Rhine-Main-Danube Canal - Kanał Ren-Men-Dunaj

Channel i Regnitz

Rhine-Main-Danube Canal - 171 km long canal Germany, in the federal state Bavaria, in regencies Upper Franconia,Middle Franconia, Upper Palatinate and Lower Bavaria.


The canal runs between the mountains Steigerwald and Fränkische Schweiz, later Fränkische Alb and Oberpfälzer Jura. Its beginning is in Bamberg at the junction of the rivers Regnitz and Men and its end in Kelheim at the mouth Altmühl down Danube. He runs along the old one Louis canal.


By plane

The nearest airport is in Nuremberg.

By rail

Along the river, there is a railway road from Bamberg by Erlangen and Fürth down Nuremberg and on to Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz.

By car

There is convenient access by car. Highways run along the river A3 and A73.


A bicycle path runs along the canal.


The canal is a canoe trail in Bavaria. River ports are located in larger cities. There are many large locks along the way.
