Eating and drinking in Baden-Württemberg - Essen und Trinken in Baden-Württemberg

The kitchen in Baden-Wuerttemberg differs in the two main regions. The Baden Due to the French influence, cuisine is considered to be lighter than the kitchens of other German regions. Baden has the highest density of starred restaurants in Germany. Swabian cuisine is rather simple and down-to-earth and is known for spaetzle and Maultaschen.


  • Lentils with home-made pasta. Lentils with spaetzle in the encyclopedia WikipediaLentils with spaetzle in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsLentils with spaetzle (Q319435) in the Wikidata database.The lentils are soaked in water overnight, then cooked with soup greens and bay leaves. There are also roux, roasted onion cubes and bacon cubes. Finally, it is quenched with a little vinegar, the stringed sausages are heated in the cooked lentils and then served with spaetzle. Schwabenschappi say the people of Baden and eat it too.
  • Gaisburger March. Gaisburger March in the encyclopedia WikipediaGaisburger Marsch (Q896508) in the Wikidata a traditional stew. The special thing about it is that the side dishes potatoes and pasta (spaetzle) are represented together in one dish. Ox meat, cut into cubes, boiled potatoes and spaetzle are poured with a strong beef broth and then served with fried onions and chopped parsley.
  • Roast beef with onions. Onion roast beef in the Wikipedia encyclopediaOnion roast beef in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryOnion roast beef (Q244609) in the Wikidata a slice of fried roast beef with roasted onions on top, as the name suggests. A creamy sauce is made from the roast set. A side dish is usually served with spaetzle.
  • sour chitterlings. Sour tripe in the Wikipedia encyclopediaSour tripe in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsSour tripe (Q897096) in the Wikidata database.are a popular offal dish. The cleaned and scalded rumen (beef forestomach) is cut into strips and cooked soft in a roux. The sour taste is created by adding vinegar or wine. In Upper Swabia the dish is slightly changed, in addition to tripe, liver, kidney and heart are also added. Then the dish is called Gröschts or as Frog tripe designated.
  • Brägele are the Alemannic version of fried potatoes.


  • Pita soup consists of a meat broth with strips of pancakes as an insert
  • Meat strudel. Brätstrudel in the encyclopedia WikipediaBrätstrudel (Q995571) in the Wikidata a widely used soup addition. The sausage strudel consists of a rolled up thin pancake filled with sausage meat, which can contain various refinements. The sausage meat is spread over the pancake, rolled up, cooked and then cut into 1-2 cm thick slices. Draped in the plate and poured with broth, there is a popular soup.
  • In the Baden snail soup finely chopped shallots, garlic, leek, carrots and celery are sautéed in butter. Then finely chopped snails are added, poured with broth, bound with cream and seasoned with chervil and white wine.



God bastard
According to legend, the Maultaschen were invented by monks to circumvent the meat ban during Lent. The meat was simply hidden in the Maultaschen so that the Lord in heaven would not see the forbidden meat.
  • Maultaschen. Maultaschen in the encyclopedia WikipediaMaultaschen in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsMaultaschen (Q20055) in the Wikidata database.are the best known Swabian specialty. It is wrapped or folded pasta with a hearty filling made from meat or vegetables. They are cooked in salted water or broth. There are different ways to serve the Maultaschen:
  • as a soup in a broth.
  • when they are sautéed in butter and then sautéed onions sprinkled, then that is called melted. Potato salad is often served as a side dish.
  • as roasted they are called when they are cut into strips and fried in the pan, often with onions and / or eggs. A salad is often served as a side dish.
  • Maultaschen in broth with potato salad. First you spoon the broth, then you pour the potato salad into the plate and eat it with the Maultaschen


  • spaetzle. Spaetzle in the Wikipedia encyclopediaSpaetzle in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsSpaetzle (Q20065) in the Wikidata database.Universal accompaniment to meat dishes rich in sauces. Spätzle are egg pasta that are usually freshly made in restaurants. The tough dough is poured directly into the boiling water. The classic way is scraping from the board, but mostly the dough is pressed through a perforated sheet. Spätzle are also available dried or as chilled fresh products, which only have to be boiled in hot water.

There are many ways to vary spaetzle:

  • Spelled spaetzle are prepared with spelled flour.
  • At Potato spaetzle grated boiled potatoes are added to the spaetzle dough.
  • At Herbal spaetzle Various chopped herbs, e.g. parsley, sorrel, tarragon or lovage are added to the spaetzle dough.
  • At Onion spaetzle grated onions are mixed into the dough.
  • With the green ones spinach spaetzle finely chopped spinach or wild garlic are added to the spaetzle dough. They are often served with diced bacon or creamy ham sauce.
  • The golden baked ones Backspätzle are pure soup.
  • At liver spaetzle pureed, raw liver is added to the dough. They are used as a soup or served with fried onions.

There are a variety of dishes that are prepared with spaetzle:

  • Roast spaetzle soup
  • At Eispätzle the spaetzle are tossed with butter and mixed with beaten eggs.
  • A Fiery spaetzle pot consists of minced meat, onions and cabbage or chicory. The whole thing is boiled and then mixed with the spaetzle.
  • Kässpätzle are the best known spaetzle dish. The spaetzle are layered with peeled onions and various types of cheese. As side dishes there are leaf salads or potato salad.
  • At Cabbage spaetzle the spaetzle are roasted in the pan with sauerkraut and bacon.
  • At the Spaetzle casserole the spaetzle with ham are mixed with boiled cabbage and then baked with cheese.
  • At the Spaetzle omlett eggs and ham are fried together with the spaetzle.
  • For spaetzle pancakes, spaetzle are fried like potato pancakes.

Sweet spaetzle:

  • Hazelnut spaetzle are prepared with ground and roasted hazelnuts.
  • At Poppy seed spaetzle the spaetzle are roasted with ground poppy seeds and sugar.
  • Spaetzle with dried plums are roasted with melted butter in the pan and refined with sugar and cinnamon.
  • Apple spaetzle give it to him Allgäu and on Lake Constance. Roasted spaetzle are mixed with steamed apple slices or apple compote and sprinkled with sugar and cinnamon.

More pasta

  • Potato noodles. Potato noodles in the Wikipedia encyclopediaSchupfnudeln in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsSchupfnudeln (Q533210) in the Wikidata database.Also fingernoodles, Bubespitzle, Baunzen. There are many variations of rye and wheat flour, with egg or potato and also sweet variations. They are traditionally hand formed and often eaten with sauerkraut.


Pond farming is widespread in Baden-Württemberg, more than a third of the trout and char produced in Germany come from the state. There is also a quality mark for “freshwater fish from aquaculture and products made from it” in Baden-Württemberg (QZBW).



  • Wibele. Wibele in the encyclopedia WikipediaWibele in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsWibele (Q875363) in the Wikidata database.Originally from Langenburg in Hohenlohe. It is a popular biscuit made from sponge dough. You can get them in many coffee houses or packaged in delicatessen and confectionery shops. This biscuit was delivered to the Hohenlohe Prince in 1763 by a master confectioner named Wibel. The taste of the visually quite simple pastry convinced the prince, he still wanted this one Wibele. Real Wibele come from the bakery of Cafe Bauer in Langenburg.
  • HoraffWhere the name comes from is controversial. This yeast pastry was already available in a similar form in the Middle Ages, mostly only during Lent. In Crailsheim there is a nice legend about it. When the city was besieged in the winter of 1379/1380 and food became scarce, the women of the city came up with a ruse: they baked this lent pastry with their last flour and threw it over the city wall at their enemies. When the mayor's wife showed her fat behind to the enemies from the wall, they were convinced that the city could not be starved and moved away. The shape of the pastry is said to be reminiscent of the buxom mayor.
  • Nun's Puffs. Nonnenfürzle in the encyclopedia WikipediaNonnenfürzle in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsNonnenfürzle (Q881582) in the Wikidata database.Lard biscuits that are eaten during Carnival. Small balls of choux pastry are fried in hot fat and then rolled in sugar.
  • Fasnetküchle are a lard biscuit that is prepared in Baden during Carnival time
  • Mannemer filth. Mannemer Dreck in the encyclopedia WikipediaMannemer Dreck in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsMannemer Dreck (Q1890619) in the Wikidata a macaroon pastry baked on wafers. It is one of the specialties of Mannheim.
  • Strauben. Strauben in the encyclopedia WikipediaStrauben in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsStrauben (Q539429) in the Wikidata database.Sweet fried foods. Liquid dough made from flour, milk, butter, eggs and sugar is poured into a pan with hot oil in a spiral shape using a funnel and baked. The still warm bunches are sprinkled with powdered sugar and often eaten with cranberry jam.
  • A Black Forest cake. Black Forest cake in the encyclopedia WikipediaBlack Forest Cake in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryBlack Forest Cake (Q19028) in the Wikidata a cream cake that has spread mainly in Germany since the 1930s and has become the most popular German cake over the years. Today it is considered the classic German cake and is known all over the world. The essential components are chocolate sponge cake bases flavored with kirsch, a flavored cherry filling, cream, cherries and chocolate flakes as a decoration. The exact origins are unclear, but they are not necessarily to be found in the Black Forest.


  • The Real thing is a specialty of the region. Similar to a tarte flambée, a thin dough base is covered with an onion and cream topping, bacon cubes and herbs and then baked.
  • The Dätscher or Bait. Bätscher in the encyclopedia WikipediaBätscher (Q1019273) in the Wikidata database.A pizza-like bread dough, coated with sour cream, caraway seeds and spices. A Dätscher festival is celebrated every year in Holzmaden and Notzingen.
  • The Mutschel. Mutschel in the encyclopedia WikipediaMutschel in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsMutschel (Q473662) in the Wikidata on off Reutlingen traditional, star-shaped pastry made from a crumbly yeast dough with eight points. The pastry and the associated Mutscheltag have probably been around since the 13th century. Mutscheln come in different sizes, and sweet mutscheln (for example with icing) are rarely made.
  • Net bread is a wheat bread with a particularly moist crumb that is baked in the eastern part of Württemberg and in Bavarian Swabia. The soft dough has a particularly high water content and is therefore put straight from a bowl into the oven. It is called Meshed or Networked sold, also as inserted rolls.
  • According to a legend, the pretzel. Pretzel in the Wikipedia encyclopediaBrezel in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsBrezel (Q160525) in the Wikidata database.from a court baker Bad Urach invented.Features: German cuisine, French cuisine.


  • Black Forest ham. Black Forest ham in the encyclopedia WikipediaBlack Forest ham in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsBlack Forest ham (Q700026) in the Wikidata a smoked raw ham, from the Black Forest. The name is protected by the EU. Requirements are 50 days of dry curing, at least one week of smoking and processing exclusively in the Black Forest. Black Forest Speck is made in the same way, but is not protected.
  • Filder is located south of Stuttgart and is for that Filderkraut known, it is a variant of the pointed cabbage. The leaves are firmer and stronger than other types of cabbage and are mainly used to make sauerkraut. The harvest time for the cabbage is in October, the sauerkraut can be enjoyed all year round. On the 3rd weekend in October, the Krautfest is celebrated in the Filder region. “Haible” is the Swabian word for krautkopf.
  • Black pudding is called Black sausage designated. The so-called black sausage salad, finely chopped black sausage is dressed with vinegar, oil and spices.

Green kernels

Green spelled is the name given to the grain of the spelled that is harvested half-ripe and then artificially dried. In earlier times this was a measure to react to bad weather and to save the harvest. The result turned out to be tasty when boiled in water and is therefore often used for soups. During the drying process, the green spelled gets its typical taste from the heat and beech wood smoke. As the “home of the green core” Building land denotes where today many villages still have green spelled kilns. The "Fränkische Grünkern" produced in the building land is protected as a designation of origin throughout Europe. Grünkern is sometimes also referred to as "Badischer Reis".



  • The Württemberg wine-growing region consists of six areas with 17 large sites and over 200 individual sites.


  • Trollinger. Trollinger in the Wikipedia encyclopediaTrollinger in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsTrollinger (Q560783) in the Wikidata database.* Main grape variety in Württemberg. The specialty takes up about a quarter of the area under cultivation.
  • Schillerwein. Schillerwein in the Wikipedia encyclopediaSchillerwein (Q1415268) in the Wikidata a blend of red wine and white wine. The grapes are harvested and pressed together at the same time. It has a light reddish color and is one of the most popular wines in Württemberg. The Schiller wine can be very different, as all grape varieties grown in the Württemberg growing area may be used for it.
  • Badisch red gold. Badisch Rotgold in the encyclopedia WikipediaBadisch Rotgold (Q20181120) in the Wikidata database.(Badischer Rotling), is a mixture of at least 51% white grapes of the Pinot Noir grape variety and a maximum of 49% red grapes of the Pinot Noir grape variety.


There are around 200 breweries in Baden-Württemberg. The largest brewery is Eichbaum in Mannheim, other large breweries are the state-owned Rothaus brewery, Dinkelacker-Schwabenbräu and Stuttgarter Hofbräu. There are many small and medium-sized breweries with their own beer specialties. The most popular types of beer are Pils, Export, and Wheat beer. The naturally cloudy, unfiltered gusset is becoming more popular.

Schnapps and liqueurs

  • The Fruit growing has a long tradition in Baden-Württemberg and the fruits are also often processed into high-proof:
    • Fruit brandy is obtained by fermenting and distilling the fresh fruit
    • Obstwasser is a fruit brandy made from stone fruits such as plums, cherries, plums, mirabelle plums, sloes, peaches and apricots
    • Fruit spirit is made with low-sugar fruits such as raspberries. The fruits are not fermented, but rather mixed with alcohol, so that the aroma and fragrance are transferred to the alcohol and then distilled.
  • The Black Forest Kirsch is a fruity fruit brandy made exclusively from fermented cherries. Its alcohol content is at least 45% vol.
  • Zibärtle is a fruit brandy with a marzipan flavor. It is made from Zibarten (wild mountain plums) that grow in the central areas of the Black Forest.

Soft drinks

Fruit growing has a long tradition in Baden-Württemberg, orchards shape the landscape. A specialty is the contract cider factory, the producers deliver their apples and get the juice back in a bottle. You should definitely try the regional juices.


Culinary calendar

Culinary delights are often seasonal. Fruits and vegetables are tastier when they are ripe; meat and fish are also subject to seasonal influences. Every season of the year, festivals are celebrated that have a general theme or focus on certain foods. There are also drinking and eating habits throughout the year that arose from religious traditions such as fasting times.


  • From Sunday to Tuesday after 6.1. is in EllwangenCold market. Cold market in the Wikipedia encyclopediaKalter Markt in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsKalter Markt (Q1531802) in the Wikidata database.The horse market has tripe the Swabian way.




  • The Asparagus season starts at the beginning of April, depending on the soil temperature
  • In Todtnau finds that in even years Cherry pie festival instead of
  • Traditionally on April 23rd the Day of the beer celebrated, because on this day in 1516 the German purity law was proclaimed. There are events on the topic of beer in many places (German Brewers Association).


  • Asparagus season
  • The traditional one Dätscherfest takes place in mid-May Notzingen instead of. From Saturday lunchtime to Sunday evening, Dätscher are baked in 3 wood-burning ovens in two bakeries.
  • In the Hohenloher Museum in Schwäbisch Hall is a weekend long in mid-May South German cheese market. Over 200 traditionally produced regional cheese specialties are offered to try and buy.
  • * Whitsun is in Schwäbisch Hall Cake and fountain festival in memory of the salt tradition. There are historical parades, music, dance and, above all, delicacies with salt.


  • The beginning of June is in BruchsalAsparagus Festival with beer garden, marquee and asparagus specialties.
  • The Asparagus season ends on Midsummer Day, June 24th.
  • The Odenwald Lamb Weeks are held in the second half of June. The participating inns offer dishes made with lamb exclusively from Odenwald shepherds.


  • The traditional Bätscherfest on a weekend in July in Holzmaden instead of.


  • In Esslingen in the marketplace there is 1  Onion festival. Onion Festival in the Wikipedia encyclopediaOnion Festival (Q1368939) in the Wikidata database.Visitors can enjoy delicacies from the kitchen and cellar. There are e.g. onion tarts, red sausages or sauerkraut with potato noodles.


  • Federweißer, the fermenting young wine is offered. The serving is limited to a few weeks in autumn.
  • On 9/8 or the following week Sträumlesfest. Sträublesfest in the encyclopedia WikipediaSträublesfest (Q1727711) in the Wikidata Schwäbisch Gmünd, dedicated to the sweet baked goods Strauben.
  • In even years (2018, 2020 ...) it is the 2nd weekend Bötzinger village and wine festival, an opportunity to try the Baden wine.
  • In the middle of the month Heilbronn celebrated around the town hall for nine days Heilbronn wine village. Heilbronner Weindorf in the encyclopedia WikipediaHeilbronner Weindorf in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsHeilbronner Weindorf (Q1594800) in the Wikidata database.There are around 300 wines from the area in Tenth glasses (0.1 l) for around 1.50 euros per glass.


  • Federweißer, the fermenting young wine is offered. The serving is limited to a few weeks in autumn.
  • The third week is for 9 days Seven wine press festival in Metzingen. There is a party in the outer city press, with old and new wine and Swabian specialties.
  • This is celebrated in the Fildern on the 3rd weekend in October Herb festival.
  • Kilwiküchle will be in Black Forest eaten on October 3rd weekend. It is fat-baked, which is mainly baked for the Kirchweih (Swabian Kilwi).
  • The second weekend is in Heilbronn the wine summit, more than 50 Wengerters with up to 600 excellent wines are presented.




If you feel like enjoying Baden-Württemberg cuisine at home, you will find the appropriate recipes in Koch Wiki under Category: Baden-Württemberg cuisine. Have fun cooking at home.

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