Cairo - Kairo

Cairo ·القاهرة ، مصر
Cairo·Le Caire
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The egyptian Capital Cairo or el-Qahira, Arabic:القاهرة‎, al-Qahira, „the conqueror“, Also brieflyمصر‎, Miṣr, in dialect Maṣr called, lies in Lower Egypt on the east side of the Nils, about 20 kilometers south of the point where the Nile Valley becomes Nile Delta opens. With an estimated nine and a half million inhabitants, it is the largest city in Egypt. The metropolitan area Greater Cairo, which also includes the neighboring city el-Gīza on the western bank of the Nile and the city Schubrā el-Cheima belonging north of Cairo, has about 20 million inhabitants and is the largest in Africa and the thirteenth largest in the world.

Numerous Islamic and modern testimonies testify to its more than 1000-year history, the Islamic old town belongs to Unesco world heritage site. But Cairo is not only the political, but also the cultural and economic center of the country. So houses the city one of the most important museums on ancient Egyptian history and culture. In its immediate vicinity are the pyramid fields of the Memphite necropolis (Gīza, Saqqara among others) significant monuments from the time of the Old Kingdom.


The following is an overview of the city of Cairo itself, which is located on the east side of the Nile. Further details can be found in the district articles. The Neighboring cities how el-Gīza on the west side of the Nile, Schubra el-Cheima in the north of Cairo, el-Maadi in the south of Cairo, New Cairo east of Cairo and the pyramid field of Gīzathat to Greater Cairo are described in separate articles. A rough subdivision of Cairo into district regions with their districts is shown in the table below. Important lower parts of the city and sights are named here to make it easier to find your way around.

The city districts on the second level are the administrative structure. It is often much too coarse for orientation, so that the locals usually subdivide it further. Since many districts are more or less or large residential areas with relatively few tourist highlights, several administrative districts should be dealt with in one district article.

City center

Old Cairo

Islamic old town

Southeast Cairo

North and Northeast Cairo

  • Bulaq (‏بولاق‎, Būlāq) including Maspero
  • Rud el-Farag (روض الفرج‎, Rūḍ al-Faraǧ)
  • Es-Sagil (الساجل‎, as-Sāǧil)
  • Schubra (شبرا‎, Schubrā)
  • Esch-Sharabiya (باب الشعرية‎, Bāb al-Shaʿrabīya)
  • Ez-Zawiya el-Hamra (الزاوية الحمراء‎, az-Zāwiya al-Ḥamrāʾ)
  • Hada'iq el-Qubba (‏حدائق القبة‎, Ḥadāʾiq al-Qubba)
  • Ez-Zeitun (الزيتون‎, az-zaitūn)
  • El-Matariya (‏المطرية‎, al-Maṭarīya)
  • 'Ain Shams (عين شمس‎, ʿAin Shams)
  • El-Marg (المرج‎, al-Marǧ)

East Cairo

  • El-Weili (الوايلي‎, al-Wāilī)
  • Heliopolis (‏مصر الجديدة‎, Miṣr al-Hadida)
  • En-Nuzha (النزهة‎, an-Nuzha)
  • Nasr City (‏مدينة نصر‎, Madīnat Naṣr)


City map of Cairo


Cairo is one by Egyptian standards young city, it has no direct predecessor from Pharaonic times. In the south of today's city was the capital of the Old Kingdom, Memphis and the associated necropolis. In the northeast was the capital of the thirteenth Lower Egyptian district, Heliopolis. In today's Matariya district, the obelisk to the temple of Sesostris I and some graves from that time are evidence. The nearby quarries (Gebel el-Ahmar, Muqattam) were exploited for their quartzite.

Presumably a first settlement was built under the Persians in today's Old Cairo, which later became a Roman fortress under the Roman Emperor Augustus Babylon was expanded. 42 churches, towers and bastions, some of which are still preserved today, testify to the size of the huge castle complex.

In 641 this fortress was taken over by the army of Amr ibn el-As conquered. His army could also go from here Alexandria conquer. His army camp was set up in the northeast of the fortress, in el-Fustat.

From 750 the Abbasid rulers take from Baghdad from the history of Cairo into your hand. Their influence is waning, however, so that the governor Ibn Tulun can do independently. In the immediate vicinity of el-Fustat he built his headquarters el-Qatai; the city began to flourish. In the first half of the tenth century, the total separation from the Caliphate of Baghdad succeeded.

In 969 Cairo is conquered again: vom Morocco coming from conquered the Fatimids, a Shiite tribe, all of North Africa. Cairo (Arabic:القاهرة‎, al-Qahira), as they called it, was to be their most important city foundation. The city is laid out north of el-Fustat in the area of ​​today's el-Azhar mosque. In their time, numerous important buildings were in the Islamic old town built. The most important buildings include the el-Azhar mosque (970) and the city wall with its famous gates Bab el-Futuh, Bab en-Nasr and Bab Zuweila.

Also el-Fustat continued to develop. By the turn of the millennium, this city developed into one of the largest known cities with around half a million inhabitants. In 1168 the crusaders approach Cairo. In order not to leave this city to them, el-Fustat was burned down by its inhabitants, only a few remains and the Ibn-Amr mosque testify to this time. El-Fustat was never settled again later.

The economic decline at the end of Fatimid rule and the chaos of war with the crusaders called Baghdad again on the scene: They sent the famous general Ṣaliḥ ad-Dīn (Saladin)to create order. But he is now establishing his own dynasty here, the Ayyubids. A huge building program (mosques, citadel) is being carried out; the Shiite orientation of Islam is replaced by the Sunni one.

The military security was carried out by slaves, den Mamelukes, ensured. Their military elite grew stronger and formed a state within a state. They use the death of the last Ayyibid ruler, Salih, in 1250 to put themselves into power. Their show of force was also implemented in stone. Despite their internal power struggles, they manage to develop Cairo into the religious center of the Islamic world, they have numerous conquests in Arabia, they were able to repel the onslaught of the Mongols and expand trade with China and India.

However, they do not succeed in pushing back the Ottoman forces in 1517. The victorious Ottomans hang the last Mamluk ruler Tuman Bey and kill his followers. Her reign lasted until the 18th century. As an Ottoman province, Egypt is increasingly losing political influence. The political situation was subsequently shaped by a kind of coexistence: the often bloodthirsty regents (pashas) appointed by Constantinople had to share their power with the Mamelukes, who were never completely subjugated.

A new time begins with the attempt NapoleonsTo conquer Egypt in 1798. He did not succeed in doing this in the long term and was driven out by British troops three years later. Cairo comes under Ottoman rule again. Appointed in 1805 Muhammed Ali In the following years he succeeds in amazing things: He ends the Mamelukes' claim to power in a gruesome slaughter in 1811. He introduced numerous technical innovations and achieved extensive independence from the Ottoman Empire in 1839. His successor, Ismail Pasha, continues his work successfully. Cairo expands. The present city center develops under French and British influence and the Suez Canal is inaugurated.

Extensive foreign loans leave Egypt in debt, the economic influence follows the political with the Conquest of Egypt by the British in 1882. Formally, Egypt remained a province of the Ottoman Empire. It was not until 1914 that Egypt became a British protectorate. British supremacy led to an economic upswing in the metropolises of Cairo and Alexandria. Another building boom sets in, and in its "slipstream" there is also a cultural upswing.

As a result of the Second World War, efforts are now also being made to achieve the Independence of Egypt a. Anti-British unrest from 1919 - the Egyptian nationalist Saad Zaghlul becomes a significant key figure - enforces the (formal) independence from Great Britain in 1922. From then on, Kingdom-friendly kings rule Egypt (Fuad I, Faruk).

The coup of the free officers under Mohamed Naguib and Gamal Abd el-Nasser in 1952 against King Faruk, the modern era began. Politics was based on the social system of the Soviet Union: the economic equality of its inhabitants is offset by economic decline and an excessive bureaucracy.

The nationalization of the Suez Canal in 1956 brought Egypt to the brink of war. The British and French are pulling back under strong international (Soviet) pressure. Also the advocacy of Egypt for Palestine against Israel turns into a fiasco. Nasser suffers a heavy defeat in the Six Day War in 1967 and Sinai is occupied. The partial victories of the Egyptian army in 1973 in the Sinai War strengthened the Egyptian self-esteem and laid the foundation for the Israeli-Egyptian peace agreement of 1979.

Political importance

Since the establishment of el-Fusṭāṭ in the middle of the 7th century is here or in later Cairo the Egyptian Capital. At the Egypt Economic Development Conference (EEDC) in March 2015 in Sharm esch-Sheikh was the idea presented the capital with all administrative facilities and embassies in a new building to date nameless city about halfway between Cairo and the Suez Canal to relocate. The city should be ready in seven to 15 years, cost around 50 to 75 billion euros and be home to 5 million residents.[1]


For a long time the area of ​​Cairo remained in the area of ​​the Islamic old town limited; the population of Cairo was around 200,000 until the beginning of the 19th century. The waves of modernization under Mohammed Ali and the time of the British protectorate lead to rapid industrialization and population growth. At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, wealthy strata of the population settled in suburbs that were more or less distant at the time: today's inner city, Heliopolis and Ma'adi. The city expanded more and more - essentially to the north and west; the Moqattam Mountains in the south represent a natural barrier against further expansion - and integrate its suburbs. Cairo takes on a modern, European character. The expansion did not stop at the Nile: the Nile islands and the west bank were settled. The population influx to Cairo does not stop today either; even the facility of satellite towns further away does not help. The development of large slums is the sad consequence.


Cairo, actually today's Islamic Old Town, gets its name from the Fatimids: el-Qāhira (Arabic:القاهرة‎, „the conqueror, the conqueror"; the often mentioned translation "the victorious" does not quite match the actual meaning).

getting there

By plane

Abu Simbel1264 km
Alexandria225 km
Aswan982 km
Asyūṭ373 km
Bāwīṭī334 km
el-Chārga600 km
ed-Dāchla750 km
Ismailia140 km
Luxor721 km
el-Minyā241 km
Port Said220 km
Sharm esch-Sheikh772 km

You can get to Cairo via the 1 Cairo International AirportWebsite of this institutionCairo International Airport in the Wikipedia encyclopediaCairo International Airport in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryCairo International Airport (Q461793) in the Wikidata database(IATA: CAI) in northeast Cairo, northeast of Heliopolis, to reach. In addition to the national airline EgyptAir Renowned international airlines such as Lufthansa, British Airways, Air France and numerous charter airlines serve this destination.

Note that the airport has three terminals a few kilometers away. Most international flights and many domestic flights now operate via the new Terminal 3. Visitors must pay admission to Terminal LE 5.

Terminal 1 was previously used for domestic flights and Terminal 2 for international flights. But there is no longer any rule. Ask your airline to find the right terminal for you. There are domestic flights to, among others Alexandria, Aswan, Luxor, Kharga, Abu Simbel, Taba, Sharm esch-Sheikh and Hurghada. Further connections to vacation spots on the Red and Mediterranean are to follow. Terminal 2 has been closed for renovation since 2010, and its flights are now handled at Terminal 1.

A free shuttle bus runs every half hour between the terminals. There is also a shuttle bus to the parking lot and the bus stop at Terminal 2.

These are hotels close to the airport 1 Novotel Cairo Airport Hotel and the 2 Le Passage Heliopolis Hotel in the district Heliopolis.

Entry formalities

The visa can be purchased at the bank counters in front of passport control and costs 25 US $ (as of 11/2014). You should have the money in stock as appropriately as possible. Change is usually given in Egyptian pounds.

An immigration card must be filled in before passport control, usually in the aircraft.

It is now forbidden for tour operators to receive their guests before passport control. You have to do everything yourself, but you can certainly ask fellow travelers as well. Those who do not trust themselves or want to avoid the formalities can rely on the Airport Exclusive Service support:

A comparable service is also available for the case of departure formalities.

Duty free

You can already buy goods from the duty-free shop at the airport; the supersets for selected products are 4 bottles of alcohol, 4 cartons of cigarettes and 8 bottles of perfume. There are also duty-free shops in Cairo itself, where you can shop duty-free for up to 48 hours after entering the country, although alcohol and cigarettes are limited to three units each. The purchase in the duty-free shops is noted in the passport.

Onward journey

One can get to the city center and other destinations with one taxi to reach. The travel costs to the city center should be around LE 50 plus airport fees (around LE 5) for a one-way taxi. The fare should absolutely before negotiated, as well as the LE currency and not dollars or euros. Otherwise, quarreling is inevitable when leaving. At night, fares below LE 100 are hardly negotiable.

Many taxi drivers will take you to the right terminal when you want to go to the airport and tell your destination.

Meanwhile there are also different ones Limousine servicesthat offer rides in more upscale vehicles. The prices depend on the type of vehicle and the travel destination and are, for example, for trips to airport hotels LE 45-65, Heliopolis, Nasr City LE 60–110, to the city center LE 80–155, Mohandisin, Doqqi and Zamalik LE 90-165, copy after Maʿādī and New Cairo LE 100–200 as well as in the 6th of October City LE 160-350. The current prices can be seen on flyers and posters.

Continue to drive every half hour Airport shuttles to Heliopolis, Nasr City, city center, Mohandiseen, Maadi; the prices are between LE 25 and LE 45. Mini buses can also be about Cairo Airport Shuttle Bus can also be booked in advance.

It also drive public busese.g. Line 949 to Central Station, Midan Tahrir and Giza; the fare is only LE 2. The buses run less frequently from the Terminal 2 car park than from the bus station in front of Terminal 1 and do not run at all at night. The bus station is approx. 300 m in front of Terminal 1, buses run continuously, every 45 minutes at night.

You can with one Intercity bus the lines Super-Jet and Western Delta also directly from Cairo airport Alexandria drive; the fare is between LE 25 and LE 31. Super-Jet also offers other destinations.

By train

Cairo can about its 2 Central Station at Mīdān Ramsīs im City center can be achieved. The Al Shohadaa metro stop is right next to the train station.

Rail connections from Egyptian National Railways persist to the south after Luxor, Edfu and Aswan, to the north after Ṭanṭā and Alexandria and to the northeast to Ismailia. Fares are low even in first class. You can reach the train station on Tel .: (0) 2 2579 0767.

A relatively large number of trains run in the morning, evening and early night in particular, while hardly any trains run in the afternoon.

There are express trains that do not stop at all subway stations and slower regional trains that stop at (almost) all stations. The selection of on-the-go stations is also different for express trains. Please refer to the notices (written in Arabic) for more information.

It is quite possible that you will not receive a ticket or seat reservation to a smaller station on the way. In this case, select the next larger train station as your destination and get off at your desired destination station. Most of the ticket sellers understand English.

Trains towards Aswan

Trains to and from Aswan (879 km from Cairo) stop or drive on platforms 8-11. The ticket sales point in Cairo station for these trains is located northwest of these platforms. Express trains to Aswan all stop in Qinā, Luxor (from Cairo 671 km) and in Edfu, mostly also in Nag Hammadi, Esna and Kom Ombo. Trains to Luxor and Sohag keep in el-Minyā and Asyūṭ. Many trains to Aswan stop at all stations between Asyūṭ and Aswan. The travel time for express and sleeper trains is officially 13 hours. However, delays are the order of the day.

You should check in advance whether the trains are already leaving from Cairo Central Station or from the station in el-Gīza.

List of express trains (destination stations in brackets): 00:30 a.m. (Aswan), 01:10 a.m. (Luxor), 6:00 a.m. (Minyā), 7:00 a.m. (Asyut), 7:40 a.m. (Aswan), 09 : 3 p.m. (Asyūṭ), 10:10 a.m. (Luxor), 11 a.m. (Aswan), 2 p.m. (Sōhāg), 2:10 p.m. (Luxor), 3:35 p.m. (Aswan), 3:45 p.m. P.m. (Aswan), 4:00 p.m. (Sōhāg), 5:50 p.m. (Asyūṭ), 6:45 p.m. (Aswan), 7:00 p.m. (Aswan), 7:10 p.m. (Aswan), 7:45 p.m. ( Aswan), 8:00 p.m. (Aswan), 8:30 p.m. (Aswan), 8:45 p.m. (Luxor), 9:00 p.m. (Aswan), 9:10 p.m. (Luxor, without stopping), 9:45 p.m. (Aswan), 10:00 p.m. (Aswan), 10:10 p.m. (Aswan), 10:20 p.m. (Aswan), 10:30 p.m. (Aswan), 10:40 p.m. (Aswan), 10:50 p.m. (Qinā ).

List of regional trains (destination stations in brackets): 3:30 a.m. Sōhāg, 5:00 a.m. (Minyā), 7:50 a.m. (Aswan), 5:15 p.m. (Asyūṭ), 11:00 p.m. (Luxor), 11:10 p.m. P.m. (Luxor), 11:30 p.m. (Aswan), 11:40 p.m. (Aswan).

The fares in the 2nd class Aircon-Express (during the day) to Luxor are LE 120 and up to Aswan LE 140 (as of 2017).

The tourist police recommend choosing the “protected trains” at 00:30, 07:40 and 22:00 to Aswan. But there is no one in Cairo who would prevent you from choosing other trains. In addition, the “protected trains” do not stop at all intermediate stations. It happens that in Cairo at the counter “for security reasons” only the tickets for the luxury trains mentioned below are sold to foreigners for this route. This can be circumvented by buying a ticket from the machine or asking an Egyptian to buy it (for a small baksheesh ) to buy.

Trains in direction Alexandria and Ismailia

The trains run or stop on platforms 1 - 7.

Trains run in a similar way to the opposite direction Alexandria at 8:00 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m., 2:00 p.m., 2:10 p.m., 3:00 p.m., 3:10 p.m., 4:00 p.m. , 5:00 p.m., 6:00 p.m., 7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m., 10:00 p.m. and 10:30 p.m. The trains at 9:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m., 2:10 p.m., 3:10 p.m., 4:00 p.m., 5:00 p.m., 8:00 p.m., 10:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m.: 30 p.m. also stop in Aunt.

The fare from Cairo to Alexandria in the first and second class are LE 55 and LE 35, respectively.

Trains to Zaqāzīq and Ismailia depart at 6:30 a.m., 8:45 a.m., 11:30 a.m., 1:00 p.m., 2:30 p.m., 3:45 p.m., 6:30 p.m. and 10:00 p.m.

Sleeper trains

Sleeper trains of the Watania Sleeping Trains, formerly Egypt Abela Corp., operate three times a day from Cairo /Gīza above Luxor to Aswan and vice versa. Breakfast is included in the fare. You can reach the sales offices in Cairo on (0) 2 2574 9274, (0) 2 2574 9474, (0) 2 2576 1954, by fax (0) 2 2574 9074, (0) 2 2576 1319; in Alexandria at (0) 3 393 2430, (0) 3 497 6014 (phone and fax); in Luxor on (0) 95 237 2015 (phone and fax) and in Aswan on (0) 97 230 2124 (phone only). Online booking is possible. Payment is made on delivery of the tickets in dollars or euros.

The departure in Cairo is a specialty. Only one train leaves Cairo, the other two from Gīza. The train station in Gīza can be reached by metro or taxi. The arrival of the trains from Aswan is at the Central Station in Cairo.

Cairo – Aswan: Train No. 86 (8:30 p.m. Cairo, 6:30 a.m. Luxor, 9:55 a.m. Aswan), opposite direction train No. 83 (4:00 p.m. Aswan, 7:40 p.m. Luxor, 5:25 a.m.) Cairo), train no.85 (7:00 p.m. Aswan, 11:30 p.m. Luxor, 8:20 a.m. Cairo), train no.87 (7:00 p.m. Aswan, 11:00 p.m. Luxor, 8:20 a.m. Cairo) .

Gīza – Aswan: Train No. 84 (8:00 p.m. Gīza, 5:10 a.m. Luxor, 8:35 a.m. Aswan), train No. 82 (9:35 p.m. Gīza, 7:00 a.m. Luxor, 10:30 a.m. Aswan) ).

The cost of a ticket for one person in a double compartment is $ 100 for foreigners, $ 120 for one person in a single compartment and $ 85 for children from 4 to 9 years in a double compartment (as of 1/2015). The connection between Luxor and Aswan is $ 25.

The sleeper trains after Alexandria (Muharram Bek main station) and Marsā Maṭrūḥ run on Saturdays, Mondays and Wednesdays (No. 773), in the opposite direction on the following day (No. 774).

Flights are a sensible alternative.

By bus

All important places in Cairo can be reached via long-distance buses. These include, among others Alexandria, Ismailia and the Sinai, Beni Suef, the Faiyūmwho have favourited settlements in the Western desert, Minyā and Luxor. The fares are affordable and, depending on the duration of the journey, are between LE 10 and LE 50.

The long-distance buses start their tour at various points in Cairo:

  • 3 et-Turguman (in the Cairo Gateway Plaza, northeast of the Sh. July 26, west of the Sh. El-Mansuri) in the northwest of el-Ezbekiya. Most of the buses depart from here. Tel .: 20 (0) 2 2575 6333.
  • 4 Aḥmad Ḥilmī bus station (also Ahmed Helmy, north behind the main train station). For buses to Hurghada (every two hours from 8 a.m.) and Sharm esch-Sheikh (1 p.m., 11:30 p.m., 2 a.m.).
  • 5 ʿAbūd (Arabic:عبود) In Schubra el-Cheima. From here buses go to Middle Egypt (Faiyum, Beni Suef, Minya, Mallawi, Asyut, Sohag). Tel .: 20 (0) 2 2202 5980
  • 6 el-Munīb (Arabic:المنيب, Under the Ring Road in el-Gīza). Tel .: 20 (0) 2 3573 6700.
  • 7 Mīdān ʿAbd el-Munʿim Riyāḍ for buses and microbuses below and north of the October 6th Bridge north of the Egyptian Museum.
  • Sinai station, Mīdān Abū Sīr (Arabic:ميدان ابو سير). Buses with destinations on the Sinai.
  • Cairo airport, Departure of the more comfortable and faster SuperJet buses (West Delta Travel) with destinations all over Egypt.

Please inquire before departure at your travel agency or the bus company (e.g. Upper Egypt Travel) where the buses run from. The easiest way to get to the bus stations is by taxi.

Three bus companies divide the goals as follows:

  • Upper Egypt Travel: All destinations south of Cairo including the Western Desert. Tel .: (02) 2576 0261 (bus station et-Turguman).
  • West Delta Travel: Destinations in the Nile Delta. Tel .: (02) 576 5582, 575 9751 (bus station et-Turguman). West Delta Travel also operates the lines of the more comfortable and faster SuperJet buses, reservations also at (02) 2576 5582.
  • East Delta Travel: Destinations on the Sinai. Tel .: (02) 2576 2293, 2576 2273 (bus station et-Turguman).

Long-distance buses also connect Cairo with neighboring countries. The Jordanian bus company JETT runs to twice a week Ammanwhile the Saudi bus company SAPTCO daily connections to Damam, Jeddah and Riyadh offers. There are also bus connections to Benghazi in Libya. The travel time is between 25 and 40 hours.


Minibuses run to the suburbs of Cairo, among others Beni Suef, ins Faiyūm and in different places of the Nile deltas.

In the street

You can reach all places in Egypt via a relatively well-developed road network. The roads are paved and occasionally have large cross bumps on the road to calm the traffic. Alexandria can either be reached via the old one Route agricole or via the modern, toll motorway. The south can be reached via a trunk road that goes up Qinā on the western side of the Nile and later on the eastern side of the Nile.

The monasteries on the Red Sea are difficult to reach by public transport. You will have to use a taxi from Cairo for this, the price is around LE 600 for the entire tour.

By boat

Although the Nile offers itself as a transport route, it is hardly used for long-distance traffic. The ones popular in the past Nile cruises between Cairo and Luxor are no longer offered. Most of the boats and ships are used for excursion traffic. The most important line leads to the Barrage du Nil dam.



The The bus network is huge. Unfortunately too unmanageable; Buses, mostly from the Cairo Transport Authority, run on 450 lines with a route network of 8500 km. Here the tourist has no choice but to inquire on site. Important stops are the Midan Ramsis (main train station), Midan Ataba and Midan Abdel Minin Riyad (under the elevated road between the Egyptian Museum and the Ramsis Hilton hotel). Numerous minibuses also depart from here. Walk up to the drivers and tell them your destination, they will take you to a suitable bus. The passengers on the bus will show you where to get off on request. A little local knowledge will certainly help. Tickets are bought on the bus or paid for in the bus / minibus.


Map of metro lines in Greater Cairo. The four stations of line 3 in the east of Al-Ahram are not yet shown.
Mar Girgis metro station

Cairo is the only city on the island African continent via a metro, the first two lines of which were built in the 1980s and 1990s. The two lines primarily serve the city center and destinations in the distant north and south. The route network, which has been expanded by a third route since 2012, cannot cover the entire city area, in particular the entire east is missing. Both lines cross twice, at Mīdān Ramsīs (Al Shohadaa stop;الشهداء‎, esch-Schuhadāʾ) and at Mīdān Taḥrīr (Sadat stop;أنور السادات‎, Anwar as-Sādāt). So far, only a part of line 3 can be used.

Nonetheless, the metro is particularly popular with the locals and is used intensively. When getting into the often overcrowded wagons, watch out for them Gender segregation. The wagons for the women are in the middle of the train. Tickets is available at all metro stations. You name your destination and you should usually buy two tickets - one also for the return journey. The fare for lines 1 and 2 is LE 3, LE 5 and LE 7 for journeys up to 9, 16 and more than 16 stops (as of 5/2018), that for line 3 is LE 5, LE 7 and LE 10. The ticket must be inserted into the barrier and taken back before starting the journey. Do not throw away the ticket. It is requested again at these locks when leaving the destination stations and is not issued there again.

Three lines operate on a route network of approx. 70 kilometers:

Stops of the line 1: El-Marg (north;المرج الجديدة‎, al-Marǧ al-Hadīda) - Helwan (south;حلوان‎):
El-Marg, Ezbet el-Nakhl, Ain Schams, El-Matariya, Hadayek el-Zeitun, Saray el-Kobba, Hammamat el-Kobba, Kobri el-Kobba, Manshiyet el-Sadr, El-Demerdash, Ghamra, Al Shohadaa ( Central Station), Orabi, Nasser, Sadat, Saad Zaghlul, Sayyida Zeinab, El-Malek es-Saleh, Mar Girgis (Old Cairo), El-Zahraa, Dar es-Salam, Hadayek el-Ma'adi, Ma'adi, Sakanat el -Ma'adi, Tura el-Balad, Kozzika, Tura el-Esment, El-Maasara, Hadeyek Helwan, Wadi Hof, Ain Helwan, Helwan.

Stops of the Line 2: Shubra el-Kheima (North;شبرا الخيمة‎, Shubrā al-Khaimah) - Monib (south;المنيب‎, al-Munib):
Shubra el-Kheima, Koleyat el-Zeraah, Mazallat, Khalafawi, St Theresa, Rod el-Farag, Masarra, Al Shohadaa (Central Station), Ataba, Mohammed Nagib, Sadat, Opera, Doqqi, Behoos, Cairo University, Midan Giza, Giza , Umm el-Masriyeen (Giza Suburban), Sakiat Mekki, Monib.

Stops of the Line 3: Airport (east;المطار‎, al-Maṭār) - Rod El-Farag Axis (west, northbound;محور روض الفرج) / Cairo University (west, southbound;جامعة القاهرة‎):
Al-Shams Club (نادي الشمس) - Alf Maskan (ألف مسكن) - Heliopolis Square (ميدان هليوبوليس) - Haroun (هارون) - Al-Ahram (الأهرام) - Koleyet El-Banat (كلية البنات) - stage (الإستاد) - Fair Zone (أرض المعارض‎) – el-ʿAbbāsīya (‏العباسية) - Abduh Pasha (عبده باشا) - el-Geish (الجيش) - Bab el-Sha'riya (باب الشعرية) - el-'Ataba (العتبة) (As of June 2019). A few stops are still missing to the airport.

Drei weitere Linien sind in Planung. With the Line 4, October-Oasis Highway/Haram District nach Police Academy/New Cairo, wird man zukünftig auch das Grand Egyptian Museum and the Pyramiden von Gīza erreichen können.


Die Cairo Transport Authority betreibt auch Straßenbahnlinien auf einem Streckennetz von ca. 30 km. Sie verbinden den Hauptbahnhof mit verschiedenen Zielen in Heliopolis.

Taxi und Auto

Wer sich erholen möchte, sollte die Dienste der zahlreichen Taxifahrer nutzen. Man kann leere Taxis an der Straße anhalten. Taxifahrer unmittelbar an den Hotels garantieren Englischkenntnisse und höhere Preise. Handeln Sie vor Fahrtantritt den Preis out. Die Taxameter der alten Taxis funktionieren nie (oder sollen es auch nicht). Kurzstrecken kosten zwischen LE 10 (Innenstadt) bis LE 20 (vom Zentrum nach Altkairo). Aufpreise erfolgen für die Mitnahme weiterer Personen. Mehr als vier Personen werden normalerweise nicht mitgenommen.

Noch ca. 55.000 alte Taxis sind auf Kairos Straßen unterwegs.
Die neuen gelben Taxis sind klimatisiert, aber auch teurer.
In letzter Zeit gibt es eine größere Zahl weißer Taxis.

Den Hauptanteil der Taxis bilden die schwarz-weißen Taxis, meist vom Typ Peugeot 504 – davon gibt es ca. 55.000 in Kairo. Gelegentlich besitzen sie auch drei Sitzreihen, zumindest sind sie auch für umfangreichere Transports geeignet. In den letzten Jahren werden Versuche unternommen diese durch modernere und klimatisierte Fahrzeuge zu ersetzen, die zur Unterscheidung gelb lackiert sind. Die Verbreitung ist aber eher gering – es gibt wohl nur etwa 500 Fahrzeuge –, da die Anschaffung und natürlich die Fahrt mit höheren Kosten verbunden sind – zumindest funktionieren deren Taxameter. Die neuen Taxis trifft man an den Hotels, am Busbahnhof Turgomān und am Midan et-Tahrir in der Nähe der el-Mugamma' an. In letzter Zeit vergrößert sich die Anzahl weißer Taxis mit einem schwarz-weißen Band zusehends, weil hier erschwinglichere Modelle eingesetzt werden.. Auch diese Taxis besitzen funktionierende Taxameter.

Straßenbahn in Kairo

Wenn Sie ein Taxi in der Innenstadt ganztägig benötigen, so kostet dies größenordnungsmäßig LE 100. Eine Einzelfahrt nach Alexandria kostet ca. LE 150. Haben Sie den Mut, nicht unbedingt das erste Taxi zu nehmen, um den Preis zu Ihren Gunsten besser zu gestalten. Wenn Sie mit der Leistung des Taxifahrers zufrieden sind, können Sie ja die zu zahlende Summe noch um ein Trinkgeld erhöhen. Wenn Sie den begründeten Verdacht haben, dass die Fahrt nicht mit rechten Dingen verläuft, weil Sie z.B. das Aushandeln des Preises vergessen haben, so lassen Sie den Fahrer anhalten und zahlen Sie höchstens die genannten LE 5 bis 10. Im Falle der neuen Taxis setzt sich der Preis aus LE 3,50 Grundgebühr und LE 1 pro Kilometer zusammen.

Kaum ein Taxifahrer wird sich in ganz Kairo auskennen. Während die touristischen Hauptziele von jedem Taxifahrer gefunden werden, kann es bereits bei den Anfahrt zu kleineren Hotels nötig sein, dass der Taxifahrer unterwegs bei den Einheimischen nachfragt. Es ist daher sinnvoll, nicht nur den Straßennamen zu kennen, sondern auch die Gebietsbezeichnung oder den Namen von Plätzen oder anderen markanten Gebäuden. Wer den Weg kennt, ist besonders gut daran. Es ist auch sinnvoll, sich von einem Ortskundigen eine Wegbeschreibung auf Arabisch geben zu lassen.

The Unterhaltung mit dem Taxifahrer wird üblicherweise den Schwerpunkt Herkunft, Familie und Beruf umfassen. Ein zufriedener Taxifahrer wird Sie in der Regel nach Ihrem Reiseziel am folgenden Tag fragen.

Die Taxifahrer haben allesamt ein dichtes Netzwerk an Kontakten und Freunden in der Stadt. Wer eine Fahrt zu den Pyramiden bucht, sollte nicht überrascht sein, wenn Zwischenhalte in Souvenir-Shops, Papyrus-Museen oder Parfüm-Bazar eingeschoben werden. Auch bei den Pyramiden selbst kann es vorkommen, dass man vom Fahrer an einen Kameltreiber „vermittelt“ wird. Wem solche Überraschungen nicht genehm sind, muss dies freundlich, aber bestimmt kundtun.

Neben den regulären Taxis gibt es weitere Taxidienste:

  • London Cab Egypt. Tel.: 19670, Fax: 20 (0)2 4630 1000, Email: . Seit 2010 tätiger Taxidienst der Sixt-Gruppe. Er bietet z. B. Flughafentransfers an. Fahrzeuge sind auf Rollstuhlfahrer eingestellt. Buchbar mit Android- und iPhone-Apps.
  • Over vermittelt auch in Kairo Fahrer über seine Apps. Bezahlung erfolgt mit Kreditkarte.
  • Pink Taxi Cairo. Mobile: 20 (0)127 077 7760.Pink Taxi Cairo on Facebook.Taxidienst von Frauen für Frauen. Alle Fahrerinnen haben einen Uniabschluss und sprechen Englisch.

Das Selbstfahren sei nur erfahrenen Fahrern empfohlen, die sich in Kairo und im ägyptischen Fahrstil auskennen. Staus, zahlreiche Einbahnstraßen gerade im Stadtzentrum und das Nichtbeachten von Verkehrsschildern und Fahrbahnmarkierungen gehören zum Alltäglichen. Insbesondere das Fahren in der Islamischen Altstadt setzt absolutes fahrerisches Können voraus, insbesondere wenn man dem Gegenverkehr auf Straßen ausweichen muss, die eigentlich nur eine Fahrspur breit sind. Seien Sie nicht betrübt, wenn Sie von Fußgängern überholt werden.

Es gibt zahlreiche Mietwagenfirmen, so u.a.:

  • Advice, (1) Flughafen, Tel.: (0)2 2265 2429; 11 Kamal El Din Salah St, Simon Boulivar Sq, Garden City, City center, Tel.: (0)2 2368 9400; (3) Nile Hilton Hotel, Cornich El Nil, City center, Tel.: (0)2 2579 2400.
  • Budget, (1) Flughafen, Tel.: (0)2 2265 2395; (2) 22 El Mathaf El Zeraee St, Agouza, Tel.: (0)2 3539 1501/04; (3) 22 El Mathaf El Ziraee, Dokki, Tel.: (0)2 3762 0518.
  • Europcar, via Maxman Tourist Transport, Max Building, 26 Lebanon St., Mohandiseen, Tel.: (0)2 3347 4712, Fax: (0)2 3303 6123.
  • hertz, (1) Flughafen, Terminal 2; (2) 195 Sh. 26th July, Agouza, Tel.: (0)2 3347 4172, Fax: (0)2 3539 1379; (3) Ramses Hilton Hotel, Corniche El Nil, City center; (4) Le Meridien Pyramids Hotel, El Remaya Square, Tel.: (0)2 2383 0383 ext. 4089.
  • Sixt, Flughafen, Terminal 1 und Terminal 3, Tel.: 19670.

Die genannten Mietwagenfirmen sind ebenfalls am Flughafen Kairo vertreten.

On foot

Wer Entfernungen von 5 bis 10 km nicht scheut, ist gerade in der Islamischen Altstadt gut beraten, die Erkundungen zu Fuß zu unternehmen. Viele Gassen und Straßen sind für einen flüssigen Verkehr oder gar zum Parken völlig ungeeignet.

Entlang dem Nil führen häufig Gehsteige mit sicherer Distanz zum dichten Autoverkehr. Das Flanieren bei Sonnenuntergang z.B. im Maadi Viertel am Ufer bringt einen Hauch Romantik in die hektische Stadt.

Tourist Attractions

Zu den wichtigsten Sehenswürdigkeiten zählt das alte Koptische Kairo und das mittelalterliche Islamische Kairo, das zum World Heritage gehört. Westlich bzw. südwestlich von Kairo erstrecken sich zahlreiche pharaonische Zeugnisse wie die Pyramidenfelder und nichtköniglichen Gräberfelder des Alten und Mittleren Reiches von Giza, Saqqara, Abu Sir (Abusir), Dahschur and Meidum.

Nachfolgend finden Sie eine Auswahl an Sehenswürdigkeiten. Eine umfangreichere und detailliertere Aufstellung finden Sie in den Stadtteilartikeln.

Museen in Kairo

  • 1  Egyptian MuseumWebsite of this institution (المتحف المصري, al-Matḥaf al-Miṣrī), Mīdān et-Taḥrīr, ميدان التحرير ، وسط البلد ، القاهرة (City center). Tel.: 20 (0)2 2578 2452. Egyptian Museum in the Wikipedia encyclopediaEgyptian Museum in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsEgyptian Museum (Q201219) in the Wikidata databaseEgyptian Museum on FacebookEgyptian Museum on Twitter.Das Museum verfügt über eine der bedeutendsten Sammlungen von Ägyptiaca in der Welt. Das Museum verfügt über zwei Etagen. In der unteren Etage sind die Funde chronologisch in Uhrzeigerrichtung angeordnet; die obere Etage bietet Raum für thematische Sammlungen. Auf der östlichen Seite sind dies die Grabfunde des Tutanchamun, am nördlichen Ende der oberen Etage gibt es drei Säle mit Schmuckfunden des Tutanchamungrabes (Mitte), der Tanis-Gräber und Schmuck aus allen Zeitepochen. Die Grabfunde aus dem Grab des Königs Tutanchamun im Tal der Könige und das Grab der Königin Hetepheres I. werden voraussichtlich ab Mitte 2021 im Grand Egyptian Museum ausgestellt.Geöffnet: täglich 9:00–17:00, 9:00–16:00 (Ramadan).Preis: Ausländer bzw. ausländische Studenten zahlen für das Museum LE 200/LE 100, für die Mumienhalle LE 180/LE 90 und für das Kombi-Ticket LE 300/LE 150, für das Kameraticket LE 50, Smartphones frei (Stand 11/2019).(30° 2′ 52″ N31° 14′ 0″ O)
  • 2  Museum of Islamic ArtWebsite of this institution (متحف الفن الإسلامي بالقاهرة, Matḥaf al-finn al-islāmī), Port Said St., Bab El Khalk, Cairo, ش بور سعيد ، باب الخلق ، القاهرة (Midan Ahmed Maher in der Islamischen Altstadt). Tel.: 20 (0)2 2390 9930, 20 (0)2 2390 1520. Museum of Islamic Art in the Wikipedia encyclopediaMuseum of Islamic Art in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryMuseum of Islamic Art (Q3330629) in the Wikidata database.Das Museum beherbergt Zeugnisse aus Ägypten und Arabiens (Einrichtungsgegenstände aus Moscheen und Wohnhäusern, Türen, Lampen usw., Gefäße, Textilien. Manuskripte; Holz-, Keramik, Fayence- und Metallarbeiten, Teppiche uvm.).Open: Sa – Thu 9: 00–17: 00; Fri 9: 00-11: 00, 13: 30-16: 00.Preis: Der Eintrittspreis beträgt LE 120/LE 60 für Ausländer bzw. ausländische Studenten (Stand 11/2019).(30 ° 2 ′ 41 ″ N.31° 15′ 10″ O)
  • 3  Coptic MuseumWebsite of this institution (المتحف القبطي, al-Matḥaf al-qubṭī), 3 Mar Gerges St., Misr El Kadima, Cairo, ٣ ش مار جرجس ، مصر القديمة ، القاهرة (in Old Cairo nahe der Hängenden Kirche). Tel.: 20 (0)2 2741 2016, 20 (0)2 2741 2088. Coptic Museum in the Wikipedia encyclopediaCoptic Museum in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsCoptic Museum (Q1784177) in the Wikidata database.Das Museum beherbergt zahlreiche Architekturfragmente sowie Grabsteine und Fresken, Miniaturen, Textilien, Waffen und Gegenstände für die Liturgie.Open: Sa – Thu 9: 00–17: 00; Fr 9:00–11:00, 13:00–16:00.Preis: Der Eintrittspreis beträgt LE 100/LE 50 für Ausländer bzw. ausländische Studenten (Stand: 11/2019).(30° 0′ 21″ N31° 13′ 51″ O)

Museen in Groß-Kairo

  • Die bedeutendste Gemäldesammlung Ägyptens beherbergt das 4 Mahmoud-Khalil-MuseumMahmoud Khalil Museum in the Wikipedia encyclopediaMahmoud Khalil Museum in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryMahmoud Khalil Museum (Q4115728) in the Wikidata database, 1 Kafour el-Akhshid St, Doqqi in der Nachbarstadt el-Gīza, Tel.: 20 (0)2 3338 9720, (0)2 3338 9860, (0)2 3336 2379, täglich geöffnet außer montags 10:00 Uhr bis 18:00 Uhr. Mahmoud Khalil collected masterpieces from the 19th century by mainly French artists and later donated them to the Egyptian state: Courbet, Degas, Delacroix, Gauguin, Manet, Monet, Pissaro, Renoir, Rodin, Rousseau, Rubens, Toulouse-Lautrec and Van Gogh. The entrance fee is LE 25.
  • The 5 Grand Egyptian MuseumWebsite of this institutionGrand Egyptian Museum in the Wikipedia encyclopediaGrand Egyptian Museum in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryGrand Egyptian Museum (Q2583681) in the Wikidata database, das sich im Westen der Stadt el-Gīza reichlich zwei Kilometer nordwestlich des Pyramidenkomplexes von el-Gīza befindet, soll zukünftig die bedeutendsten Ausstellungsstücke des Ägyptischen Museums präsentieren. Es wird voraussichtlich 2020 mit einer Teilausstellung öffnen, zu der hauptsächlich die Funde des Tutanchamun-Grabes gehören. 2022 wird es vollständig umgezogen sein.

Pharaonische Denkmäler in Groß-Kairo

Wer nach Kairo reist, unternimmt dies zumeist mit der Intention, die 6 Pyramiden von GizaPyramids of Giza in the encyclopedia WikipediaPyramids of Giza in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsGiza Pyramids (Q12508) in the Wikidata database zu sehen (und nicht zu sterben). Sie sind der imposante Höhepunkt einer riesigen Nekropole der Reichshauptstadt des Alten Reiches Memphisthat of Meidūm until after Abū Rawāsch reicht. Sie beherbergt die Königsgräber, aber auch die Gräber der Angehörigen der königlichen Familie und mehr oder weniger hoch gestellter Würdenträger und Beamter, vorwiegend aus dem Alten Reich. Und während – von den Pyramidentexten in den Pyramiden der sechsten Dynastie abgesehen – die Pyramiden undekoriert sind, sind die Privatgräber um so prächtiger mit Szenen aus dem täglichen Leben und religiösen Szenen ausgestattet.

Tipp: Wer die Pyramiden besuchen möchte, tue dies am besten frühmorgens. Die Reisebusse kommen meist erst gegen 10 Uhr an was einem die Möglichkeit bietet, bei frischer Luft und ohne Gedränge in das Innere der Pyramiden zu steigen. Zusätzlich sind die langen Distanzen auf dem unglaublich großen Gelände bei den noch kühleren Morgentemperaturen viel angenehmer.

Architektur: Religiöse und Profanbauten

Die über 1000-jährige Architekturgeschichte lässt sich lückenlos an zahlreichen Hinterlassenschaften erkunden.

  • 10 Old CairoOld Cairo in the Wikipedia encyclopediaOld Cairo in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsOld Cairo (Q2993461) in the Wikidata database ist das bedeutendste koptische Areal in Kairo. Hier bieten sich der Besuch mehrerer Kirchen (die Hängende Kirche (el-Moallaqa), die Heilig-Georg-Kirche, die Heilig-Sergius-Kirche und die Heilig-Barbara-Kirche), der Synagoge Ben Ezra und des koptischen Museums an. Man übersehe nicht die Bastionen der ehemaligen Festung Babylon.
  • The moderne Stadtzentrum ist gefüllt mit zahlreichen Architekturbeispielen, die durch vorwiegend französische und britische Architekten des ausgehenden 19. und beginnenden 20. Jahrhunderts geprägt wurden. So trägt das Zentrum nicht zu Unrecht die Bezeichnung Paris entlang des Nils. Spaziergänge lohnen sich, auch wenn man manchmal Fantasie benötigt sich vorzustellen, wie es vor 50 Jahren ausgesehen hat. Und der Eintritt ist – kostenlos.

Aufgrund der Größe Kairos und der Vielzahl der Stadtteile, seiner zahlreichen und über Stadtteilgrenzen hinausreichenden Denkmäler steht Ihnen hier alternativ zur Unterteilung in Stadtteile eine kulturell-historische Einteilung Kairos zur Verfügung, die einen schnellen Zugang zu deren weiteren Sehenswürdigkeiten ermöglichen soll.


Theater und Kinos

Kairo verfügt über zahlreiche Kinos und Theater, die in den Stadtteilkapiteln benannt werden. Kinos zeigen überwiegend aktuelle nationale Filmproduktionen und ausgewählte Hollywood-Streifen. Die berühmte Opera befindet sich am Südende der Insel az-Zamalek (der Vorgängerbau am Midan Opera ist in den 1970er Jahren abgebrannt). Das Opernhaus beherbergt mehrere Galerien, so z.B. das Museum für Moderne Kunst.

Boots- und Schifffahrt

Sehr erholsam kann eine Bootsfahrt auf dem Nil sein. Eine halbe Stunde sollte nicht mehr als LE 10 kosten. Ein Erlebnis stellt sicher eine Schifffahrt zum Nilstaudamm Barrage du Nil dar. Gerade an den Wochenenden (donnerstags und freitags) ist dies unter den Einheimischen sehr beliebt, weil sich am Ende nicht nur der Staudamm, sondern auch ein Rummel befindet. Hier wird der Weg zum Ziel, weil die Einheimischen auf der Fahrt zum Teil sehr ausgiebig feiern.


Gerade in der Islamischen Altstadt laden viele Teehäuser zum Verweilen beim Tee oder Rauchen einer Schīscha (Wasserpfeife) ein. Das berühmteste Teehaus ist das el-Fischawy am Südostrand des Khan el-Khalili.



Bezüglich des Bücherkaufs ist Kairo die absolut erste Adresse. Hier ist eine Übersicht wichtiger Geschäfte:

  • 1  Buchhandlung der American University in Cairo, Stadtzentrum, Südseite des Midān et-Tahrīr, Schariʿ Qasr el-Aini 113 (Zugang zum Campus über das Mohammed-Mahmud-Tor). Tel.: (0)2 2797 5377. Angebot: Lehrbücher und Bücher aus dem Verlagsprogramm des American University in Cairo Press (AUC Press).Geöffnet: So – Do 9.00 – 16.00 Uhr, Sa 10.00 – 15.00 Uhr.(30 ° 2 ′ 41 ″ N.31° 14′ 20″ O)
  • 2  L’Orientaliste, Stadtzentrum, 15 Schariʿ Qasr en-Nīl. Tel.: 20 (0)2 2575 3418, (0)2 2576 5451, Fax: 20 (0)2 2579 4188, Email: . Das bedeutendste Antiquariat in Kairo und im Vorderen Orient ist seit September 2006 wieder geöffnet. Eine Zweigstelle (L’Orientale) gibt es zudem im Stadtzentrum, Nile Hilton Shopping Mall, unterstes Geschoss (Ground floor), Geschäft 757. Tel. (0)2 2576 2440. Bezahlung ist nur mit American Express oder in bar möglich.Geöffnet: Mo – Sa 10.00 – 19.00 Uhr.(30 ° 2 '49 "N.31° 14′ 14″ O)
  • 3  Livres de France, 11 Hassan Sabry St., Zamalek. Tel.: 20 (0)2 2378 0315. Angebot: Französische Importbücher, Publikationen des Institut Français d’Archéologie Orientale, kleines Antiquariat.Geöffnet: 11.00 – 20.00 Uhr, So geschlossen.(30° 3′ 28″ N31° 13′ 16″ O)
  • 5  Reader’s Corner, Stadtzentrum, Schariʿ Abdel Khalek Tharwat 3. Tel.: (0)2 2392 8801. Angebot: Bücher, Postkarten, Gemälde. Möglicherweise zukünftig auch Antiquariat.(30° 3′ 1″ N31° 14′ 38″ O)
  • 7  Buchgeschäft Madbūlī, Stadtzentrum, Schariʿ Talaʿat Harb 6 (Talaʿat-Harb-Platz). Tel.: (0)2 2575 6421. Wohl bedeutendstes Geschäft für arabische Literatur.(30° 2′ 52″ N31° 14′ 18″ O)
  • 8  Ezbekiya-Garten, Stadtzentrum, nördlich des Opernplatzes (der alten Oper). Großer Buchmarkt für gebrauchte Bücher.(30° 3′ 13″ N31° 14′ 55″ O)
  • 9  Buchhandlung Lehnert und Landrock, Stadtzentrum, 36 Abd El-Khalik Sarwat St. (1. Obergeschoss). Tel.: (0)2 2392 7606, (0)2 2393 5324, Fax: 20 (0)2 2393 4421. Angebot: Reiseführer, Kunstführer und Wörterbücher in verschiedenen Sprachen, Landkarten, Postkarten, historische Fotografien. Eigenes Verlagsprogramm mit Kunstführern vorwiegend koptischer Denkmäler. Das Geschäft befindet sich nicht mehr am langjährigen Standort..Geöffnet: Täglich 10:00–19.00 Uhr.(30° 3′ 2″ N31° 14′ 37″ O)


Souvenirs, insbesondere Schmuck kann man in den Geschäften des Khan el-Khalili und in den Geschäften der Hotels erwerben.


  • Teppichbazar, südlich des Bab Zuweila.


In den Restaurants von Kairo werden sowohl ägyptische als auch internationale Gerichte angeboten. Fleischgerichte (Rind, Lamm und Huhn) sind für ägyptische Verhältnisse meist teuer und werden nur in gehobeneren Restaurants angeboten.

Die Auswahl an Restaurants ist in Kairo groß. Es gibt hier größenordnungsmäßig tausend Restaurants, Cafés und Bars aller Art.


An vielen Stellen in Kairo lassen sich Fast-Food-Restaurants oder einfache Imbissstände finden – auch wenn man gelegentlich den Eindruck hat, dass man nichts findet, wenn man es braucht. Neben den internationalen Ketten wie McDonald's, KFC und Pizza Hut sind gerade Imbissstände unter den Einheimischen beliebt, die Kuscheri oder Sandwiches mit Falafel und Salat anbieten. Das Speisenangebot sollte auch für Vegetarier ansprechend sein.

  • Kuschari ist ein Gericht aus Nudeln, Spaghetti und Reis, auf das eine Lage Linsen, Zwiebeln und Tomaten- und/ oder Chili-Sauce gegeben wird.
  • Falafel (arabisch: ‏فلافل‎, Falāfil), auch häufig als Tamiya (arabisch: ‏طعمية‎, Ṭaʿmīya) bezeichnet, gibt es in verschiedenen Varianten. Dahinter verbergen sich Gemüsefrikadellen aus Bohnen, Erbsen, Zwiebeln, Kräutern und Gewürzen, die in heißem Öl gebacken werden. Die Darreichung ist durchaus unterschiedlich:
    • als Sandwiches mit Falafel und Salat
    • als lose, aber große Tamiya
    • mit umbackenen Ei uvm.
  • Fūl (arabisch: ‏فول‎), ein Gericht aus braunen Saubohnen
  • Suppen. Häufig werden in Restaurants Tomaten-, Zwiebel- u.a. Suppen angeboten, zumeist vorgefertigt. Typisch für kleine Restaurants sind aber Suppen aus zerstoßenen Linsen, die frisch angerichtet werden und mit Butter gereicht werden können.
  • Omeletts, einfach oder mit Gemüse (Tomaten, Paprika, Zwiebeln) oder mit Basterma (arabisch: ‏بسطرمة‎, Basṭirma), einem luftgetrockneten, schinkenähnlichen Rindfleisch.
  • Salate. Hier gibt es häufig eine große Auswahl: Tomaten-Gurken-Salat, Mayonnaisensalat, Zucchini-Salat, Grüner Bohnen-Salat, Tabbūla (Mischsalat aus Burghul (Weizen), Petersilie, Zwiebeln u.a.). Soßen fallen ebenfalls unter die Salate, z.B. Tahīna (arabisch: ‏طحينة‎, Ṭaḥīna), einer dickflüssigen Soße aus Hülsenfrüchten und Sesamöl und vergleichbare Varianten.
  • Zu vielen Speisen wird Fladenbrot (عيش بلدي, ʿAisch balladī, kurz ʿAisch) gereicht, manchmal kann man auch Pommes frites bekommen.
  • Echte Fleischgerichte sind seltener und auch beträchtlich teurer. Hierzu gehören Kufta (gegrillte Hackfleischröllchen) und Kebab.
  • Die Nachspeisen fallen kalorienreich aus: Kuchen oder Puddings.
  • Als Getränke werden Wasser, Softdrinks und Fruchtsäfte angeboten.

See also: Essen und Trinken in Ägypten.

Auswahl internationale Schnellimbiss-Gaststätten

  • Pizza Hut, Midan Tahrir (City center).

Auswahl ägyptische Schnellimbiss-Gaststätten

  • 3  Acher Sa'a (مطعم اخر ساعة, Maṭʿam Achr Sāʿa), El Alfy St., Stadtzentrum (nahe der Schari' Orabi). Egyptian cuisine. Auch Essen zum Mitnehmen.(30° 3′ 13″ N31° 14′ 37″ O)

Weitere Fast-Food-Ketten sind Gad and Mo’men.

Mittel bis gehoben

Mittlere und gehobene Restaurants findet man in Kairo relativ selten, zumeist in gehobeneren Wohnvierteln und Hotels. Im Folgenden wird eine Auswahl beliebter Restaurants geboten. In den Stadtteilartikeln werden weitere Restaurants genannt.

Auswahl asiatische Restaurants

Auswahl europäische und internationale Restaurants

Auswahl Fisch-Restaurants

Am westlichen Nilufer gibt es eine Reihe Fischrestaurants.

Auswahl indische Restaurants

Als bestes indisches Restaurant gilt das The Moghul Room im Mena House Hotel in der Nachbarstadt el-Gīza.

Auswahl mexikanischer und texanischer Restaurants

Auswahl orientalische Restaurants: ägyptische Küche

  • 21  Felfela, 15 Hoda Shaarawi St., Stadtzentrum (Seitenstraße der Scharia Talaat Harb). Tel.: 20 (0)2 2392 2751. Gute Speisen zu moderaten Preisen.Geöffnet: Täglich von 08:00 bis 24:00 Uhr.(30 ° 2 '48 "N.31° 14′ 17″ O)

Auswahl orientalische Restaurants: libanesische und türkische Küche

  • 22  Fayruz, Omar Ibn el-Khattab St., Heliopolis (im Intercontinental Citystars Cairo). Tel.: 20 (0)2 2480 0100. Libanesische Küche. Mittags- und Abendtisch. Abends arabisch-libanesische Lifemusik und Bauchtanz.(30° 4′ 21″ N31° 20′ 47″ O)
  • 25  Taboula (مطعم تبولة, Maṭʿam Tabūla), 1 Amrika Al-Latiniya St., Garden City. Tel.: 20 (0)2 2792 5261, Mobile: 20 (0)100 161 9141. Gemütliches Restaurant mit libanesischer Küche. Zur Kundschaft gehören Ägypter und Ausländer, die im Umfeld der hiesigen Botschaften arbeiten. Die Menüs sind in Englisch und Arabisch. Natürlich gibt es auch Tabula-Salat.Geöffnet: Täglich von 12 bis 2 Uhr nachts.(30 ° 2 ′ 23 ″ N.31° 13′ 58″ O)


Note: The majority of the old traditional cafés are reserved for male customers.

Famous cafes and tea houses

The following are famous for their ambience:

Coffee shop chains

  • Cilantros. Cilantros is a chain of modern Italian-style cafes. Addresses will follow shortly. In most cases, however, it is enough to tell the taxi driver the name of the café and the district you want to visit (Mohandisīn, Doqqi, Heliopolis, Giza, Zamalek, etc.) Although this is actually more of a café for breather, which you choose spontaneously when you pass it. Very popular meeting place for high-earning locals and foreigners living in Cairo.


Most of the hotels are in City center and in the pyramid area. They are listed in the relevant sections of the Districts described. A few hotels with their own charm are mentioned here:

Historic hotels

Although Cairo has been touristically developed for a century and a half, only a few historic hotels have survived.

  • Possibly the most famous hotel is certainly the 5-star hotel 3 Mena HouseMena House in the Wikipedia encyclopediaMena House in the Wikimedia Commons media directoryMena House (Q1355271) in the Wikidata database in the district el-Haram the neighboring city el-Gīza: an atmospheric hotel with a pool, good restaurants and a view of the pyramids. The modern extensions should be ignored.
  • The 3 star hotel 4 Victoria dates from Victorian times and is located in the district el-Azbakīya.
  • The 3-star hotel is a little further south 5 Windsor, which has numerous original fixtures such. B. has the original elevator.
  • The 3-star hotel from the Art Nouveau era 6 Cosmopolitan is located in Downtown.

Unfortunately, the managements of the 3-star hotels mentioned are not able to use the former flair of these hotels.

From the former hotels Semiramis and Shepheard, both in the Garden City located, there are only their names, which are now borne by new hotels. Other hotels such as B. that Eden Palace in 'Ataba, today a residential and commercial building, and that Heliopolis Palace in Heliopolis, now an inaccessible presidential palace, still exists, but is no longer used as a hotel. To the Marriott Hotel in ez-zamālik belongs to the former 7 Gezīra Palace, but the hotel towers are neither historical nor worth seeing.

Boutique hotels

Luxurious hotels

There are many luxury hotels in Būlāq, in the Garden City, in Heliopolis and on Tahrir Square.

The best equipped hotels include the Four Seasons Hotel Cairo at Nile Plaza, the Nile Ritz-Carlton, the Intercontinental Cairo Citystars, the Sofitel Cairo Nile El Gezirah, the Cairo Marriott Hotel & Omar Khayyam Casino, the InterContinental Cairo Semiramis and the Fairmont Towers.


Many budget hotels and hostels are located in downtown Cairo. From its central location, Cairo can be easily explored by car and, above all, the lively inner city district on foot. However, many of the hotels have already had their best days, with new, modern and inviting hotels having established themselves in recent years.

List of hotels

The hotels are described in the individual articles. So that you can find them more quickly, you will find a list of them by location here:

Ambassador Hotel, Big Ben Hotel, Cairo Khan Hotel, Capsis Palace Hotel, Carlton Hotel, Egypt YMCA, Fontana Hotel, Grand Hotel, Hamburg Hotel, Happyton Hotel, Horris Hotel, New Extady Hotel, Omayad Hotel, Safari Hotel, Scarabee Hotel, Sultan Hotel, Victoria Hotel, Windsor Hotel
Conrad Cairo Hotel, Fairmont Nile City Hotel, Hilton Cairo World Trade Center Residences, Ramses Hilton Hotel, St. Regis Cairo
Chān el-Chalīlī
Hotel El Hussein
Bedouin Hotel, Cairo Stars Hotel, Dahab Hotel, Each Way hotel, Green Valley Hotel, King Tut Hostel, Lialy Inn, Madina Hostel, Milano Hostel, New Hotel, Odeon Palace Hotel, Pension Roma, Suisse Hotel, Talisman Hotel, Tulip Hotel
Garden City
Four Seasons Hotel Cairo at Nile Plaza, Juliana Hotel, Kempinski Nile Hotel
Novotel Cairo al Borg Hotel, Sofitel El Gezirah Cairo
Al Horeya Hotel, Aviation Hotel, Baron Hotel Heliopolis, Beirut Hotel, Caesars Palace Hotel, Cairo Airport Hotel, Champs Elysees Hotel, Concorde El Salam Hotel Cairo, Ebeid House Hotel; Gabaly Hotel, Helio Cairo Hotel, Heliopark Hotel, Hilton Cairo Heliopolis Hotel, Holiday Home Hotel, Holiday Inn Cairo Citystars, Intercontinental Citystars, JW Marriott Hotel, Le Meridien Heliopolis Hotel, Le Passage Heliopolis Hotel, Novotel Cairo Airport Hotel, Radisson Blu Heliopolis, Royal Marshal Hotel, The Gabriel, The Karvin Hotel
Madīnat Naṣr
Maxim Hotel, Sonesta Cairo Hotel
Arabia Hotel, Grand Nile Tower Hotel, Nile Garden Hotel
Taḥrīr Square
Cleopatra Palace Hotel, Garden City House Hotel, Lotus Hotel, Madina Hostel, The Nile Ritz-Carlton, Semiramis InterContinental Cairo, Shepheard Hotel, Steigenberger Hotel El Tahrir Cairo
Cairo Marriott Hotel & Omar Khayyam Casino, El Nil Zamalek Hotel, Golden Tulip Flamenco Hotel, Horus House Hotel, Longchamps Hotel, May Fair Hotel, New President Hotel, New Star Hotel, Om Kolthoom Hotel, President Hotel, Zamalek Residence Hotel
Cairotel Hotel, Holiday Inn Cairo Maadi, Maadi Hotel, Pearl Hotel, Residence Hotel, Villa Belle Epoque

There are more hotels in the neighboring cities 6th of October City, el-Gīza, Helwan and New Cairo.



There are several local universities and universities in Cairo that are operated with foreign partners.

  • 1  el-Azhar University. The most important (Islamic) university is the el-Azhar University, but its great times are probably over. As an authority on Islamic legal issues, it still carries weight today.(30 ° 2 '43 "N.31 ° 15 ′ 51 ″ E)

Those who have wealthy parents usually choose to study at universities with a foreign partner

Other universities of this type are to follow in the next few years.


School education can also take place with an increased proportion of language training:

  • English speaking schools

Learning language

There are a number of ways to learn the Arabic language or to improve your language skills:

  • Arabic Language Institute. A division of the AUC. Moved to New Cairo..

Cultural institutes


Egypt belongs to the subtropical climate zone. This zone is characterized by a warm and dry desert climate.

Mean highest air temperature in ° C192024283234353433292520O27.8
Average air temperature in ° C141517212527282726231915O21.4
Mean lowest air temperature in ° C91012151820222220171410O15.8
Precipitation in mm54410.50000146Σ25.5
Rainy days in the month43210.500000.513Σ15
WMO: World Weather Information Service, accessed May 23, 2011.


Cairo can be seen as a safe city. Night walks in the slums or in the large cemeteries are not recommended. The security situation has deteriorated since the revolution in spring 2011. It is still good during the day in the city center when there are no demonstrations. In the outskirts of the city and after dark throughout the city, including the city center, the situation is currently (as of August 2011) confusing. There are always assaults and sometimes armed clashes in various places. These are not directed against tourists, but regularly cause injuries and, less often, deaths.


See the comments under Egypt.


  • Regional doctor's practice at the German embassy. The regional doctor's practice at the German embassy is closed. After making an appointment by telephone, the embassy will put you in touch with a cooperating doctor.
  • AssProf. Dr. Abdel Meguid Kassem, medical officer at the Austrian embassy, 2 El-Fawakeh St., Mohandessin, Cairo. Tel.: 20 (0)2 3338 2393, Fax: 20 (0)2 3303 7096, Email: . Areas of work: gastroenterology, hepatology, infectious diseases. Language skills: German, English, Arabic.

Important hospitals and emergency calls

Not all hospitals in Cairo already have modern equipment or adequate hygiene standards. Therefore, ask for suitable doctors or clinics in your hotel or at your embassy. The following list also includes hospitals from neighboring cities el-Gīza and New Cairo.

Specialty clinics

  • People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals, 60 El Sikka El Bayda St., Abbasia. Tel.: (0)2 2482 2294. Veterinary clinic.

Practical advice

Tourist information

There are several in Cairo Tourism informationso

  • Main branch of the tourist information, 5 Schari '' Adly, City center, ٥ شارع عدلي (west of the Midan Opera). Tel.: 20 (0)2 2391 3454. A few meters to the west is a branch of the tourist police.Open: 8.30 a.m. - 8.00 p.m., reduced opening times during Ramadan.
  • Tourist information Pyramids St., Gīza. Tel.: 20 (0)2 3383 8823, Fax: 20 (0)2 3383 8823. Open: daily 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
  • Tourist Information Central Station, Mīdān Ramsīs, im City center (in the southwest corner of the main station hall). Tel.: 20 (0)2 2579 0767. Open: daily 8 a.m. - 8 p.m.
  • Tourist information station Gīza, Gīza. Tel.: 20 (0)2 3570 2233. Open: daily 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
  • Tourist information Manial Palace, Manial. Tel.: 20 (0)2 2531 5587. Open: daily 8 a.m. - 3 p.m.
  • Tourist information office Cairo old airport, Terminal 1. Tel.: 20 (0)2 2265 4760, Fax: 20 (0)2 2415 7475. Open: every day all day.
  • Tourist Information New Cairo Airport, Terminal 2. Tel.: 20 (0)2 2265 2223, Fax: 20 (0)2 2419 4195. Open: every day all day.
  • Tourist Information Cairo International Airport. Tel.: 20 (0)2 2291 4255.

Tourist police

  • Tourist Police Headquarters. The headquarters of the tourist police is located in the district Manyal immediately west of the Manyal Palace.


Below you will find a list of important embassies from German-speaking countries. Many countries also have consulates in other cities, mostly in Alexandria, but also in Sharm esch-Sheikh. The following information is without guarantee:

  • LiechtensteinLiechtenstein flagLiechtenstein Citizens can contact the Swiss representations for consular inquiries. Your interests are taken care of to the same extent as those of Swiss nationals.
  • LuxembourgLuxembourg flagConsulate of Luxembourg, 3 Ahmed Pasha St., Garden City, Cairo. Tel.: 20 (0)2 2792 8924, Fax: 20 (0)2 2792 8923, Email: . Honorary consul is François de Maurissens. Luxembourger Citizens can also contact the Belgian embassy in Cairo.

See also: Cairo / Embassies


Below you will find the Cairene branches of major airlines:

See also: Cairo / Airlines

Visa and work permits

  • 26  Passports, Emigration and Nationality Administration (جوازات القاهرة), 17 Madrasa Al Abbaseya Al Mekanekeya St., Al Abbaseya (Al-Waili), Cairo, ١٧ ش مدرسة العباسية الميكانيكية ، العباسية (الوايلي) ، القاهرة. Tel.: 20 (0)2 2794 8661. It makes sense to show up early, from around 7 a.m. After drawing numbers, wait until you are called.Open: every day except Friday 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.(30 ° 4 ′ 0 ″ N.31 ° 17 ′ 10 ″ E)

Addresses and contacts of important authorities

  • 27  Supreme Authority for Antiquities (Supreme Council of Antiquities), 1 Sh. Al-Malik al-Afdal, Zamalek, Cairo, 11211, Egypt. Fax: 20 (0)2 2735 7239. (30 ° 3 '48 "N.31 ° 13 ′ 1 ″ E)
  • 28  Ministry of Culture (Ministry of Culture), 2 Shagrat el-Dor St., Cairo, Zamalek. Tel.: 20 (0)2 2735 2546, Fax: 20 (0)2 2735 3947. Faruq Abd el-Salam, Chief Sector of the Minister’s Office of the Ministry of Culture.(30 ° 3 '33 "N.31 ° 13 ′ 2 ″ E)
  • 29  Ministry of Higher Education, 101 Qasr el-'Aini St, Cairo, 11516, Egypt. Fax: 20 (0)2 2794 1005. The Ministry owns at Mīdān Za'ad Zaghlūl, 2 Sh. Ḍarīḥ Saʿd (2 شارع ضريح سعد) a branch for the affairs of foreign students.(30 ° 2 ′ 15 ″ N.31 ° 14 ′ 5 ″ E)

Post offices

Important emergency numbers
(in Arabic)
First aid,
Tourist police126
Traffic police128
information desk140, 141
fire Department180


The phone code for Cairo is 02 or 20 2. The phone numbers are 8 digits long and start with two. This also applies analogously to the neighboring town of el-Gīza, only here the telephone numbers start with three.


Many hotels offer WLAN (WiFi), sometimes for a fee and sometimes to a limited extent in the lobby. Internet cafes and restaurants and cafes with WiFi can also be found all over the city.



Cairo in novels and short stories

  • Machfuz, Nagib: The children of our neighborhood. Zurich: Unionsverlag, 1959, ISBN 978-3-293-20378-5 .
  • Aswani, Alaa al-: The Jakubijân-Bau: Roman from Egypt. Basel: Lenos, 2009, ISBN 978-3-85787-723-0 .
  • Haase-Hindenberg, Gerhard: Hidden Cairo: people, myths, places. Munich: Malik, 2009, ISBN 978-3-89029-751-4 .

Nonfiction books about Cairo

  • Volkoff, Oleg V.: 1000 years of Cairo: the story of an enchanting city. Mainz: Babble, 1984, ISBN 978-3-8053-0535-8 .
  • Sharabi, Mohamed: Cairo: City and Architecture in the Age of European Colonialism. Tubingen: Wasmuth, 1989, ISBN 978-3-8030-0146-7 .
  • Elshahed, Mohamed: Cairo since 1900: an architectural guide. Cairo: The American University at Cairo Press, 2020, ISBN 978-977-416-869-7 .

Practical advice

  • Francy, Claire E.; Lababidi, Lesley [Kitchen]: Cairo: practical guide. Cairo; new York: The American University at Cairo Press, 2011 (18th edition), ISBN 978-977-416-467-5 .

Web links

Event directories, guides, etc.

An overview of current events and exhibitions, restaurant tips and much more can be found at:

  • Cairo 360, the definitive guide to life in the capital

Individual evidence

  1. dpa: Egypt is planning a new capital, Message on Spiegel Online of March 13, 2015, accessed on March 13, 2015.
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