Franconian Switzerland - Szwajcaria Frankońska

Franconian Switzerland
Burgruine Neideck 05112008.JPG
Fraenkische Schweiz (Relief1) .png
Main information
Regional apples

Franconian Switzerland (not M: Fränkische Schweiz) - highlands in Franconia in Germany (Bavaria), forms the central part of the North Franconian Jury. In the south it becomes Hersbrucker Alb, in the west in Steigerwald, in the north of Haßberge, Obermainjur and Frankenwald and in the east v Fichtelgebirge, Oberpfälzer Hügelland and Oberpfälzer Wald.


Fränkische Schweiz is divided into the northern part and the southern part:


Fränkische Schweiz is made up of limestone hills from the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods. There are karst phenomena here, such as caves, rocks and valleys. Castles and strongholds were built on larger rocks in the Middle Ages. The main rivers are Wiesent and Pegnitz.


The climate is moderately warm. Unlike the nearby one Steigerwald but not suitable for planting vineyards.


Caves and fortified hills like Walberla they have been inhabited since prehistoric times. Then the Celts, Slavs and Franks came here. From the Middle Ages, the area was disputed between the bishopric Bamberg and burgraves Nuremberg from the Hohenzollern dynasty, who later became margraves Kulmbach/Bayreuth. The Hohenzollerns and their subjects took over the Lutheran confession, the Bamberg bishopric remained Catholic. To this day, it is easy to recognize to whom a given town belonged, checking what denomination the main parish church is.


The region is politically stable.


The region lives off tourism, beer brewing and Obstler distillation. The region is famous for its orchards and fruit, especially apples, cherries and cherries.


By car

Highways pass through the region A3 (southern edge), A70 (northern edge), A73 (west edge) i A9 (eastern edge) and federal roads B2, B22 and B470.


The main railroads run from Forchheim down Gößweinstein (historic line) and from Nuremberg to Gräfenberg. In the west there is a line z Erlangen down Bamberg, in the north a line from Bamberg to Bayreuth/Hofto the east of Bayreuth via Hersbruck to Nuremberg

By plane

The nearest airport is in Nuremberg.

By ship

The nearest river port is located in Bamberg. Further ports are located above:


North Fränkische Schweiz

South Fränkische Schweiz

Interesting places


The highest mountain in the Fränkische Schweiz is Kleiner Kulm near Pegnitz.


There are over 200 caves and grottos in Fränkische Schweiz.


There are over 200 castles and castle ruins in Fränkische Schweiz.


Dense network of drug, rails, bike tracks and trails.


Regional beers.


Franconian cuisine, fresh fish from the river Wiesent (trout) and nearby Aischgrund (carps). The number of small family breweries is very high. Almost every town has its own brewery, some even four. There are many orchards in the valleys and the locals process fruit and nuts into strong alcohols here called Obstler.


Agritourism, private accommodation, small family hotels.


The region is safe.


University hospitals are located in the nearby major cities: Erlangen, Bamberg and Bayreuth.


website, Oberes Tor 1, 91320 Ebermannstadt, Tel. 09191 861054, Fax -861058. opening hours: Mon - Thu 8-12 and 13-16, Fri 8-12