Trendelburg - Trendelburg

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Trendelburg Castle

Trendelburg is a small town with seven districts and two hamlets in North Hesse in Germany, more precisely in District of Kassel, formerly in Hofgeismar district. The city is named after the well-preserved castle of the same name from the 13th century and is located at the Diemel crossing on the old Bremer Straße trade route.

A district of Trendelburg is Gottsbüren, an old place of pilgrimage in Reinhardswaldwhere the holy body of Christ is said to have been found in the 14th century and laid out in the local church. This led to numerous pilgrimages and not inconsiderable income for the economic area around Gottsbüren.


Distances as the crow flies
Bad Karlshafen coat of arms.pngBad Karlshafen8 kilometers
Coat of arms Hofgeismar.svgHofgeismar9 km
City coat of arms of the city of Warburg.svgWarburg21 km
Coat of arms Höxter.svgHöxter23 km
DEU Hann. Muenden COA.pngHann. Münden24 km
Coat of arms of Kassel, svgkassel29 km
Bad Driburg coat of arms round shield.svgBad Driburg33 km
DEU Goettingen COA.svgGoettingen34 km
Map of Trendelburg

From the city's history

Trendelburg in the Topographia Hassiae by Matthäus Merian, 1655
Historical map of the Hofgeismar district (1905)

Trendelburg was located on the Diemelfurt of the Bremer Straße, which was already important in the Middle Ages, and was in the 13th century by Konrad III. v. Schöneberg founded. The nearby village already existed before that Trend between today's Trendelburg and Sielen, of which only the tower of the Infirmary Church testifies today.

One of the first documentary mentions dates back to 1303, in which the town and castle as Trindirberg are designated. After Trendelburg was pledged to Hesse in 1305, the city finally became part of Hesse in 1429. After fires in 1443 and 1456, great devastation followed in the fighting with the diocese of Paderborn in 1462/71. More severe city fires followed in 1637 and 1868.

In contrast to the Trendelburg, which was only founded in the 13th century, the trend founded between the 9th and 11th centuries no longer exists today. As a result of devastating epidemics such as the plague, Trende became desolate, as did the smaller villages of Sulten and Exen, which are also near Trendelburg.

In the 18th century, ten Protestant families from the Trier diocese settled in Friedrichsfeld, named after Landgrave Friedrich II. They were persecuted and had to flee from the area around Limburg an der Lahn because of their beliefs.


Trendelburg in the Kassel district
View over the Diemel to the Trendelburg

In addition to the core city, Trendelburg includes the following districts and hamlets, sorted alphabetically:

  • 1 Deisel - Located in the lower Diemel valley, Deisel is one of the oldest settlement areas in the region. The place, in which around 1000 inhabitants live today, was first mentioned in a document around the year 1005/06. The late medieval village church was built between 1512 and 1516; the townscape is characterized by baroque half-timbered buildings in the Diemel-Saxon style that are up to 300 years old. Deisel can be reached by bus from Trendelburg 180, 181 and 523 or by car via the federal highway B83.
  • 2 Eberschütz - Eberschütz was first mentioned in a document, today with about 550 inhabitants, 1047 as Rubble, as King Henrich III. gave his royal estate there to the Paderborn church. From 1544 Eberschütz became a Hessian customs post, in the 18th and 19th centuries the main line of business for the village population was linen weaving in addition to agriculture. The boar protectors bear the nickname Quaker after the many frogs in the surrounding Diemelau. From Trendelburg Eberschütz is via Sielen with the Bus route 140 or via the county road K 67 to reach.
  • 3 Exes - The hamlet of Exen is located on the site of a former important village, as in 1221 de Ekkesen and 1430 referred to as desolate. Only one sheepfold is shown in maps from 1705 and 1857. Today, a good 50 residents live in the small settlement, most of whom live from agriculture. Exen is not generated directly from the Bus route 181 approached the bus stop Hamlet of Exen is located on the state road L 763 at the junction of the access road.
  • 4 Friedrichsfeld - With around 175 inhabitants, Friedrichsfeld is located on a hill between Trendelburg and Gottsbüren. Friedrichsfeld was founded in a country devastated by the Seven Years' War as a colony for Protestant settlers from the region Limburg on the Lahn and was named after Landgrave Friedrich II of Hessen-Kassel. Based on originally ten families, 36 families lived in the place in the middle of the 19th century. Friedrichsfeld is with the Bus route 181 and the state road L 763 connected to the core city.
  • 5 Gottsbüren - The only one in the Reinhardswald The village with almost 800 inhabitants that still exists today was first documented in 856 in a deed of donation from Corvey Monastery as Buria mentioned; in 1020 the name becomes Gunnesburin called. By the miracle of one Blood host, the alleged find of the holy body of Christ, Gottsbüren became a place of pilgrimage in 1329. With the help of the economic upswing triggered by the numerous pilgrimages, the construction of the pilgrimage church for the large crowds of pilgrims began in 1331. Later lived the inhabitants of Gottsbürens, who got the nickname the donkey from agriculture and forestry, wood processing, pottery and organ building. Today you can reach Gottsbüren from Trendelburg either with the Bus route 181 or via the state road L 763 via Friedrichsfeld.
  • 6 Langenthal - The village with about 750 inhabitants is located at the upper end of an extensive valley floor, from which it also got its name, and was named in 1168 as Lankeldal created by the Helmarshausen monastery. After the 1171 was used as a Longa vallis named village became desolate in the meantime, it was not settled again until after 1518. Today Langenthal is widely known as Kesperndorf (cherry village) known and surrounded by agricultural areas with cherry trees and strawberry fields, as well as larger areas with limestone grasslands. Langenthal can be reached from Trendelburg by bus 180 and 181 or via the federal highway B83 and the county road K 72 about Deisel.
  • 7 Sielen - The place with a good 550 inhabitants is one of the oldest settlements in the Diemeltal and was first documented in 1015 as Silihem mentioned, but an urn cemetery discovered in 1950 already documents the settlement in the Hallstatt period around 1000 BC. After the place belonged to the Helmarshausen monastery in the meantime, the Brunswick Guelphs ruled at the beginning of the 13th century and later the noblemen of Eberschütz and Schöneberg over Sielen, before the village finally passed into Hessian ownership in the 15th century. In the Thirty Years War, Sielen was destroyed and rebuilt. From Trendelburg, Sielen is with the Bus route 140 or via the county road K 67 to reach.
  • 8 Come - Stammen was first mentioned in a document, today with a little under 400 inhabitants, around the year 1000 in an inventory of the Corvey monastery as Stannern. In the Vita Minwerci, the place is named around 1015 Steinnem called. Subsequently, Stammen was owned by the Counts of Northeim, the Lippoldsberg Monastery, the noblemen of Eberschütz and Schöneberg, the Counts of Braunschweig, the Hessian landgraves and finally up to the Napoleonic occupation in those of Pappenheim. The same name Castle Tribes today serves as a nursing home and retirement home. Coming is with the bus routes 180 and 523 or via the federal highway B83 accessible from the city center.
  • 9 Wülmersen - The hamlet of Wülmersen was first documented in 1108 as Wilmeressen mentioned when the bishop of Paderborn gave the table goods at the confluence of the Holzape into the Diemel to the Helmarshausen monastery. Over the centuries the village has changed names from Wylmerssen above Wilmarsen to Wulmersen. After being divided in 1956 for agricultural settlement purposes, the medieval property fell into disrepair for 30 years until the now heavily dilapidated complex was secured and rebuilt in 1987. Wülmersen can be reached by bus from Trendelburg 180 and 523, which stop at the junction of the access road, or via the federal road B83 to reach.

getting there

Half-timbered house in the old town of Trendelburg
Diemel Bridge and Trendelburg in the 19th century

By plane

Trendelburg keep in the 19th century

Hölleberg airfield

View of Trendelburg in the Diemeltal

The 1 Hölleberg airfieldHölleberg airfield in the Wikipedia encyclopediaHölleberg Airfield (Q20449578) in the Wikidata database(ICAO: EDVL) is a special landing site north of Trendelburg-Deisel and east of Trendelburg-Langenthal on the Hölleberg. The airfield operated by the air sports club Hölleberg has a 520 meter long grass runway in the 08/26 orientation. More information at

Kassel Airport

Diemeltal near Wülmersen

The Kassel-Calden Airport (IATA code KSF, ICAO code EDVK) is located around 18 kilometers south of Trendelburg and began operations as a regional airport on April 4, 2013. The paved runway (09/27) is 2500 m long and 45 m wide. From Kassel Airport, which has been Kassel-Calden Airport's own name since January 2015, it is currently mainly holiday flights that take off from the scheduled services Mediterranean area. Trendelburg can be reached by car from Kassel-Calden Airport via the federal highway B83 and with public transport via Grebenstein and Hofgeismar to reach. (

Paderborn-Lippstadt Airport

Marienkirche Trendelburg

The Paderborn Lippstadt Airport (IATA code PAD, ICAO code EDLP) is located about 56 kilometers west of Trendelburg and lies between the cities Paderborn and Lippstadt. The Paderborn-Lippstadt Aiport, as it is called, is used the most by the airlines Condor, also from the Lufthansa and other airlines. Trendelburg can be reached from Paderborn-Lippstadt Airport by car via the federal motorway A44 and with public transport via Warburg (Westf). (

By train

Pilgrimage church Gottsbüren

See also:Traveling by train in GermanySince the closure of the Carlsbahn between Hümme and Bad Karlshafen on September 27, 1986 Trendelburg no longer has its own train station. The next train stations are in Hofgeismar-Hümme on the railway line kassel-Warburg (Course book route 430) and in Bad Karlshafen at the Sollingbahn (Course book route 356), of which the Bus route 180 continues to Trendelburg.

By bus

Evangelical Church Langenthal

See also:With the public bus through GermanyTrendelburg is served by the four bus routes 140(Hofgeismar<>Trendelburg<>Liebenau<>Warburg), 180(Hofgeismar<>Trendelburg<>Bad Karlshafen), 181(Trendelburg <> Friedrichsfeld <> Gottsbüren) and 523(Trendelburg <> Helmarshausen <>Beverungen) approached, as well as Gottsbüren further from the Bus route 192(Hofgeismar<>Gottsbüren<>Upper Weser<>Wahlsburg) and Langenthal from the Bus route 533(Beverungen<> Langenthal <> stage). The first two bus lines also run on weekends and in the summer season with bike racks (maximum of five bikes). The two main bus stops are the 2 Bus stop Diemelbrückebus stopbus stopDiemel Bridge and the 3 Bus stop dearbus stopbus stoprather.

In the street

Evangelical Church Deisel with a newly designed village square

The federal road runs through Trendelburg and the districts of Stammen and Deisel B83 (Buckeburg-Bebra). The next motorway junctions are the Symbol: AS 66 Breuna the A44 (kassel-Dortmund), the Symbol: AS 77 Kassel North the A7 (Hanover-Wurzburg) and the Symbol: AS 4 Kassel-Waldau the A49 (kassel-to water). The continue German fairy tale route, the German half-timbered street and the Street of the Weser Renaissance through the urban area of ​​Trendelburg.

By bicycle

Evangelical Church Stems

See also:Cycle routes in HessenThe three long-distance cycle paths lead through Trendelburg Diemel cycle path, Hessian long-distance cycle route R4 and Fairyland cycle path, as well as by Gottsbüren and Wülmersen der Reinhardswald cycle path and by Deisel and Wülmersen die Monastery garden route. Other local bike paths connect the city center with the districts.

On foot

See also:Hiking routes in North HesseMost of the hiking trails pass through the Trendelburg urban area via Gottsbüren, such as the third and eleventh Hessenweg, marked (in this section) as Wildbahn (X 3), as well as the Weserberglandweg (XW) and the Märchenlandweg (M). While the Reinhardswald-Westweg (H) runs through the city center, the Fulda-Diemel-Weg (F) over the Langenthal district.

Tourist Attractions

Trendelburg Castle Guest House
Wülmersen moated castle

More pictures of many sights can be found in the city map linked by the colored poi's.

Sacred buildings

Castle Tribes
North portal of the Deiseler Tunnel

Marienkirche Trendelburg

The 1 Marienkirche Trendelburg was built in 1458 in the late Gothic style; For centuries it was the hereditary burial of the von Stockhausen family. The wall paintings that have been uncovered today are worth seeing, including the motifs of Chistophorus or the adoration of the baby Jesus by the three wise men. Some of the church windows come from the Trendelburg artist Hans-Gottfried von Stockhausen, the font and altar plate from the church in the lost village of Trende in the Diemeltal. The Marienkirche Trendelburg is open during the day from April to September. bus stopbus stopDiemel Bridge and rather (Lines 140, 180, 181 and 523)

Pilgrimage church Gottsbüren

The 2 Pilgrimage Church of Gottsbüren was built in the years 1330/1331 in the Gothic style. That was preceded Miracle from Gottsbüren, the alleged find of the holy body of Christ, making Gottsbüren destination of pilgrims from all over Europe has been. Parts of the organ date from the 18th century, where organ concerts are held regularly. In March 2010, a smoldering fire that went unnoticed for hours resulted in significant property damage, after which the church was restored for a year. The Gottsbüren pilgrimage church is open during the day. bus stopbus stopSababurger Strasse (Lines 181 and 192)

Evangelical Church Langenthal

The 3 Evangelical Church Langenthal was built in 1556 in the baroque style using the remains of a chapel of the Helmarshausen monks and expanded to the east in 1678. The bell dates from 1621, the font from 1622, the pulpit from 1641 and the organ from 1967 by Euler. At the church there are also several baroque tombstones and a fountain from the monastic period with a depth of 24 meters. The key to the church is available on request. bus stopbus stopcenter (Lines 180, 181 and 533)

Evangelical Church Deisel

The 4 Evangelical Church Deisel was built from 1512 to 1516 and redesigned in baroque style in 1736, as well as provided with a west tower. Due to a lack of money, the village church was never completed as planned, only in a simplified form. In 1951, early modern (Reformation) paintings from 1560 were discovered, which were whitewashed and forgotten during the iconoclasm under Landgrave Moritz around 1605. Also worth seeing are the glass windows designed by Hans-Gottfried von Stockhausen in 1953; the organ with its classic prospect dates from 1830 by the Euler company. The Deisel Evangelical Church is open during the summer. bus stopbus stopVillage square (Lines 180 and 181)

Evangelical Church in Sielen

The 5 Evangelical Church in Sielen was built in 1838 as a hall church with a west tower and initially served as a place of refuge. The nave with excellent acoustics is the largest nave on the Diemel. The organ with seventeen sounding stops was built in the 1920s by Fa Euler from the previous organ from 1842/43. The Evangelical Church in Sielen is open during the day. bus stopbus stopcenter (Line 140)

Evangelical Church Eberschütz

The 6 Evangelical Church Eberschütz is of Romanesque origin, was rebuilt in 1520 as an extension of an old baptistery and later rebuilt several times, so that today only the lower floors of the tower are original. In the otherwise simply designed church, a modern altar window designed by E. Jakobus Klonk sets colorful accents; the organ with nine sounding registers comes from the 1960s by Fa Euler. The Evangelical Church Eberschütz is open during the day. bus stopbus stopRectory (Line 140)

Secular buildings

View into the crater lake of the wet cloudburst in summer 2009
Former Trendelburg station building

Trendelburg Castle

The 7 Trendelburg CastleTrendelburg Castle in the Wikipedia encyclopediaTrendelburg Castle in the media directory Wikimedia CommonsTrendelburg Castle (Q1014280) in the Wikidata database is a landmark of the city of Trendelburg and was built in the 13th century. After the end of the Thirty Years' War, Landgrave Carl expanded the Trendelburg into a fortified hunting lodge, and from the 19th century the castle complex was the seat of the Prussian Forestry Office. Since 1949 the castle has been home to a hotel with a restaurant as well as a branch of the local registry office. Today the castle courtyard and the reopened keep, also known as the Rapunzel Tower, are freely accessible every day from 11 a.m. Castle tours are offered by appointment. bus stopbus stopDiemel Bridge and rather (Lines 140, 180, 181 and 523)

Trendelburg town hall

The 8 Trendelburg town hall was built in 1582 as a half-timbered building with a Gothic entrance portal. It was created after Trendelburg was granted city rights in 1472 and several city fires raged in the city in the 15th century. The city's coat of arms and a sundial from the year it was built can be found on the facade, and not far from the town hall is the medieval city fountain with a depth of 80 meters. The town hall was extensively renovated and restored in 2011 and 2012. bus stopbus stopDiemel Bridge and rather (Lines 140, 180, 181 and 523)

Trendelburg Mill

The 9 Trendelburg Mill mit Mühlenkaffee is over 400 years old and has been expanded into an information center with the main topic "water" in recent years. In addition to the mill, the Trendelburg local history museum and a permanent exhibition of the Hessian Water Association Diemel can be visited, as well as the originally preserved Trendelburg sluice from the early 18th century located at the mill. This represents the only remaining ship lock on the Landgraf-Carl Canal and is one of the oldest locks in Hesse and Germany. The mill is open from May to September on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays from 1.30 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. or by appointment. bus stopbus stopDiemel Bridge (Lines 140, 180, 181 and 523)

Wülmersen moated castle

The 10 Wülmersen moated castle is a courtyard, the oldest buildings of which date from the 12th to 14th centuries. For centuries, Wülmersen was the seat of the von Stockhausen family, who cultivated large estates around the estate. The estate became a moated castle after the Thirty Years' War when the Holzape was led around the complex through moats. From 1956 to 1987 the buildings of the estate fell into disrepair before they were renovated on the initiative of the Kassel district. He now operates group accommodation in the moated castle for self-catering with an attached campground and that LandMuseum Wasserschloss Wülmersen. For more information, go to www.wasserschloss-wü The E-ON live Museum Wülmersen was closed in 2013. bus stopbus stopWülmersen junction (Lines 180 and 523)

Castle Tribes

The 11 Castle TribesCastle are in the encyclopedia WikipediaCastle Stammen (Q16294543) in the Wikidata database is a castle-like mansion built from 1766 to 1772 by Christoph Friedrich Rabe von Pappenheim and his wife Florentine Sophie Florentine Anna du Bos du Thil in the classicism style. A manor had existed in the same place as early as 1429. The manor house remained in the ownership of the builder’s family until 1946; it has served as a retirement and nursing home since the 1950s, while the annexed farm estate was expanded into a leisure facility from 1990 ( bus stopbus stopStem (B 83) (Lines 140, 180 and 523); the bus stopbus stoplock is currently not served.


The 12 Infirmary of the former village of Trende is located on the county road 67 between Trendelburg and Sielen. Only the late Romanesque west tower, which was used as an infirmary, has survived from the infirmary. From 1996 to 1998 the tower, which was in danger of collapsing, was secured by students from the architecture department of the University of Kassel and can now be visited again (not publicly); the covered gallery allows a view of the surrounding Diemelauen. The tower of the Siechenkirche can be viewed at the Trendelburg tourist office on request. bus stopbus stoprather (Lines 140, 180, 181 and 523)

Deiseler tunnel

The 4 Deiseler tunnelDeiseler Tunnel in the Wikipedia encyclopediaDeiseler Tunnel (Q16831001) in the Wikidata database at the Carlsbahn between Hofgeismar-Hümme and Bad Karlshafen, the oldest railway line in Hesse, was built from 1846 to 1847 and is therefore the oldest railway tunnel Hessen. With a length of 202 meters, a height of 6.05 meters and a width of 4.60 meters, the Deiseler Tunnel is one of the smaller rail tunnels. Since autumn 2014, the Deiseler Tunnel has been open to cyclists and hikers from April to October in the summer months and is freely accessible; in winter it is closed to protect the bats living in the tunnel. bus stopbus stopBremer Strasse (Lines 180 and 523)


The 13 Wet downpourWet cloudburst in the Wikipedia encyclopediaWet cloudburst (Q1457438) in the Wikidata database are two protected sinkholes in the forest on state road 763 between Trendelburg and Friedrichsfeld. During the Large or wet downpour, in which a small lake has formed, has a diameter of 150 m, a circumference of 470 m and a depth of 60 m Small or dry cloudburst 70 m wide and 23 m deep.The strange name of the two craters probably comes from the fact that they were formed during strong thunderstorms when the ground gave way. The two cloudbursts can be reached from a small parking lot on state road 763. bus stopbus stopHamlet of Exen (Line 181)

Eberschützer cliffs

The 14 Eberschützer cliffs are located south of Eberschütz on the northern edge of the Hofgeismar city forest. Presumably there was a pagan sacrificial site on limestone cliffs, and later a Carolingian rampart. Legend has it that St. Sturmius, a pupil of Boniface, held his first missionary sermon on the cliffs, including a memorial stone for the homily in 1997 Say of the green pilgrim's staff called, has set up. Today you have a beautiful view of the Diemeltal and Eberschütz from the cliffs, hiking trails lead up to them starting from Eberschütz or Hümme. bus stopbus stopRectory (Line 140)


Out and about in the Diemeltal between Trendelburg and Deisel


In addition to the long-distance hiking trails already mentioned in the Arrival section, several local long-distance and circular hiking trails run through the Trendelburg urban area, the latter starting from easily accessible hiking car parks, such as the Deiselberg hiking car park. Those are also recommended Eco paths North Hesse; runs through the Diemeltal Eco path Diemel and starting from Gottsbüren through the Reinhardswald the Eco path pilgrimage routes to the pilgrimage site Gottsbüren. A detailed hiking map can be found linked through the colorful Poi's, simply select Hiking at the top right. More information also on


Run through the urban area of ​​Trendelburg next to the Hessian long-distance cycle route R4 , the Diemel cycle path, the Fairyland cycle path and the Reinhardswald cycle path also several local bike paths. The so-called Trendelburg city bike paths However, they often run over bumpy gravel paths or longer over roads, furthermore the signage is partly in a bad condition and out of date. If you don't want to get lost, it is best to print out the map linked by the colorful Poi's, in which all local cycle paths appear after clicking on the Cycling box in the top right corner. Further information (with incorrect routes) is also available

Water hiking

The Diemel running through Trendelburg is between Liebenau-Haueda and Bad Karlshafen Passable by canoe, there are only barrages or weir systems that have to be carried around at Eberschütz, Trendelburg and Wülmersen. In Trendelburg, guided canoe tours or boat rentals are offered at several locations. Since the Diemel can only be used by a limited number of boats for nature conservation reasons, you have to register free of charge beforehand (Information regional council Kassel). More information also on


Trendelburg outdoor pool

1  Trendelburg outdoor pool, Zur Abgunst 28, 34388 Trendelburg (bus stopbus stopschool (Lines 180 and 181)). Tel.: (0)5675 808. The Trendelburg outdoor pool has a heated swimming pool (24 ° Celsius), divided into a swimmer and a non-swimmer area. There are also 1-meter and 3-meter diving towers and a water slide, as well as a shady lawn around the swimming pool.Open: Pre- and post-season: Mon-Fri: 12:30 pm to 7:00 pm; Sat, Sun, public holidays: 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. High season (July 27, 2015 to August 30, 2015): Mon-Sun: 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.Price: Adults: € 3.50, children and young people: € 2.00.

To run


The Hellberglauf is annually from TSV 1911 Langenthal organizes and leads from the center of Langenthal over the Hölleberg once around the airport of the same name. A 400 meter (Bambini), a one kilometer (pupil) and a 5.4 kilometer (main run) route is offered. The city championship of the city of Trendelburg will be held at the same time as the Hölleberglauf. The Hölleberglauf is a valuation run of the Reinhardswaldcup, a series valuation of several independent fun runs.


  • 1  EDEKA buy new Müller, Karlshafener Strasse 15, 34388 Trendelburg. Tel.: (0)5675 7210892, Fax: (0)5675 7210893. The Edeka-Markt Frank Müller was built in the last few years at the northern exit of Trendelburg on the federal road 83 and is open Monday to Saturday from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
  • 2  Fish farm Dworak, Wülmersen 8, 34388 Trendelburg-Wülmersen. Tel.: (0)5675 395, Fax: (0)5675 9982, Email: . The Dworak fish farm has existed for over 200 years. Freshly caught smoked salmon and other types of fish can be purchased in the Wülmersen farm shop, which is open Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.


  • 1  Amthor Bakery, Zur Burg 6, 34388 Trendelburg. Tel.: (0)5675 356, Fax: (0)5675 5957, Email: . The Amthor bakery with café and pastry shop has existed since 1899 and has its main branch directly on the market square. The café attached there has 120 seats, as well as 20 additional seats on the terrace and a bowling alley. A particular specialty of the confectionery is, for example, the cherry cheese cake.
  • 2  Gasthof Zum Anker, Hofgeismarer Strasse 21, 34388 Trendelburg-Gottsbüren. Tel.: (0)5675 261, Fax: (0)5675 6131, Email: . The Gasthof zum Anker was first mentioned in a document in 1616 and received its unusual name from the hauliers who stop here halfway. Today there is a guest room for 20 people and a hall for 120 people.
  • 3  Gasthaus Jägerhof, At the facilities 18, 34388 Trendelburg-Langenthal. Tel.: (0)5675 322, Fax: (0)5675 720764. The Gasthaus Jägerhof is located in the center of Langenthal and, in addition to the restaurant, has 6 rooms with 11 beds and a bowling alley.

For more restaurants see the Accommodation section.


  • 1  Trendelburg campsite, Alte Mühle 10, 34388 Trendelburg. Tel.: (0)5675 301, Fax: (0)5675 5888, Email: . The Trendelburg campsite is located on the island of Mühlenanger and has 12,500 sqm divided into 90 parking spaces, as well as 20,000 sqm open meadow area.
  • 2  Hofgut Stamen, Schloßstraße 29, Trendelburg-Stammen. Tel.: (0)5675 725094, Fax: (0)5675 725095, Email: . The Stammen estate is located between the Stammen Castle and the Diemel. You can spend the night in a straw hotel / hay hotel, in bunk beds, in holiday apartments or on the tent meadow or the campsite.
  • 3  Country inn Textor, Friefrichsfelder Strasse 1, 34388 Trendelburg. Tel.: (0)5675 302, Fax: (0)5675 9336, Email: . The Landgasthaus Textor with a restaurant right next to the former train station has existed for over 450 years. The country-style rooms are equipped with satellite TV and shower / toilet.
  • 4  Brandner Inn, Am Rathaus 5, 34388 Trendelburg. Tel.: (0)5675 9778, Fax: (0)5675 720577, Email: . The Gasthaus Brandner with restaurant has existed for more than 120 years and is located directly opposite the town hall with 12 rooms for 28 people, equipped with satellite TV and shower / WV.
  • 5  Hotel Burg Trendelburg, Steinweg 1, 34388 Trendelburg. Tel.: (0)5675 9090, Fax: (0)5675 9362, Email: . The Hotel Burg Trendelburg with restaurant is one of the private hotels Dr. Rolf Lohbeck and is located directly in Trendelburg Castle a few meters east of the old town.

Practical advice

  • 1  Tourist information, Am Brunnen 6, 34388 Trendelburg. Tel.: (0)5675 749918, Email: . Every Friday at 1 p.m., guided tours through the old town with a length of 1.5 to 2 hours start at the tourist information office.

Web links

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