Cycle routes in Baden-Württemberg - Radrouten in Baden-Württemberg

The 17 official long-distance cycle routes in Baden-Württemberg, with a length of approx. 4000 km, are as diverse as the landscapes of the diverse federal state. Whether along the Rhine, Neckar or the upper one Danube - each of these rivers has its own character. The Lake Constance cycle path, which largely belongs to Baden-Württemberg, is also popular.

Fitness and mountain bikers come among others. in the Black Forest and on the Swabian Alb on your costs. Especially in the Black Forest there are many offers for "tight calves".

Long-distance cycle routes

Help for creating new cycle route articles:

  • Wikivoyage: skeleton for cycle routes - basic framework for cycle routes
  • Wikivoyage: specification for cycle routes - explanation of the basic structure
  • finished example: Fulda cycle path

Simply insert missing routes into the lists available here (definition of regional route: up to 150 km in length).

Regional routes

  • Celtic way - Approx. 30 km long bike and hiking path through the Strohgäu mainly on well-developed dirt roads to 9 sites from Celtic times
  • Southern Black Forest Cycle Route 270 km circular route from Hinterzarten via Titisee, Gutachtal to Lenzkirch. Continue on the "Bähnleradweg" partly over a former rail route to Bonndorf above the Wutach Gorge. From Grimmelshofen the cycle path leads through the Wutach valley to the Upper Rhine near Waldshut. Then follow the Rhine Valley Cycle Path to Basel, then drive north on the Rhine dam to Neuchâtel and via Freiburg to Kirchzarten. From here you can ascend the 500 meters to Hinterzarten with the Höllentalbahn. · Southern Black Forest Nature Park
  • Hiking trail - From the Neckar, about 30 km long railway cycle path from Mudau in the rear Odenwald via Mosbach (end of the Bahnstrasse) to Neckarelz on the Neckar. Most of the route is gravel. In Mudau you can still find a narrow-gauge locomotive as a memorial at the former terminus. The hiking railway is very suitable for a transition from the Neckar to the Main cycle path to Miltenberg in a south-north direction. The route climbs very gently (3% gradient) from 151 m in Mosbach to 456 m in Mudau (about the height of the pass between Neckar and Main). The entire cross-connection (with the Mudau - Miltenberg section) is in Bicycle travel wiki described (with route map).

MTB regions

Electric bike

Ride an e-bike in the southern Black Forest - Over the mountains at half speed, good concept, but hefty rental prices. One day costs 30, - €, each following day: 25, - €.

Bike transport

The regulations for bicycle transport by rail are very inconsistent in Baden-Württemberg. An overview map on explains the regional and route-related regulations (blocking times; chargeable yes / no). Overview map of BW bike transport by train.

Web links

Article draftThe main parts of this article are still very short and many parts are still in the drafting phase. If you know anything on the subject be brave and edit and expand it so that it becomes a good article. If the article is currently being written to a large extent by other authors, don't be put off and just help.