Lleida (province) - Lleida (Provinz)

The Lleida Province lies in the region Catalonia North of Spain. It borders the Catalonian provinces to the east Girona, Barcelona and Tarragona, to the west of it lies the region Aragon with the provinces Huesca and Zaragoza, in the north the Pyrenees form the border to France and Andorra

Canary IslandsCanary IslandsPortugalAndorraFranceGibraltarMoroccoAlgeriaCeutaMelilaCadizHuelvaSevilleMálagaGranadaAlmeriaMurcia (region)AlicanteBalearic IslandsCordobaJaénAlbaceteValenciaCastellónTarragonaBarcelonaGironaLleidaBadajozCiudad RealHuescaCáceresToledoCuencaTeruelZaragozaNavarreGuadalajaraMadridAvilaSalamancaSoriaSegoviaValladolidZamoraGipuzkoaBizkaiaÁlavaBurgosLa Rioja (Spanish region)CantabriaPalenciaLeonAsturiasLugo (province)A CoruñaOurensePontevedra
Location of the province of Lleida in Spain


The province of Lleida is sparsely populated with around 415,000 inhabitants, every third of whom live in the capital.

The north lies in the High Pyrenees, they form the border to France and Andorra. Some of its mountains reach heights of over 3,000 m, and there are also isolated mountain ranges with peaks over 2,000 m high in the foothills of the Pyrenees to the south. Tourism plays an important role in these regions, especially through winter sports. High mountain hiking and climbing are popular in summer, but there are also good opportunities for mountain biking and white water rafting.

The south of the province is protected from the rough north winds by the mountains, it is located in the relatively flat central Catalan depression and is used for agriculture, but the landscape is largely in the rain shadow and therefore has to be irrigated frequently.

The Terres de Lleida tourist brand includes the districts of Pla d’Urgell, Segarra, Urgell, Segrià and Garrigues. They offer a comprehensive range of tourist activities all year round, from holidays in the country to active tourism and gastronomic tourism to cultural tourism.


Lleida Province
  • 1 LleidaWebsite of this institutionLleida in the Wikipedia encyclopediaLleida in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryLleida (Q15090) in the Wikidata database(Lérida), Capital of the province
  • 2 TàrregaWebsite of this institutionTàrrega in the Wikipedia encyclopediaTàrrega in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsTàrrega (Q752137) in the Wikidata database
  • 3 BalaguerWebsite of this institutionBalaguer in the Wikipedia encyclopediaBalaguer in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsBalaguer (Q696797) in the Wikidata database
  • 4 MollerussaWebsite of this institutionMollerussa in the Wikipedia encyclopediaMollerussa in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsMollerussa (Q676132) in the Wikidata database(Mollerusa)
  • 5 La Seu d'UrgellWebsite of this institutionLa Seu d'Urgell in the Wikivoyage travel guide in a different languageLa Seu d'Urgell in the Wikipedia encyclopediaLa Seu d'Urgell in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryLa Seu d'Urgell (Q673412) in the Wikidata database(Seo de Urgel)
  • 6 CerveraWebsite of this institutionCervera in the Wikipedia encyclopediaCervera in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryCervera (Q847011) in the Wikidata database

Other goals

  • Vall de Boi, nine early Romanesque churches are part of the world cultural heritage
  • Vall d'Aran: The comarca in the north-westernmost tip of the province is north of the main ridge of the Pyrenees, it has a special status. Your residents speak aranesich, a language that is strongly related to the dialect of French Gascony Is related. The Vall d'Aran is a popular winter sports area, especially for ski mountaineering.
  • Aigüestortes y Estany de Sant Maurici National Park. The national park is located in the west of the province in the High Pyrenees, four of its peaks reach more than 3,000 m, there are around 80 lakes.



Official languages: Catalan, Spanish.

getting there

  • Lleida-Alguaire Airport is only of regional importance
  • Lleida-Pirineus train station is on the high-speed line from Barcelona to Madrid
  • From Barcelona run the A2 and the AP2 to Lleida and further to Zaragoza


Tourist Attractions

In the center of cultural tourism is the city of Lleida with buildings such as the old Seu Vella Cathedral and the Castell del Rei castle and adventure tourism offers such as the Interpretation Center of the Templars of Gardeny (Centro de Interpretación de la Orden del Temple de Gardeny) and the Secret Route of Lleida (la ruta de La Lleida Secreta, which makes the historical development of the city understandable on the basis of archaeological sites.


  • Astronomical tourism. With the Parc Astronomic Montsec in the Serra del Montsec mountains, the Terres de Lleida offer a unique opportunity to combine nature and astronomical tourism. Due to its exceptionally low light pollution, the area has been designated as a “Starlight Destination”, which offers particularly good opportunities for observing the sky and the stars.
  • Tourist routes. Cultural highlights outside of Lleida are the monastery of Santa Maria de Vallbona as part of the Cistercian route and the route Castillos del Sío, which leads to twenty castles and a new interpretation center in Concabella. Other tourist routes of the Terres de Lleida are the wine and oil routes (Ruta del Vi il'Oli), the dry stone architecture route of Les Garrigues (Ruta de les Cabanes de Volta) and the Camí de Sant Jaume, the Catalan Way of St. James as one of the major tourism initiatives of the last few years.
  • Congress tourism. Due to its good transport connections by express train (AVE) and the airport of Lleida Alguaire and the newly opened Palacio de Congresos la Llotja, the Terres de l’Ebre are also positioning themselves as a destination for congress tourism.






Web links

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