöchern auch Funklöcher feststellen.
  • Bei einem längeren Aufenthalt in Uglitsch macht es finanziell Sinn, Prepaidkarten dieser Anbieter zu erwerben, obwohl da zunächst ein gewisser bürokratischer Aufwand zu bewältigen ist.
  • Filialen:
    • MTS, Rostower Straße 6.
    • Beeline, Rybinsker Chaussee 20a.
    • Beeline, Jaroslawler Str. 20.
    • Beeline, Rostower Straße 6.
    • Megafon, Rostower Straße 7c.
    • Jaroslawl GSM, Nikonowastraße 15.
    • Jaroslawl GSM, Jaroslawler Straße 20.
  • Planeta Vkusa, Bergholtzstraße 6. Internetcafe.
  • In manchen Hotels gibt es WLAN, wobei teilweise auch in der Lobby und in den gastronomischen Einrichtungen eingeloggt werden kann.


Klostertor in Borissoglebskij
Glockenturm der Kaljasiner Nikolaikirche im Uglitscher Stausee
Radioteleskop bei Kaljasin

Bei einem längeren Aufenthalt in Uglitsch bieten sich Tagesausflüge mit Bus, Taxi oder eigenem Auto an. Auch gut trainierte Radfahrer sollten für die größeren Orte Übernachtungen einplanen.

  • Yaroslavl. 100 km - Entfernung von Uglitsch als Hauptstadt der Oblast mit 1000-jähriger Tradition ist für Einkaufs- und Geschichtstourismus, Theaterbesuche und einfach für das Hineinstürzen ins Großstadtflair zu empfehlen. Auf dem Weg dorthin sollte man eine Pause in Nikulskoe (80 km) einplanen, um dem Tereschkowamuseum 24 einen Besuch abzustatten. Neben deren Leben im rekonstruiertem Geburtshaus ist auch etwas über die Kosmonautik Russlands zu erfahren. Beeindruckend ist jedoch der aufgezeigte Weg vom auf dem Ofen schlafenden Dorfmädchen Walentina zur 1. Weltraumfahrererin der Menschheit. Neben dem Museum befindet sich ein Cafe, in dem Sie sich für die weitere Fahrt stärken können.
  • Rybinsk. 70 km. Als zweite Großstadt der Oblast bietet ähnliches. Auf jeden Fall ist dort ein Besuch des Mologamuseums, der im Rybinsker Stausee verschwundenen Stadt, sehr empfehlenswert. Im Unterschied zu dem Uglitscher Wasserkraftmuseum stehen hier nicht die Vorteile der Nutzung der Wasserkraft im Vordergrund, sondern die Sorgen und Nöte der vertriebenen Menschen und der zur Zwangsarbeit verpflichteten Gefangenen der Straflager, die beim Bau Schwerstarbeit verrichten mussten. Man kann auf dem Hin- oder Rückweg nach Rybinsk einen kleinen Umweg über Myschkin (40 km), der Mausstadt mit dem Mausmuseum, machen, wenn man keine Extratour dorthin unternehmen möchte. Dabei kommen Sie noch in den Genuss, mit der Autofähre über die Wolga zu setzen.
Kirche in Kaschin
  • Rostow Weliki. 90 km. Vor allem historisch bedeutsam. Auf dem Weg dahin sollten Sie auf jeden Fall den Klöstern in Ulejma and Borissoglebskij25 (60 km) einen Besuch abstatten, die abseits der großen Touristenströme noch viel ihrer Ursprünglichkeit erhalten haben.
  • Sergijew Possad. 150 km. Bedeutsames Zentrum der russischen Orthodoxie.
  • Kaljasin. 50 km. Touristenattraktion wegen des mitten im Stausee stehenden Glockenturms der ehemaligen Nikolaikirche. Technisch Interessierte können sich kurz vor Kaljasin von einem riesigen, von der Straße zu sehenden Radioteleskop beeindrucken lassen.
  • Wer in Kaljasin Probleme hat, einzukehren, sollte ins jenseits der Wolga liegende achthundertjährige Kaschin- idyllisch gelegen in einer fast 360°-Schleife des Wolgazuflusses Kaschinka- fahren. Den direkten Weg von Uglitsch nach Kaschin linksseitig der Wolga (50 km) sollten nur Fahrradfahrer oder geländegängige Fahrzeuge nehmen.


  • "Po Uglitschu", Reiseführer, W. I. Jechorin, OAO IPO "Lew Tolstoi", 2007
  • "Kaschin", Iwanowa,OAO IPO "Lew Tolstoi", 2007
  • "Uglitscher Alexejew-Nonnenkloster", Flyer des Klosters
  • "Museum Saltykow-Schtschedrin", Flyer des Museums, Spas-Ugol 2006
  • Stadtplan Uglitsch, Flyer

Web links

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