Leine-Heide-Radweg - Leine-Heide-Radweg

The Leine-Heide-Radweg accompanies the river Leine from its source in Leinefelde in Thuringia Goettingen up to its confluence with the Aller Schwarmstedt (in the north of Hanover). From there the route leads over the Lueneburg Heath to the Hanseatic city Hamburg.

Leine-Heide-Radweg Logo 323-Zh.jpg

The former Leine cycle path has been integrated into the Leine-Heide cycle path.

Route profile

Map of the Leine-Heide-Radweg
Sometimes the bike path is just a very narrow path like here at Grindau south of Schwarmstedt.
  • Length: 410 km
  • Signposting: Regularly with a few gaps, sometimes still signposted as a Leine cycle path. In Thuringia only sparse (as a Leine cycle path), then getting better. Inadequate signage in the Hamburg area, where you can orientate yourself using the signs for the Hamburg - Bremen cycle path (signposted HH - HB, red on white).
  • Slopes: Rather little, a few inclines in the Leinebergland, from Buchholz a few short steep inclines on partially soft sandy paths.
  • Path condition: Very changing, many farm roads (concrete slabs, not infrequently with a lot of frost cracks), many sand, forest and gravel paths. At harvest time, the farm roads are heavily soiled in places, which, in contrast to the public road network, are seldom cleaned or not cleaned at all. Many farm roads are owned by farmers, so using them as cycle paths is just a concession from agriculture that does not give cyclists a priority.
  • Traffic load: Occasionally next to or on main roads (district roads), often farm roads. Since the route leads through the middle of heavily used agricultural areas on farm roads, many agricultural vehicles can be expected at harvest time, which should be given right of way.
  • Suitable bike: Touring bike with slightly wider tread tires, as there are also soft or coarse gravel paths and many sandy paths in the Lüneburg Heath area. Most of the Leine-Heide cycle path is not suitable for racing bike tires!
  • Family suitability: Limited suitability for families, self-driving children should be safe in traffic, as there are always longer sections along country roads without bike paths. This route in the southern section is recommended almost without restriction for child trailer teams, as there are relatively few inclines (from Alfeld), north of Hanover there are some sections with narrow paths that are very difficult to drive for three-lane teams. At the southern city limits to Hanover it can be difficult in sections. Some sections (north of Buchholz) are demanding for smaller children in terms of gradients and the nature of the path.
  • Inline suitability: Very limited.


The Leine-Radweg, which originally ended in Verden, has been given an extended route under the new name Leine-Heide-Radweg over the Lüneburg Heath to the Hanseatic City of Hamburg and is now 410 km long.

Apart from the first 30 km in Thuringia, the cycle path leads once from south to north through Lower Saxony before entering the Hamburg area in the Harburg mountains. On this route, cyclists get to see a cross-section mainly through the agricultural and heathland regions of Lower Saxony. While you cycle to the north of Hanover through largely agriculturally used areas that have no pronounced tourist orientation, this changes at the latest from the confluence of the Leine into the Aller near Schwarmstedt, where it now goes into the heath, which gives this cycle path its name . There, too, one always remains connected to agriculture and especially its farm roads, but heather areas increasingly accompany cyclists on their way.

The Leine-Heide cycle path does not offer any spectacular landscapes and certainly does not have the appeal of its "big brother", which is usually only 20 to 30 km further west Weser cycle path, which also runs in a south-north direction. In contrast to the Weser Cycle Path, on the Leine-Heide Cycle Path, even in the high season, there is seldom the risk of only moving forward in columns of cyclists. The Leine-Heide-Radweg is particularly recommended for cyclists who are planning a north-south or south-north crossing of Germany, here the bike path is almost on the ideal line between Garmisch-Partenkirchen and Flensburg.


A tour on the Leine-Heide-Radweg usually requires little preparation. Having a bike path map or a GPS track with you doesn't hurt, even if the signs are usually good. Arrival and departure is usually also possible without any problems. There are many connections to regional transport along the entire route, so there is no need to pre-book bicycle parking spaces. Only those who come from further away to the starting point Leinefelde wants to arrive, this may have to be planned a bit in advance, as one would also from Hamburg For a return trip, you may need a bicycle parking space reservation for long-distance traffic.

If you want to stay overnight in inns / hotels, you have a large selection in tourist regions such as the Lüneburg Heath. Some other areas of the very rural route, however, are not yet very well developed for tourism, so that one should take care of the accommodation for the coming night in good time during the day.

Cyclists with tents should research thoroughly in advance, there are only a few campsites on the route in some sections, and often several kilometers have to be deviated from the route for a campsite. Occasionally, hay hotels can be an alternative.

getting there

Public transportation

Some of the small Leine springs that flow together from different gardens in Leinefelde.

The official starting point in Leinefelde is among other things with the regional train from Göttingen or from the direction Gera and Weimar easy to reach. If you want to get on the route in other places or want to drive in the opposite direction, you will find numerous train stations on the route, which is almost continuously accompanied by railway lines.

  • IC train stations: Göttingen, Hanover, Hamburg-Harburg, Hamburg Hbf (reservation required).
  • RegionalExpress train stations from south to north are Leinefelde, Heilbad Heiligenstadt, Friedland, Göttingen, Nörten-Hardenberg, Northeim (Han), Einbeck-Salzderhelden, Kreiensen, Freden (Leine), Alfeld (Leine), Banteln, Elze (Han), Nordstemmen , Sarstedt, Hannover Hbf, Neustadt am Rübenberge, Schwarmstedt, Hodenhagen, Bad Fallingbostel, Walsrode, Soltau, Schneverdingen, Buchholz (Nordheide), Hamburg-Harburg, Hamburg Hbf.

By bicycle

Leinefelde is not connected to any other long-distance cycle path. in the Bike tour wiki you can find a non-signposted cross-connection Duderstadtwhere connection to the Weser-Harz-Heide-Radweg consists. In Heilbad Heiligenstadt there is a connection to the long-distance cycle path network through the Unstrut line cross connection to the Unstrut cycle path.

In the street

To arrive by car to Leinefelde: see the travel information in the local travel guide.

Route description with sights

Leinefelde - Göttingen approx. 52 km

This stage runs to Kirchgandern in Thuringia. The first narrow Leine valley widens significantly in Lower Saxony.

  • 1 Leinefelde
Coming from the train station you can reach the Leinequellen via Johann-Carl-Fuhlrott-Straße. Along the little Josef-Heike-Weg you can see the many small springs that come from several cottage gardens and flow together to form the Leine, which is still very small here. Via Leinestrasse, Hundeshagener Strasse, turn left into Lindenweg and then left into Beurenweg. To the right of the railway line, you now drive on an asphalt farm road, first in the immediate vicinity, then a little further away on the railway line out of town towards the west.
  • 2 Wingerode
  • 3 Soil clearing with cyclist church.
  • 5 Uder, Rail connection.
  • 6 Arenshausen
  • 7 Kirchgandern
  • 2 Niedergandern
Camping ground in about 2 km west of Niedergandern Reiffenhausen.
In Friedland turn left from the cycle path on the Leine into the village, over the level crossing, turn right at the roundabout. Now you drive directly past the border transit camp, which was first for German refugees, then for prisoners of war soldiers since 1945, and which is still the first place to stay in Germany for refugees from many parts of the world. Worth seeing in Friedland is the war return memorial on the hill above the city (turn left at the roundabout) or the return bell in the border transit camp.
From Friedland on the right-hand accompanying cycle path on the country road to Klein Schneen.
  • 9 Little snow
Turn right in the center of the village. At the end of the village, switch to the cycle path on the left, on this to Obernjesa.
At the intersection in the center of the village, turn left, at the second following intersection, turn right towards Göttingen. Turn right into Drammestrasse, through the old village in a zigzag to a small, barred level crossing, which you can Not crossed, but straight ahead following the coarse gravel dirt road next to the railway line. At the end, cross the cross-country road, continue to the right on the accompanying cycle path over the level crossing, then turn left onto a farm road. Follow this, several temporarily closed barriers have to be passed, the narrow possibilities to bypass are more difficult, but feasible for child trailers and trikes. At the third barrier, the signs lead to the left to a traffic light across the country road, there follow the signs. Alternatively, follow the farm road over a (further) barrier straight ahead, at its end turn left onto a narrow path, at the end turn right onto the bike path and continue to follow the signs (shorter and nicer to drive). From the street on which you are now, the signs lead you after a short time to the right again into the fields, Göttingen already appears in the background.
Leineauen in Göttingen
University city with a lively old town. First through the local recreation area "Kiessee" (many pedestrians), then on a partly paved, partly gravel bike path directly on the leash through the Leineauen, without seeing much of the city itself. Cycle paths to the center are signposted at several points from the Leineradweg.

Göttingen - Einbeck-Salzderhelden approx. 38 km

On the Leineradweg on the northern outskirts of Göttingen, on the forest slope in the background Plesse Castle.

We follow the leash on the left bank, all road bridges have underpasses for cyclists. The cycle path leads directly to Göttingen over a small pedestrian bridge that has only narrow sliding lanes and is completely unsuitable for (children's) trailers or trikes. The alternative is the unpaved path on the left bank of the river. At the next bridge, the path follows the railway line a little to the east, in order to then pass under it. From there the bike path continues to

  • 12 Bovenden - In Bovenden the bike path leads through the old village. The driveway to Plesse Castle is possible and signposted.
  • 13 Norten-Hardenberg Railway connection to the Hanover Southern Railway, usually hourly connections. After a short climb, the bike path meets a main road. To the train station we go right along, to the left we follow the Leine-Heide-Radweg. We follow the main road for a few hundred meters. Behind the underpass the path leads to the right and follows the leash to Northeim.
Worth seeing old town, city wall, St. Sixti. Railway connection to the Solling Railway. However, the cycle path only passes the very edge of the city, so you have to leave it for a visit.
  • Northeimer Seenplatte - Quarry ponds with bathing facilities, nature reserve.
  • 3 Hollenstedt
At the end of the village there is a bird watching tower right next to the bike path, from which you can see numerous water birds in the adjacent European bird sanctuary Leash able to see. Here, in the lower part of the observation tower, there is a roofed open space that allows you to rest - protected from both rain and sun.
  • 4 Stockheim
  • 5 Over it
In the small village, which possibly owes its name to its location "over it" above the Leine, protected from flooding on a hill above today's flood retention basin, a typical rural specialty, a milk house, is ideal for a break:
  • 1  Wiebke's milk house, Unterdorf 13. Tel.: 49 (0)5561 3199 166, Email: . Cafe in a converted garage with home-baked cakes and home-made ice cream.Open: March Sa Su 1 p.m. - 5 p.m., Apr. Mo-Fr 1 p.m. - 8 p.m., Sa Su 11 a.m. - 8 p.m., May - Aug. Mo-Su 11 a.m. - 8 p.m., Sept. Mo-Fr 1 p.m.-8 p.m., Sa Su 11 a.m. 8 p.m., Oct. Mon-Fri 1 p.m. to 6 p.m., Sat Sun 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., Nov. - 3rd Advent Sat Sun 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
  • 6 Sulbeck - A short detour from the bike path leads to the historic salt works.
Flatly Salt and castles
Signs in Salzderhelden
Railway connection to the Hanover Southern Railway, usually hourly connections.
The bike path leads west past Salzderhelden. But if you want to visit the old saltworks and the ruins of the Heldenburg or take a break in the castle tavern at the foot of the castle above the village, turn off at the first intersection in the direction of Salzderhelden; on the right hand side is the saltworks.
If you continue to follow the cycle path, you will soon find another detour: the old town of Einbeck can be via the signposted Europe cycle route R1 can be reached after 4 km.
  • Einbeck - Worth seeing historic half-timbered old town, bicycle museum in the city museum.
    • Bicycle circular routeSalt and castles: Either follow these signs from Salzderhelden or drive south in Einbeck from the old town hall through Benser Straße to Hohen Weg, there is an information board. 27 km are signposted and lead past the following sights: Diekturm, Rotenkirchen, Saline Sülbeck, flood retention basin, Saline Salzderhelden, Heldenburg.

Einbeck-Salzderhelden - Nordstemmen approx. 62 km

  • Bad Gandersheim - about 8 km off the track; A detour to spend the night is possible, there is also a campsite here.
  • Kreiensen - regional rail hub; Connections to the Weser and towards Goslar / Braunschweig.
  • pumped storage power plant near Erzhausen - Seltersklippen.
  • Alfeld (leash) - Place worth seeing - The cycle route changes over the Leinebrücke.
In Brüggen, turn left from the through-town into Markstrasse in the direction of Schloss / Rittergut. In front of the castle, turn right into Schlossstrasse, then left into "Im Winkel". Follow the path out of the village by bending. After a short time, the river Laake accompanies the cycle path, later you cycle in an elevated and shady position on the poplar-covered one Laakedamm slightly elevated through the fields to Gronau. Shortly before Gronau, turn right on a farm road away from the dam, then left on a farm road into the city.
You get to Gronau via Breite Straße, but after a short time you turn back into a small park that leads to the Leine weir and the rest of the medieval city fortifications - wall and tower - located there. An information board provides information about the Gronauer ZeitUfer and the history of the city. Over the Burgstrasse - on the right hand side is the cath. St. Josef Church - you get to the medieval city center. If you turn left onto the main street, you will find the Evangelical St. Matthew Church - again on the right.
At the market turn right and then left into Blanke Straße, shortly afterwards you leave the old town center by crossing the first Leine bridge, followed shortly afterwards by the second Leine bridge, before it climbs slightly out of the village. Once at the top - right at the last houses - turn right into the farm road towards Elze.
Follow the farm road to the intersection, then turn left and right at the end of this path; you are now on the route of the old federal road. Follow this to the railroad crossing with gates, which you have to announce at the push of a button. After the level crossing, turn left up onto the street, then follow it into Elze.

Hildesheim junction approx. 12 km one way

  • Hildesheim - official junction, definitely worth it (approx. 12 km, easy).

Nordstemmen - Hanover approx. 33 km

  • Sarstedt · Lies to the east of the long-distance cycle path.
  • Pattensen · Lies to the west of the long-distance cycle path.
  • Laatzen · Lies to the east of the long-distance cycle path.
  • Döhrener Mühle (City of Hanover)
  • Maschsee - A recreational lake created by forced laborers in the middle of Hanover between 1934 and 1936.
  • Hanover - State capital with many sights.
    • Herrenhausen Gardens

Hanover - Neustadt approx. 31 km

  • Seelze · is located south of the long-distance cycle path.
  • Garbsen · is north of the long-distance cycle path, there is a campsite not far from the route.
  • Ricklingen Castle

Neustadt - Bad Fallingbostel approx. 64 km

Shortly before Neustadt, you have to make the decision between two options directly before crossing under the B 6: If you follow the straight path leading to the left (i.e. west) along the B 6 (with cycle path signs), you will come directly to Neustadt ( and also drives close to the leash). However, this route is really single-lane, sometimes a very narrow path and by no means suitable for child trailers or trikes. If you follow the other cycle path signs along the road and under the B 6, you drive around the center of Neustadt, you get ahead faster, but you also miss a nice little town.
  • Neustadt am Rübenberge - If you have made a detour into the city center, then follow the Herzog-Erich-Allee, then the Mecklenhorster Straße heading eastwards and meet the bike path on the outskirts, turn left here. On a quiet side road it goes to Suttorf, which is driven through on the eastern edge. Continue on farm roads or side roads via Basse and Wulfelade to Evensen. There is a small cafe in the manor there, where you can stay overnight in a guest room, hay hotel or in your own tent.
  • Mandeloh - Amedorf and Mandeloh, two almost merged villages with an agricultural character, will be passed through. In Mandeloh you pass the St. Osdag Church, which is open for sightseeing during the day. Benches in front of the church also allow you to take a break.
  • Ahlden (Aller) with Ahlden Castle, today an important art auction house, a beautiful old town center and a campsite right on the Old leash, which was actually once an allergy. A (very) small supermarket enables stocks to be replenished.

Bad Fallingbostel - Schneverdingen approx. 46 km

Schneverdingen - Buchholz approx. 51 km

Buchholz - Hamburg approx. 41 km


References to literature and maps

  • Info flyer 2.6 MB
  • bikeline bike tour book Leine-Heide-Radweg · ISBN 978-3-85000-040-6 Price: € 12.90 Esterbauer-Verlag www.esterbauer.com
  • Cycling map of the Leine-Heide cycle path ISBN 978-3-89920-494-0 · Price: € 8.95 · Publicpress Publikationsgesellschaft · www.publicpress.de

Web links

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