South America - Sudamérica

Satellite map of South America.

Located between the Caribbean Sea, the Pacific and the South Atlantic, South America rises as the southernmost part of the continent American.

South America presents a great climatic and geographic diversity, highlighting the jungles of the Amazon, the rugged peaks of the Andes mountains, the arid Atacama Desert, remote islands like the Galapagos Y Fernando de Noronha, paradisiacal beaches in the Caribbean and the Atlantic and the harsh landscapes of the Patagonia.

Inhabited for centuries by various indigenous tribes, South America was subdued by the Iberian conquerors during the 16th century, who ruled the continent for more than 300 years. This gave rise to a racial mixture and a unique cultural identity that includes Amerindian, European and African elements. This diversity is also reflected in existing ways of life: while in some cities there is a high development similar to European countries, there are other isolated communities that maintain their ancient customs.

The Andes
The Amazon
Glaciers Patagonian
Beaches on the coast of Caribbean 


Map of South America and its tourist regions:      Caribbean coast     Andes     Brazil     Southern Cone     South Atlantic Islands
Caribbean coast
Khirsah, GuyanaColombia· Guyana· Surinam· Venezuela· French Guiana

Colombia Y Venezuela They stand out for their mixture of Andean culture, Amazon rainforest and a prodigious coastline of paradisiacal beaches. Cartagena de Indias and Margarita Island These are just some of the destinations that receive thousands of tourists every year who come to enjoy the favorable climate, warm waters and the area's own vegetation. Urban areas like Bogota, Medellin, Cali Y Caracas They stand out by mixing their Hispanic origins with modernity.

The Guyanas, meanwhile, are more exotic destinations. The recent colonial past of Guyana and Suriname contrasts with the jungle that covers their lands.

Machu PicchuBolivia· Ecuador· Peru

In the heart of South America, you will find the Andes enchanted by the ancient Inca cultures and the preserved Baroque cities of colonial origin, such as lime Y Quito. Pre-Columbian traditions have managed to maintain and integrate with current civilization, offering tourists their particular magic in destinations such as Cusco or Macchu Picchu. Contrasting landscapes between jungle and desert can be found alongside beautiful and deserted beaches on the Pacific coast. The Titicaca, the highest navigable lake in the world, and the native fauna of the Galapagos Islands are some of the highlights of this area.

Catedral de BrasiliaThe largest country in Latin America and probably the most recognized worldwide, highlighting the Carnival, and the famous beaches of Rio de Janeiro, the giant "Amazon"or the rich and cosmopolitan São Paulo, the largest city in the southern hemisphere. However, Brazil is more than that, with a territory that ranges from the Atlantic to almost touching the Andes, incorporating landscapes such as the Marshland, one of the largest wetlands in the world, the paradisiacal Lençois National Park or the islands of Fernando de Noronha.

Its rich history that mixes indigenous cultures, Portuguese colonialism and the traditions of the former African slaves, has allowed the emergence of attractive cities such as Salvador of Bahia or the futuristic capital, Brasilia.

Southern Cone
Lago Futalaufquén, ArgentinaArgentina· chili· Paraguay· Uruguay

The southernmost part of the continent is full of diversity on both sides of the Andes mountain range. In the Pacific, the arid lands of Atacama contrast with the fjords and glaciers that fall into the sea in the Patagonia, while the pampas and its mountains extend from the Andes to the Atlantic. Lakes and forests cover large areas on the mountain slopes and the coasts are populated with penguins and whales.

With one of the highest living standards on the continent, vibrant urban life can also be found in its major cities. Buenos Aires is an icon of western culture, although Valparaiso, Santiago or Montevideo they are not left behind.

South Atlantic Islands
Grytviken, Georgias del SurFalkland Islands· South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands

One of the most disputed territories in the world, the islands of the South Atlantic are former remnants of the British Empire. Claimed to date by Argentina, these islands are remote destinations outside the traditional circuits. Its harsh climate and geography frame the rugged landscapes and rich biodiversity.


CountryCapitalArea (km²)PopulationLanguages
Mapa físico-político de Sudamérica.
Flag of Colombia.svgColombiaBogota1.141.74850.386.823Spanish[n 1]
Flag of Venezuela.svgVenezuelaCaracas912.05030.206.307Spanish[n 1]
Flag of Guyana.svgGuyanaGeorgetown214.970784.894English
Flag of Suriname.svgSurinamParamaribo163.820541.550Dutch
Flag of French Guiana.svgFrench Guiana[n 2]Cayenne92.300260.000French
Flag of Ecuador.svgEcuadorQuito283.56114.483.499Spanish[n 1]
Flag of Peru.svgPerulime1.285.21630.165.000Spanish[n 1]
Flag of Bolivia.svgBoliviaSucre1.098.58110.426.160Spanish and 33 languages[n 3]
Flag of Brazil.svgBrazilBrasilia8.514.877193.946.886Portuguese
Southern Cone
Flag of Argentina.svgArgentinaBuenos Aires2.780.40041.185.093Spanish
Flag of Chile.svgchiliSantiago756.10216.572.475Spanish
Flag of Paraguay.svgParaguayAssumption406.7526.340.000Spanish and guaraní
Flag of Uruguay.svgUruguayMontevideo176.2153.286.314Spanish
South Atlantic Islands
Flag of the Falkland Islands.svgI. Malvinas[n 4]Pto. Argentino / Stanley12.1733.140English
Flag of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands.svgI. South Georgia[n 4]Grytviken3.093less than 100English
  1. 1,01,11,21,3Various indigenous languages ​​are recognized as co-official or interrelated with the native peoples of each country.
  2. Overseas department French.
  3. Quechua, Aymara, Guaraní, and 30 additional indigenous languages ​​are recognized as official.
  4. 4,04,1Administered by the UK, claimed by Argentina.


A woman in Salvador of Bahia.

South America, from a general perspective, appears an area with a very similar population. Except for the former colonies of the Guianas and the Atlantic islands, a large part of the population belongs to a fairly homogeneous "Latin American identity": it speaks Spanish or Portuguese, the Catholicism it is the predominant religion and racially corresponds to a mixture of the Caucasian population of Iberian, indigenous and African origin. From the Guajira until the Land of Fire, the population responds to a common pattern that allows to interrelate and feel part of the same great community.

A woman uru, on the banks of the Titicaca
An indigenous girl from Acre.

However, this general perspective hides the great cultural variety that exists within the continent and in which lies one of the main riches of South America. Each country and each region contains communities that maintain their own traditions, making them unique. European colonization did not have the same force in different areas, causing the mixture of races to have different intensity and the ancient indigenous communities managed to survive. While in the countries of the Southern Cone there is a very high European component in its population (especially Argentina, due to the great wave of Italian migration that it received since the mid-nineteenth century), in the Andean sectors the indigenous composition still prevails. In Brazil and the coasts of the Caribbean, the influence of African slaves is still important, and in Suriname there is even a strong component of Indian origin. Other waves of migration from Europe, the Middle East and Southeast Asia increased the diversity of cultures existing in the subcontinent.

Diversity is also important on a sociodemographic level. Although poverty has significantly reduced in recent years, South America has some of the highest levels of poverty. income inequality of the world and there are still areas that lack basic services. While Chile, Argentina, Uruguay and areas of southern Brazil reach levels of development similar to those of Eastern Europe, about half of the population of Bolivia, Paraguay, Guyana and Suriname live below the poverty line.

The most widely spoken languages ​​are Spanish and Portuguese, spoken by almost all the inhabitants of Latin American countries. English is spoken in the British Atlantic colonies and in Guyana, the Dutch in Suriname and the French in French Guiana. The Quechua It is spoken by important communities in Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru, and parts of Argentina and Chile, as well as the Aymara. The vast majority of Paraguay is bilingual, speaking Spanish and guarani, official language of that country, of Bolivia and of the Argentine province of Corrientes. The mapudungun and the wayuunaiki they are spoken by some communities in Chile and Argentina and in Colombia and Venezuela, respectively.

Tourist attractions


The main cities of South America show the diversity that exists in the subcontinent. Buenos Aires it is famous for its neo-baroque architecture and tango. While Rio de Janeiro stands out for its magnificent location next to the beach and Corcovado, in addition to its carnival, the Greater São Paulo It is a booming multicultural city with a population that exceeds that of Austria and Switzerland combined. Bogota, Quito Y Peace are characterized by their high location among the Andean peaks, while lime, Potosi, Coro, Cumaná and Sucre It stands out for its preserved colonial center. On the contrary, modernity stands out in cities such as Brasilia, Caracas Y Santiago de Chile.

Natural attractions

South America extends from latitude 12º N to 57º S. This enormous extension, surrounded by oceans peaceful Y Atlantic it allows South America to have a great variety of climates and landforms.

Northern South America is dominated by equatorial climates that allow the development of junglestropical, as in the sector of Amazon. The Amazon River, the longest and most mighty in the world, forms a basin with great biodiversity. In Venezuela is the Angel Falls, the highest and one of the main tourist attractions in the country. The Caribbean coast allows the formation of beaches with clear and temperate waters.

In the heart of the Andes mountain range is the Plateau, where the aridity of the sector, the high altitudes and the oscillating desert climate have allowed the formation of great plains such as the Uyuni salt flat and the from Atacama. The Atacama Desert stands out for being the driest in the world and for presenting the beautiful phenomenon of flowerful desert, and in it are snow-capped volcanoes and places like the Tatio geysers. Also in the highlands is the highest navigable lake in the world distributing its waters on the border of Peru Y Bolivia, Lake Titicaca. The Pacific coast in Chile passes through temperate climates in the central zone of the country and rainy climates further south. On the other side of the mountain range lie the great plains known as pampas. The Marshland, which covers southern Brazil and part of Paraguay, is one of the largest wetlands in the world and on the border of these two countries with Argentina stand the popular Iguazu Falls.

In the Patagonia you can see the great plains whipped by the southern wind. In this area, the Andes are dismembered into snow-covered fjords and islets, giving rise to unmissable destinations such as San Rafael lagoon, the Perito Moreno glacier and the Torres del Paine. A similar situation is faced by the islands of the South Atlantic, located near the Antarctic Ocean.

Outside the continent there are various groups of islands, whose remote nature amazes. This is the case of Galapagos Islands, Juan Fernandez, Saint Andrew Y Fernando de Noronha.

Glacier in Land of Fire 

Uncommon natural destinations

In South American countries you can come across exotic places that are not very common in tourist guides and require more detailed and independent planning. They can often be expensive and unsafe. Some parks or areas are not available to tourists throughout the year and accommodation is not allowed inside.

In Colombia can be found Caño Cristales, also called "the river of the five colors" or "the rainbow that melted", since in its background aquatic plants of different colors are reproduced, which produce the sensation of being in front of a multicolored river (red, yellow, green , blue and black, mainly). To the north of Brazil is the Lençóis Maranhenses National Park, which includes white sand dunes and emerald-colored lagoons. Although it is apparently a desert due to its sandy surface and its lack of vegetation, the area receives frequent rainfall and lagoons form between the dunes that can even be habitat for fish.

Holiday centers

A resort in Buzios, Brazil.

Several world-class tourist complexes have been installed in South America, taking advantage of the climatic and geographical conditions. These are mainly distributed on the Caribbean and Brazilian coasts.

On the coast of Colombia, the main resorts are located in the vicinity of Cartagena de Indias, Santa Marta and in the archipelago of Saint Andrew. Margarita Island It is the undisputed center of Venezuelan tourism, taking advantage of the natural conditions of its coasts.

Brazil is one of the world's leading tourist destinations, partly because of its beaches. Copacabana and Ipanema in Rio de Janeiro they are probably the best known beaches internationally. Buzios, Curitiba, Florianopolis, Maceió, Salvador of Bahia, Camboriú Y Costa do Sauipe they offer various alternatives.

Punta del Este Y Mar del PlataAlthough they do not stand out for their beaches compared to the Brazilian or Caribbean coasts, they offer an intense cultural and nightlife that make them popular tourist destinations in the La Plata region.


The tango, one of the symbols of Argentine and Uruguayan culture.
Venezuelan street singer.

When thinking of South America, many international tourists immediately associate it with dance, and with good reason. It has been in its cities and fields that infinities of musical and dance expressions have developed that have crossed borders.

The Rio Carnival It is one of the best known cultural manifestations worldwide and its protagonist is the samba, music brought by former African slaves to Brazilian lands. The bossa novaBorn of samba and influenced by jazz, it is also one of the sounds that most identifies Brazil. In the Andean areas, devilish It is a symbol of the indigenous past and present of Bolivia, Peru and Chile, a product of religious syncretism born of local traditions and Catholicism. The cumbia and the vallenato, meanwhile, are iconic of the South American Caribbean. Still dead Carlos Gardel, the tango you breathe in the streets of San Telmo Y Little path in Buenos Aires.

Literature has reached great South American exponents, without a doubt. Touring Colombia can become an incessant search for the Macondo of One hundred years of loneliness of Gabriel Garcia Marquez, while the lyrics of Pablo Neruda takes shape in his residence of Black island. Argentina produced writers of the stature of Ernesto Sabato, Jorge Luis Borges Y Julio Cortazar.


The Maracana Stadium It is one of the largest in the world and an icon of football.

When thinking about sports in South America, the answer is unique and unequivocal: soccer. The South American people live off football and that explains why stars such as Pele Y Maradona. In these lands, 5 World Cups have been played, but they have managed to obtain close to half of their trophies.

Latin American passion is expressed in a soccer stadium and attending a game is a must for everyone who visits the continent. The main stadiums are the Maracana, the Morumbí, the Monumental, the Centenary Y The Bombonera, to name a few. Some parties, like the Superclásico between River Plate and Boca Juniors They are international events, with tourists traveling especially to participate in said event.

Brazil and Argentina are the main countries in terms of sports history. While the former is a leader in disciplines such as volleyball, Argentines stand out in rugby, hockey or basketball. Brazil will also host the 2016 Olympics.

Winter sports have little diffusion, mainly due to the small extension of areas with snow (only on the Andean peaks and occasionally on their slopes). However, some ski centers in Chile and Argentina reach more European visitors every year who want to take advantage of their slopes in the off-season (which runs from June to August). Within these centers they stand out snowy valley, Farellones, Chillan spa Y Las Leñas.


To get

The Guarulhos airport It is the busiest airport in South America and is the gateway for many intercontinental flights.

Traveling to South America has only one answer (in most cases): plane. The only land connection point, the Darien Panamanian, is inaccessible by land and prevents the continuity of the Panamerican's highway, so the only way to connect between Panama and Colombia is through ferries that cross from Colon to Barranquilla Y Cartagena de Indias or from City of Panama until Bonaventure or Guayaquil. There are cruises that also visit some cities, such as Rio de Janeiro or Buenos Aires, but they are still a limited option.

The main Latin American airlines are Argentinian airlines, Avianca, Goal Y LATAM, although several other international airlines provide services to the main South American capitals. The main ports of entry are the international airports of Guarulhos (São Paulo), Jorge Chavez (Lime), Ezeiza (Buenos Aires), The Golden (Bogota), Galeão (River) and Pudahuel (Santiago).

Due to the low demand between the two points, the supply of flights is scarce. The only regular services are Johannesburg-São Paulo-Buenos Aires of South African Airways, the Johannesburg-Buenos Aires of Malaysian Airlines and of Luanda to São Paulo and Rio via Taag Angola Airlines.
North America
Until a few years ago, it was practically unthinkable to come to South America from a city other than Miami. However, the main North American airlines have boosted trips to most South American capitals since their hubs (Atlanta, Dallas / Fort Worth, Houston, Newark Y Toronto) from which you can connect to virtually any city in Canada and the United States. There are also several direct flights to San Francisco, The Angels, Orlando, Washington-Dulles Y New York-JFK. Due to the economic problems that traditional North American airlines have faced, it is preferable to use local airlines (Avianca or LATAM) that provide better service. Regarding Mexico, Mexico City It has direct connections with the main cities and flights to other destinations such as Cancun Y Guadalajara.
Central America
There are multiple flights. The Tocumén airport in City of Panama has become a hub between North and South American flights, so there are a number of options from there. The Caribbean has several flights to South America, mainly oriented to tourists from the south (such as Havana or Punta Cana).
It is the furthest point in South America and this will be noticed in the number of stopovers and hours of travel between both points. There are no direct flights and all require at least one stopover, usually in Europe. To São Paulo is the flight of Air China from Beijing via Madrid, that of Korean Airlines from Seoul via The Angels and that of Singapore Airlines from Singapore via Barcelona, while the aforementioned Malaysian Airways arrives in Buenos Aires from Kuala Lumpur via Johannesburg.
The links between South America and Europe are historical and that partly explains the large number of flights to the Old Continent. Virtually all capitals have direct flights to Madrid so much for Iberia as by South American airlines, while there are important routes from Brazil to Lisbon and other Portuguese cities. air France flies both to Guyana and to the main cities of the continent, while KLM, Lufthansa Y British Airways they arrive at certain destinations. KLM is also the only international line that reaches Suriname.
Middle East
In recent years, some routes have been launched between the two areas. Turkish airlines, Emirates Y Qatar Airlines have launched routes to Ezeiza and Guarulhos to and from their hubs, while Eithad plans to open one in 2013 in Guarulhos.
Despite the distance, there are regular, high-traffic flights to Australia and New Zealand. LATAM Airlines Y Argentinian airlines They travel from their hubs to Auckland Y Sydney, while Qantas introduced in 2012 a direct flight between Sydney and Santiago. LATAM is also the only airline that provides flights to the Polynesia with a service to Tahiti via Easter Island.


The distances between countries, with some exceptions, are great and require mostly the use of airplanes; the same happens to visit certain countries such as Brazil, Chile or Argentina. Local airlines enjoy a relatively good standard, but remember that this is not Europe: distances make costs higher and low-cost airlines have yet to find a niche. Usually, capitals act hub of the airlines, so it is advisable to think about your routes from there.

Buses, however, are still the most popular means of transport and in many cases it will be your only way to get around certain places. On the Pacific coast, the Panamerican's highway becomes the backbone of land transport, so following it from north to south (and escaping on some occasions) is a good alternative to know from Colombia until chili Y Argentina.

The railroad, another means of mass transport, is almost extinct even though there are some proposals to revive its use. In Ecuador, central Chile and parts of Argentina you can use it, mainly as a tourist attraction in itself.

Travel recommendations


Although the recommendations in general do not differ from what one would make for any other destination, South America has a varied level of crime. Although there are countries with low crime rates such as Chile and Uruguay, there are others in which violence is common. All cities have pockets of crime that it is recommended to avoid, so find out about the reality of each city and each country before going out to explore it.

The main danger is crime. High concentrations of pedestrians (particularly in transport and urban centers) can be perfect occasions for theft, so it is advisable to be vigilant and take care of personal belongings. Avoid leaving your belongings without someone to take care of them permanently or you risk that when you return, they will no longer be there. Valuables it is recommended that you leave them at your hotel and bring only what is extremely necessary. Tourists are sometimes easy prey for criminals because they do not know the local language or customs. Avoid making transactions of dubious origin (buy or exchange money in established stores, since what may seem like an offer may be a scam) and always keep in mind how to contact the police in case of an incident.

Until 20 years ago, various paramilitary and guerrilla forces controlled some remote territories, mainly in Colombia. However, in recent years the danger has been reduced to almost zero. Colombia has carried out advertising campaigns to summon tourists again as the FARC they are neutralized.

In general, South America is not racist but it is easy to identify foreign tourists, especially those who are racially different from the average. In some small or isolated locations, people may closely observe a person who is black, Asian, or very blonde, but they are unlikely to approach or attack them. On occasion, women may receive pick up lines which may border on the offensive, but are unlikely to go beyond that so it is wise to just ignore them.

LGBT tourists

The so-called gay sector of Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro.

The first decade of the 21st century has witnessed a remarkable change in the attitudes of the South American people towards homosexuals. In many countries, homosexuality remained taboo until a few years ago (in Chile it was illegal until 1999) largely due to the strong influence of the Catholic Church. However, globalization and democratic evolution in the American countries has allowed a greater openness of society.

Cities such as Rio de Janeiro and Buenos Aires have become international centers of tourism and entertainment for homosexuals, with dozens of bars and discos for this group of people. Argentina has become a symbol of gay liberation, after becoming the first country on the continent to approve same-sex marriage in 2010. Uruguay, Colombia and Brazil are heading in the same direction. In Chile, traditionally considered a conservative country, a significant level of openness has been achieved, but in other countries such as Bolivia or Peru it remains taboo. Guyana, on the other hand, is the only country in the hemisphere that still maintains prison sentences for homosexuals, although they are not exhaustively applied.

The acceptance of homosexuals is accepted in the main cities and in the most developed places; the case is different in smaller localities where you can face rejection looks. It is recommended to avoid displays of affection between people of the same sex in the street, since in some places there are still homophobic attacks. The situation for transsexuals is more complex and continues to be frowned upon in practically all countries (although it has also progressed compared to previous years).


Although in the main cities the water is drinkable, it is advisable to use purified or bottled water, especially if it is in locations far from the traditional routes.

In some jungle regions, there are still outbreaks of malaria and the yellow fever, so it is advisable to check if any type of vaccine is necessary before traveling to these areas.

Natural disasters

The western coast of South America is in the so-called Pacific Ring of Fire, the area with the highest seismicity and volcanism in the world. In countries like Chile and Peru the presence of earthquakes is common, although of low intensity; in the event of a larger event, remain calm and seek a safe haven (under a sturdy table, for example). Much of the modern structures are prepared for earthquakes so you should not have problems outside of the fear that the situation causes. If you are located on the coast, move away from it as soon as possible after the seismic event has ended, as a tsunami in the next few minutes.

In other sectors, storms are common, which can produce significant floods. Avoid driving or traveling on mountainous routes, as rockslides can occur. Stay abreast of the situation through the media and continue your route when you are certain that good weather has returned.

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