Men - Men

Men - 527 km long river in Germany, in the Länder Bavaria, in regencies Upper Franconia and Lower Franconia, and Hesse.


Men are created from the combination of the Red and White Menus, which have their origins in Fränkische Schweiz and in Fichtelgebirge (slopes Ochsenkopf), behind Kulmbach. The Men flows between the mountains Obermainjur, Steigerwald, Haßberge and Spessart. Men has an outlet to Rhine opposite Mainz. From Bambergwhere the river comes Regnitz and Rhine-Main-Danube Canal, is a waterway. Especially in Lower Franconia there are many vineyards on its shores. The largest tributary is the river Regnitzwhich at the time of joining with Men is longer than he is.


By plane

The nearest airport is in Frankfurt.

By rail

A railway runs along the river.


The Men is by the waterway. Cruise ships also run and long-day cruises are organized.

By car

There is convenient access by car. Highways run along the river A70 and A3.


There is a bicycle path along the river.


The river is one of Bavaria's favorite canoeing routes. River ports are found in almost every larger town.


White Men

Red Men

Upper Main




Lower Main