Northeastern Italy - Italia nordorientale

Northeastern Italy
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Northeast Italy - Location

Northeastern Italy is a region ofItaly.

To know

North-Eastern Italy or simply North-East is that part of Italian territory that includes the Tre Venezie or Triveneto (Friuli Venezia Giulia, Trentino Alto Adige is Veneto) and theEmilia Romagna.

Geographical notes

It borders to the north with theAustria and the Switzerland, to the east with the Slovenia, to the south with the Liguria, the Tuscany, the Marche and the Republic of San Marino, to the west with the Lombardy and, for a very short stretch with Piedmont. L'Emilia Romagna, the Friuli Venezia Giulia and the Veneto they are washed by the Adriatic Sea.

North-eastern Italy encompasses most of the Po-Venetian plain, crossed by the Po, the longest river in Italy, and includes highly industrialized regions with a high tourist vocation.

Territories and tourist destinations

Map of the region
      Trentino Alto Adige - Between the three regions double (the other two are Emilia Romagna is Friuli Venezia Giulia, the Trentino Alto Adige it is certainly the one with a decidedly much clearer duality not for the morphology of the territory, equally mountainous and rich in beautiful peaks, nor for the economy, similar in both the two set off, but for the culture of the inhabitants: of Italian language and traditions the Trentino, of German language and traditionsSouth Tyrol. History has kept them together practically always, but almost always in the Germanic political and cultural sphere. Nonetheless, Trentino has always maintained its cultural and linguistic Italian character; this cannot be said of Alto Adige, where even the 1960s were marked by secessionist violence by the Germanic-speaking population who could hardly tolerate belonging to Italy. The attribution of the status of Autonomous Region, and also of Autonomous Province a Trento it's at Bolzano, put an end to extreme reactions. Now the region, also with a view to the fall of the borders understood in the old way, resulting from membership of the European Union, enjoys a good social peace. Tourism has erased the situation of generalized poverty that characterized the Alpine countries, bringing development and well-being to even the smallest towns and crushing the enormous migratory flow that had decimated the number of inhabitants in the vast majority of municipalities.
      Veneto - The Venetian cities of the Roman Empire succumbed to the barbarian invasions and became possessions of the Lombards first, then of the Franks. In that period the Lombard duchies, the Frankish committees, and the particular form of state organization of the Marca di Verona. If the decline of the barbarian people was on the one hand a huge social upheaval, on the other it was the cause of the birth of a huge reality: Venice. In fact, Venetian populations took refuge in the lagoon environments who, thus evading the new rulers, were part of the Byzantine Empire until the new city, Venice, freed himself and gave life to the glorious history of the Serenissima. The economic power achieved by the city with its prosperous maritime trade was transformed into military power; its expansion on sea territories (Dalmatia, Cyprus, Greek islands) was accompanied by the conquest of large territories on the Italian mainland. Slowly all the Veneto, as well as the Friuli Venezia Giulia, part of the Lombardy (Brescia, Bergamo, Cream in a stable manner and other territories for shorter or longer periods), a piece of Trentino (Rovereto) became Venetian territory. Veneto and Republic of Venice they are in common thought something inseparable, almost synonymous; however, we must not forget that, before the unification, the territory had developed autonomous state forms that had reached a great level: the Scaligeri lordship in Verona, the Homeland of Friuli in Friuli Venezia Giulia. The achieved unity of the territory and the fact that the Venetian state has not suffered invasions by foreign armies for a long time, accompanied by an enormous economic availability of the upper social classes, has ensured that its cities have preserved the splendid monumental historical centers of which they are equipped. Venice, unrivaled heritage of beauty, but also Verona, Vicenza, Padua, Treviso they are cities of great value. Alongside the major centers, a large number of minor cities of good interest: Asolo, Bassano del Grappa, Belluno, Feltre, Vittorio Veneto, Citadel, Montagnana, Este, Monselice, Chioggia, Adria. The Alps, which crown it to the north, have seen a great summer and winter tourist development; internationally renowned is certainly cortina d'Ampezzo, which takes advantage of its splendid location in the scenery of the DolomitesWorld Heritage
      Friuli Venezia Giulia - With the fall of the Roman Empire, the region was dominated by the Lombards in the area of land with the duchy of Cividale; the lagoon area, on the other hand, remained a Byzantine domain. Subsequently the Franks imposed themselves and with the 11th century the Patriarchate of the bishops of Aquileia which gathered Friuli is Istria. At the same time, the County of Gorizia on the eastern borders with the Slavic world. Until the emergence of economic and military power drags the territory into the dominion of Venice. Thus the foundations are laid for the birth of what will later be called also Triveneto, a geographical concept that unites the three regions: Trentino, Veneto is Friuli. The dual identity underlined by the name wants to remember the diversity that distinguishes the population of the two areas; while having a certain basic homogeneity, the part Friulian (Udine, Pordenone) suffered more the Venetian and Venetian imprint; the part Julian (Trieste, Gorizia) was affected to a greater extent by contact with the Slavic populations, as well as by the longer Austro-Hungarian dominion. Friulian art finds its greatest expressions in Aquileia, where you can admire very important testimonies of Roman times, in addition to the monumental Romanesque-Gothic basilica, which preserves paleochristian floor mosaics of exceptional beauty; to Degree, with its early Christian churches in the Ravenna style; to Cividale del Friuli with Lombard architecture and memories; to Udine with the clear Venetian influence in the architecture of its historic center and in the monumentality of its main square.
      Emilia Romagna - L'Emilia and the Romagna they live together in the same region, a land of mountains rich in vegetation, water and now unfortunately scarce in population, to the south; dense with settlements and cities in the remaining part that goes from the Apennines to the Po that borders it in the north, up to the Adriatic in the east. Fulcrum of life, trade and development has always been the Via Emilia, a Roman artery along which all the major cities of the region were born: Piacenza, Fidenza, Parma, Reggio Emilia, Modena, Bologna, Imola, Faenza, Forlì, Cesena, Rimini. Depart from the spine only Ferrara is Ravenna, which were however the one refined court of the Este family, the other splendid Byzantine imperial city. Land of frank and lively people, enterprising and lover of bel canto and good food, it has developed a good industrial network, linked above all to the transformation of agricultural products of a fertile and fertile plain. The production of cured meats (very famous and valuable those of Parma, but of good quality throughout the region; cheeses, in particular Parmigiano-Reggiano; of excellent wines (particularly in the Piacenza and in Romagna) have made it known all over the world. As well known is his love for music, nurtured over time by his sons, world-famous composers (Giuseppe Verdi) but also singers of equally global prestige (Luciano Pavarotti). Finally, land of important cities of art, in particular all those that were capitals of pre-unification states, but also those that were not (Bologna, Ravenna). Finally, in the regional tourist panorama, the seaside holiday activity on the Adriatic coast enjoys a special place, what is called by many parts entertainment factory of Rimini, Cervia and higher than the Lidos of Comacchio.

Urban centers

Ferrara - The cathedral
Padua - Basilica of Sant'Antonio
Ravenna - San Vitale, Giustiniano and his entourage - mosaic first half of the 6th century)
Trento - Buonconsiglio Castle
The arena of Verona
Vicenza - Palazzo Chiericati (Palladio)
  • Bologna - Bologna the erudite, because it is the seat of the oldest and for a long time the most prestigious university in Europe; but also Bologna the fat one, because hunger is not a good ally of the study. Here then the fame of its mortadella and its tortellini goes hand in hand with its cultural traditions, the beauty of its arcades and its monumental streets, of San Petronio and of the Madonna di San Luca which dominates from the top of a hill and watches over the city.
  • Ferrara - The city and the Este family are inseparable. The house of Este had Ferrara from the early thirteenth century until the end of the sixteenth century, when it returned to the papal possessions. Such and such was the imprint given to it by the Este, that there is no mention of the long papal period, except to indicate it as a period of its decline. A few industries and a lot of agricultural production are the sources of its economy; good is also the tourist activity in this city of art which reduces its peripheral position a little.
  • Padua - It is universally known as the city of Sant'Antonio (of Padua, not from Padua, as is often erroneously said, because he was not Paduan by birth) to which he dedicated an imposing and rich Basilica, which benefits from the spectacular presence of the vast Prato della Valle which gives it a wide range. Its oriental-looking domes recall the Venetian Basilica of San Marco. Then there is a masterpiece of exceptional beauty Scrovegni Chapel, admirably frescoed by Giotto.
  • Parma - The city of Parma ham and violet, Maria Luigia and Verdi, Parmigiano Reggiano and the University, the beautiful Romanesque Cathedral and Correggio, the Farnese and Parmigianino, the Bourbons and the Charterhouse of Parma of Stendhalian memory: there are many excellences and beauties, the charm and the myths of this city that still lives as if it were always a capital.
  • Ravenna - It is the triumph of Byzantine art in Italy. It was the capital of the Western Roman Empire in the V and VI centuries, then of the Reign of the Ostrogoths and of the Byzantine Exarchate, and has preserved the splendid monuments with which Galla Placidia, Odoacer, Theodoric adorned it. The amazing mosaics of its churches immortalize the art and architecture that marks the moment of transition and mingling between the Byzantine and Roman worlds. Its Christian monumental complex is from 1996 World Heritage. Dante Alighieri died in Ravenna in 1321, of which he preserves the monumental tomb in the shape of a temple.
  • Rimini - It is the symbol of holiday at the seaside especially for families with children, but it has also equipped itself with countless fun centers for young people. Begun in the nineteenth century, seaside tourism has found an unstoppable development here, which has made the city spread along the entire coast, with its deep sandy beaches. Rimini has now created a conurbation with the seaside resorts to the north and south of the city, which extends for tens and tens of kilometers.Its historic center, quiet and foreign to the teeming confusion of the modern city, is characterized above all by the Roman Arch of Augustus and from the Malatesta Temple.
  • Trento - Its symbol is the Buonconsiglio Castle, the largest and most important monumental complex in the Trentino Alto Adige. It hosted the bishops of Trento from the thirteenth century until the eighteenth century.
  • Trieste - Although devoted to Italianness (it strongly pursued its belonging to Italy when in the post-war period it risked being annexed to the then Yugoslavia) it still maintains a character Central European which comes from its long history as a border town (now on one side, now on the other) and as a hinge between the Germanic, Slavic and Latin worlds. Its port is one of the largest in the Adriatic and in Italy; its elegant urban planning, its embrace with the sea and with the mountains behind it make it a destination of great suggestion for artistic and natural beauties.
  • Udine - He took over from Aquileia is Cividale, which were the main cities of the region, when the seat of the Patriarchate of Aquileia was transferred to Udine. It was the capital of Homeland of Friuli until the conquest by Venice which left a considerable architectural imprint on it. Monumental is the central Piazza della Libertà, with harmonious buildings. The Castle, built on the site of the castle of the patriarchs of Aquileia, is a massive sixteenth-century building.
  • Venice - The city is an architectural mirage that seems to be born like Venus from the foam of the sea. The churches, the palaces, the streets, the squares, the canals, everything is like a dream that has enchanted and enchants millions of tourists from all over the world. Its charm emanates from the silent intimacy of the most secluded streets, enveloped by the lagoon mist that permeates everything with a slight magical melancholy, but also by the glowing splendor of its Carnival that animates the incomparable Piazza San Marco with refined masks.
  • Verona - Known throughout the world for being the city of the Shakespearean events of Romeo and Juliet, Verona boasts a monumental heritage of exceptional stature. The Roman Arena, temple of opera, and then the monuments of the Scaligeri lordship (Castelvecchio, San Zeno, Arche Scaligere), the elegance of Renaissance town planning make it one of the most important art cities in northern Italy.
  • Vicenza - City of art with refined and elegant urban planning, its monuments are a hymn to the architectural art of the great Palladio who renewed and marked its entire historic center according to the Renaissance canons. Piazza dei Signori in particular is the casket that houses the city's monumental excellences, first of all the Basilica.

Other destinations

Aquileia Basilica
Bressanone - cathedral cloister
Dolomites in Cortina
  • Aquileia - It was the ancient capital of the territory corresponding roughly to the current Friuli. Of the Roman and early Christian city there remain very important monuments and vast excavations, which make it a very popular tourist destination.
  • Asolo - The name of the city is linked to that of two women: the Queen of Cyprus Caterina Cornaro who held her court there and the actress Eleonora Duse who lived there and wanted to be buried here. It is part of the most beautiful villages in Italy.
  • Belluno - Spontaneously given to Venice in 1404, the city retained a certain autonomy for this reason and lived a peaceful existence without political shocks and without wars. Its mountains were precious wood deposits for the shipbuilding industry of the Serenissima.
  • Bressanone - City with an important historical center enclosed by walls and gates. The Cathedral, his cloister with precious frescoes, the Bishop's Palace give an elegant imprint to the old city, with characteristic small villages that contrast with wide-ranging urban openings.
  • Brunico - Main center of the Val Pusteria, preserves two castles as well as historic districts of good interest. It is a city of tourism at the convergence of the tributary valleys of the Val Pusteria, all characterized by an environment of particular beauty.
  • Chioggia - City built on a group of islands in the Venetian Lagoon, has atmospheres, urban planning, profoundly Venetian glimpses, while maintaining its own individuality and its peculiarity character made immortal by Goldoni in the Chiozzotte quarrels.
  • cortina d'Ampezzo - Queen of the Venetian Dolomites, it has been an internationally renowned winter and summer tourist resort for decades.
  • Feltre - Important city at the foot of the Dolomites, it was municipium Roman. In 1404 he gave himself to Venice, which then followed the fate. Its historic center, beautiful and monumental, is clinging to the Hill of the goats.
  • Gorizia - Autonomous county with close relations with Venice, was then inserted in the territories of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. After the Second World War, now Italian, it suffered the detachment of a large part of its territory in favor of the former Yugoslavia, finding itself with some neighborhoods separated by the border between the two states.
  • Degree - Formerly a Roman port for the trade of Aquileia, the ancient lagoon city has a very respectable historic center. In contemporary times it has developed an important seaside activity.
  • Lake Garda - The largest body of water on the Peninsula and in the Lombardy it offers tourist opportunities of various kinds: climatic stays, even in winter, for the elderly and families, bathing and water sports activities; excursions on the reliefs that surround the lake basin; entertainment for young people in the countless clubs and amusement parks that arise near it also on the shore Venetian.
  • Madonna of Campiglio - One of the most famous summer and winter sports resorts in the entire Alpine arc, already renowned in the Habsburg era, when it could boast the frequentation of the Austrian imperial family.
  • Montagnana - Walled city, it preserves intact the quadrilateral of walls and the crenellated towers. It has a suggestive historic center that has earned it the entry into the ranks of the most beautiful villages in Italy.
  • Palmanova - Fortress city planned by the Venetians in 1593 to defend its borders with the Austrian empire, it is called the starry city for its polygonal star shape with 9 points. It has been a national monument since 1960.
  • Rovereto - Second city in Trentino, it is famous for its Bell of the fallen.
  • Treviso - Formerly a Roman municipality with the name of Tarvisium, flourished in medieval times and under the rule of the Republic of Venice. The heart of the city is the Piazza dei Signori, around which there are numerous buildings, including the "Bell Tower" and the "Palazzo dei Trecento". Giuseppe Mazzotti defined Treviso "the most frescoed city in Italy".
  • Sterzing - It is one of the most beautiful villages in Italy. Its historical core has remained almost intact in its 12th century conformation. Only a few tracts remain of the walls. Characteristic are the houses equipped with details bay windows or Erker, covered and closed projecting balconies.

How to get

How to get around

What see

Northeastern Italy boasts places of world-class artistic, historical and cultural interest, recognized by theUNESCO as part of the World Heritage.

List of world heritage sites in northeastern Italy


City of Verona - The historic city of Verona was founded in the 1st century BC. It is particularly flourishing under the rule of the Scaligeri in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries and as part of the Venetian Republic from the fifteenth to the eighteenth century. Verona has preserved a considerable number of monuments from antiquity, the medieval and Renaissance periods, and represents an excellent example of a military stronghold.
Villa Badoer Fratta Polesine facade by Marcok 2009-08-16 n08.jpg
City of Vicenza and Palladian villas of Veneto - Founded in the 2nd century BC, in northern Italy, Vicenza prospered under the Venetian rule of the early 15th century until the end of the 18th. The work of Andrea Palladio (1508-1580), based on a detailed study of classical Roman architecture, gives the city its unique aspect. Palladio's urban buildings, as well as his villas, scattered throughout the Veneto region, had a decisive influence on the development of architecture. His work inspired a distinct architectural style known as Palladian, which spread to England, other European countries and even North America.
Dolomites - The site of the Dolomites includes a mountain range in the north of the Italian Alps, has 18 peaks that rise above 3,000 meters and cover 141,903 hectares. The site features some of the most beautiful mountain scenery ever, with vertical walls, sheer cliffs and a high density of narrow, deep and long valleys. A series of nine areas presenting a variety of spectacular landscapes of international significance for geomorphology characterized by spiers, pinnacles and rock walls, the site also contains glacial landforms and karst systems. It is characterized by dynamic processes with frequent landslides, floods and avalanches. The facility also features one of the best preserved examples of Mesozoic carbonate platform systems, with fossil records.
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Botanical garden of Padua - The first botanical garden in the world, created in Padua in 1545, still retains its original structure: a central circular plot, which symbolizes the world, surrounded by a ring of water. Other elements were added later, some architectural (ornamental entrances and balustrades) and some practical (pumping plants and greenhouses). It continues to fulfill its original purpose as a center for scientific research.
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Venice and its Lagoon - Founded in the 5th century and developed on 118 small islands, Venice became a great maritime power in the 10th century. The entire city is an extraordinary architectural masterpiece in which even the smallest building houses works by some of the greatest artists in the world, such as Giorgione, Tiziano, Tintoretto, Veronese and others.

Emilia Romagna

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Duomo, Civic Tower and Piazza Grande di Modena - The magnificent 12th century Modena Cathedral, the work of two great artists (Lanfranco and Wiligelmus), is a supreme example of early Romanesque art. With its square and slender tower, it testifies to the faith of its builders and the power of the Canossa dynasty who commissioned it.
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Ferrara city ​​of the Renaissance and the Po delta - Ferrara, which developed around a ford on the river Po, became an intellectual and artistic center that attracted the greatest minds of the Italian Renaissance in the 15th and 16th centuries. Here, Piero della Francesca, Jacopo Bellini and Andrea Mantegna decorated the palaces of the Casa d'Este. The humanist concept of the "ideal city" was born here in the neighborhoods built from 1492 onwards by Biagio Rossetti according to the new principles of perspective. The completion of this project marked the birth of modern urbanism and influenced its subsequent development.
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Early Christian monuments of Ravenna - Ravenna was the seat of the Roman Empire in the fifth century and then of Byzantine Italy until the eighth century. It has a unique collection of early Christian monuments and mosaics. All eight buildings (ie Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, Neonian Baptistery, Basilica of Sant'Apollinare Nuovo, Baptistery of the Arians, Archbishop's Chapel, Mausoleum of Theodoric, Church of San Vitale and Basilica of Sant'Apollinare in Classe) have been built over the centuries. V and VI. They display great artistic skill, including a wonderful blend of Greco-Roman tradition, Christian iconography, and Eastern and Western styles.

Friuli Venezia Giulia

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Archaeological area and patriarchal Basilica of Aquileia - Aquileia, in Friuli-Venezia Giulia, is one of the largest and richest cities of the early Roman imperial age, it was destroyed by Attila in the mid-fifth century. Most are still found under unexcavated fields, and as such constitute the largest archaeological reserve of its kind. The patriarchal basilica, an extraordinary structure with an exceptional mosaic pavement, played a key role in the evangelization of a large region of central Europe.

What to do

At the table


Other projects

  • Collaborate on WikipediaWikipedia contains an entry concerning Northeastern Italy
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