Hessian long-distance cycle route R6 - Hessischer Radfernweg R6

Cycle sign from the Hessian long-distance cycle route R6 at the Jagdschloss Platte

The Hessian long-distance cycle route R6 is a 404 km long cycle path between Diemelstadt-Wrexen (near Warburg) and Lampertheimthat once completely Hesse crossed from north to south. He does not always follow the course of the rivers through the larger river valleys, but collects especially in the Waldecker Land, in the Burgwald and in Taunus several meters in altitude, partly also on poorly navigable paths. If you have conquered the mountains, however, you will be rewarded with beautiful views.

Route profile

Historical map of the principality of Waldeck-Pyrmont (1905)
Historical map of Upper Hesse (1905)
Historical map of Rheinhessen (1905)
  • Length: At 404 km, the Hessian long-distance cycle route R6 is the second longest of the nine long-distance cycle routes in Hesse.
  • Signposting: The complete signage corresponds to the standard of the Hessian long-distance cycle paths. As a rule, the likelihood of getting lost is very low.
  • Slopes: The largest and longest inclines of the Hessian long-distance cycle route R6 can be found in the Waldecker Land, in the Burgwald and in Taunus. The highest point is near the Jagdschloss Platte north of Wiesbaden.
  • Path condition: For the most part, the Hessian long-distance cycle route R6 runs on asphalt paths (over 65%), but also over and over gravel paths, so that the cycle route is not always accessible by racing bike.
  • Traffic load: There are stages where you almost never have to drive on county or state roads, but there are also stages where you have to cycle on those for longer distances. Most of the time, these roads are rarely used by cars.
  • Suitable bike: Touring bike with a 7-speed gear hub is sufficient, but more gears are better. At some stages it can be helpful not to ride with the thinnest bicycle tires.
  • Family suitability: Most of the sections are also suitable for families with small children. For more detailed information, please refer to the route description for the individual stages.
  • Inline suitability: Unfortunately, the cycle route cannot be used continuously with inline skates or racing bikes. Longer paved sections are indicated in the route description.


The Waldecker Land is a region in the western North Hessewhich essentially represent the territories of the former principality Waldecks includes. This existed from 1349-1929, had an area of ​​1121 km² and 61,707 inhabitants (1910). The independent state Waldeck was called Grafschaft Waldeck from 1349 to 1712, Principality of Waldeck from 1712 to 1848, Principality of Waldeck-Pyrmont from 1848 to 1918, Free State of Waldeck-Pyrmont from 1919 to 1921 and Free State of Waldeck from 1921 until the dissolution in 1929. On April 1, 1929, the Free State of Waldeck was incorporated into Prussia as part of the Hesse-Nassau Province.

With Rhine valley in the name of the Hessian long-distance cycle route R6 is the Upper Rhine, a 350-kilometer section of the Rhine between Basel and Bingen am Rhein, meant. The Upper Rhine belongs orographically to the middle reaches of the Rhine and arose due to tensile stresses in the earth's crust and in the earth's mantle, which went hand in hand with the unfolding of the Alps around 35 million years ago as a 300 km long and 50 km wide rupture zone, called the Upper Rhine Rift, which was partially filled up again by sedimentation of the Rhine and its tributaries has been. At the edges of the Upper Rhine Rift, the so-called trench shoulders, known as Black Forest and Odenwald in the east and Vosges and Palatinate Forest West.

getting there

The Hessian coat of arms can also be found in the logo of the R6

With public transport

The Hessian long-distance cycle route R6 can be reached relatively easily by public transport. Here is a list of all train routes and bicycle buses in North Hesse, with which you can arrive and depart for a bike tour on the Hessian long-distance cycle route R6.

  • Railway line Schwerte (Ruhr) - Warburg (Westf) - On the Upper Ruhr Valley Railway, the Sauerland Express runs with class 612 and 628.4 railcars, in which you have to carry your bike up a few steps at the entrance and bicycles are very limited, especially on class 612 trains (max. Four bicycles per train ). Next is bicycle transport in the section Warburg-Marsberg (Hochstift tariff) the VPH chargeable (KBS 435).
  • Warburg - Sarnau railway line - Since the reactivation of the Lower Edertalbahn in September 2015, through trains have been running between Brilon and Marburg, as well as on the section as before Korbach-Volkmarsen continue after kassel. It's wrong Kurhessenbahn usually with barrier-free class 646 railcars (KBS 612 / KBS 622).
  • Railway line Kassel - Frankfurt am Main - On the Main-Weser-Bahn runs next to the RegionalExpress (RE), which does not stop everywhere kassel-Frankfurt am Main since December 2006 the Mittelhessen-Express between Treysa and Frankfurt am Main. You can take your bike with you within the RMV and des NVV free of charge (KBS 620).
  • Railway line Giessen - Fulda - On the Vogelsbergbahn, barrier-free regional trains (RB) run by the Hessische Landesbahn (HLB); instead of NVV the railway line is already completely part of the Rhein-Main-Verkehrsverbund (RMV). Incidentally, on the neighboring railway line Kirchhain – Burg- and Nieder-Gemünden (Ohmtalbahn), passenger traffic was discontinued on May 31, 1980, there are only occasional special trips to Nieder-Ofleiden (KBS 635).

In the route description, a timetable is always linked to the course book number (KBS). Further rail routes and bicycle buses to and from south of Central Hesse are listed in the section next.

By bicycle

All with the Hess. Cycle routes tangent to long-distance cycle route R6 are listed in the route description and are therefore not all mentioned again here. The Hesse cycle route planner be.

Route description

Panorama: You can scroll the picture horizontally.
Stadtpanorama von Warburg. Die Stadt liegt 15 km auf dem Diemelradweg flussabwärts von Diemelstadt-Wrexen und ist ein guter Ausgangspunkt für den Hessischen Radfernweg R6
Image: Stadtpanorama-Warburg-2013.jpg
City panorama of Warburg. The city is located 15 km on the Diemel cycle path downstream from Diemelstadt-Wrexen and is a good starting point for the Hessian long-distance cycle path R6
Diemelstadt - Bad Arolsen
Behind the federal highway 44 the view of Rhoden opens up

1st stage: Wrexen - Bad Arolsen: 18 km

The church ruins Alt-Rhoden
Rhoden Castle from the 17th century
The Bad Arolsen residential palace

The first stage of the Hessian long-distance cycle route R6 runs through the northernmost part of the Waldecker Lands continuously on asphalt farm roads and is therefore also suitable for racing bikes. The only tangential long-distance cycle path is that Diemel cycle path in Diemelstadt-Wrexen, otherwise only unmarked local cycle paths cross the Hessian long-distance cycle path R6. Sights along the route are the early baroque Rhoden Castle and the Arolsen residential castle from the 18th century, as well as the desolate medieval settlement Alt-Rhoden with preserved Romanesque church ruins a bit away from the bike route. For a detailed cycling map, please simply click on the POIs that will immediately direct you to the described position.

The meters in altitude in the direction of WrexenBad Arolsen around 280 m, in the opposite direction around 190 m.

  • 1 Wrexen (200 m) - The district of Diemelstadt until 1987 had its own train station on the Upper Ruhr Valley Railway, which was already in North Rhine-Westphalia lay (the place Wrexen is in Hesse). Today the bus routes operate instead 503 and 526 (with bike rack).
~ Fahrrad-Symbol 01 KMJ.png ~> Steep uphill out of the village you can reach the federal motorway 44 via asphalt farm roads, which you cross under the motorway service station and cycle west into Rhoden with a view of Rhoden Castle.
  • 2 Rhodes (270 m) - The district and administrative seat of Diemelstadt has around 2010 residents and two major attractions: Rhoden Castle from the 17th century in the center and the Romanesque church ruins of Alt-Rhoden north of Rhoden at the motorway exit. Rhoden is served by the bus routes 515 and 526 (with bike rack) approached.
~ Fahrrad-Symbol 01 KMJ.png ~> You leave Rhoden via county road 83 and cycle shortly after the exit of the town on asphalt farm roads through the hilly and mostly open landscape. From the Gashol settlement you drive parallel to federal highway 252 but at a distance from it before you cross under it and cycle north to Schmillinghausen.
  • 3 Schmillinghausen (230 m) - The district of just under 500 inhabitants Bad Arolsen is known through Christine Brückner, who was born in the rectory next to the church and her grave of honor in the city kassel can be visited at the local cemetery. The bus line stops in town 526 (with bike rack).
~ Fahrrad-Symbol 01 KMJ.png ~> You leave the village past the sports field in a southerly direction and first cycle on asphalt farm roads to the Schmillinghausen forest house, from which you then later drive on a separate, also asphalted footpath and bike path along the federal road 252.
  • 4 Helsen (270 m) - With a good 2105 inhabitants, Helsen is the third largest district Bad Arolsens and almost grown together with the city center. The palm altar of the Helser church, which was the court church of the ducal house until the middle of the 18th century, is worth seeing. Helsen is used by the bus routes 506 (with bike rack), 516 and 526 (with bike rack) served.
~ Fahrrad-Symbol 01 KMJ.png ~> The railway line is south of Helsen Warburg-Sarnau crosses and you continue on Rauchstraße to the church square, on which the city church is located. Who to the train station (KBS 612) With InfoPoint wants, follows Prof.-Bier-Straße.
  • 5 Bad Arolsen (290 m) - The small town with around 15,370 inhabitants was the residence of the Counts and Princes of Waldeck-Pyrmont from 1655 to 1918 and then the capital of the Free State of Waldeck until 1929. The train station can be found in the western part of the city InfoPoint of NVV on the railway line Warburg-Sarnau (KBS 612) from the Kurhessenbahn is served. In addition to the residential palace, which is well worth seeing, the Arolser general and livestock market known, which always takes place in the first week of August and is one of the largest folk festivals in North Hesse is. Often with a connection to the train station R4 the bus routes operate 397, 505 and 506 (both with bike rack), 516, 526 and 560 (both with bike rack).

2nd stage: Bad Arolsen - Waldeck: 36 km

Twistesee with dam and restaurant
Bad Arolsen - Waldecker Forest
On the riverside path along the Twistesee
Landau Castle from the 14th century
Waldeck Forest - Waldeck
The forest roads in the Waldecker Wald are usually easy to drive on
View from Kreisstraße 19 in the valley to the Reiherbachtalbrücke
The landmark of Waldeck is the castle-like castle Waldeck (also called Waldeck Castle)
The Affoldener See directly on the R6

The second stage of the Hessian long-distance cycle route R6 makes east of Bad Arolsen first a little detour over the Twistesee. If you already know this or want to cycle further south on a more direct route, you can alternatively follow the old route of the Hessian long-distance cycle route R6 via Mengeringhausen, over which the Orange bike route runs. However, this long-distance cycle path is only very poorly signposted and the winding ascent in the forest up to Volkhardinghausen is very steep and only gravel. Another option would be from the Twistesee on the Twiste cycle path drive through the Twist valley to Braunsen and further up to Volkhardinghausen (see map; signposted as the Waldecker Weg hiking route (W)), but here too you have to conquer a steep ascent. From Selbach, the Hessian long-distance cycle route R6 then runs together with the Ederseebahn cycle path on the former railway line of the railway line Wobble-Brilon Forest over the Selbacher Viaduct to the former Waldeck station. For a detailed cycling map, please simply click on the POIs that will immediately direct you to the described position.

The meters in altitude are in the direction of travel Bad Arolsen-Waldeck around 520 m and in the opposite direction around 530 m.

~ Fahrrad-Symbol 01 KMJ.png ~> You cycle downhill past the Residenzschloss on paved forest paths through the Kleine Arolser Holz to the Remmeker Feld settlement (to Bad Arolsen) and on the grounds of the Bad Arolsen golf course to the Twistesee. On the Riverside path you can reach the dam with restaurant (above the overflow funnel of the flood relief tower) and Wetterburg.
  • 1 Wetterburg - Twistesee (215 m) - The climatic health resort and district of around 870 inhabitants Bad Arolsen Wetterburg is located directly northwest of the Twistesee, which was built from 1971 to 1981 and is surrounded by a 7 km long foot and bike path (see Twiste cycle path). The bus routes operate in Wetterburg 505 and 560 (both with bike rack) and 516.
~ Fahrrad-Symbol 01 KMJ.png ~> One reaches the via the dam of the Twistesees Motorhome port Twistesee, from which you drive slightly downhill in a northerly direction on the access road through the Twist valley to state road 3080. If you follow the local R2 cycle path further north from here, you come to the Külte-Wetterburg demand stop (KBS 612), but the Hessian long-distance cycle route R6 first runs steeply uphill to Kreisstraße 6 and over this to Neu-Berich.
  • 2 New report (235 m) - The district of 235 inhabitants Bad Arolsen was created from 1910 to 1912 as the new home of the people who, due to the construction of the Edersee and the associated imminent flooding of their previous village of Berich had to relocate. The bus line stops twice a day in Neu-Berich 505 (with bike rack).
~ Fahrrad-Symbol 01 KMJ.png ~> Neu-Berich is left on Kreisstraße 6 in a southerly direction uphill; soon afterwards the Hessian long-distance cycle route R6 branches off from this and runs downhill past Hof Vahlhausen on an asphalt farm road through the Wattertal. Shortly before Landau, there is the ascent up to the village, which is above the Watter.
  • 3 Landau (300 m) - In the formerly independent city and today's district of Bad Arolsen live around 1090 inhabitants. The biggest sights are the Landau Castle, the town church, the half-timbered old town, the archway and the Landau water art right on the bike path. Landau is off the bus route 516 approached.
~ Fahrrad-Symbol 01 KMJ.png ~> Downhill past the Water art Landau and on operated with spring water Landau outdoor swimming pool you cycle back into Wattertal and on the other side you drive uphill on a gravel farm road into the Waldecker Forest. Via the Alte Wildunger Straße you can reach the French oak above Volkhardinghausen, where the district boundaries of the villages of Landau, Braunsen and Volkhardinghausen (all Bad Arolsen) and Elleringhausen (Twist valley) meet. Shortly behind the French oak, at the junction to Volkhardinghausen, is the Waldschmiede restaurant.
  • 4 Volkhardinghausen (375 m) - The district of Bad Arolsen is a good one kilometer east of the Hessian long-distance cycle route R6 and is known nationwide especially for the Volkhardinghausen monastery and the French oak directly on the cycle path, where a small festival takes place every year. The bus line operates 516.
~ Fahrrad-Symbol 01 KMJ.png ~> You can also find one at the forest smithy such notice for cyclists who point out the use of forest paths by forestry. And you should actually pay attention to this note, as the Alte Arolser Straße in particular can quickly become muddy just before Freienhagen. However, you can finally reach Freienhagen via Landesstraße 3083, which is located directly on the bike path Freienhagen swimming pool and the Rad-Wander-Café Wildwuchs.
  • 5 Freienhagen (425 m) - The place with a good 850 inhabitants is the northernmost district of Waldeck and is located on a hill in the upper Wattertal. In place by the bus routes 510.1 and 510.2 is approached, there is a small one directly on the bike path outdoor pool; the Kassel-Edersee cycle path (of Wolfhagen) meets the Hessian long-distance cycle route R6 and runs identical to this in the route to Selbach.
~ Fahrrad-Symbol 01 KMJ.png ~> On the asphalted Selbacher Weg you cycle first uphill out of Freienhagen and later through the Selbachtal on the now winding asphalted farm road downhill; Selbach is driven through completely once, at the bus stop you will find a nice covered resting place with a model of the local castle (see article Ederseebahn cycle path).
  • 6 Selbach (315 m) - With around 85 inhabitants, Selbach is the smallest of the ten districts of Waldeck. Besides the Friedrichsthal hunting lodge built in 1701, the main attraction is the Selbach Viaduct (also known as the Reiherbachtal bridge). It was built from 1910 to 1913 and, with a total length of 193 m and a total height of 28 m, is the largest railway viaduct that can be traversed by bicycles Hesse. The bus line stops in Selbach 510.2, on the federal highway 485 the bus routes 510 (with bike rack), 510.1 and 510.2.
~ Fahrrad-Symbol 01 KMJ.png ~> You drive steeply uphill from Selbach up to the former railway line of the Ederseebahn, on which today the continuously asphalted Ederseebahn cycle path runs. Who directly to the Edersee just keep following that Kassel-Edersee cycle path through the beautiful Reiherbachtal to Nieder-Werbe (Summer toboggan run). The Hessian long-distance cycle route R6 then continues over the Selbach Viaduct together with the Ederseebahn cycle path past the former Netze train station, where the pancake house is located today.
  • 7 Networks (315 m) - The fifth largest district of Waldeck is surrounded by half of the former Ederseebahn railway line, the structural highlight in the place is the Netzer Viaduct on Landesstraße 3215. The Orange bike route Incidentally, does not (yet) run over the railway line, but follows the old, also asphalted route of the Hessian long-distance cycle route R6 past the Netzer Tiergarten, as well as the Aussiedlerhof Dringe directly through Waldeck and finally leads steadily downhill on Landesstraße 3256 to the Edersee. Networks is from the bus routes 510 (with bike rack), 510.1 and 510.2 approached.
~ Fahrrad-Symbol 01 KMJ.png ~> South of Netze you cross the federal highway 485 and then cycle west parallel to it. You reach the first turn-off after, signposted as a cycle path Waldeck (partly grass path); further undercrosses the Habichtswaldsteig, an 84 km long premium hiking trail the former railway line. But also from the former Waldeck train station, at the end of the second stage, you can go to the asphalt road 3256 Waldeck cycle into it.
  • 8 Waldeck (280 m) - Since the opening of the Ederseebahn cycle path the Hessian long-distance cycle route R6 no longer runs directly through it Waldeck, but about one kilometer past the city with a total of 6870 inhabitants, which is directly above the Edersee lies and supra-regional especially through Waldeck Castle, a castle-like former castle from the 12th century. Next to the bus routes 510 (with bike rack), 510.1 and 510.2 becomes Waldeck also from the bus line, which is also equipped with a bike rack 503 approached.

3rd stage: Waldeck - Herzhausen: 35 km

Waldeck - Edersee
End of the railway cycle path at Buhlen station
The Edersee dam
View from the Hammerspitze on the cycle path to Waldeck Castle
Rest area on the R6 / Edersee cycle path between Asel-Süd and Bringhausen: The Eder can be seen in the empty reservoir.

The third stage of the Hessian long-distance cycle route R6 runs first together with the Ederseebahn cycle path on the former railway line of the railway line Wobble-Brilon Forest to the old Buhlen train station, then on the county road 34 winding downhill into the Edertal down and then finally from Affoldern together with the Eder cycle path and the Hess. Long-distance cycle route R5 identical in the course of the route on the south bank of the Edersee along and through the Kellerwald-Edersee National Park to Herzhausen. This stage is not paved throughout and is therefore not always suitable for racing bikes or inline skaters. For a detailed cycling map, please simply click on the POIs that will immediately direct you to the described position.

The meters in altitude are in the direction of travel Waldeck-Herzhausen around 290 m, in the opposite direction around 320 m.

~ Fahrrad-Symbol 01 KMJ.png ~> Past the Mauser works (Waldeck-Ost), which have been closed since 2002, and the former train station Waldeck you cycle leisurely downhill on the former Ederseebahn railway line.
  • 1 Courtiers (250 m) - The smallest district of the municipality with around 170 inhabitants Edertal was first mentioned in a document in the year 850 and had its own train station or stop about one kilometer south of the village from 1909 to 1995, which is now the end of the Ederseebahn cycle path represents. The bus routes operate 503, 510 (with bike rack) and 510.1 both in the town center and at the former train station.
~ Fahrrad-Symbol 01 KMJ.png ~> After a long curve you reach the former Buhlen train station, the end of the Ederseebahn cycle path. Affoldern im is quickly downhill via the winding Kreisstraße 34 Edertal.
  • 2 Affoldern (200 m) - In the district of Edertal with a population of around 550, the Hessian long-distance cycle route R6 meets the Eder cycle path and the Hess. Long-distance cycle route R5, all three are identical in the routing until after Herzhausen run away. The bus routes run 503, 510 and 515 with bike rack or bike trailer and the bus routes 510.1 and 514 without bike rack.
~ Fahrrad-Symbol 01 KMJ.png ~> Past the two campsites Affolderner See and Edertaler Hof you cycle first along the dam of the Affolderner See and later between the shore of the lake and the Draisine route through on a paved footpath and bike path through the Edertal.
  • 3 Hemfurth (210 m) - The district of the community Edertal belongs to the state-approved climatic health resort Hemfurth-Edersee, which has a total of 870 inhabitants. While Hemfurth down in the Edertal is, the district Edersee is at the height of the Eder dam wall. The bus routes stop in Hemfurth 503, 510 and 515 with bike rack or bike trailer.
~ Fahrrad-Symbol 01 KMJ.png ~> In Hemfurth-Edersee the steep ascent begins on Kreisstraße 36 up to the dam wall of the Edersee. The Hessian long-distance cycle route R6 itself does not run over the dam.
  • 4 Edersee - Eder dam (245 m) - The Edersee district also belongs to Hemfurth-Edersee and developed from the settlement that was created when the Edertalsperre was built. Like the barrier wall, the buildings were built with the natural stone Edersee-Grauwacke, also known as Hessian Grauwacke. Edersee is served by the bus routes 503 and 515 Served with a bike rack or bike trailer.
~ Fahrrad-Symbol 01 KMJ.png ~> From Hemfurth-Edersee First you cycle a short bit steeply uphill before you drive directly along the bank on a gravel farm road to the Hammerspitze and later circling the Eschelberg.
  • 5 Rehbach (245 m) - Rehbach also belongs to the place Hemfurth-Edersee, which in turn is a district of the municipality Edertal is. In place directly on Edersee one finds among other things the Camping Rehbach, the Rehbach bathing beach and a landing stage for the Rehbach-Scheid ferry. The bus line stops at Kreisstraße 35 515 (with bicycle trailer).
  • Edertal-Bringhausen km: 68.8 - 247m
  • Vöhl-Harbshausen km: 81.2 - 247m

section HerzhausenFrankenberg (Eder)

  • Vöhl-Kirchlotheim km: 86.4 km - 249m
  • Vöhl-Ederbringhausen km: 93 - 256m
  • Frankenberg-Viermünden km: 97.8 - 268m
  • Frankenberg (Eder) · Km: 105.3 - 275m - half-timbered old town, the landmark is the town hall on Obermarkt.
→ on the Lahn-Eder cycle path, which you meet behind the railway bridge (over the Eder), you can alternatively cycle to Kirchhain. You have to go to Lahntal-Sarnau and then on the Hess. Cycle route R2 to Kirchhain. The quality of the path is better, but the route is a little longer. After the village of Wetter there are 5 km of country roads.

Section Frankenberg - Idstein

  • Burgwald - small low mountain range with a lot of forest and quiet forest meadows.
  • Rosenthal - Country town in the northern area of ​​the Burgwald.
  • Rauschenberg - village town with nice half-timbered buildings. The detour from the route to the half-timbered town hall is worthwhile.
  • Kirchhain - Rail connection to the Frankfurt - Kassel line
  • Amöneburg (Detour with over 100 m) - mountain town with a cozy market square and the remains of a castle ruin. Lookout point in the Amöneburg Basin. Easier to reach (almost on the route and without an incline) is Brücker mill, a historic flour mill that can be visited. You can also eat and drink well there.
  • Homberg (Ohm) (short but steep detour) - old town with some half-timbered buildings (located on the mountain). There is a small museum in an old brewery.
  • Grünberg - Beautiful half-timbered old town (located on a ridge).
  • Munzenberg in the Wetterau - The castle ruins, which can be seen from afar, are the landmark of the Wetterau
  • Butzbach - Marketplace with half-timbered buildings
  • Idstein - Beautiful half-timbered old town · Connection to Hess. Long-distance cycle route R8 (Limburg - Frankfurt)

Stage: Idstein - Mainz-Kostheim: 42.6 km

R6 in the Wiesbaden city forest from the Jagdschloss Platte towards the Rhine

Another sporting challenge over the slab (567/500 m) into the Rhine Main Area.

Added vertical meters Idstein (264m) - Jagdschloss Platte: 402 m at 15.8 km Jagdschloss Platte - Idstein: 156 m,
added altitude meters Jagdschloss Platte - Mainz-Kostheim: 46 m at 26.8 km · Mainz-Kostheim - Jagdschloss Platte: 487 m.

Platte hunting lodge on the city limits of Wiesbaden
  • Niederseelbach - from here it goes continuously uphill.
  • highest point: 567 m - from here to Mainz-Kostheim it goes almost evenly slowly downhill.
  • Hunting lodge plate (500 m) - no interior inspection of the covered ruins, kiosk and restaurant are at the parking lot
    From here it goes slightly downhill through the forest.
  • Wiesbaden - The route runs east of the city. A detour to the center of the Hessian state capital via the side street or the parallel hiking trail is worthwhile.
From the edge of the forest it zigzags onto the aforementioned side road before the R6 leads under the bridge of the B455 at Naurod-Erbesacker. To get to Wiesbaden city center you have to roll right down through the Rambachtal instead. From the center of the village of Sonnenberg, take the quiet Bach-Weg on the left to the Kurpark. It is worth pushing through the well-tended park here.
From Schloßplatz with the town hall, old town hall and castle (Hessischer Landtag) the Rhine cycle route to Schloss Biebrich to the Rhine to lead. However, the city administration is not able to complete the signposting again. The S-Bahn S1, S9 and the Regional Express to Frankfurt bring you and your bike to Mainz-Kastel or to Hochheim (S1) or Mainz-Gustavsburg (S8, S9) for € 2.40.
tip: from Neroberg you have a beautiful view over Wiesbaden. The water-powered funicular also takes individual bicycles uphill.
  • Taunusblick - After Naurod-Erbsenacker, you shouldn't turn right towards Hessloch, but drive a short distance straight ahead. Here you can enjoy the view of the Great Feldberg. First it goes through the forest again, then turn left at right angles at the playground, here the orchards of the Nassauer Land begin.
  • Wiesbaden-Kloppenheim - Treat yourself to the 300 m detour into the town center. - After you have crossed the road on the outskirts of Wiesbaden-Igstadt, turn left at the Erbenheim sign.
  • Wiesbaden-Erbenheim - When you have crossed the industrial track to the military airport behind Erbenheim, you have to turn left. The signpost is overgrown.
  • Mainz-Kostheim - Before you reach the old Mainz suburb, which today belongs to Wiesbaden, roll through the vineyards of the Rheingau and can recharge your batteries with a Rheingau or a wine spritzer in an ostrich tavern.
  • → A detour along the Maaraue and on the banks of the Mainwho is here in the Rhine flows into the Wiesbaden district Mainz-Kastel always worth it. From the Kastel it is only a few meters over the Rhine bridge to the state capital Mainz. A detour to Hochheim via the is also worthwhile in the opposite direction Main cycle path.
  • Main bridge Mainz-Kostheim (87m)

Stage: Mainz-Kostheim - Lampertheim: 76.9 km

Rhine Cycle Path from Gustavsburg to Ginsheim on the Rhine dike in Hessian Ried

Avg Hessian Ried without gradients. · See also the Rhine Cycle Route

  • Mainz-Gustavsburg From the Main Bridge you drive directly towards the train station. On the right in the park was the mighty Gustavsburg.
    → Short detour to the Mainspitze with a wonderful view of Mainz. · The railway bridge to Mainz has been open to cyclists again since 2010.
    Behind the railway barrier, a cycle path leads to the right in the middle of the street to the Rheindamm (left). You don't get to see the electricity for a long time. Therefore you should take the short detour to the right to the Rhine after the motorway bridge. Then you come across the Altrheinarm, a remnant of pristine nature. The Johanna ferry is already waiting at the old crane.
    → Alternatively, instead of driving along the dike, you can use the Passenger ferry, except on Mondays to Old Rhine island Nonnenaue take and then drive along the Rhine. · Contemplation in Gutshof Nonnenau or something cheaper at the campsite kiosk in the beer garden or directly on the banks of the Rhine.
  • From Ginsheimer Altrheinufer it continues on the renewed dike. On the top of the dike you drive on fine gravel and look out over the floodplain forests, the foot of the dike on the inside is paved. The diversion signs are out of date and the prohibition of passage is a prank.
  • → Detour to the left of the barrage to the Schwarzbachaue near Trebur on the side dike.
  • → Detour to the right of the dike interruption to the Steindamm, which separates the Old Rhine from the Rhine and lets a little water through. Gleich dahinter ist der Biergarten vom Campingplatz auf der Nonnenaue.
  • → Autofähre von Kornsand nach Nierstein and Oppenheim. Achtung riskanter Motorradverkehr.
Kopfweiden auf der Rheininsel Kühkopf
  • Knoblauchsaue in the Naturschutzgebiet Kühkopf-Knoblochsaue - Die Route führt vom Deich rechts hinunter durch das Auengebiet.
    Empfehlung: rechts zum Rhein vordringen und nach Süden zur Schwedensäule fahren.
  • Erfelden − über die Altrheinbrücke auf die Insel
  • Stockstadt − Bahnhof (Frankfurt - Mannheim)
  • Gernsheim - Am Hafendamm kann man schön Rasten (Gastronomie) und den Betrieb der Fähre beobachten
  • Kernkraftwerk Biblis: Besichtigung des Informationszentrum ist möglich (kostenlos zugänglich)
  • Lampertheim - Wohnstadt, sehenswert ist das Naturschutzgebiet Biedensand (Auengebiet mit einem Altrheinarm).


Mit Öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln

Der Hessische Radfernweg R6 kann relativ gut mit öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln erreicht werden. Hier eine Auflistung aller Bahnstrecken und Fahrradbusse in Mittelhessen and Südhessen, mit welchen man zu einer Radtour auf dem Hessischen Radfernweg R6 an- und abreisen kann.

  • Bahnstrecke Gießen - Gelnhausen - Die eingleisige, nicht elektrifizierte Lahn-Kinzig-Bahn wird wie auch die Bahnstrecke Gießen-Fulda von barrierefreie RegionalBahnen (RB) der Hessischen Landesbahn (HLB) stündlich bedient. Der einzige Bahnhof am Hessischen Radfernweg R6 befindet sich in Lich (KBS 631).
  • Bahnstrecke Kassel - Frankfurt am Main - Zwischen Butzbach and Bad Nauheim kreuzt die Main-Weser-Bahn zum zweiten Mal den Hessischen Radfernweg R6, direkt am Radweg befindet sich der Bahnhof, bzw. Haltepunkt Butzbach-Ostheim (KBS 630).
  • Bahnstrecke Friedrichsdorf – Brandoberndorf - Die auch Taunusbahn genannte eingleisige Bahnstrecke hat zwei Bahnhöfe, bzw. Haltepunkte direkt am Hessischen Radfernweg R6, nämlich in Usingen und in Wilhelmsdorf und wird außerdem ebenfalls von der Hessischen Landesbahn (HLB) befahren (KBS 637).
  • Fahrradbus Weiltal - An Samstagen, Sonn- und Feiertagen verkehrt im Weiltal parallel zum Weiltalweg die Buslinie 245 mit einem Fahrradanhänger, der allerdings keine Elektrofahrräder mitnimmt. Diese können nur einzeln (max. ein Fahrrad pro Bus) im Bus selbst mitgenommen werden; die Fahrradmitnahme ist kostenlos (Fahrplan und weiter Informationen).

In der Streckenbeschreibung ist immer ein Fahrplan mit der Kursbuchstreckennummer (KBS) verlinkt. Weitere Bahnstrecken und Fahrradbusse zur An- und Abreise nördlich von Mittelhessen sind im Abschnitt Anreise aufgelistet.

By bicycle

Literatur- und Kartenhinweise

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