Syria - Syrië

SARS-CoV-2 without background.pngWARNING: Due to the outbreak of the contagious disease COVID-19 (see coronavirus pandemic), caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2, also known as coronavirus, there are travel restrictions worldwide. It is therefore of great importance to follow the advice of the official bodies of Belgium and Netherlands to be consulted frequently. These travel restrictions may include travel restrictions, closure of hotels and restaurants, quarantine measures, being allowed to be on the street for no reason and more, and can be implemented with immediate effect. Of course, in your own interest and that of others, you must immediately and strictly follow government instructions.
Travel Warning

WARNING: Consult here the current travel advice from the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs with regard to Syria. The current travel advice from the Belgian Ministry of Foreign Affairs can be here consult.

Overview of St. Simeons from the North Syria.jpg
Syria in its region (claimed).svg
Flag of Syria
CoinSyrian Pound (SYP)
Surfacetotal: 185,180 km2
Population17.5 million
ReligionIslam (70% Sunni, 11.5% Alawite, 1.5% Ismaelite), Druze (3%), Christians (14%).
Electricity110 Volts only in Riyadh, both 110V and 220V in Jeddah and 220V in the rest of the country
Call code963
Time zoneGMT 2

Syria is an Arab country in the Middle East and is one of the four countries of the Levant.


The country is intersected by major rivers such as the Orontes and the Euphrates. It consists of a desert-like east and a Mediterranean west.

Neighboring countries are Israel, Jordan, Iraq, Turkey and Lebanon.

Map of Syria



  • Damascus - the oldest continuously inhabited city in the world
  • Aleppo - one of the oldest cities in the world
  • Bosra - with its amphitheater
  • Deir Ez Zohr - authentic town on the Euphrates
  • hama - where the famous water wheels are located
  • Homs - well-known sahabi Khaled bin Walid is buried there
  • Latakia - the seaside resort of Syria
  • Tadmur - the ancient Roman city palmyra
  • al-Hasakah - a large city in the northeast


Syria has a long history behind it. Inhabited by different peoples in the years before Christ, it became a Roman province, Syria. Later it passed to their heirs, the Byzantines, who conquered several cities such as Antioch (today the Turkish Antakya, but formerly part of Syria) and Damascus made bloom. Syria then stood for the whole Levant, especially present-day Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Israel.

It was conquered by the Arabs in the 7th century AD. The Arab dynasty of the Umayyads established its capital in Damascus and left behind the famous Umayyad Mosque.

Saladin's Tomb

Syria was affected by the Crusades. The Frankish crusaders built several crusader castles, such as the Krak des Chevaliers. This was also the period of the famous Saladin, whose statue is still in Damascus state. This famous Arab general succeeded Jerusalem to conquer the Christians.

Afterwards, Syria had to deal with Mongol incursions. Weakened by this, it could easily be annexed by the Ottoman Empire. When that fell apart, great Syria was split in two: the north was assigned by the League of Nations to France and became modern Lebanon and Syria. Palestine and Transjordan went to the United Kingdom.

After World War II, Syria became independent in 1946. In 1958 Egypt and Syria united to form the United Arab Republic, which was abandoned by Syria barely 3 years later. In 1963 the Ba'ath Party came to power. In 1970, Hafez al-Assad came to power, leading the country until his death in 2000, when he was succeeded by his son Bashar Al Assad.

In the spring of 2011, civil war broke out in Syria.


There are many places of interest in Syria, such as:

  • Abbey of Saint Simeon - Simeon was a saint who lived on a column
  • Amphitheater of Bosra - an immense amphitheater in the south of the country
  • Citadel of Aleppo - an impregnable fortress that towers over the city
  • Crac des Chevaliers - an old Crusader castle where Richard the Lionheart once lived.
  • Tomb of Saladin - the famous general
  • The Norias of Hama - famous water wheels in the Orontes.
  • Umayyad Mosque - The famous Great Mosque of Damascus
  • Palmyra - the ancient desert city
  • Souk of Aleppo - pressure, an oriental synthesis

Islamic trips

In Damascus:

  • Umayyad Mosque - The head of Hussein b. Ali (pbuh), grandson of prophet Muhammad (PBUH) would lie there, there is a place with John the Baptist (Yahya) and Jesus (Isa) would get there when he returns to Earth.
  • cemeteries:

In Aleppo:

  • Footprint of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
  • Tomb of Prophet Zachariyah, Zekeriya

In Homs:

  • The largest restaurant in the world Damascus Gate Restaurant has no less than 6,014 seats and is in the Guinness book. Good food. Do not be surprised if you see Dutch or Turks from the Netherlands.

How to travel to Syria


The passport must be valid for 6 months after return. A visa can be obtained at the embassy of Syria in Belgium or the consulate of Syria in the Netherlands.

Crac des Chevaliers
Embassy in Belgium
Franklin Rooseveltlaan 3
1050 Brussels
Consulate in the Netherlands
Avenue van Meerdervoort 53 D
2517 AE The Hague

Important! Make sure you don't have any proof in your passport of a visit to Israel. Are you doing a tour in the Levant, do it then Israel as the last country or have your Israeli visa and stamp put on a separate paper. Even then you are not sure, because if you cross the border between e.g. Israel and Jordan and then travel to Syria, the Syrian border guards will notice that you have been to Israel from the Jordanian border post. You will then be denied entry to Syria. Also, don't say you intend to travel to Israel if you are.

People with a Turkish passport do not need to arrange a visa.

air traffic

There are two international airports: that of Damascus and that of Aleppo. The rates for Damascus are the lowest in our regions.

Aleppo Citadel


There is the possibility to use the international train Istanbul-Damascus. Please check before departure whether this line is in use. Due to work on the Turkish railway network, this connection will be out of service for an indefinite period of time.

Between Adana and Aleppo is a direct connection. Take into account long waiting times at the border, because the entire train has to get off for passport control.

Twice a week a train also runs between Damascus and Amman. However, it is recommended to take the bus for this route.


There is a bus from Istanbul nasty Aleppo. Count on a full day of travel. From gaziantep fully arranged trips are organised. From Amman comfortable buses run to Damascus and vice-versa. The white JETT buses have tour operators who provide assistance at the border crossing.


From Flanders and the Netherlands, a journey takes about 70 to 73 hours, non-stop. Border formalities not included.

How to travel in Syria


All regulated taxis have a meter. Usually one wants to agree a price with a tourist, but insist on using the meter.


Comfortable, air-conditioned buses are available for long distances.


The main train connection is between Damascus and Aleppo passing the towns of Homs and Hama. There is also a connection between Lattakia and Aleppo. Trains leave about 3 to 4 times a day and can be a comfortable option. Spend some extra money for a first class ticket as this class usually has air conditioning. Especially the connection between Lattakia and Aleppo offers beautiful views.

Abbey of Saint Simeon

To buy


The currency is the Syrian pound (SYP). In March 2008, 1 Euro = 79.01153 Syrian Pound, and 1 Syrian Pound (SYP) is therefore = 0.01266 Euro (EUR).

What to buy?

Syria can certainly charm you with all kinds of fine goods such as jewelry, leather goods, spices, clothes, ... As in most Arab countries, you often have to bargain. Do this too, otherwise you will lose the seller's respect and pay too high a price.

catering industry


Syrian cuisine belongs to the Levantine tradition and that is to say a varied and extensive cuisine. Vegetarian meals are possible, such as falafel.

Mutton and lamb are often eaten, such as kibbeh (lamb with crushed grains). This is preceded by a mezze, all kinds of small appetizers served at once. This includes tabbouleh (salad of chopped parsley with tomatoes, sesame oil, broken wheat and lemon juice), hoummous (mashed chickpeas), kounafa (pastry with filling of pistachio, cheese and cream),...

Together with French and Chinese cuisine, Levantine cuisine is considered to be among the best in the world.

Food in Syria is dirt cheap.

The world's largest restaurant is located in Damascus.


In principle, the water from the tap is drinkable. Still, it is safer not to try and buy bottled water. You can't beat the price: for 25 SYP you already have one and a half liters (35 cents).

Very tasty are local drinks, such as mint tea or a drink made from dates.

Alcohol is by no means available everywhere. In Christian neighborhoods in particular, there are places where imported wine and beer are served.

To sleep

Mid-range hotels in Syria are not expensive at all. You already have a double room for 500 SYP. In more luxurious hotels you quickly pay Western prices.


Travel advice

Due to the unpredictable and violent nature of the events in the summer of 2011 in almost all Syrian cities, all travel to Syria is discouraged, since the civil war in Syria has gotten quite out of hand in recent years, travel not to Syria, the ISIS area is the most dangerous.


Syria is a police state, comparable to the former GDR. This suppression device does ensure that the tourist in Syria is relatively safe. Crime is also seen as an embarrassment to the country.

Political situation

In January 2006, pressure mounted on Syria to cooperate in the investigation into the assassination of Rafiq Hariri, the Lebanese Prime Minister. It is suspected that the principals are in Syria's highest leadership circles and they want to question President Bashar al-Assad, who refuses to do so.

This can lead to sanctions in the long run. Also the conflict with Israel can cause destabilization. For example, in October 2003 Israel carried out a raid northwest of Damascus.

It is generally unwise to make political statements, whether they concern Syria or international politics.


Necessary precautions should be taken. Although in principle drinkable, it is best to leave the water out of the tap. Rather buy unopened water bottles.

There is a limited risk of malaria in the north, on the border with Turkey and Iraq, only from May to October. Before departure, it is best to take a course of Nivaquine. Consult your doctor.

More info

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