Jordan - Jordanië

SARS-CoV-2 without background.pngWARNING: Due to the outbreak of the contagious disease COVID-19 (see coronavirus pandemic), caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2, also known as coronavirus, there are travel restrictions worldwide. It is therefore of great importance to follow the advice of the official bodies of Belgium and Netherlands to be consulted frequently. These travel restrictions may include travel restrictions, closure of hotels and restaurants, quarantine measures, being allowed to be on the street for no reason and more, and can be implemented with immediate effect. Of course, in your own interest and that of others, you must immediately and strictly follow government instructions.
Flag of Jordan
GovernmentConstitutional monarchy
CoinJordanian Dinar (JOD)
Surfacetotal: 92,300 km2
water: 329 km2
country: 91,971 km2
Population5,906,760 (July 2006 estimate)
LanguageArabic (official), a majority of the population understands and speaks English quite well
ReligionIslam (Sunni) 92%, Christian 6% (mainly Greek Orthodox, but also a fraction of Catholic, Syrian Orthodox, Coptic Orthodox, Armenian Orthodox, and Protestant), the other 2% (some small Shia and Druze communities) (2001 estimate )
Call code962

Jordan is a country in the Middle East. It is bordered on the north by Syria, in the east by Iraq, in the south-east by Saudi Arabia, to the south by the Gulf of Aqaba and in the west by Israel and the West Bank.





The majority of the population lives in the various cities. The deserts are very sparsely populated and only a few nomads live here.





Other destinations

  • Petra - Ruins of the capital of the Nabateans
  • Wadi Rum - One of the most beautiful desert areas in the world
  • jerash - One of the largest Roman sites in the Middle East
  • Karak - The largest crusader castle in Jordan
  • The Dead Sea - Floating on the Lowest Point on Earth
  • dana - Jordan's most beautiful nature reserve


Passport & visa info

The visa can be obtained immediately upon arrival at the airport (20 JD). Just make sure you already have some Jordanian money.

By plane

By train

By car

By bus

Travel around

By plane

Domestic flight is only possible between Amman and Aqaba.

By train

There is a train twice a week between Amman and Damascus. However, this connection is very slow, so few travelers use it.

By car

By bus

Buses and service taxis usually don't leave until they're full, which can mean waiting over an hour for it to leave. All indications are in Arabic, so if you can't read this it's a good idea to have the name of the destination on paper in Arabic so you can ask.

It is not surprising if a bus driver stops a few times along the way to have a chat with someone, or to refuel with a running engine. On highways, you usually stick to the speed limits, but as soon as this is deviated from, there are often different ideas about safety than in the Netherlands.

An exception are the white JETT buses for longer distances (towards Syria and Lebanon, Amman - Petra). These are spacious, have air conditioning and depart according to a fixed schedule. Booking must be done at least a day in advance because these buses fill up quickly.



To look at

To do

To buy



Going out

stay overnight

To learn

To work






This article is still completely under construction . It contains a template, but not yet enough information to be useful to a traveler. Dive in and expand it!
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