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In Sardinia the traveler encounters archaeological sites at every turn, in the article on Nuragic culture only the most important sights are summarized in a table, and each summary is subjective.

Further information can be found here, with a focus on sites from the prenuraghic period. The table can be sorted according to the occurrence of menhirs and dolmens, necropolises also go back a long way to the prenuraghic period, the typical "giant graves" often date from the nuragic period.

Protonuraghi do not yet have the standardized construction plan of the later nuraghi, but are rather polygonal and criss-crossed by a corridor, life probably took place on the extended upper floor. The classic Tholosnuraghen follow a largely uniform construction plan, in the middle there is a central room with a false vault, a staircase leads up to the left of the entrance within the wall wall. Since hundreds of classic Tholosnuraghen can be found in Sardinia, the list is limited to exceptional specimens. Later, complex Nuraghen with several towers were built, surrounding walls form an inner courtyard.

Nuragic villages with round huts and rectangular temples only appeared in the last phase. Well sanctuaries were built in various phases. In the arid Mediterranean climate, the supply of water was of vital importance, so springs were carefully drawn and the object of worship.

Abialzos, dolmenBerchiddaSassari (province)PreDolmen1 Dolmen di Santa Caterina, 2 Dolmen di Sant 'AndreaIn the area of ​​Abialzos, in the area of ​​two country churches, there is the dolmen the Santa caterina with a capstone resting on three bearing stones, near the dolmen di Sant'Andrea, two bearing stones and a cover plate, there are still some menhirs nearby.
Abini, nuragic settlementTetiNuoro (province)IVNuragic village with Temenos and well sanctuary1 AbiniNuragic village with a temenos (holy area) that includes a well sanctuary. A number of bronze miniatures and ceramics were found on site.
Agnu, ProtonuragheCalangianusSassari (province)IAProtonuraghe2 Agnu, ProtonuragheProtonuraghe, with a passage inside.
Nuraghe Agnu di Calangianus
Aiòdda, NurallaoNurallaoSouth SardegnaIVGiant grave1 Aiòdda, NurallaoGiant tomb of Aiòdda, portal steles arranged in a wide semicircle around an exedra, the portal stele is destroyed, the burial chamber 10 m long. Older statue menhirs have been found here and in the vicinity.
Albucciu, ProtonuragheArzachenaSassari (province)IAProtonuraghe3 Albucciu, ProtonuragheNuraghe on a rock with surrounding structures of a village, nearby a giant tomb and a nuraghe temple. Entrance fee.
Nuraghe Albucciu
Anghelu Ruju, NecropoliAlgheroSassari (province)PreNecropolis (pre-nuragic)2 Necropoli di Anghelu RujuNecropolis from the prenuraghic period with 38 "Domus de Janas".
Anghelu Ruju necropolis
Antigori, nuragheSarrochMetropolitan city of CagliariIIComplex nuraghe4 Antigori, nuragheThree-part complex Nuraghe, the site of the Mycenaean style shards
Nuraghe Antigori
Arbu 1 & 2, dolmenBiroriNuoro (province)PreDolmen3 Arbu, dolmenTwo dolmens consisting of several bearing stones and a capstone
Ardasai, nuragheSeuiSouth SardegnaIINuraghe5 Ardasai, nuragheNuraghe with surrounding ruins of a nuragic village
Nuraghe Ardasái 1
Armungia, BuragheArmungiaSouth SardegnaIBNuraghe6 Armungia, nuragheSimple tholosnuraghe
Armungia, nuraghe
Arrubiu, nuragheOrroliSouth SardegnaIIIComplex nuraghe7 Nuraghe ArrubiuNuraghe with a complex structure
Nuraghe Arrubiu
Asoru, nuragheSan PriamoSouth SardegnaIINuraghe with two side towers8 NuragheAsoru-pjt.jpgTholosnuraghe with two side towers
Nuraghe Asoru
Barrancu MannuSantadiSouth SardegnaIVGiant grave3 Giant tomb Barrancu MannuGiant tomb with a square facade
Tomba dei Giganti Barrancu Mannu
Bidil ’e Pira, giant tombPaulilatinoOristano (Province)IVGiant grave4 Giant tomb Bidil ’e PiraGiant grave in poor condition, portal stele only partially preserved
Bidistili, giant tombFonni (Onne)Nuoro (province)IVGiant grave5 Giant tomb BidistiliGigantic grave, ashlar facade (trilith access)
Bingia ’e Monti, necropolisGonnostramatzaOristano (Province)Prenecropolis6 Bingia ’e MontiNecropolis and megalithic complex with dolmen
Binzas, nuraghePadriaSassari (province)IBTholosnuragheTholosnuraghe
Nuraghe Binzas
Biristeddi, giant graveGaltelliNuoro (province)IVGiant grave7 Giant tomb BiristeddiGiant grave made of trachyte blocks
Biru e ’Concas, menhirsSorgonoNuoro (province)PreMegalithic structure4 Menhirs of Biru 'e ConcasMenhirs in a linear and circular arrangement, some with statues
Menhirs from Biru 'e Concas
Borbore (Sas Birghines), Domus de JanasNuoro - San PietroNuoro (province)Prenecropolis8 Borbore, Domus de JanasRock grave with a main chamber (ceiling collapsed) and two secondary chambers
Domus de Janas di Borbore
Brodu, necropolisOniferiNuoro (province)Prenecropolis9 Brodu necropolisNecropolis with two Domus de Janas
Brodu necropolis
Bruncu Madugui, ProtonuragheGesturiSouth SardegnaIAProtonuraghe9 Protonuraghe Bruncu MaduguiProtonuraghe with corridor shape
Bruncu Madugui, Protonuraghe
Buddusò, dolmenBuddusòSassari (province)PreDolmen5 Dolmen Su Laccu and 6 Dolmen Su LaccuTwo dolmens with support plates in the ground and cover plates
Busola, menhirsBororeNuoro (province)PreMenhirs7 Menhirs of Busolatwo menhirs, one of which is free-standing
Menhir di Busola
Cabu Abbas, nuragic complexOlbiaSassari (province)IIINuragic complex10 Cabu Abbas, nuragic complexNuragic complex, single muraghe surrounded by a wall
Cabu Abbas
Calancoi, necropolisOsiloSassari (province)Prenecropolis10 Domus de Janas CalancoiNecropolis, so-called "Domus de Janas", with eight burial chambers, some with pseudo-architectural elements, from the late Ozieri period
Necropoli di Calancoi
Campu Luntanu, necropolisFlorinasSassari (province)Prenecropolis11 Domus de Janas Campu LuntanuNecropolis, so-called "Domus de Janas", carved out of a huge monolith that had remained on the plain.
Campu Lontanu, necropolis
Cara Bassa and Cardixeddu, standing stonesVilla Sant’AntonioOristano (Province)PreMenhir8 Menhirs of Cara Bassa and CardixedduTwo trachyte menhirs from the early pre-anthropomorphic period
Carrarzu e Iddia[Bortigali]]Nuoro (province)PreDolmens, Protonuraghe and Nuraghe9 Carrarzu e Iddia, Dolmen and ProtonuragheSite with a dolmen, the capstone of which only covers part of the chamber; a protonuragh and a nuragh, in which probable meglithic material was reused.
Chirisconis, necropolisSuniSassari (province)Prenecropolis12 ChirisconisNecropolis, so-called "Domus des Janas", from the Ozieri period, probably after use in the Monte Claro culture in the Copper Age
Coddu Vecchju, Giant TombArzachenaSassari (province)IVGiant grave13 Tomba di Giganti Coddu ‘EcchjuGiant grave with preserved gate stele and corridor grave. Entrance fee.
Tomba dei giganti Coddu 'Ecchju
Conca ’e Mòrtu, necropolisIrgoliNuoro (province)Prenecropolis14 Conca ’e Mòrtu, necropolisNecropolis, so-called "Domus de Janas", carved symmetrically into a granite, reminiscent of a skull from the outside.
Coni, well sanctuaryNuragusSouth SardegnaIVWell sanctuary1 Well sanctuary ConiWell sanctuary, the well holos, to which a staircase leads down, is preserved; near the Tholosnuraghe Santu Millanu.
Nuraghe Santu Millanu
Corona Moltana, necropolisBonnanaroSassari (province)Prenecropolis15 Corona Moltana, necropolisNecropolis with five "Domus de Janas", the skull trepanations indicate the Bonnanaro culture.
Corona Moltana, necropolis
Corongiu Maria, ProtonuragheNurriSouth SardegnaIAProtonuraghe11 Protonuraghe Corongiu MariaPronuraghe with a corridor shape, the eastern entrance has collapsed
Corte Noa, menhirs and gallery tombLaconiOristano (Province)PreMenhir10 Corte NoaSeven pro-anthropomorphic menhirs, a gallery grave from the megalithic culture nearby, grave goods indicate the end of the Ozieri culture.
Cuccureddus, NuragheVillasimiusSouth SardegnaIINuraghe12 Nuraghe CuccureddusNuraghe with a western annex, strategic overview of the Golfo di Carbonara
Nuraghe Cuccureddus
Cuccuru Nuraxi, well sanctuarySettimo San PietroSouth SardegnaIVWell sanctuary2 Pozzo Sacro Cuccuru NuraxiWell sanctuary, a staircase leads down from a megaron temple into a tholos nuraghe lying 10 m deep in the ground, from its bottom there is access to the well shaft, which is 12 m deep and ends in a siphon shaft carved into the rock another ten meters .
Cuili Piras, standing stonesMuraveraSouth SardegnaPreMenhir11 Menhirs of Cuili PirasMenhirs, 14 of them in a row and others in short rows or groups.
Curru Tundu, menhirVilla Sant’AntonioOristano (Province)PreMenhir12 Menhir from Curru TunduMenhir, made of gray trachite, with a height of 5.75 m one of the highest in Sardinia, comes from the Ozieri culture.
MenhirCorru Tundu
Di Tattinu, well sanctuaryNuxisSouth SardegnaIBWell sanctuary3 Pozzo Sacro Di TattinuWell sanctuary without structures above ground, an 8 m deep staircase leads down to the elliptical 5 m deep well shaft. The Byzantine is close by. Church of Sant 'Elia of Nuxis.
Diana, nuragheQuartu Sant’ElenaSouth SardegnaIINuraghe13 Nuraghe DianaNuraghe consists of a main tower ("mastio"), two side towers and a connecting courtyard. During the Second World War, the nuraghe was converted into a military shelter.
Nuraghe Diana
Doladorgiu, Nuraghe FortBauneiNuoro (province)IVNuragic fortress14 Complesso fortificato di DoladorgiuNuragic fortress that secures a rocky range of hills on the high plateau of Su Golgu. Near the Nuraghe Alvo.
Reconstruction of the Nuraghe Fort
Dòmu d’Urxia (Domu de Orgia)EsterziliSouth SardegnaIVMegaron Temple15 Dòmu d’UrxiaNuragic megaron temple, 20 x 8.5 m with bank altars inside, built in the area of ​​a nuragic village on Monte Cuccureddu. The name goes back to "the house of Giogia", a Sardinian child-eating witch.
Domu de Orgia
Enas de Cannuja, necropolisIttiriSassari (province)Prenecropolis16 Necropoli Enas de CannujaNecropolis with five or six burial chambers carved into the soft tuff, some with column and bull horn decoration. Near the Protonuraghe Front’e Mola.
Necropoli di Enas de Cannuja
Fenu, nuraghePabillonisSouth SardegnaIIIComplex nuraghe16 Nuraghe FenuComplex Nuraghe, three of five towers have been partially preserved, they were largely removed in order to use the stone for the construction of a railway bridge and residential buildings.
Nuraghe Fenu
Filigosa, necropolisMacomerNuoro (province)Prenecropolis17 Necropoli di FiligosaPre-Nuragic necropolis
Filigosa necropolis
Fonte Niedda, well sanctuaryPerfugasSassari (province)IIIWell sanctuary4 Pozzo Sacro Fonte NieddaNuragic well sanctuary from the transition from Breonze to Iron Age
Fonte Niedda, well sanctuary
Friarosu, ProtonuragheMogorellaOristano (Province)IAProtonuraghe17 Protonuraghe FriarosuProtonuraghe with a corridor and two chambers, covered with stone slabs.
Front’e Mola, ProtonuragheThiesiSassari (province)IAProtonuraghe18 Protonuraghe Front’e MolaProtonuraghe with a right-angled floor plan, two side chambers branch off from a corridor, a staircase leads to the upper floor.
Protonuraghe Front’e Mola
Furrighesu, giant tombSindiaNuoro (province)IVGiant grave18 Tomba dei Giganti FurrighesuGigantic grave with a cuboid portal and an exedra.
Funtana CobertaEscalaplanoSouth SardegnaIIIWell sanctuary5 Funtana CobertaWell sanctuary with a staircase to a tholos with the well chamber, here a brick well shaft leads 5 m further down.
Pozzo sacro di Funtana Coberta
Genna Maria, nuragic complexVillanovaforruSouth SardegnaIVNuragic complex19 Nuraghe Genna MariaNuragic complex consisting of the main tower, three tholai built around it, which were connected by battlements, an inner courtyard with a well and a nuragic village surrounded by a wall.
Nuraghe Genna Maria
Goronna, giant gravePaulilatinoOristano (Province)IVGiant grave19 Tomba dei Giganti GoronnaGiant grave with a portal stele and a long corridor grave in which the remains of 200 people were found.
Gremonu, Nuragic villageFonniNuoro (province)IVNuragic village20 Nuragic village of GremonuNuragic village with a megaron temple and round temples, whs. also a place of source veneration.
Sanctuary of Gremanu
Gutturu Caddi, well sanctuaryGuasilaSouth SardegnaIVWell sanctuary6 Pozzo Sacro Gutturu CadiWell sanctuary in the gorge of the Riu Saliu, on the edge of a nuragic village.
Pozzo Sacro di Gutturu Caddi
Iloi, nuragheSediloOristano (Province)IIComplex nuraghe21 Nuraghe IloiKomplenuraghe with one main and three side towers
Nuraghe Iloi
Iloi, giant tombsSediloOristano (Province)IVGiant grave20 Tomba dei Giganti IloiTwo giant tombs, Tomba 2 with a square facade
Giant tomb Iloi
Imbértighe, giant graveBororeNuoro (province)IVGiant grave21 Tomba dei Giganti ImbértigheGiant grave, only the beautifully crafted portal stele has been preserved, the exedra is only rudimentary
Tomba dei giganti di Imbertighe
Is Concias, giant graveQuartucciuSouth SardegnaIBGiant grave22 Tomba dei Giganti Is ConciasGiant grave with a square facade from the 14/13. Century v. Chr.
Tomba dei Giganti Is Concias
Is Forrus, necropolisVilla Sant’AntonioSouth SardegnaPrenecropolis23 Domus de Janas de Is ForrusNecropolis with 20 Domus de Janas
Is Loccis-Santus, necropolisSan Giovanni SuergiuSouth SardegnaPrenecropolis24 Necropoli di Is Loccis-SantusNecropolis with 13 Domus de Janas, which contain numerous grave goods from the Ozieri to the Bonnanaro culture
Necropoli di is Loccis Santus
Is Paras, NuragheIsiliSouth SardegnaIBNuraghe22 Nuraghe Is ParasTholosnuraghe, later expanded with a southeast tower and used until Roman times.
Nuraghe Is Paras
Ispiluncas, necropolisSediloOristano (Province)Prenecropolis25 Domus de Janas de IspiluncasNecropolis with 32 Domus de Janas, only two of which can be visited
Is Pirois, well sanctuary[[Villaputzu]South SardegnaIAWell sanctuary7 Pozzo Sacro di Is PiroisWell sanctuary, the well chamber is used in an extraordinary way as the lower part of a nuraghe.
Pozzo is pirois
Iscrallotze, giant graveAidomaggioreOristano (Province)PreGiant grave26 Tomba dei Giganti de IscallotzeGiant grave with portal steles, a wide exedra and a 7.3 m long burial chamber
Ispiene, nuraghePerfugasSassari (province)IBNuraghe23 Nuraghe de IspieneNuraghe with a tholos, the spiral staircase to the upper floor has been buried; the Nuraghe Ispiene is the site of a famous bronze nuragic boat.
Izzana, ProtonuragheAggiusSassari (province)IAProtonuraghe24 Protonuraghe IzzanaProtonuraghe with beg. Tholos construction
Protonuraghe Izzana
La Prisgiona, NuragheArzachenaSassari (province)IVNuragic village25 La Prisgiona, Nuragic villageNuraghe with surrounding residential structures and Capanna di Riunione. Entrance fee.
Nuraghe La Prisgiona
Laccaneddu, Giant's TombVillanova MonteleoneSassari (province)IVGiant grave27 Tomba dei Giganti LaccanedduGiant grave with missing exedra, only the gallery with trachyte orthostats has been preserved
Tomba dei Giganti di Laccaneddu
Lassia, giant graveBiroriNuoro (province)IVGiant grave28 Tomba dei Giganti di LassiaGiant grave with exedra and long gallery grave
Tomba dei Giganti di Lassia
Li Curuneddi, necropolisSassariSassari (province)Prenecropolis29 Li Curuneddi necropolisNecropolis; the original burial chambers were probably united later and the entire hypogeum was probably converted into a Byzantine church or later as a wine store.
Necropoli di Li Curuneddi
Li Lolghi, Giant TombArzachenaSassari (province)IVGiant grave30 Li Lolghi, Tomba dei GigantiWell-preserved giant grave with a portal stele and an exedra. Entrance fee.
Li Lolghi, Tomba dei Giganti
Li Mizzani, giant gravePalauSassari (province)IVGiant grave31 Li Mizzani, Tomba dei GigantiGiant grave with portal stele and exedra
Tomba dei giganti di Li Mizzani
Li Muri, necropolisArzachenaSassari (province)PreNecropolis with box graves32 Li Muri, NecropoliNecropolis with several box graves, which are surrounded by stone circles that may have attached a pile of earth / tumulus; originated around 4000 BC; Entrance fee.
Li Muri, necropolis
Li Paladini, Pozzo SacroCalangianusSassari (province)IBWell sanctuary8 Li Paladini, fountain sanctuaryWell or spring sanctuary, the water level reaches the surface of the earth
Li Paladini, Pozzo Sacro
Lò, nuragheSorgonoNuoro (province)IBNuraghe26 Nuraghe LòTholosnuraghe built on a ledge.
Nurage Lo
Loelle, nuragheBuddusòSassari (province)IbNuraghe27 Nuraghe LoelleNuraghe from the transition period from Korrodor- to Tholosnuraghen; There is also a giant grave nearby
Nuraghe Loelle
Losa, nuragheAbbasantaOristano (Province)IVNuragic village28 Nuraghe LosaComplex nuraghe with surrounding enclosure of a nuragic village
Nuraghe Losa
Lotzorai, necropolisLotzoraiNuoro (province)Prenecropolis33 Necropoli di Lotzorai13 burial caves necropolis on the side of the Tracucu hill; there is a nuraghe on the hill.
Lotzorai domus de janas 2
Lu BrandaliSanta Teresa di GalluraSassari (province)IVNecropolis, Nuragic Village34 Tomba dei Giganti di Lu BrandaliGigantic graves, largely demolished except for the foundations, surround the remains of a nuragic settlement in an area with tafoni
Tomba di giganti
Ludurru, necropolisBuddusòSassari (province)Prenecropolis35 Domus de Janas di LudurruThree rock tombs ("Domus de Janas") that were carved into the hard granite.
Domus de Janas di Ludurru
Lugherras, nuraghePaulilatinoOristano (Province)IIIComplex nuraghe29 Nuraghe LugherrasA central mastio is surrounded by several tholos nuraghi, surrounding a bastion
Luras, dolmensLurasSassari (province)PreDolmen13 Dolmen di LurasA group of four dolmens, consisting of bearing stones and capstones
Dolmen di Ladas, Luras
Luzzanas, necropolisBenetuttiSassari (province)Prenecropolis36 Necropoli di LuzzanasNecropolis, "Domus des Janas", consisting of four burial chambers
Necropoli di Luzzanas
Madrone, nuragheSilanusNuoro (province)IINuraghe30 Nuraghe Madrone or OrolioNuraghe with a mastio and two side towers
Nuraghe Madrone or Orolio
Madau, giant graveFonni (Onne)Nuoro (province)IVGiant grave37 Tomba di giganti di Madau.jpgGigantic grave, with ashlar facade
Giant tomb of Madau
Maiori, ProtonuragheTempio PausaniaSassari (province)IAProtonuraghe31 Protonuraghe MaioriProtonuraghe with a passage to small tholoi
Protonuraghe majori
Malchittu, TempiettoArzachenaSassari (province)IVMegaron Temple32 Melchittu, Tempietto nuraghicoNuragic megaron temple on a mountain flank
Malchittu, Nuraghe temple
Mandra Antine, necropolisThiesiSassari (province)Prenecropolis38 Necropoli di Mandra AntineNecropolis with various burial chambers, di Tomba Dipinta is characterized by red and black paintings of stephorns.
Necropoli di Mandra Antine
Mandras, necropolisArdauliOristano (Province)Prenecropolis39 Necropoli di MandrasFour-chamber chamber degree with red painting.
Mannu, nuragheDorgaliNuoro (province)IBNuraghe33 Nuraghe MannuTholosnuraghe
Nuraghe mannu
Maria Frunza, necropolisNuoroNuoro (province)Prenecropolis40 Necropoli Maria FrunzaNecropolis consisting of five Domus de Janas
MatzanniVallermosaSouth SardegnaIVAWell sanctuary9 Pozzo Sacro di MatzanniNuragic well sanctuary, surrounded by a nuragic village; The Punic Tempio di Matzani is very close by
Matzanni pozzo
Mesu ’e Montes, necropolisOssiSassari (province)Prenecropolis41 Necropoli Mesu’e MontesNecropolis consisting of 18 Domus de Janas
Necropoli di Mesu'e Montes
Milis, well sanctuaryGolfo AranciSassari (province)IBWell sanctuary10 Pozzo Sacro di MilisWell sanctuary dating from the Middle Bronze Age with a 9.5 m long staircase leading to the oval 2.4 x 3 m measuring well in forty steps, this is vaulted by a 9 m high tholos. The system took during the construction of the railway line in the 19th century. Damage and was excavated in 1937.
Pozzo Sacro Milis
Mitza Pidighi, well sanctuarySolarussaOristano (Province)PreWell sanctuary11 Pozzo Sacro di Mitza PidighiWell sanctuary with a trapezoidal basin and a channel made of basalt blocks
Molafa, necropolisSassariSassari (province)Prenecropolis42 Tomba di MolafàThe rock grave from Nuragic times was carved into the rock and is architecturally modeled on a giant grave with a portal stele, this type of designing a rock grave similar to a giant grave is rarely found.
Tomba di Molafà
Montalè, necropolisSassariSassari (province)Prenecropolis43 Necropoli di montalèNecropolis from the time of Ozierikultur with horizontally laid out burial chambers in relatively flat terrain, which through corridors resp. Dromoi can be reached. Some have figurative designs.
Necropoli di Montalè
Monte Acuto, dolmenBerchiddaSassari (province)PreDolmen14 Dolmen di Monte AcutoDolmen system with two lateral orthostats and a broken cover plate, a circular area in front of the system.
Monte Arista, necropolisCardeduNuoro (province)Prenecropolis44 Necropoli del Monte AristaNecropolis with ten prenuraghic rock tombs, so-called "Domus de Janas", which date from the late Ozieri culture.
Monte BarantaOlmedoSassari (province)PreSanctuary (pre-nuragic)34 Complesso prenuragico di Monte BarantaBarrier wall - system with a horseshoe-shaped structure, which was called a tower, next to it a probable cult site, covered with slabs; several much older fallen menhirs were found here; Ceramic finds indicate use in the Monte Claro culture, in Nuragic and Roman times the complex was probably only visited again for a short time. In old maps the complex was called "Nurage Su Casteddu", near the Nuraghe di Masala.
Olmedo to Monte Baranta (04)
Monte d'AccodiPorto TorresSassari (province)PreSanctuary (pre-nuragic)35 Monte d'AccodiSanctuary with an altar from the prenuraghic period.
Altar installation on Monte d'Accoddi
Monte Elias, Nuragic settlementTerguSassari (province)IBNuragic fortress36 Complesso Fortezza nuragica Monte EliasAround the remains of a nuragic settlement a fortification wall up to 120 m long, further down the remains of a second wall.
Complesso Fortezza nuragica Monte Elias
Monte Longu, dolmenDorgaliNuoro (province)PreDolmen15 Dolmen di Monte LonguDolmen, the support orthostats of which rest on the slope in the area, a large ceiling slab. The dolmen is assigned to the Ozieri culture, even if there are no local finds.
Dolmen di Monte Longu
Monte Maone, dolmenBenetuttiSassari (province)PreDolmen16 Dolmen di Monte MaoneMegalithic system, part of which was knocked out of the rock, part of the support orthostats is made of granite, the cover plate rests here.
Monte Sant’Antonio, Nuragic settlementSiligoSassari (province)IVNuragic village37 Santuario nuragico di Monte Sant’AntonioNuragic settlement from the late Nuragic period, there were ruins of a well sanctuary, a corridor uraghe and a prenuragic cyclopean wall. Near the 38 Nuraghe Morette.
Santuario nuragico di Monte Sant'Antonio
Monte Sirai, nuragheMonte SiraiSouth SardegnaIIIComplex nuraghe39 Nuraghe SiraiNuraghe with a complex structure
Nuraghe Sirai
Monte Siseri, necropolisPutifigariSassari (province)Prenecropolis45 Monte Siseri necropolisThe necropolis of Monte Siseri consists of four Domus de Janas. The most extraordinary Tomba s'Incantu has a dromos, an antechamber with some painting and bull horn reliefs, the main chamber with two cuboid columns has a false saddle roof and circular inlets on the floor.
Necropoli di Monte Siseri
Montessu, necropolisVillaperuccioSouth SardegnaPrenecropolis46 Necropoli di MontessuIn a basin above Villaperrucio there was a necropolis with three groups of 40 Domus de Janas, mostly a dromos, an anteroom and burial chambers around it, there were bull horn reliefs and spiral ornaments. The necropolis was used from the Ozieri culture to the beginning of the Nuragic period. Visits are chargeable.
Necropoli di Montessu
Moru, giant graveArzachenaSassari (province)IVGiant grave47 Moru, Tomba dei GigantiGigantic grave, the portal stele is missing; Entrance fee
Moru, Tomba dei giganti
Motorra, dolmenDorgaliNuoro (province)PreDolmen17 Dolmen di MotorraPolygonal dolmen, the hexagonal cover plate rests on seven support steles, surrounding a circle of 11 edge stones, which probably marked the end of an earth cover. Finds from the Ozieri culture.
Dolmen di Motorra
Muraguada, giant tombBauladuOristano (Province)IVGiant grave48 Tomba dei Giganti di MuruguadaGiant grave of the type with a square facade, a strikingly high chamber with a cantilever vault and an apse.
Museddu, necropolisCheremuleSassari (province)Prenecropolis49 Necropoli di MusedduNecropolis with 37 burial chambers from the Neolithic period. Free admission.
Necropoli di Museddu
Noddule, well sanctuaryBittiNuoro (province)IVWell sanctuary12 Fonte Sacra di NodduleNuragic well sanctuary with a 3.2 m diameter deposit and a rectangular well chamber, the spring chamber lies directly behind it and is covered with a tholos. In the vicinity remains of a largely destroyed nuraghi and a giant grave.
Fonte Sacra di Noddule
Noeddale, necropolisOssiSassari (province)Prenecropolis50 Necropoli di NoeddaleNecropolis with six "Domus de Janas" with short dromoi, the first burial chamber has a false roof with rafters, bull horn reliefs and false doors, the second burial chamber has spiral decorative elements.
Necropoli di Noeddale
Nuraddeo, nuragheSuniSassari (province)IIINuragic complex40 Nurage di NuraddeoComplex nuraghe with a high central mastio, three surrounding towers connected by rows of walls; remarkable that the ascent stairs begin in the tholos of the main tower.
Nuraghe Nuraddeo
Oes, nuragheGiaveSassari (province)IIINuragic complex41 Nuraghe di OesNuragic complex consisting of a main tower, the mastio, and two side towers, masonry surrounds a small central courtyard. In the area there were two round huts and a rectangular Megaron temple complex, a giant grave is likely to be of older origin.
Nuraghe Oes
Orgono, ProtonuragheGhilarzaOristano (Province)IAProtonuraghe42 Protonuraghe di OrgonoProtonuraghe with an elliptical chamber and a staircase leading up from the main chamber; the Protonuraghe was later overbuilt with a Tholosnuraghen.
Protonuraghe Orgono
Oridda, giant graveSennoriSassari (province)IIGiant grave51 Tomba at Giganti OriddaGiant grave, a dromos leads to the portal stele, behind it are the walls of the gallery; the whole architecture is reminiscent of a dolmen.
Orolo, nuragheBortigaliNuoro (province)IIKompexnuraghe43 Nuraghe OroloComplex only consisting of the main tower "Mastio" and two side towers assembled without an inner courtyard.
Nuraghe Orolo
Osono, giant graveTrieiNuoro (province)IVGiant grave52 Tomba dei Giganti OsonoGigantic grave, the complex with a portal stele was probably converted into a square facade, a trilith forms the portal to the 10 m long chamber, in front of the whole complex there is a 19 m wide exedra.
Tomba dei giganti di Osono
Paddeu, giant graveCossoineSassari (province)PreGiant grave53 Tomba dei GigantiGiant grave of the type with portal stele, of which practically only the chamber has survived, as the end stone, an exedra stele was positioned incorrectly.
Tomba dei Giganti di Paddeu
Paesanu, necropolisOssiSassari (province)Prenecropolis54 Domus de Janas di PaesanuRock grave, which was built in a monolith that had detached itself from a rock wall.
Domus de janas di Paesanu
Palatu, giant tombBiroriNuoro (province)PreGiant grave55 Tomba dei Giganti PalatuGiant grave of the type with portal stele, but this is missing; The burial chamber measuring 11.5 x 1 and the 11 m wide exedra are preserved.
Tomba dei Giganti di Palatu
Palmavera, Nuragic VillageAlgheroSassari (province)IVNuragic village44 PalmaveraNuragic village with a complex of nuraghi surrounded by residential buildings, meeting hut. Entrance fee.
Nuraghe di Palmavera
Partulesi, necropolisIttiredduSassari (province)Prenecropolis56 Necropoli di PartulesiNecropolis of 26 Domus de Janas, which was built on a tuff wall at the end of the Ozieri period. Most of the burial chambers have a short dromos, and there are various architectural pseudo-elements; in particular, Tomba XIV with a portal stele is similar to that of a giant grave, but hardly anything of it has survived.
Ittireddu - Necropoli di Partulesi (04)
Pascaredda, Giant's TombCalangianusSassari (province)IVGiant grave57 Pascaredda, Giant's TombGiant tomb with a portal stele and a wide exedra; also referred to as the Tomba dei Giganti di Pascareddha.
Pascaredda, Giant's Tomb
Pedra de Lughia Rajosa, menhirAlà dei SardiSassari (province)PreMenhir18 Pedra de Lughia RajosaA 2.7 m high basalt menhir, with two elevations that should represent breasts. Nearby is a triangle made up of three similar menhirs on which a basalt plate rests, similar to a dolmen.
Pedras Doladas, Giant TombScano di MontiferroOristano (Province)PreGiant grave58 Tomba dei Giganti di Pedras DoladasPoorly preserved giant grave of the transition type between portal stele and square facade shape, the burial chamber measures 8.4 m and the width of the exedra 5.6 m.
Tomba dei giganti di Pedras Doladas
Perda Longa, menhirBari SardoNuoro (province)PreMenhirs19 Menhirs of Perda LongaAt Sa Perda Longa there is a row of three menhirs and surrounding other menhirs and stones with bowls, probably for the deposit of offerings.
Perdas Longas, standing stonesGuspiniSouth SardegnaPreMenhir20 Menhirs of Perdas LongasTwo menhirs near the industrial area of ​​Guspini
Menhirs of Perdas Longas
Pedras Serradas, necropolisFlorinasSassari (province)IAnecropolis59 Necropoli di Pedras SerradasSimple Bronze Age necropolis with five "Domus de Janas" carved out of a limestone wall.
Necropoli di Pedras Serradas
Peppe Gallu, ProtonuragheUriSassari (province)IAProtonuraghe45 Protonuraghe Peppe GalluThe Protonuraghe was examined around 1960 before it was removed to use the stones for the construction of the dam of the Lago del Cuga.
Perdu Pes, giant gravePaulilatinoOristano (Province)PreGiant grave60 Tomba dei Giganti Perdu PesPoorly preserved remains of a giant grave, only a few blocks of the chamber and the exedra are still in situ, plus three frustoconical baityloi.
Pesciarzos, necropolisCargegheSassari (province)Prenecropolis61 Domus de Janas PescarziosBurial chamber grave with an entrance that was modeled on a portal stele of a giant grave.
Domus de Janas di Pesciarzos
Pirosu, grotto with a nuragic shrineSantadiSouth SardegnaIIINuragic sanctuary46 Grotta sacra di PirosuThe 120 m long cave sanctuary was south of Santadi discovered in the sixties. In the natural cave there was a water basin and a fire age made from a stalagmite, the numerous votive offerings include around 1000 clay vessels and around 100 metal artifacts, including a votive boat and a tripod.
Ponte, nuragheDualchiNuoro (province)IBNuraghe47 Nuraghe PonteTholosnuraghe, the staircase in the masonry leads to the left from the entrance to the main holos to the upper floor, to the right of the staircase the typical guard's lodge. Neighboring the 48 Protonuraghe Frenugarzu
Ponte Secco, necropolisPorto TorresSassari (province)Prenecropolis62 Necropoli di Ponte SeccoNecropolis consisting of 13 domus des Janas on a 450 m long limestone ledge, some with corridor access ("dromos"), others with vertical entrance.
Pradu Su Chiai, Giant TombVillagrande StrisailiNuoro (province)IVGiant grave63 Tomba dei Giganti Pradu su ChiaiThe giant grave of Pradu Su Chiai (or Marruscu, Sa Conca Onne or Campu Pira Onni) is a giant grave with a square facade on the east bank of Lake Flumendosa
Pranu Muteddu, standing stonesGoniSouth SardegnaPreMenhirs, dolmens21 Parco Archeologico di Pranu MutteduArchaeological site with menhir lines and dolmens
Pranu Muttedu: Tomba II
Preda Longa ’e figu, giant graveBororeOristano (Province)PreGiant grave64 Tomba dei Giganti Preda Longa ’e figuGiant tomb with a portal stele facade and exedra
Predio Canopoli, well sanctuaryPerfugasSassari (province)IVWell sanctuary13 Pozzo Sacro Predio CaanopoliWhile working in a private garden, the nuragic fountain sanctuary was discovered in 1923 and the bronze "Bull of Perfugas" was found. In 1975 the monument, which was partly filled in again, was finally uncovered.
Pozzo Sacro di Predio Canopoli
Prunaiola, dolmenTorralbaSassari (province)PreDolmen22 Dolmen di PrunaiolaThe dolmen is made up of two trachyte carrier plates and a cover plate; a female clay figurine was found nearby.
Dolmen di Prunaiola
Prunittu, necropolisSorradileOristano (Province)Prenecropolis65 Prunitto NecropolisNecropolis with 27 Domus de Janas, carved out of a vertical trachyte wall. The Tomba X "Sa Cresia" stands out with its multi-cell floor plan.
Necropoli di Prunittu
Punta Unossi, Nuragic settlementFlorinasSassari (province)IVNuragic village49 Villagio nuragico Punta UnossiNuragic settlement with a Capanna delle riunioni and various round huts, in the middle stands the atypical Nuraghe Sa Cuguttada.
Nuragic settlement Punta Unossi
Puntanarcu, well sanctuarySediloOristano (Province)IVWell sanctuary14 Pozzo Sacro PuntanarcuWell sanctuary near a stream in S’Adde; The spring room is connected to an anteroom, the spring water flows out of a hole in the floor slab.
Puttu Codinu, necropolisVillanova MonteleoneSassari (province)Prenecropolis66 Necropoli di Puttu CodinuNecropolis consisting of nine burial chambers carved into a limestone terrace. Grave finds indicate the Ozieri culture. In Tomba VIII there was a 189 cm limestone fugir of a Dea madre.
Necropoli di Puttu Codinu
Roccia dell'Elefante, necropolisCastelsardoSassari (province)Prenecropolis67 Roccia dell'ElefanteElephant-like rocks formed by erosion, burial chambers were carved into the rocks.
Elephants - rocks
Rumanedda, nuragheSassariSassari (province)IBTholosnuraghe50 Nuraghe di RumaneddaTholosnuraghe, 1922 an access to a spring chamber under the nuraghe was described. A staircase typically leads to the left to the upper floor.
Nuraghe Rumanedda
Runara, dolmenIttiriSassari (province)PreDolmen23 Dolmen di Runara
Dolmen di Runara
S’Arena, giant tombsUrzuleiNuoro (province)IVGiant grave68 Tomba dei Giganti S'ArenaGiant tombs with a square facade, the facilities were excavated in 2002.
Tomba dei Giganti S'Arena (Fennau)
S’Arcu e is Forros, nuragic sanctuaryVillagrande StrisailiNuoro (province)IIINuragic village with Megaron temple51 Villaggio nuragico S'Arcu e is ForrosIn the vicinity of the 17 x 6.5 m megaron temple, longitudinal benches and drainage channels indicate a cult of water, there are round huts and melting furnaces for metals. Excavations brought numerous bronzetti nuragici, bronze artefacts, to light.
S’Elighe Entosu, necropolisUsiniSassari (province)Prenecropolis69 Necropolis di S'Elighe EntosuNecropolis with seven Domus de Janas, partly there are sham roofs and doors and spiral decorations.
Necropoli di S'Elighe Entosu
S’Ena ’e Thomes, giant graveDorgaliNuoro (province)PreGiant grave70 Tomba dei Giganti S’Ena ’e ThomesGiant grave with beautifully preserved portal stele and box grave, only the exedra is only incomplete.
Tomba dei Giganti S’Ena ’e Thomes
S’Ena ’e sa Vacca, dolmenOlzaiNuoro (province)PreDolmen24 Dolmen S'Ena 'e sa VaccaU-fürmige Megalithenstruktur, die einem Dolmen sehr ähnlich sieht, die fünf Meter lange von einem 3 Meter langen Monolithen gedeckte Struktur gilt als eine Frühform sardischer Dolmen.
S’Iscia ’e Sas Piras, NekropoleUsiniSassari (Provinz))Prenecropolis71 Necropoli di S’Iscia ’e Sas PirasPränuraghische Nekropole, in drei "Domus de Janas" wurden Gebeine von neun Männern, drei Frauen und zwei Kindern gefunden.
S’Ortali ’e su MontiTortoliNuoro (province)IIKomplexnuraghe, Gigantengrab52 Area archeologica S’Ortali ’e su MontiNuraghische Fundstätte mit einem Komplexnuraghen mit einem Mastio (Hauptturm) und zwei Nebentürmen, einem Gigantengrab mit einer teils erhaltenen möglichen Portalstele und in der Nähe nch zwei Menhire, ein dritter wurde in den Nuraghen als Sturz eingebarbeitet.
Nuraghe S'Ortali 'e Su Monti
S’Ulivera, ProtonuragheDualchiNuoro (province)IAProtonuraghe53 Protonuraghe S'UliveraDer ursprüngliche Protonuraghe, eine Korridornuraghe mit drei Seitennischen, wurde um 1500 v.Chr. zu einem Tholosnuraghen umgebaut.
Protonuraghe S’Ulivera
S' Urbale, NuraghensiedlungTetiNuoro (province)IVNuragic village54 S'UrbaleNuraghendorf, das wohl einem Feuer zum Opfer fiel. Vor Ort Fund von Keramik und einer Pintadera.
Nuraghendorf S'Urbale
Sa Carcaredda, NuraghenheiligtrumVillagrande StrisailiNuoro (province)IVNuraghenheiligtum55 Villaggio nuragico Sa CarcareddaDie Nuraghensiedlung besteht aus einem Nuraghenheiligtum, einem rechteckigen Megarontempel mit einer Feuerstelle aus Kalksteinblöcken; in der Nähe befindet sich auch ein Gigangengrab mit einer Quadersteinfassade.
Sa Coveccada, DolmenMoresSassari (Provinz)PreDolmen25 Dolmen di Sa CoveccadaDer grösste Dolmen Sardiniens steht auf der Hochebene des Logudoro; er besteht aus Trägersteinen und einem gewaltigen Deckstein aus rosa Trachyt.
Sa Domu ’e s’Orku, NuragheSarrochMetropolitan city of CagliariIIComplex nuraghe56 Sa Domu ’e s’Orku, NuragheKomplexer Nuraghe, der Name kommt auch andernorts vor und bedeutet "Haus des Orku", eines mythischen Menschenfressers
L'Ingresso del Nuraghe Sa domu e s' orcu
Sa Domu ’e s’Orcu (Siddi), GigantengrabSiddiSouth SardegnaIVGiant grave72 Tomba dei Giganti Sa Domu ’e s’OrcuGigantengrab mit Quaderfassade.
Tomba dei Giganti Sa Domu 'e S'Orku
Sa Figu, NekropoleIttiriSassari (Provinz)Prenecropolis73 Necropoli Sa FiguNekropole bestehend aus 11 Domus de Janas, etliche davon stark zerstört. Auffallend ist die Tomba IV, die aus dem Felsen geschlagene Grabkammer hat einen Eingang, der einer Portalstele eines Gigantengrabs nachempfunden wurde.
Necropoli di Sa Figu
Sa Fogaia, ProtonuragheSiddiSouth SardegnaIAProtonuraghe57 Sa Fogaia, ProtonuragheDer Protnuraghe mit einem Y-förmigen Gang, der auf die Dachterasse führte, wurde wiederholt umgebaut und präsentiert sich derzeit mit eingestürzter Dachterrasse. Spuren und Funde deuten auch auf Besiedelung in punisch - römischer Zeit hin.
Protonuraghe Sa Fogaia
Sa Jua, NuragheAidomaggioreOristano (Province)IINuraghe58 Nuraghe di Sa JuaNuraghe mit einem mit Mauern verbundenen Nebenturm.
Nuraghe Sa Jua
Sa Linnarta, BrunnenheiligtumOroseiNuoro (province)IVWell sanctuary15 Pozzo Sacro Sa LinnartaNuraghisches Brunnenheiligtum, auch als "Osana" bekannt, welches im Bereich mehrerer Zisternen aus römischer Zeit noch erkennbar ist.
Sa Mandra ’e Sa Giua, NuraghensiedlungOssiSassari (Provinz)IVNuraghensiedlung59 Villagi nuragico Sa Mandra 'e Sa GiuaNuraghensiedlung mit einer Rundhütte aus Tuffstein mit Bankaltar, Ofen und Wassertrog
Villagio Nuragico Sa Mandra 'e sa Giua
Sa Mandra Manna, HypogäumTulaSassari (Provinz)PreHypogeum26 Complesso archeologico Sa Mandra MannaKultstätte aus der Megalithenzeit, ein halbrunder megalithischer Mauerring umgibt einen Teil des Plateaus, ein zweiräumiges Hypogäum wird von einer Deckplatte abgedeckt.
Sa Mitza de Su Nieddinu, BrunnenheiligtumGuspiniSouth SardegnaIVWell sanctuary16 Pozzo Sacro Sa Mitza de Su NieddinuBrunnenheiligtum, von dem kaum mehr oberoirdische Strukturen erhalten sind, neun Stufen führen zum Wasserspiegel in 2 m Tiefe hinab.
Pozzo nuragico Sa Mitza de Su Nieddinu
Sa Perda ’e S’Altare, GigantengrabBiroriNuoro (province)IVGiant grave74 Tomba dei Giganti Sa Perda ’e S’AltareGigantengrab mit einer nur teilweise erhaltenen 4 m hohen Portalstele und einer 18,5 m breiten Exedra.
Sa Perda Longa, MenhireBari SardoNuoro (province)PreMenhir27 Sa Perda LongaIm Gebiet von Sa Perda Longa steht eine Reihe aus drei Menhiren, dazu einzelstehende Menhire, Steine mit Altarschälchen und Reste eines Gigantengrabs.
Sa Perda Pinta, MenhirMamoiadaNuoro (province)PreMenhir28 Menhir Sa Perda Pinta2,7 m hoher Menhir der mit kreisförmigen Ornamenten mit sogenannten "Cup and Ring" - Markierungen versehen ist, auch als Stele di Boeli bezeichnet. In der Nähe die liegende Stele di Garaunele.
Menhir Sa Perda Pintà
Sa Rocca und Su Lampu, NekropoleFlorinasSassari (Provinz)Prenecropolis75 Necropoli Sa Rocca und Su LampuFelsengräber aus einer Kalksteinklippe südlich von [[Florinas] aus dem Felsen beschlagen
Necropoli di Sa Rocca 'e su Lampu
Sa Sedda ’e Sos Carros, NuraghensiedlungOlienaNuoro (province)IVNuraghensiedlung60 Villagio nuragigo Sa Sedda ’e Sos CarrosNuraghensiedlung mit etlichen Rundbauten und einem Rundheiligtum mit umlaufender Bank und einem zentralen Wasserbecken. Etliche Votivgaben, die in der Umgebung gefunden wurden, befinden sich im Museum von Sassari
Rundheiligtum in Sa Sedda ’e Sos Carros
Sa Senepida, GigantengrabOrgosoloNuoro (province)IVGiant grave76 Tomba dei Giganti Sa SenepidaGigantengrab mit Portalstele und schlecht erhaltener Exhedra, 400 m entfernt liegt das Gigantengrab von Su Milhosu ebenfalls vom Portalstelentyp, auch gleich oberhalb der Nuraghe Sa Senepida.
Sa Testa, BrunnenheiligtumOlbiaSassari (Provinz)IVWell sanctuary17 Pozzo Sacro di Sa Testa1938 wurde das Brunnenheiligtum ausgegraben, es besteht aus einem gut 8 m langen Hof oder Temenos, einem trapezoiden 2,6 m langen Vorraum und einem Tholos über dem Brunnenschacht, der über 17 Treppenstufen erreicht wird.
Pozzo Sacro di Sa Testa
Sa Turricula, ProtonuragheMurosSassari (Provinz)IAProtonuraghe61 Protonuraghe Sa TurriculaDer Protonuraghe mit einem kurzen halbkreisförmigen Korridor wurde im Bereich der des Kamms des Monte Tudurighe errichtet, hier fanden sich Keramikfunde aus der Bonnanaro B Kultur, welche Bedeutung zur Verständnis des Übergangs von der Bonnanaro- zur Nuraghenkultur beigetragen haben.
Protonuraghe Sa Turricola
San Cosimo, GigantengrabGonosfanadigaSouth SardegnaIVGiant grave77 Tomba dei Giganti San CosimoGrosses Gigantengrab des Typs mit Quaderfassade, wobei diese grossteils zerstört ist. Erhalten ist die gewaltige 26 m lange Grabkammer mit trapezoidem Querschnitt, die Exedra verläuft schmetterlingsförmig - abgerundet. Im Grab fanden sich bauchige bronzezeitliche Keramiktöpfe und Glasflussperlen.
Tomba dei Giganti S.Cosimo, nachts
San Michele Urrui, MenhireFonniNuoro (province)PreMenhir29 San Michele Urrui, MenhireZwei Menhire von 3,4 resp. 2,85 m hoch, der letztere mit einem tiefliegenden Loch und Schälchen wird als "weiblicher Menhir" bezeichnet. Die Menhire wurden vom ursprünglichen Standort weg versetzt, in der Umgebung Domus de Janas, die Gigantengräber von Bidistili und Madau, der Nuraghe Dronnoro und die Nuraghensiedlung Gremonu.
San Pietro, KomplexnuragheTorpèNuoro (province)IIIComplex nuraghe62 Nuraghe San PietroKomplexnuraghe im Schwemmlandtal des Rio Posada. Um den 3,5 m hoch erhaltenen Hauptturm ("Mastio") gruppieren sich vier Seitentürme um einen rechteckigen Innenhof, in dem sich ein Brunnenschacht öffnet. Besichtigung kostenpflichtig.
Nuraghe di San Pietro
San Salvatore, BrunnenheiligtumConvertiblesOristano (Province)IVWell sanctuary18 Ipogeo di San SalvatoreIn San Salvatore bei Convertibles wurde ein nuraghisches Brunnenheiligtum angelegt, das von den Römern als Heilige Stätte von Hercules Sotèr weiter verehrt wurde und im 18. Jhdt. von der Kirche Christus Salvator überbaut wurde. Meist ist jemand von der Kooperative anwesend, der die Kirche öffnet, links im Kirchenschiff führt die Treppe ins Hypogäum mit verschiedenen Apsiden, einem Altar und dem nuraghischen Brunnen hinab. Spende erwünscht.
Vista dalla scalinata, chiesa di San Salvatore.
San Salvatore, BrunnenheiligtumGonnosnòOristano (Province)IVWell sanctuary19 Pozzo Sacro di San SalvatoreVon einem Atrium gelangt man über eine 6 lange Treppe zur vonv einem Tholos abgedeckten 2.2 m durchmessenden kreisrunden Brunnenkammer; die Anlage wurde in punischer Zeit und wohl bis ins Mittelalter weiterverwendet. In der Nähe steht eine byzantinische Kirche und 400 östlich die vier Gigantengräber von Is Lapideddas.
Sant'Andrea Priu, NekropoliTorralbaSassari (Provinz)Prenecropolis78 Necropoli di Sant'Andrea PriuNecropolis with multi-chambered graves from the Ozieri culture, later converted into a Byzantine church
Necropoli di Sant'Andrea Priu
Santa Anastasia, BrunnenheiligtumSardaraSouth SardegnaIVWell sanctuary20 Pozzo Sacro di Santa AnastasiaIn der Area archeologica im Zentrum von Sardara fand sich 1913 ein Brunnenheiligtum, eine 12 stufige Treppe führt in einen tholosartigen Raum von 4 m Durchmesser, ganz nenachbart fanden sich noch zwei ältere Brunnenheiligtümer.
Pozzo Sacro di Sant'Anastasia (07)
Santa Caterina, NuraghensiedlungUriSassari (Provinz)IVNuraghensiedlung63 Villagio nuragico Santa CaterinaDer Hauptturm des Komplexnuraghen und zwei Nebentürme sind mit Mauern verbunden, in der Umgebung fanden sich einige Basen von Rundhütten.
Complesso nuragico di Santa Caterina
Santa Caterina di Pittinuri, BaityloiSanta Caterina di PittinuriOristano (Province)PreBaityloi30 Baityloi di Santa CaterinaBaityloi sind 1 - 1,9 m hohe konische oder anthropomorphe Steine, meist aus Basalt, mit Vertiefungen im oberen Bereich, die sich in einem Streifen in der Mitte von Sardiniens finden. Die Baityloi bei der Kirche von Santa Caterina wurden von nördlich gelegenen Gigantengrab von Oragiana hierher verbracht.
Santa Sarbana, NuragheSilanusNuoro (province)IBTholosnuraghe64 Nuraghe di Santa BarbaraDer 8,4 m hohe Tholosnuraghe steht neben der Landkirche von Santa Barbara, vom Eingang führt links die Treppe ins obere Stockwerk, rechts liegt die "Wächternische"
Nuraghe di Santa Barbara
Santa Cristina, BrunnenheiligtumPaulilatinoOristano (Province)IVWell sanctuary21 Pozzo Santo di Santa CristinaNuraghisches Brunnenheiligtum mit perfekt gefügtem Treppenabgang in die Quellkammer, benachbart das Nuraghendorf des 65 Nuraghe Santa Cristina
Pozzo Sacro Santa Cristina
Santa Vittoria, BrunnenheiligtumSerriSouth SardegnaIVBrunnenheiligtum, Temenos22 Pozzo Sacro di Santa VittoriaBrunnenheiligtum in einem Temenos, einem heiligen Bezirk und einem separaten Festbezirk.
Eingang zum Pozzo sacro di Santa Vittoria
Santu AntineTorralbaSassari (Provinz)IIIComplex nuraghe66 Nuraghe Santu AntineNuraghe with a complex structure
Nuraghe Santu Antine
Santu Bainzu, GigantengrabBororeNuoro (province)IVGiant grave79 Tomba dei Giganti di Santu BainzuGigantengrab mit einer Portalstele, die fast als einziges erhalten ist; in der Nähe der Nuraghe Toscono
Tomba di giganti di Santu Bainzu
Sajacciu, GigantengrabPalauSassari (Provinz)IVGiant grave80 Tomba dei Giganti SajacciuGigantengrab vom Typ der Quaderfassade, abgesehen von Resten der Exedra ist kaum etwas erhalten.
Santu Pedru, NekropoleAlgheroSassari (Provinz)Prenecropolis81 Necropoli di Santu PedruNekropole aus pränuraghischer Zeit. Entrance fee.
Santu Pedru necropolis
Sarbogadas, DolmenBiroriNuoro (province)PreDolmen31 Sarbogadas, DolmenDolmen bestehend aus drei Tragsteinen und einem aufliegenden Deckstein
Dolmen di Sarbogadas
Sas Arzolas de Goi, NekropoleNughedu Santa VittoriaOristano (Province)Prenecropolis82 Necropoli di Sas Arzolas de GoiNekropole bestehend aus dünf Domus de Janas, von denen drei zugänglich sind. In der Tomba I finden sich Stierhornreliefs, in der Tomba II ein Scheindach mit Sparren, verschiedenenorts existieren noch Spuren roter Farbe.
Necropoli di Arzolas de Goi
Sas Concas, NekropoleOniferiNuoro (province)Prenecropolis83 Necropoli di Sas ConcasAn einem Südhang fanden sich zwanzig "Domus des Janas", die über verschiedene pränuraghische Kulturen hinweg genutzt wurden.
Necropoli di Sas Concas
Sas Puntas, NekropoleTissiSassari (Provinz)Prenecropolis84 Necropoli di Sas PuntasFelsenkammergrab, mit einer in den Fels geschlagenen Frontstele, welcher einer Portalstele eines Gigantengrabs nachempfunden ist, angedeutete Exedra.
Scalas, ProtonuragheMuraveraSouth SardegnaIAProtonuraghe67 Protonuraghe ScalasDer Protonuraghe Scalas liegt in der Nähe der Costa Rei, das Gemäuer des Protonuraghen ist weitgehend überwuchert und kaum mehr zu erkennen.
Sedda sa Caudeba, GigantengräberCollinasSouth SardegnaIVGiant grave85 Tomba dei Giganti Sedda sa CaudebaZwei Gigantengräber, von denen nur die Grabkammern erhalten sind, der Typ ist bei fehlender Exedra nicht weiter zuzuordnen.
Tomba dei giganti di Sedda sa Caudeba
Sedini, NekropoleSedini at SassariSassari (Provinz)Prenecropolis86 Necropoli di SediniNekropole, die Grabkammern wurden aus einem riesigen Felsblock im Ortszentrum von Sedini heruasgeschalgen.
Necropoli di Sedini
Selene, Parco ArcheologicoLanuseiNuoro (province)IVGigantengräber, Nuraghensiedlung68 Parco Archeologico di SeleneWestlich von Lanusei liegen zwei Gigantengräber mit Quaderfronten und schön erhaltener Exedra, 500 m östlich das nuraghische Dorf Gennaccili mit zahlreichen Rundhütten.
Tomba dei Giganti di Selene
Seneghe, ProtonuragheSuniOristano (Province)IAProtonuraghe69 Protonuraghe di SenegheDer Protonuraghe hat mit 16,5 m Länge eine elliptische Form und ist von einem Korridor durchzogen, von dem drei Seitennischen abgehen.
Serbissi, NuragheOsiniNuoro (province)IIIComplex nuraghe70 Nuraghe di SerbissiDer Nuraghe Serbissi besteht aus einem Mastio, dem Hauptturm und drei mit Mauerwerk verbundenen Nebentürmen, in der Umgebung Fundamente mehrerer Rundhütten. Aussergewöhnlich ist die Lage des Nuraghe, der oberhalb der Kalksteinhöhe Grotta Serbissi errichtet wurde.
Nuraghe Serbissi
Serra Niedda, BrunnenheiligtumSorsoSassari (Provinz)IVWell sanctuary23 Pozzo Sacro di Serra NieddaBrunnnenheiligtum, die Brunnenkammer wird direkt von oben her über eine Treppe aus elf Stufen erschlossen; vor Ort fanden sich Bronzen, u.a. ein Nuraghenmodell.
Pozzo Sacro di Serra Niedda
Serra Orrios, NuraghensiedlungDorgaliNuoro (province)IVNuraghensiedlung71 Villagio Nuragico Serra OrriosIn der Nuraghensiedlung stehen die Fundamente von 70 Rundhütten, aussergewöhnlich sind zwei Megarontempelanlagen, teils unlaufende Bankaltare an den Wänden.
Serra Orrios
Seruci, NuraghendorfGonnesaSouth SardegnaIVNuraghensiedlung72 Complesso nuragico di SeruciDas Nuraghendorf von Seruci oder Serruci umfasst die Fundamente von ca. 100 Rundhütten, am Ostrand des Dorfs steht ein Komplexnuraghe mit einem Mastio und fünf umgebendenen Rundtürmen. In der Nähe hat sich ein Gigantengrab gefunden.
Nuraghe Seruci
Sos Furrighesos, NekropoleAnelaSassari (Provinz)Prenecropolis87 Nekropole Sos FurrighesosSchwer zugängliche Nekropole an einem Felsrücken mit zwanzig Domus de Janas, entstanden in der Bonnanaro-Kultur.
Necropoli di Sos Furrighesos
Sos Laccheddos, NekropoleOsiloSassari (Provinz)Prenecropolis88 Necropoli di Sos LaccheddosNekropole aus zwei Gruppen mit acht resp. 15 Gräbern, sog. "Domus de Janas" die wohl zur prähistorischen Siedlung von Abealzu gehörten.
Necropoli di Sos Laccheddos
Sos Nurattolos, BrunnenheiligtumBuddusòSassari (Provinz)IVWell sanctuary24 Pozzo Sacro di Sos NurattolosNuraghendorf mit einem Brunnenheiligtum, eine Vorkammer liegt vor der mit einem Tholos abgedeckten Quellkammer, und einem Megarontempel.
Tempio di Sos Nurattolos
Su Crastu Covaccadu, DolmenTorralbaSassari (Provinz)PreDolmen32 Dolmen di Su Crastu CovaccaduVom Dolmen sind Trägersteine und die Deckplatte erhalten.
Dolmen di Su Crastu Covaccadu
Su Crucifissu Mannu, NecropoliPorto TorresSassari (Provinz)Prenecropolis89 Necropoli di Su Crucifissu MannuPre-Uraghic necropolis
Su Crucifissu Mannu necropolis
Su Crastu de Santu Eliseu, NekropoleMoresSassari (Provinz)Prenecropolis90 Necropoli Su Crastu de Santu EliseuNekropole mit aus einem riesigen Felsen geschlagenen Kastengräbern. Etwas höher gelegen die Domus de Janas di Su Stampu 'e sa Fata
Il Sasso di Sant'Elia
Su Edrosu, DolmenTamuliNuoro (province)PreDolmen33 Dolmen Su EdrosuTragsteine aus Trachytgestein tragen die Deckplatte, der Dolmen ist wahrscheinlich die älteste Struktur des archäologischen Geländes von Tamuli, wo sich noch Gigantengräber und Reste eines Nuraghendorfs fanden.
Su Lumarzu, BrunnenheiligtumBonorvaSassari (Provinz)IVWell sanctuary25 Pozzo Sacro di Sa LumarzuBrunnenheiligtum mit einem 3 x 6 m messenden Vorplatz und einem Brunnengewölbe hinter einer Quaderfassade.
Su Monte de s’Ape, GigantengrabOlbiaSassari (Provinz)IVGiant grave91 Tomba dei Giganti Su Monte de s’ApeGiant grave
Tomba dei Giganti "Su Monte de s'Ape"
Su Niu de su Crobu, GigantengrabSant’AntiocoSouth SardegnaIAGiant grave92 Tomba bei Giganti Su Niu de su CrobuGigantengrab vom Quaderfassadentyp, im wesentlich ist die Grabkammer erhalten.
Su Niu 'e su Crobu
Su Mulinu, ProtonuragheVillanovafrancaSouth SardegnaIAProtonuraghe73 Nuraghe di Sa MulinuNuraghenkomplex der aus einem mehrfach umgebauten und erweiterten Korridornuraghen, später wurde ein Mastio umgeben von drei Rundtürmen aufgesetzt, zuletzt noch eine äussere Mauer mit vier Wehrtürmen.
Nuraghe di Su Mulinu
Su Murrone, NekropoleChiaramontiSassari (Provinz)Prenecropolis93 Necropoli Su MurroneNekropole, die in eine horizontale Trachytplatte eingearbeitet wurde, die drei Domus de Janas verfügen über Korridore, Dromoi, welche zu den Grabkammern hinabführen. Diese zeigen Stiefkopfornamente und ein Schein-Sparrendach.
Necropoli di Su Murrone
Su Notante, BrunnenheiligtumIrgoliNuoro (province)IIIWell sanctuary26 Pozzo Sacro Su NotanteBrunnenheiligtum im Tal des Flüsschens Cedrino, die Quelle Su Notante ist von einer Granitquaderfassade umgeben.
Su Nuraxi, NuraghendorfBaruminiSouth SardegnaIVNuragic Village & Complex Nuraghe74 Su NuraxiNuraghe mit komplexer Struktur und umgebendem Nuraghendorf, Eintritt kostenpflichtig.
Su Nuraxi
Su Nuraxi de Baccu Idda, NuragheDomus de MariaSouth SardegnaIIIComplex nuraghe75 Nuraghe de Bacchu IddaKomplexer Nuraghe aus einem Mastio, umgeben von drei Rundtürmen. Die ganze Anlage ist noch weitgehend unter der Vegetation begraben, lediglich in den Hauptturm haben Grabräuber einen Zugang in Form eines Lochs geschaffen.
Su Nuraxi de Baccu Idda
Su Para e sa Mongia, MenhireSant’AntiocoSouth SardegnaPreMenhir34 Menhire Su Para e sa MongiaMenhirpaar aus Trachyt, die sardische Bezeichnung steht für "die Nonne und der Mönch"
Su Para e sa Mongia
Su Pranu, GigantengrabAbbasantaOristano (Province)IVGigantengrqab94 Tomba dei Giganti Su PranuGigantengrab in einem schlechten Zustand, nur ein Teil der Exedra und die Kammer sind teils erhalten.
Su Picante, GigantengrabSiniscolaNuoro (province)IVGiant grave95 Tomba dei Giganti Su PicanteGigantengrab mit einer Stelenfassade, einzig die Portalstele fehlt, die Exedrastelen und die Grabkammer sind erhalten.
Tomba dei Giganti di Su Picante
Su Putzu, BrunnenheiligtumOrroliSouth SardegnaIVWell sanctuary27 Pozzo Sacro di Su PutzuEinige halb zerfallene Stufen führen zum 2.4 m durchmessenden Tholos über der Quellkammer; in der Umgebung Reste einer Nuraghensiedlung.
Su cuaddu 'e Nixias, GigantengrabLunamatronaSouth SardegnaIAGiant grave96 Tomba dei Giganti Su Cuaddu 'e NixiasGigantengrab, die Portalstele ist mit einem eigenartigen Loch versehen.
Tomba dei Giganti Su Cuaddu 'e Nixias
Su Romanzesu, BrunnenheiligtumBittiNuoro (province)IVBrunnenheiligtum, Nuraghensiedlung28 Pozzo Sacro Su RomanzesuBei Su Romanzesu handelt es sich um eine verhältnismässig grosse Nuraghensiedlung, die sich um ein Brunnenheiligtum entwickelt hat. Im Zentrum steht das Brunnenheiligtum Poddi Arvu, das leider bei der Suche nach Wasserquellen in den Zwanzigerjahren verschüttet wurde. Ursprünglich floss das Wasser der Quelle über eine Strecke von 42 m und wurde in einer amphitheaterähnlichen Struktur gefasst. Im Bereich der Nuraghensiedlung fanden sich gleich drei Megarontempel; an Kleinfunden fanden sich Knochen, Keramik und Bernsteinfunde.
Pozzo Sacro Su Romanzesu
Su Tempiesu, BrunnentempelOruneNuoro (province)IVWell sanctuary29 Pozzo Sacro Su TempiesuDas Brunnenheiligtum, welches von einem Erdrutsch begraben wurde, wurde erst 1953 freigelegt. An der Front liegt eine 3,5 m hohe tempelartige Struktur, ein Vorraum mit Bankaltaren führt zur sehr sorgfältig gearbeiteten Quellkammer, das Wasser floss über eine Rinne nach draussen.
Pozzo Sacro Su Tempiesu
Taccu 'e Ticci, GigantengrabSeuloSouth SardegnaIVGiant grave97 Tomba dei Giganti Taccu 'e TicciEin Gigantengrab mit Quaderfassade wurde wurde 2010/2011 restauriert, es fanden sich etliche Kleinfunde, Keramik, zwei Dolche, Reste von 140 Personen.
Talei, ProtonuragheSorgonoNuoro (province)IAProtonuraghe76 Protonuraghe Talei1981 wurde der grosse Protonuraghe aus Granitsteinen ausgegraben, ein Korridor führt längs durch den Nuraghen, zwei Seitennischen sind teils eingestürzt.
Tamuli, BaityloiMacomerNuoro (province)PreBaityloi35 Baityloi und Nuraghe von TamuliBaityloi or Bätylen are stones set up for cultic purposes, the "female" forms of which have breast-like curves. There is also a nuraghe nearby
Baetyli from Tamuli
Tana di Lu Mazzoni, NekropoleStintinoSassari (Provinz)Prenecropolis98 Tomba di Tana di Lu MazzonFelsengrab mit einer Frontstele, die der Portalstele eines Gigantengrabs nachempfunden ist.
Tomba di Tana di lu Mazzoni
Tanca Manna, NuragheNuoroNuoro (province)IBNuraghe77 Nuraghe Tanca MannaTholosnuraghe, die Treppe zum Aufstieg in die oberen Etagen weitgehend zerstört.
Nuraghe Tanca Manna
Tiscali, NuraghensiedlungOlienaNuoro (province)IVNuraghensiedlung78 Area archeologica di TiscaliIn einer Doline am Monte Tiscali im Gennargentu - Nationalpark fand sich eine nuraghische Siedlung mit teils runden teils rechteckigen an die Felswand geschmiegten Hütten.
Tiscali Sardinia
Tittiriola, NuragheBolotanaNuoro (province)IBNuraghe79 Nuraghe Tittiriola9,3 m hoher Tholosnuraghe.
Nuraghe Tittiriola
Troculu, GigantengrabVillagrande StrisailiNuoro (province)IVGiant grave99 Tomba dei Giganti TroculuGigantengrab von der Form mit Quaderfassade, am Zugang zur 9.5 m langen Grabkammer befindet sich allerdings eine Portalstele.

Basierend auf der List of prehistoric archaeological sites in Sardinia I imported the data into Wikipedia and reworked it into a sortable table including markers and images, in the hope that the list could also be used "in the field" when visiting Sardinia.


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