United Arab Emirates - Verenigde Arabische Emiraten

SARS-CoV-2 without background.pngWARNING: Due to the outbreak of the contagious disease COVID-19 (see coronavirus pandemic), caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2, also known as coronavirus, there are travel restrictions worldwide. It is therefore of great importance to follow the advice of the official bodies of Belgium and Netherlands to be consulted frequently. These travel restrictions may include travel restrictions, closure of hotels and restaurants, quarantine measures, being allowed to be on the street for no reason and more, and can be implemented with immediate effect. Of course, in your own interest and that of others, you must immediately and strictly follow government instructions.
Flag of United Arab Emirates
CapitalAbu Dhabi
GovernmentFederation of Emirates
CoinUAE Dirham (AED)
Surfacetotal: 82,880 km2
country: 82,880 km2
water: 0 km2
Population2,563,212 (July 2006 estimate)
LanguageArabic (officially), English, Persian, Hindi, Urdu
ReligionMuslims 96% (Shi'a 16%), Christians, Hinduism and other 4%
Electricity220/50Hz (UK plug)
Call code 971
Internet TLD.ae
Time zoneUTC 4

The United Arab Emirates (often abbreviated to UAE) are a country in Asia. The country borders Oman and Saudi Arabia.


The United Arab Emirates is a federation of seven smaller states that together form a whole. The country is a major exporter of petroleum and gas.




The weather in the Emirates is usually the same. In winter, from October to April, it is warm and temperatures are between 15 and 28 degrees. In the summer, the months of May to August, it is extremely hot and the temperature is usually between 30 and 40 degrees. It also happens that the temperature rises to 48 degrees. The seawater is even warmer than 30 degrees in the summer months. In winter there is hardly any precipitation, the average precipitation is 42 mm per year. Ras al-Khaimah has to process 150 mm of rain every year. The lowest average temperature in the Emirates is 10.5 degrees.



The country consists of 7 emirates:

The largest Emirate is Abu Dhabi, the best known is Dubai.


Other Destinations



Passport and visa

Visas are issued on arrival, by means of a free stamp in your passport. Please note that your passport must be valid for at least another three months upon entry into Dubai.

By plane

By train

By car

By bus

By boat

Travel around

By plane

By train

By car

By bus

By boat

To look at

To do

Balloon flight in the desert. Costs approx. 200 euros per person (2012). Easy to book through the hotel concierge or directly online.

Day Wild Wadi (http://www.jumeirah.com/hotels-and-resorts/wild-wadi/). Superb water theme park near the Burj Al Arab. In winter it can be on the cold side.

To buy



Going out

stay overnight

To learn

To work


The Persian Gulf

Travelers taking a boat trip in the Persian Gulf should avoid the islands of Abu Musa and Tonb Islands. The islands were conquered in 1971 Iran taken possession. The sovereignty issue of these islands is a very sensitive one. Travelers who come close could be arrested by the Iranian authorities. You can be charged with espionage and it could take up to more than a year for the "misunderstanding" to be cleared up and the arrested persons released.

The United Arab Emirates claims sovereignty over these islands, which is why they may be marked on UAE maps as an integral part of the UAE. However, you are entering national waters claimed by Iran and you must therefore have a visa for Iran. However, it is better to avoid the islands entirely to avoid "misunderstandings".




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