Museums in Hessen - Museen in Hessen

Museum directories

Germany: German Museum Directory

Hesse: Museums in Hessen

South Hesse

  • Bad King
    • Bad König local history museum
  • Bensheim
    • Bensheim City Museum
    • Auerbach synagogue
  • Breuberg
    • Breubergmuesum - Museum in Breuberg Castle
    • City Museum Breuberg-Neustadt
  • Darmstadt
    • Old town museum in the Hinkelsturm
    • Cybernarium
    • Darmstadt-Kranichstein Railway Museum
    • Hessian State Museum
    • Wedding tower
    • Kranichstein Hunting Museum
    • Museum of the Mathildenhöhe artists' colony
    • Castle Museum
    • Wixhäuser Village Museum
  • Frankfurt am Main
  • Erbach (Odenwald)
    • German Ivory Museum Erbach
  • Lampertheim
    • Local museum
  • Langen (Hesse)
    • Wolfsgarten Castle
    • City Museum in the "Old Town Hall"
  • Messel
  • Moerfelden-Walldorf
    • Mörfelder Heimatmuseum
    • Walldorf local history museum
  • Otzberg
    • Folklore collection in Hessen - Museum Otzberg
    • Lengfeld Toy Museum - Otzberg Museum
    • Alte Schmiede Lengfeld - Museum Otzberg

Rhine Main Area

  • bad Homburg
  • bad Soden
    • Camerama Photo Museum
    • Meissen porcelain cabinet
  • Bad Vilbel
    • Well museum
  • Dietzenbach
    • Fire Brigade Museum
    • Local museum
  • Dreieich
    • Dreieichenhainer Castle
    • Dreieich Museum
  • Eppstein
    • Raule Automobile Museum
    • City and Castle Museum Eppstein
  • Eschborn
    • Historical museum and city archive
  • Flörsheim
    • Flörsheimer Keller local history museum
  • Frankfurt am Main
    • Museums in Frankfurt am Main
    • Archaeological Museum
    • Caricatura
    • German Architecture Museum
    • German Film Museum
    • Frankfurt Cathedral Museum
    • EXPLORA - museum
    • Fire Brigade Museum Frankfurt
    • Frankfurter Kunstverein
    • Money Museum of the Deutsche Bundesbank
    • Goethe Museum in the Goethe House
    • Bergen-Enkheim local history museum
    • Heinrich Hoffmann Museum (Struwwelpeter Museum)
    • Historical Museum Frankfurt
    • Icon Museum (Frankfurt am Main) Foundation Dr. Schmidt-Voigt
    • Jewish Museum Frankfurt
    • Liebieghaus - Museum of old plastic
    • Museum of Applied Arts (Frankfurt) (MAK), formerly the Museum of Arts and Crafts
    • Museum of Höchst History in the Höchst Castle
    • Museum for Communication (formerly: Postal Museum)
    • Museum of Modern Art (MMK)
    • Museum of World Cultures (formerly the Ethnographic Museum)
    • Museum Giersch (Museum of Regional Art)
    • Portico
    • Porcelain museum in the Höchst Porcelain Manufactory
    • Senckenberg Nature Museum
    • Stadtwerke Verkehrsmuseum Frankfurt am Main
    • Städel
    • Stoltze Museum
  • Friedrichsdorf
    • Seulberg local history museum
    • Philipp Reis House (Huguenot Museum)
  • Hanau
    • Wilhelmsbad castle ruins
    • German goldsmith's house
    • Mittelbuchen local history museum
    • Hessian Forest Museum Alte Fasanerie
    • Hessian doll museum
    • Historical Museum Hanau Philippsruhe Castle
    • Museum Railway Hanau e. V.
    • Grossauheim Museum
    • Steinheim Castle Museum
    • Neustadt town hall
    • PAPER THEATER MUSEUM in Philippsruhe Castle
    • Philippsruhe Castle
    • Wilhelmsbad
  • Hochheim
    • Otto Schwabe Museum
  • Hofheim am Taunus
    • City Museum Hofheim am Taunus
  • Karben
    • Agricultural and local museum
  • Kelkheim (Taunus)
    • Museum Kelkheim - Collection for furniture craft and city history
    • Technikum 29, Museum for Calculators, Computers and Communication Technology
  • Königstein im Taunus
    • Castle and City Museum
  • Kriftel
    • School museum in the Main-Taunus-Kreis
  • Kronberg im Taunus
    • Museum at Kronberg Castle
    • Museum of the Kronberg painters' colony in the Streitkirche
    • Fritz Best Museum, Talweg 41
    • Braun Museum, Westerbachstr. 23c
  • Neu-Anspach
  • Neu-Isenburg
    • Zeppelin Museum Zeppelinheim
  • Oberursel (Taunus)
    • City Archives
    • Vortaunus Museum
  • Offenbach am Main
    • Büsing Palais
    • German Leather Museum
    • Klingspor Museum
    • House of City History
    • Isenburg Castle
    • Lili temple
    • Rumpenheim Castle
  • Rosbach
    • Local history museum in the defense tower
  • Wehrheim
    • Wehrheim City Gate Museum
  • Wiesbaden
    • Wiesbaden Museum and Nassau Antiquities Collection
    • Wiesbaden City Museum
    • District museums
    • Women's Museum Wiesbaden
    • Harlequineum (Laughter Museum)
    • Roman open air museum
    • German-Jewish Museum
    • Nassau Art Association
    • Museum for German Television History
    • Freudenberg Castle
    • Wiesbaden district museums
      • Biebrich local history museum
      • Bierstadt local history museum
      • Local history museum Delkenheim
      • Dotzheimer Museum
      • Erbenheim local history museum
      • Museum Castellum Mainz-Kastel
      • Local history museum Kloppenheim
      • Kostheim Local History Museum
      • Medenbach Local History Museum
      • Local history museum Naurod
      • Heimatmuseum Nordenstadt
      • Schierstein local history museum
      • Museum keep of Sonnenberg Castle
      • Karlovy Vary Archive and Museum

Central Hesse

  • Bad Nauheim
    • Rose Museum Steinfurthh
    • Salt Museum
    • Selection sculpture park
  • Biebertal
    • Museum KeltenKeller
  • Biedenkopf
    • Biedenkopf Castle with the hinterland museum
    • Schartenhof Eckelshausen,
    • Wallau village museum
    • Engelbach village parlor
    • private [Holder Museum
  • Breitscheid (Hesse)
    • Breitscheid Pottery Museum
  • Büdingen
    • Heuson Museum in the historic town hall
    • Castle Museum
    • Model making museum in the Oberhof
    • 50s-Years museum
    • Sand rose museum in the Untertor
    • Butcher Museum in the Schlaghaus
  • Butzbach
    • Butzbach local history museum
  • Dautphetal
    • Local museum Old church in Friedensdorf
    • Local museum Old Town Hall in Buchenau
    • Local museum Backes Stibbcher in Dautphe
  • Friedberg (Hesse)
    • Adolfsturm - In the castle
    • Burggarten - In the castle
    • Judenbad
    • Art Association Friedberg
    • City Church - Wolfengasse
    • Wetterau Museum
  • to water
    • Liebig Museum
    • Mathematikum
    • Upper Hessian Museum
  • Glauberg
    • Glauberg Museum
  • Greifenstein
    • German Bell Museum
  • Limburg on the Lahn
    • Limburg Cathedral
    • Art collections of the city of Limburg
    • Staurothek, Cathedral Treasury and Diocesan Museum with the Limburg Staurothek
    • Marine Museum Limburg
    • Mission Museum of the Pallottines
  • Marburg
    • 1. German Police Oldtimer Museum
    • Childhood and School Museum
    • Art hall of the Marburger Kunstverein
    • Museum Anatomicum
    • Mineralogical Museum
    • Religious collection
    • University Museum of Fine Arts
    • University Museum of Cultural History
  • Nidda
    • Nidda local history museum
  • Niddatal
    • Niddatal Castle Museum
  • Ortenberg
    • Ortemberg Castle Museum - museum in the castle
  • Villmar
    • Lahn Marble Museum
  • Wetzlar
    • City and Industry Museum
    • Lottery House
    • Jerusalem House
    • Palais Papius with the Irmgard von Lemmers-Danforth collection
    • Reich Chamber Court Museum
    • Viseum - in the house of optics precision mechanics
    • Collection of historical microscopes Ernst Leitz
    • Wetzlar toy and doll museum
  • Weilburg
    • Mining and City Museum
    • German construction machinery model museum in the Gaudernbach district
    • Weilburg Castle

East Hesse

  • Echzell
    • Echzell local history museum
  • Fulda
    • German Fire Brigade Museum
    • Cathedral Museum
    • Recorder world of experience
    • Ferdinand Braun Collection
    • Historic rooms in the city palace
    • University and State Library
    • Children's Academy Fulda
    • Museum Schloss Fasanerie
    • planetarium
    • Vonderau Museum
  • Poppenhausen (Wasserkuppe)
    • Sieblos-Museum (paleontological-geological museum)
  • Wasserkuppe
    • German Glider Museum
  • Herrings
    • Werra Potash Mining Museum

North Hesse

  • kassel
    • Fridericianum
    • State Museums of Kassel
      • Wilhelmshöhe Castle in the Wilhelmshöhe Mountain Park
        • Collection of antiquities
        • Old Masters Picture Gallery
        • Graphic collection
      • New gallery
      • Hessian State Museum
        • Prehistory and early history
        • Crafts and plastics
        • Folklore
        • German Wallpaper Museum
      • Orangery with a museum for astronomy and the history of technology
      • Wilhelmsthal Castle
    • Natural History Museum
    • Ottoneum
    • city ​​Museum
    • Brothers Grimm Museum Kassel
    • Louis Spohr Memorial and Research Center
    • Museum for Sepulchral Culture
    • Caricatura
    • House of poets Brückner-Kühner
  • Schwalmstadt
    • Trutzhain Memorial and Museum
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